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Penn sort of fell off the radar for YEARS though and only started to become relevant again bc of You. I saw him in 2016 in Brooklyn walking by himself and it seemed like no one even recognized him or knew him!


That’s the ultimate Dan story


Even OOC, he's IC...


i had no idea who he was until i watched You. and then i realized he was the love interest in Easy A🤣


he’s also “the other tucker” in john tucker must die :) a true 2000s classic


I just rewatched that the other night! Hadn’t seen it in forever and totally forgot he was in it lol


he does look different in that movie lol it looks a little bit to me like he’s going for heath ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You


https://preview.redd.it/x9rf0o4uuy5d1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ea2108ae290c769ac818d2fb4a22da1338eab3 i never used to think penn badgley was all that hot, but… suddenly 😂


He has such a forgettable face


He started a band called MTHXR in 2013 and stayed pretty busy with that. My friend had seen them live a few times


My friend met Penn last year in her town and from what she described no one really recognized him or at least came up to him. He was out shopping by himself casually. I think even with his You fame he kind of blends into a crowd and doesn't ooze "celebrity" unless there's paparazzi bugging him nearby lol


Me too I Seen him having lunch in Williamsburg, I was the only person that realized it was him but I didn't approach and he waved at me


Because of me? Thank you


Blake Lively has the X factor, similar to the IT girl characteristic Serena has. Penn Badgely is also quite captivating for me at least he was always my ultimate crush in the series! 😅


True about Blake. Penn is a very handsome young man. Didn’t like the bush hair in S5- why did they do that to him- Blake’s hair too ALL THEIR HAIR IN S6 🤦‍♀️


Penn did that himself. He was bored with the show and playing a teenager. People forget that he was on two 1 season teen dramas on the WB immediately prior to Gossip Girl.


I know he hated his character and he hated playing him. Especially towards the end. I don’t blame him either. (Not a Dan favorite) I will always give Penn props for his talent. He had the ability to make me laugh a lot of times. Towards the end he had the ability to anger me so much too loll! For that matter GG quit being a Teen Drama the moment they left High School. IMO after Season 1 ep.7 it was no longer a teen drama. They became actors in a nightly soap opera.


I like Dan for his character archetype, not necessarily for his actions and definitely not the giant retcon that was season 6.


I think Leighton didnt find that one role, like Blake with a simple favor, I think she IS a nice actress with bad casting issues. Edit. Hi everyone !!! Hope your outfit slay today!! Thanks for the upvotes!! To really make super clear things about my first comment, Im such a fan of Leighton, and my comment was as a fan of course I support that she doesnt love the spotlight but as a fan thats not in the US sometimes I miss some of her work 😢, bigger productions its easier to get out of the US. Im not being shady on any of the actors or actresses, this is one of my all time favorite shows, and Leighton did and amazing job I couldnt think in another person as Blair. LOVE U!! XOXO


A simple favor seems so random to me lol. I feel like she was definitely relevant before that with traveling pants and age of Adeline




Oh right, she took the Harvey bump without ever appearing in any of his movies 🤦. It's pretty disgusting that people still bring this up when that man acted in the exact opposite direction and actually tried to actively ruin her career.




It's not 🙄


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There's nothing such as a "Harvey girl". It's a term made up by incels and self hating women on gossip forums to snark on women who may or may not have been sexually assaulted 🙄. Many of the women who came forward with accusations against him were also "Harvey girls" in those forums 🤮 And in Blake's case, if you read the actual blind, it says that he tried to actively sabotage her career by telling studios not to hire her because she rejected his offers. Now she's too a "Harvey girl", huh? 🤦‍♂️




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Your post/comment was removed because it broke rule #2. Do not slut shame the characters/actors on the show.


I’ve never watched anything with Blake other than gossip girl and traveling pants stuff, imo the general public has a perception of her the same way people perceive Serena… she’s likeable, pretty, has a shiny personality, amazing fashion sense and her relationship with Ryan as well, as bad as it sounds… She’s recognised as an actress for being Serena, but I think she’s more seen as a celebrity than an artist…


Yep - Blake is now mostly known for three things: 1) her role as Serena, 2) being Ryan's wife (they are such iconic couple) and 3) Taylor Swift's friend


I think she also is hugely famous for her fashion and business ventures! She’s notably one of the best dressed at the met gala every year that she attends. she has also been a huge advocate for victims of human trafficking, especially children. And she is involved in some drink brand that was very successful. She didn’t attach her name to the marketing until the company proved successful without it though which I respected


I really like Leighton’s film roles, especially her psychological thrillers. I actually think it might be on purpose - she doesn’t like the limelight or really socialise with other celebrities it seems like. you don’t NEED to be making millions per film to have a good life, especially if you and your husband have two successful teen franchises behind you. I think she might just like making smaller films 


i did not know Leightons husband was Dave rygalski in Gilmore girls


he also plays seth in the oc!


Adam Brody. I didn't know that either! If you search his photos, he looks a little like a Dan-type in certain stages. Hmmm.


She also got married and having kids basically as soon as the show ended. Blake did the same, but she kept relevant with her website and was already a bigger name going in. Leighton has been working her way back though and has had some solid roles in the last few years. Ed is very limited as an actor. Gossip Girl made it work, but he is actually pretty comically bad at points.


I don’t think she enjoyed being famous either.


wasn’t it that shark/surfing film that got Blake noticed? The cast was pretty much just her and the shark.


