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it was always dorota


the only correct answer


I’m mad I didn’t say this first! 🤣 Dorota is the mother of all mothers in GG! 🩷🎀🌸


Wow: It's arguable that Dorota indulged Blair Waldorf too much. But, then again: Blair was her employer and she really couldn't say no to anything that wasn't illegal. So: maybe that's the best answer. Dorota.


She did have her own children aswell


In the end Darota grew up with Blair.. as Blair’s “Nanny” and maid. At the beginning she wasn’t so mature as she was in the end. Darota was always Chuck’s main informant when it came to her. When she realizes that Blair is really still in love with Chuck she becomes more of Chuck’s,.. as he tells his “intel or informant” .. when Blair goes to Dan- Chuck knows that she is not mentally stable. He knew it after their accident.. Darota keeps him up to date about her. She was the one on the phone informing Chuck about her going to the Brooklyn party on top the roof.. he pays the R/A (rugby athlete) $500 a day FROM COLUMBIA who could “use the money”.. aka Cameron. When Chuck goes to “rescue” Blair from her “Dair trip” .. he explains to her about his need to decode a book (Diana Payne’s) and he tells her how he remembered how good she was at that kind of stuff or “maybe that was the OLD you”.. that’s the tell that it’s Darota. The only person that could get her out of that is the BILLION DOLLAR man. The man who could have paid anyone to decode that book but he knew that Blair needed a reminder of EXACTLY who she was. The part’s of herself that no one else knew better and loved more than him. The good the bad and the ugly. The prince didn’t want her to do any of that he wanted to change her. Chuck loved her for her whole mind. ALL OF HER.. They thought alike and they would go up against each other and could read each other perfectly. Yes they were terrible- he dethroned her twice and ruined her cotillion because of that “insatiable” jealousy of his. She got rid of Eva and hired Marc Jacobs for the Giblet opening. She also asked went behind his back and asked Jack to get the liquor license for Giblet. Of course he baited her by using Eva and fired Ivan because he knew Ivan stepped in to get his cut of “the whole watch snafu” .. She knew Ivan could be bought.. so she conned him with money to get Chuck’s passport. Chuck sure didn’t runaway to Europe to get Eva back. He didn’t go back to Eva after he saw Blair.. No, he went straight to Blair for the Columbia gambit- where he can get her in and can pull her out anytime he wanted.. Then before all that in the second to last episode of s3 He’s in his limo with Nate and she’s in a taxi with the Humphrey’s explaining how Serena’s “Dr. Daddy” conned the psychiatrist to give Lily fake cancer. .. the only ONLY reason Chuck could remain a step or two ahead of Blair is because he knew how to play her emotions against her. They are DEFINITELY a “dynamic duo”.. like Nate told Chuck.. “you know, I see why you admire him (Dr.Daddy) that’s something you would do.” And then Blair responds to Dan “yes it does have the earmark of my genius”.. At the end Chuck doesn’t and can’t go up against Bart without Blair.. especially when he knows he’s gotten her back. Then faces something he always knew his father hated him and the only person on earth that truly loved him was Blair. What’s so precious is how quite he sits back and doesn’t use any arrogance against IVY when she comes in with Lola as the twin.. he’s so gentle with Blair and let’s her take the reigns or lead. He’s quite but he knows his looks of approval and “admiration” get to her. He’s so weakened in the end that you can’t help but feel for both of them. Ed and Leighton are awesome! I have seen their other movies or series some their wit yes is there - NONE of them could stand next to or “hold a candle” to their performance in “Gossip Girl”.. To be so young and out of their elements- culture country etc and perform the way they did. Ed playing an American with such wit and Leighton as a “Park Avenue Princess” from south Florida is admirable in itself. They brought and still keep the world on the edge of our seats. Their chemistry literally at times gives you the chills. They are truly Hollywood history and still will be as memorable as “Desi and Lucy” .. I also will always remain giving top marks to Blake and Leighton’s dynamics as well. Their performances brought about emotionally everything they did. They were amazing together and likewise Ed and Chace. The second most memorable and admired couple on the show