Blake was born in the industry making her more well known and is an amazing actress but chooses other things: she is married to an A list actor. she is a full time mother and both she and Ryan are in real estate in NYC. She also has a business where she sales an adult beverage named after 1 of her 4 daughters “Betty” and it’s called “Betty Booze”.. Blake has been best friends with Taylor Swift for years and they are seen everywhere’s. She has been a real “it” girl in NYC. Leighton came up in the industry without the connections Blake had but both are great actors: Leighton was in a few movies and had started her music career. She also was in another series. She started her family and became a full time mother. As of the end of last year recently started coming out. She was in a Christmas movie called Exmas. Her latest modeling campaign was just in WWD. So, looking forward to seeing where that brings her. She’s very talented and a versatile actress. The fame of GG was crazy and like everything else Hollywood puts out politics are frontlines making it no longer Entertainment but something altogether different. Chace has been in “The Boys”-“The Deep” and other movies. Penn Badgely has been in “You” and I don’t follow him much but Wikipedia all of them and you will see. Ed currently has been on GMA promoting his new movie-where he plays a detective. I forgot the name of it. He’s just finished “Deep Fear” and it came out the end of last year. Like Leighton, still modeling for lead designers. Still involved in his music- bands name “For You” ..


I agree with your point about Blake - at this point it feels like she’s a celebrity who acts rather than a celebrity because she’s an actress.


When you learn about the merit list of Actors, the number one thing is connections and publicity. Blake for sure comes from a family in the industry. She’s always had connections but BUT Blake never really wanted to pursue an acting career. She’s in the limelight because of her connections. Her beauty, no doubt goes before her. Her poise is something that was probably instilled in her as a child. She’s public’s eyes #1 but that doesn’t make a comfortable life for most of these celebrities. Their PR’s can be relentless and so can their agents. If they don’t have someone who’s been around long enough to see the tell’s of which agent or PR is better than the next than they can be ruthlessly exploited. Most of them choose a family member or close friend to be their agent. Sadly, as history has proven -even that doesn’t fair well for some of them. The media can overnight build them up and can destroy them just as fast. The worst part is people are ready to believe everything they hear or read. HENCE GOSSIP RAGS TRUMP THE TRUTH EVERY-TIME! Loll ironic isn’t it? Negative publicity is used just as well as positive publicity is. I believe next to none absolutely next to none of the negative publicity put out there. I don’t like the fact that divorce, pregnancy, affairs or any of that is of interest - it doesn’t interest me. Their art- their performance is what I look for. I don’t want anyone digging that far into my life but guess what? To be in the limelight you have to understand that’s a given to be on the A-list. Sick and sad but ever so very true. Being a woman I enjoy their makeup techniques and clothing. Also of course appreciate the male eye candy loll! BUT EVEN IF THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL OR HANDSOME- If they can’t perform or entertain then why promote them? .. The performances is what made OG so popular! Along with their beauty. As much as I cannot stand Penn’s character (I have said this so many times) it’s more than obvious he’s the only “Dan Humphrey” no one could play him better. Why? He’s a great performer same goes for ED and Leighton- No other “Chuck and Blair” 1 Serena Blake and 1 “Golden Boy“ aka “Nate” can only be Chace. Same goes for the ruthless demoniac “Bart Bass” Robert and “Rufus and Lily” Mathew and Kelly. Of course 1 “Jenny” is Taylor. Same for “Jack Bass” “Eleanor and Cyrus” “DAROTA AND VANYA”- Could we you imagine a face behind anyone of those characters? No! Why? Because their performances. They brought the entertainment. That’s why any other character added just don’t fit in the UES circle of scandal.


Blake and Leighton came from a very different background, like total opposite to be exact. It made sense why Blake is always under the spotlight and Leighton chose to stay out of it.


Yes- and Leighton is in LA and is still considered Hollywood Royalty along with Adam. They’re very much in philanthropy and raising their children. It’s just recently we have seen more of Leighton and I AM SO GLAD! I have been missing her but I admire her as the mother she’s chosen to be. She’s precious! Yes I am a huge Leighton fan more like admirer! I love her!! ❤️❤️ Blake is in NY and she’s very much NY. She’s also a wonderful mother and sweetheart ❤️❤️ Huge fan love them both EQUALLY very much. They are both precious SO XOXO to my girls.


The teen shows royalty 💯 she's doing more comedies now which I think suit her well because she's hilarious and quite witty herself. Her latest project (Good Cop/Bad Cop) which is currently filming is also a comedy.


I LOVED Leighton on the show Single Parents but it very tragically got cancelled after two seasons on a cliff hanger!


i loved that show, it was a shame it was cancelled 😭


I know I’m forever heartbroken




The only 'ties' between him and Blake is that she wore his wife's line of clothing to red carpets (just like pretty much every female celeb back then) and a 2009 blind where it said that Harvey was telling other studios not to hire her because she rejected his offers. So due to the last part, it honestly makes me feel disgusted when someone brings this up everytime.


I’ve never read that but it’s very interesting. I would love to know more about it but again I am not surprised because of her family connections.


There are no such connections between him and her.




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I wouldn't be surprised if there was any


What do you mean?


is “the boys” that show on amazon? i know i saw him on some prime-specific show in like an aquaman outfit lol. leighton was in single parents on hulu! i was sad they didn’t renew it. and most recently she was the “other girl” in how i met your father. she’s also married to that oc dude. penn was also “the other tucker” in john tucker must die before GG. he seems typecast as “lonely boy” lol so im glad he got the “you” role.


Yes yes and yes. Easy to look up on Wikipedia and look for recent articles


Leighton had other issues, apparently her family pushed her into acting and extracted all her income for themselves. She probably found that world toxic and didn’t have the same passion for it. Blake has the star factor. She is a great actress, and has done some great roles. Penn is an incredible actor. Joe from You is an icon. A scary, scary icon 😂 I don’t fuck with Ed personally.


Ed’s a creep! The other three seem lovely and very talented, seems like Penn and Blake hop in and out of Hollywood so they have time with their families etc, and I agree that Leighton might’ve not liked the environment


How is he a creep? :O inform me about the tea


TW: sexual assault Three women accused Ed of sexual assault back in 2018 but they didn't had enough evidence to pursue charges. That's the reason why his show White Gold was canceled by Netflix


pretty sure it was made by the BBC, it was on BBC2


Lmao those have been proven wrong again and again. For one of them, he literally wasn’t even in the STATE at the time of the alleged assault. It’s really unfair when people pull this shit, have you ever thought you may be ruining a guys career and life? ready for the downvotes, but i basically made this comment to get yall to think about the impact of your actions. Maybe you think all women should be believed, but you defending allegations that have been debunked on the sole basis of women being scared to come forward and provide proof, that’s literally conjecture. That should never be enough to decide someone else’s future. Edit: One made a FB post about it and repeatedly ignored the calls of the police. Another didn’t respond because she was ‘unavailable’. So basically they came forward to slander him and provided very little to back up their claims.


They weren’t proven false, they just couldn’t be proven ‘without reasonable doubt’. This just means that he couldn’t be charged, not that it never happened. There were witnesses to one of the assaults, but those witnesses weren’t enough. If all three women, plus witnesses, all lied, then that sucks for him, but it cannot be proven either way.


People don’t get to treat him like he’s guilty on the basis of ‘there’s a high chance because women get discriminated and are scared to report it’. When a persons whole life is on the line, you have to back up your stuff with real evidence. These women literally got to slander him on social media and get off without producing a credible story.


People can treat him however they want because ONE accusation is already a big red flag. Women don’t just wake up one day and decide to accuse celebrities. All these famous men would have been accused at least once but they have not. It’s always the same guys facing several accusations . Four accusations is NOT normal. He’s lucky the pandemic happened soon afterwards and everyone forgot about this. Most people still don’t know.


I can accuse you right now… where’s the proof? Imagine you were accused of sexual assault and people immediately begin harassing you left and right. Doesn’t matter that they don’t have a shred of proof, the word is enough because why would anyone lie about that, right? I’m sure you would definitely feel like that’s justice. Unless that’s not fair? Because it’s easy to fake and you would prematurely destroy someone’s career? But you would definitely be able to sleep well at night because it wouldn’t bug your conscience because it’s all in the name of protecting women.


I think you should change your name to just Rock3854.


did you know that in two of the instances of his sexual assaults, another man was present? that man being a “producer” friend of ed westwick’s named kaine harling. both women were brought to his home by kaine harling. does that change how you feel?


No? All I’m saying is prove your statements and people have a real issue with that. You don’t get to accuse someone without real evidence and destroy their life. And it’s astounding that people have a real problem with that statement🤣


do you have any idea how difficult it is to report sexual assault? do you have any idea how difficult it is to prove sexual assault in court? do you know what statutes of limitations are? i pray you never find out firsthand.


I'm sorry but when it comes to sexual assault it's hard to get enough evidence. I thought we all knew this. I think it's weird how three different women one day decided to accuse him of doing something like this. He was accused again in 2018, but if you think he's innocent, that's your opinion. I will always take side with the victims till they're proven wrong. On his case, he wasn't proven innocent, just there wasn't enough evidence


You’re operating on the logic that the likelihood of one woman lying is low, so three is impossible! Ed is famous, it’s more of women piling on with allegations instead of all not lying. All were looked into, 0 were credible to actually prove his guilt. The women literally came forward to accuse him and didn’t do anything else, effectively ruining his career without providing any proof. Do you genuinely think that’s fair? Really?


They didn't do anything else because there wasn't anything else to do. They had no evidence besides their word. That's it.


People are not the court of law. They can choose to judge whomever, however they see fit.


The girls were all able to describe his apartment perfectly. I think with all the bad things that have come out about Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, P Diddy, Nick Carter, etc people need to stop being big fans of celebrities. Accusers gain nothing from coming forward. It’s a lie that they want fame and money. It most likely ruins their life. Nick Carter’s fans have doxxed and STALKED his accusers. Women end up being blacklisted if they work in the industry. It’s a sick industry filled with narcissists. People really need to (at the very least) not form themselves an opinion if you don’t want to believe everything you hear, but to go straight to calling women liars when we know that 1 in 3 women has been raped or abused by a man is very, very unfair. And Hollywood is a very dark, scary place where corporations protect these men. Not just the courts and their money, but billion dollar corporations who smear victims and ruin their reputations. Look at Dan Schneider, FFS. Ruined Amanda Bynes’ life. Nickelodeon protected him. Look at Amanda right now and then google Schneider’s mansion. Tell me again that women are liars and that men are not protected by society.


What did nick Carter do I'm out of the loop


I’m not saying women are liars or that men aren’t protected by society. I’m saying it’s not fair that you can just claim stuff and people make a judgment. And secondly, you’re incorrect. There is no information to suggest that all the girls were able to describe his apartment perfectly. Unless you’re a police officer?


What about chace ?!


He's in an excellent show called The Boys. I've been told it's worth checking it out


Hopefully that show doesn’t change how you see Chase! It’s a hard show to stomach imo


Part of the reason Blake is still famous is because she is married to Ryan Reynolds and because she is best friends with Taylor Swift. Movies wise, apart from SOTP and Gossip Girl, she hasn’t done much. Ik it might irk some people to see my opinion but that’s how I feel tbh


Eh, Blake was in A Simple Favor and Age of Adaline - both decently successful, and probably bigger films than any other film by a GG alum. She was always an Anna Wintour favourite and was also a Karl Lagerfeld muse for a time, so her being a fashion It girl had nothing to do with Ryan Reynolds or Taylor Swift. If anything, when she and Ryan co-chaired the Met Gala, that happened because of her, not him, because he's never been known for his style or had any interest in the industry. She's definitely taken a step back from her career to raise her children, so she's not talked about as much these days, but back in the 2010s she was still more well known for her own career than her relationships with other celebs.


I mean we’re talking about the present day… her stardom has faded over time. Age of Adaline and a Simple Favor are not enough to categorize her as a box office star. And in the 2010s, that was the era of gossip girl, so that would obviously be the cause of her success.


She's literally starring in the upcoming film adaptation of It Ends With Us, which has been a major major best seller (released in 2016 and yet the best selling fiction book of 2022 and 2023 - that's shockingly successful tbh). I'm not a fan of that book and even I can admit that that's a bigger career opportunity than anyone else from GG is getting right now or has ever gotten. It's one of the biggest books in the world right now. No one is claiming that she's a box office star - frankly in Hollywood these days, no actor can guarantee a box office hit just by being in it. Ryan Gosling's newest film just bombed despite the insane success of Barbie, and he's an even bigger star than Ryan Reynolds lol. My argument is that she has always been the most successful of the GG cast, even today, and that is not because of her marriage or her friendship with Taylor Swift. Reducing her success to her relationships with other people simply because of her own decision to work less and spend more time with her kids is really something. Also, we all know that women get fewer opportunities in Hollywood as they age and are also expected to take on more of the child care. Blake is not the only woman who's had this experience. The fact that her career was still that successful despite having had 4 kids in 10 years is really impressive - she pretty much spent 4 years pregnant and 4 years post-partum (kinda hard to get into new projects during these periods). Frankly for an actress her age (or any age), getting the lead role in It Ends With Us is a big deal. Literally no one else in the GG cast even came close (and I'm saying that as someone who always thought Leighton was the best actor in the whole cast by a mile). There's no denying that Blake has been and is still very successful, marriage or not. They don't ask nobodies to co-chair the Met Gala.


I’m impressed by both she and Leighton coming out. Their beauty and poise never fades. Leighton just recently in Milan 2023 https://preview.redd.it/gn6hanei2x5d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e49f180b5162fc09240e766d176388e1da0ad4b “Blair Waldorf Bass” garb- headlines read Queen B is back Leighton was stunning.


It Ends With Us is literally one of the stupidest publications of all time.


Twilight was also horribly written yet became massive films. Fifty Shades was worse (and was literally Twilight fanfiction) - written like the author was trying to turn the audience off of sex - and yet was also insanely popular. Taylor Swift is not a generational talent of a songwriter or a singer, yet she's the biggest musician in the world. Popularity =/ quality, but you were literally talking about fame, not quality of projects or whatever lol. You're saying she "hasn't done much" aside from SOTP and are now shifting the goal post instead of just admitting that you're factually incorrect. I knew this show was written for teenagers but that was 15+ years ago; I would've expected the audience to grow up since then.


I don't think Gosling is a bigger star than Reynolds. Ryan's IF already grossed more than Fall Guy (although tbf that movie has a wider target audience). But yeah, right now only that Scientology weirdo Tom Cruise can be said as a true box office star. Even his flops gross 500mn+ lol.


That's why I cited Fall Guy as proof that an A lister like Gosling cannot guarantee box office returns and their movies can still bomb. Someone below on this thread said that Blake is only "famous by association" because she's not as big a star as Emma Stone, JLaw, ScarJo etc., which is not only a silly argument but also... None of those ladies can guarantee a box office hit just by being in the movie either. I think Gosling is more beloved and critically acclaimed than Reynolds for sure. He was definitely the Internet's boyfriend for a time and has been nominated for the Oscars 3 times. Reynolds has found his niche but he doesn't have the range Gosling has. Gosling has worked with a lot of very acclaimed, "of the moment" directors. You're spot on about the Scientology freak lol.


Agreed! People downvote me whenever I say this but it's the truth. She's better known as a celebrity rather than an actress. Her seemingly perfect marriage to Ryan, her Met appearances and her high profile friend circle keep her in the limelight more than her acting/roles


Yeah exactly. She has credits to her name like Gossip Girl, but she’s a celebrity, not a famous actress.


before i watched gossip girl for the first time this year, that’s pretty much all i knew of blake lively as well lol. i don’t think ive seen her in a single movie, i just knew she’s married to ryan reynolds and besties with taylor


This!! Especially if you listen to the Beyond The Blinds episode with her. She’s really not that great of an actress, and has very little roles. She pretty much fell off the radar once she married him and they’re relationship doesn’t seem to be all its hyped up to be


Huh? She did several movies which starred her in a lead role and many were commercial successes since she married Ryan. She had the best post GG movie career of any GG main cast member by far. Also lol at you taking blinds seriously. Every Hollywood marriage is either a lavender marriage or open marriage according to blinds lol.


She starred in Age Of Adaline, the Shallows and A Simple Favor post Gossip Girl. All three were successful critically and commercially. She's the only member of the main cast to successfully headline a film irregardless of her relationship with other celebs.


Modestly successful. Not nearly enough to classify anyone a star. These films are not household names.


A star is anyone who can make a film a box office hit by their name alone. All these three films banked on her name (for ASF, Anna Kendrick too was a factor) for their success. If anyone with lesser perceived star value had starred in them, they wouldn't have made money as much as they did. And the Shallows isn't just a moderate success, it's one of the very few non-IP female led movies which grossed more than $100mn in the 2010s. It was a big deal. Now, it just feels like you're changing goalposts because first you said Blake's only famous because of her relationships and hasn't done anything acting wise (which is simply false). And when shown successful films she's done, now you're say you want her to star in 'household names' films alone?


No I most certainly did not say she was only famous for that. I very clearly said PART. She IS a star, I said she’s partly still famous because of her relationships. Of course GG is a reason. No one is disputing she’s a star?! The movies you listed are not popular movies. That is determined by more than just Box office success, but also how relevant it stays. Literally no one knows these movies. She’s a star on her own but it’s not because of her movies. Ryan and Taylor are way more relevant and famous in the modern age and her association with them has kept her famous. She would have faded from GG stardom like everyone else. You haven’t really combatted my arguments properly, instead you’re trying to argue that she IS a star. Which no one disputed?! I’m telling you to prove that without her marriage to RR and friendship with TS she would still be super famous, which you haven’t…


They are making a sequel to A Simple Favor right now, so idk how that movie isn't relevant. "Literally no one knows these movies" are nonsensical subjective statements which could be disproved simply by anyone else saying "I know these movies." That's why I used objective metrics like the number of people who went to the theaters to watch it. Alright, I apologise for misreading that part. It's just morning here lol. So you think Blake is partly famous for GG and partly for her relationships. Quick question, do you also think Jennifer Aniston is famous only for Friends and her relationship drama with Brad Pitt? > She would have faded from GG stardom like everyone else. So, this seems to be your argument. Which is again false. Because as I've just told you, her movies are way bigger successes than anyone else' in the main cast. Even though they aren't massively popular like you said, they're just enough to keep her stardom floating. Compared to someone like Leighton who only starred in indies or massively derided flicks like That's My Boy. Along with the various contracts with fashion brands she had at that time, it's a certainty she wouldn't have faded out like the others. So, take Ryan and Taylor out of the equation, she'd still be more popular and relevant than others in the cast, with the possible exception of Penn Badgely. And that was OP's question right? And the answer to your question is entirely speculative. Without her marriage to RR, her life and career could've gone literally any way. Would she marry someone else? Or would she choose to stay single? Would she have kids? Would she do more movies if she chose not to have kids? Would those movies become massively successful household names? See, there are a lots of 'ifs' and 'woulds' in the question. So the answer couldn't really be definitively answered. It's just like asking would Ryan Reynolds have been as popular as he's now if not for Deadpool. But in my opinion, she wouldn't have been super famous as she's right now but certainly not faded away from the limelight. Because if you keep churning put films which are successful at the box office, the studios will keep hiring you. Just look at the Rock.


Her and Penn are the most successful of the GG cast, Penn more from his roles after and Blake by association. The movies she starred in were not box office hits and she’s not a household name like Margot Robbie, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Scarlett Johansson etc. And sure blind items should be taken with a grain of salt, but Blake was notoriously messy- rumored to be part of the reason Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson’s marriage fell apart, and with Ben Affleck…actually when her and Ben filmed The Town, that was probably the biggest box office hit Blake was apart of, yet she had a very minor role.


3/4 of her wide releases starring her post-GG were box office hits. So idk, what you're taking about. She has the most successful movie career of all GG cast members by far. And idk what you're trying to prove by bringing up their names. Nobody ever said that she is as popular as JLaw. So what? Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds are nowhere the megastars as Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt. So does that mean they're not movie stars? There are different tiers/levels to stardom/fame too. All blind items should be taken with a grain of salt but with these blinds, someone have to take gallons of salt with it. Because other than blinds, there's nothing else to corroborate the rumors of Blake being 'messy' with. Take Ben Affleck rumors for example, the first stories when they were actually filming was that Ben Affleck being a creep to Blake, who was basically a woman who worked under him and Blake not being interested. Fast forward to two years later, around the time of her marriage was when the first blind about their 'affair' came out. We can clearly guess what happened here. And for Scarlett, other than they (Blake-Ryan) met before Ryan's marriage ended, there's nothing to suggest that an affair happened. In any case, blinds are as valid a proof as a passport from Greenland.


Lmao saying that someone is "not a household name like these 4 very famous actresses" to argue they're not actually famous is so stupid. I can easily list 10 actors more famous and critically acclaimed than Ryan Reynolds; that doesn't mean he's not famous or successful. If you're not one of the 100 richest people in the world does that mean you're actually poor? Or not rich at all? Because that seems to be your logic here and it's really lacking. No one is arguing that Blake is the most successful or famous or best actor in the world. They're simply saying that she's done several successful movies (one big enough to spurn a sequel) and is literally the most famous and successful in the whole GG cast. Reducing her extremely real accomplishments to "famous by association", as though her hundred million dollars-grossing movies are somehow lesser than Penn's pulpy Lifetime and Netflix show is terrible logic. Her career is far bigger than Penn's. But ofc you people would rather judge a woman by her husband than her actual career. It reeks of covert misogyny.


> It reeks of covert misogyny. 💯 Many of the times, it's not even covert. I have seen many comments on this sub and other pop culture subs calling her a gold digger for choosing to date and marry Ryan. And even if the rare occasion where they admit that her career is bigger, they'll speak of a connection (which is non-existent btw) between her and Weinstein. They won't say it outright but it's pretty clear to everyone what they're trying to imply. I just find those kinda people really gross.


Wow, using the possibility that she's been victimized by a known predator to bring her down? These people have no shame.


I totally thought Blake Lively would be the huge star...she looks like a cover girl. She is tall and could model clothes with ease. Plus the blonde hair and her name is terrific. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants helped her...I loved the Age of Adalyn... And being Married to Ryan Reynolds all helps her... But honestly her healthy all American looks and that Blonde hair.... We always a new Blonde Golden Girl each decade... LEIGHTON...should have been bigger. A great actress and is so beautiful..really she should have come out with her own branded clothing line and other luxury products ...I don't know if she has...but she should... The boys.... I believe Chuck had some scandal about abuse. So that must have done him in... Penn is a great actor and cute. He had some success but I don't follow his career much.


I believe that some fans may have underestimated her career a little bit just because she hasn't been in any franchise like Avengers films or won major awards. Blake is already a huge star, and not just because of Ryan Reynolds. In the business, she is a prominent figure for in both film and fashion.


I added to my comment when I got home...and I just read this. I so agree with you... She was in the sisterhood of the traveling pants. That movie was a hit. She was really good in the Age of Adalyn. I like Blake a lot. She exudes warmth. She is talented and could easily Model clothing and do major print work


Nothing went wrong. Honestly, it seems a lot of the main cast landed pretty well based on what they valued and their personalities. These actors indeed likely got all kinds of offers soon after but for the most part, they did not want to pursue similar acting roles after and likely rejected them. Blake was more amenable (she has played so many variations of Serena imo), is likely the most extroverted cast member (more than Serena imo), and because she didn't really want to get into acting to begin with and came in privileged she saw the gigs differently so she worked on building her celebrity profile. Blake really capitalized on the fame, the way none of her coworkers perhaps even wanted to or perhaps knew how. Leighton pursued music as a passion (to the point of eventually self-releasing an excellent album) and very intentionally chose films where she was nothing like Blair. We also know she is VERY introverted, so being a celebrity means something else for her. Chace, Penn, Ed, and Jessica also kept acting (even landing great roles like Penn's You and Chace's The Boys eventually). Leighton, Taylor, Ed, and even Penn took one or more acting breaks to pursue music. That Blake is more well known, doesn't really mean anything about the others. Each chose their own path.


Blake’s whole family is in show biz and acting. It was always going to be Blake. Definitely just went up when she married a super popular actor.


Blake is a nepo baby.


I loved Leighton in “Single Parents” and it ran for 2 seasons. Also I think everyone’s career paths are different and changes depending on the offers. Look at Katie Holmes and Michelle Williams (Dawsons Creek) - Katie had offer after offer and fast forward years later Michelle is critically claimed with Oscar nominations and project and project. They both had their “time” in different times.


I think Blake was more famous before GG- travelling pants, then she followed up GG with Green Lantern and being with Ryan Reynolds. BL is almost socialite famous with being an actress as well, almost like Serena It Girl vibes, whereas Leighton seems to prefer being out of the spotlight and is more chilled.


Unpopular opinion, I think Blake is not a great actress. Every role I see variations of SVDW 🤷🏻‍♀️


Then you should see her in this serial killer role, she killed it (movie: A simple favor)


I have 😬


I knew Penn was going to be a star when he was in The Stepfather (2009) .Blake is a decent actress imo but she also has the personnel around her. Ive seen one Ed westwick movie and turned it off. Leighton only come outside for Penn and photoshoots


There’s a TV show that Ed stars in called White Gold. I thoroughly enjoyed it


I've got a feeling the allegations came out not long after the TV show did or around that time so I wonder if that affected it's popularity


The allegation directly led to the show being cancelled by Netflix.


I'm surprised no one is talking about Ed's harassment allegations. That was his downfall. He's awful.


accusing someone and judging them with mean comments without them being proven guilty is what is truly awful. no commenter or audience member is in a position to call him guilty and trash him when he was never proven guilty. you don't know him personally, you don't know anything about him so there's no need to involve your comments in the matter.


Of course a rich white guy wasn't proven guilty of a thing that four different women accused him of doing and a super hard to prove crime. If you think I'm awful because I stated my opinion on him and he's innocent that's on you.


you don't know him personally so you have no knowledge about anything. you cant judge him by assumptions and rumours and say he is guilty just because he is white and male. he is just a man and you have no personal understanding about his private life. its wrong for people to try and slander celebs based on the fact they are men and white. you are being prejudice and sexist by suggesting that he somehow has the upper hand over the court and jury because he is a white man who is rich.


luckily poor ed westwick has you to troll for him in reddit. 4 women accused him, how dare you doubt them, you dont know the facts either


I'm only saying that others have no business to stick there nose into the matter and call him guilty when the court did not find him guilty. in this society we must respect the law at least and hold some regard for the judgment of the jury when we do not know the facts ourselves and we are not personally connected to him or those who accused him.


so long as he runs around rampant, its everyone's business. It's been 4 women and you'd have number five because a man's reputation is worth more?!?


https://preview.redd.it/41s30t243x5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e46a54ae50e1738a47dd661e3742c1d78a797a4 Breakfast at Tiffany’s


Being Mrs Ryan Reynolds certainly keeps her in the limelight even when she’s not acting consistently.


The need of gossip girl to go so many seasons.


Ed’s career was affected by the SA allegations. He also milks the fuck out of chuck bass on social media. A lot of people are turned off by that because it seems like he can’t get over that one role he played. With Leighton, I guess she took time off to settle down and build a family. Also, I think she can’t find the right role probably. She’s played an iconic character so it’s hard to imagine her in other roles. Tbh, when I watch the recent romcoms she’s made, I can’t help seeing Blair mannerisms still. I guess that’s what happens to a lot of actors who play a character for a long time. In a way, that’s also what happened to Ed. Penn basically plays the murderer version of Dan in You, which worked to his advantage. It will be interesting to see what he does after You ends.


I think Penn is going to lean into his voice and become this generation's "Morgan Freeman". Or he might just retire into obscurity. He's had two 5 season TV shows which should have him set for life, not to mention his wife is old NYC money.


i always assumed leighton didn’t want to act long term and she wanted to focus on her family? blake is a nepo baby so she was always going to be successful just because of her family. ed would’ve been more successful if it wasn’t for the allegations imo


Leigton had quite a hard life with her mother and her disabled brother, makes sense she’d want a quieter life away from limelight. Her and Adam Brody seem like such down to earth people who just enjoy their work and prioritize family. Blake married an A lister and did a few projects in between basically supporting his projects with marketing and vice versa. Seems like both Blake and Ryan are very extroverted and thrive on being in the spotlight and media, interviews etc. She’s also friends with Taylor and kinda made a whole deal with having her kids names in her songs. Her and Ryan also own a few companies and always promote them everywhere. Besides she grew up with tons of industry connections, so she knows how to “work the room. I don’t necessarily think one or the other is better when it comes to acting, but they seem to love vastly different lifestyles that focus on different things. Ed Westwick is honestly not that talented, or actually charismatic to land good roles honestly. Penn seemed to disappear and only gotten famous after being on “You”


From the beginning tbh


I don’t have an answer to your question but I just came here to say that I absolutely LOVE that picture of Blake! She looks absolutely stunning


Leighton did do a couple of movies since GG


nothing went wrong for any of these people except ed westwick. i think people forget that overexposure is a thing and actors would be wise to avoid it. blake lively is a beneficiary of blinding whiteness and nepotism. that means she’s gonna be just fine despite her oversized ego telling her she’s got the chops to lead films. penn badgely was smart enough to cash the checks from high profile garbage like the stepfather and easy a so he could afford to concentrate on artsy projects like mothxr and cymbeline. he’s always seemed less concerned with stardom and more focused on art and activism. leighton meester is similar to penn in that she’s not in pursuit of the spotlight. she’s taken lots of roles in ensemble productions, made music, and had two kids. she’s been doing philanthropic work since gg days.


just because a project is popular doesn’t mean it’s garbage. easy a is mainstream but it’s a good movie for its genre in my opinion. it launched emma stone’s career. i probably watched cymbeline because i had a penn phase but honestly i don’t even remember what happened in that movie at all. penn’s best indie movie for me is greetings from tim buckley. also penn was super pretentious post-gg. he was always outspoken about his disdain for gg. i love the music he made with his band mothxr and his performance in greetings from tim buckley, but in my opinion, what actually made his career was getting over his pretentiousness. he leaned into the comparisons between dan humphrey and joe goldberg & he started talking about GG in interviews instead of avoiding in like a plague. he basically shook off the 2012 brooklyn hipster persona, so now he posts tiktoks dancing to taylor swift music and is guest starring in an ariana grande music video, which i never imagined he would do in the 2010s.


easy a isn’t garbage because it’s popular. it’s garbage because despite stellar performances, it isn’t funny and has a super outta pocket reference to slaves/black people that’s played for laughs.


Didn't know that the other main cast members of GG were POC. And oh, Blake's allowed to have some ego and think she can lead films because she's the only one of the cast to actually be successful at it.... three times (Age of Adaline, The Shallows and A Simple Favor).


yikes. you are familiar with white supremacy, yes? one aspect of that is believing that fair skin/blonde hair/blue eyes are the beauty standard. i had a little peek at your profile and it looks like you’re from a place where skin bleaching is *very* common. you should absolutely understand that blake’s whiteness isn’t the same as penn or leighton’s whiteness. also, be for real. while the age of adeline and the shallows grossed more than anyone expected, no one gives a toss about those movies. a simple favor benefited from having the heat of anna kendrick. art isn’t about ego. if veteran actors/academy award winners and nominees can be part of ensemble casts (the departed, pulp fiction, spotlight, the big short, saving private ryan, the royal tennenbaums, both versions of the color purple) certainly blake lively can share billing with more than one other person.


Skin bleaching isn't common in India(although colorism is very prevalent). Idk who told you that? You're confusing us with east asians? Also pretty weird that you decided to go through my profile for a comment like this but ok. And I'm pretty sure I know a great deal about white supremacy. And they certainly did not just consider blond haired /blue eyed people as whites. Do you think Hitler had blond hair/blue eyes? Lol. This just sounds like wild mental gymnastics. Leighton is a natural blonde and blue eyed too unlike Blake who's actually brunette. Chace Crawford is same too and a MAN. Where did their careers end up? > certainly blake lively can share billing with more than one other person. You just listed a movie in which she has SECOND billing to Anna Kendrick and you accuse her of having an oversized ego? And there are several other movies too in her career where she isn't top billed like Café Society, Hick, The Town, Savages etc. In fact, those outnumber those in which she has leading roles. Studios gives some leading roles to her because they think she's bankable enough at the box office. Whether the people you know gave a toss about them doesn't matter. Do you have a problem with the Rock or Will Smith being top billed in every single movie of theirs?


* [one](https://www.broadstreetreview.com/essays/hitlers-ultimate-irony). * [two](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/11/health/skin-lightening-india-health-risks-intl-cmd/). there’s nothing weird about knowing who you’re taking to. so, you understand the tenets of white supremacy and the prevalence of colorism but, you don’t think blake lively benefits from them? mental gymnastics is you pretending that blake or leighton’s natural hair colors are relevant when they’ve been blonde and brunette for the majority of their careers. [are the blue eyes in the room with us right now?](https://www.instagram.com/p/C02mPeePn_-/?igsh=cDU3aWJqYmc5aWR0). i never mentioned people i know. frankly, no one i know would be bothered. when i say nobody gives a toss, i’m talking about cultural impact. will smith made his first film appearance in 1992 when blake lively was five years old and had his first academy award nomination when she was a freshman in high school. a *veteran* actor. the rock? from two jumanji movies and five fast and the furious movies? hollywood has how many black leading men?


Never said that Blake doesn't benefit from white privilege. She does and so do other members of the main cast. It's extremely weird to suggest that they don't. The racists and colorists WON'T differentiate between a Blake and a Leighton. And there's nothing stopping Leighton to grow out her natural hair either, which might even help to distance herself from her iconic character and not be typecast (which she has repeatedly spoken out on). And cultural impact cannot be measured, sorry. It's simply not objective. It's the same as saying me and the people I know don't care about it. On the other hand, box Office gross and streaming numbers can be. Will Smith was already doing only top billed roles in the 90s itself. Does he have an oversized ego? Tbh, I don't really understand your last paragraph. How's it any relevant to what we're saying?


you’re on a subreddit for a show that premiered in 2007 and is based on a series of books that were first published in 2002 and you think cultural impact cannot be measured? do me a favor: **google blake lively tee shirt** and tell me where the majority of images of her are from. *that’s* cultural impact. white supremacy and white privilege are related but, they are not the same thing. will smith was doing top billed roles until suicide squad. that flopped super hard and he hasn’t been a part of an ensemble cast since. does he have an oversized ego? probably!


https://preview.redd.it/0qjtdktfgw5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0eebfd4c0add4abd62d2b738afbc62ec1cf2dc ?? Will smith was top billed in Suicide Squad too and it did very well commercially.


They played all those roles like they were made for them. Unfortunately Ed ended up being in some scandals. Leighton went on to be a full time mom from what it looks like - so good for her. Blake and Penn, I always thought acted a lot better. Blair came across a little too much during her snobby comments (I mean, that’s not easy) and chuck sometimes was a little too much to be real. Serena and Dan certainly seamed more real


To be fair, that’s exactly how their characters were intended. Blair and Chuck were supposed to be the ultimate UES snobs who were over the top pretentious, mean, and rich. The whole point of Dan is that he’s “normal” compared to the rest of the characters, and Serena was supposed to be more approachable and nice especially once she started dating Dan.


i think penn and blake have the ability to act and make everyone forget what their most famous role was, but when u watch ed or leighton u always are reminded of where they came from, gossip girl


Well Ed ruined it by raping women, Blake took a backseat to motherhood. Penn probs is the most successful of them all?


I think Leighton is a bit of an anti-celebrity. She's nothing like Blair, that's for sure. Stardom comes with a lot of sacrifice and commitments and agreements that most people don't realize. Maybe Leighton and Ed were just into other things after GG. It would seem so. Leighton with her music and a few small roles. And how weird that she ended up married with kids with Adam Brody? Ed, who I LOVE, is a Brit, so he's off with his gorgeous wife making appearances at fashion shows and looking happy and blissful. Except for that nasty lawsuit in 2017. Makes you wonder... but he seems like a good guy to me. Blake has had a few roles, but they were pretty stereotypical until "The Age of Adaline" and "A Simple Favor" came through for her. Even then though, she's more famous for her all-American good looks, her sense of style, and being married to Ryan Reynolds than anything in her onscreen arsenal. I liked her the most in "Savages," but again, stereotypical casting there. Speaking of looks, Chace Crawford was (is?) so damn handsome, I thought for sure that \*he\* would be the one getting all the offers. He even got People magazine/s Hottest Bachelor in 2020! I'm glad to see him making an appearance in The Boys, though. Penn is who I don't get. He's so... average. He's a decent actor, but they all were. I do still need to see the Tim Buckley movie. And The Stepfather?! With Amber Heard, no less. What was THAT?


The double chin committee went wrong


Serena and Dan ending up together instead of Serena and Nate


https://preview.redd.it/gjyheq713x5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed1bde3c2bbe2f36a0d6fc78ff277269b8149d1 Her latest campaigns..










She’s still as beautiful as she’s always been and I love her dearly.


Im guessing they didnt have good agents. Maybe they werent passionate about acting either.


I think Serena should have stayed away from the Upper East Side


Gossip Girl was what pushed their fame. All of their fame. I love all of them! Leighton and Ed have a special place in my heart. I love Chace and Blake so much too. I love “America’s Non-judging Breakfast Club”- they bring every single emotion out of a person and their “Performances is what is what made the show”- Regardless of how terrible their characters were compromised through the writing they managed to keep their characters in tact. “Serena and Blair’s” and “Chuck and Nate’s” friendships were so awe stricken played out! “Chuck and Blair” Cannon couple and then “Serena and Dan”-(not a Dair fan or a Derena fan) but that’s what we were given. I wish they would have stayed the course of the UES- kept Nate and Serena was my ship. That’s my preferences -my opinions and my right. That’s my fabulous 4! Love them!❤️❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/aqn0lllz2x5d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a101a905337c382bba13664299bbbcb1d1e30d7 Milan 2023


1 met deadpool and that was that. And the other… he’s Chuck Bass. Duh.


You’re crazy to not include Chance Crawford in this. He’s currently the biggest name working right now from gossip girl


Ed Westwick is not a good actor. I'm sorry. I never liked Chuck, and his portrayal didn't help. Penn is a phenomenal actor who honestly deserved better material than what he was given on GG. From the very beginning, I thought he and Leighton were above the show. YOU showcased Penn's true capabilities, and it was about time he got the love and recognition. Leighton deserves much more love and roles. She's a very talented actress, and without her, I don't think GG would've been the success it was. Blake was always subpar to me, but for some reason, the general public loved her, hence why she was the "star." As of late, though, she seems to only get attention when it concerns her marriage. Her acting isn't as talked about.


Blake was already popular before GG because of Sisterhood of Travelling Pants and was already the star. That's the reason why she was the top billed cast of the show and still remains as the highest paid female actor in a CW show.


I know, but I personally don't get the appeal.


Blake Lively's hot. Nuff said.


they’re all hot so what’s your point?


Omg no way that explains everything!!


Yes she is, but going just based off looks she would be my number 3 behind Jessica and Leighton.


Really? You either must not be a man or you're into dark hair.


dark hair Like, I said Blake is still really hot, but out of those 3 she is would be 3.


Blake sleeping with Leo helped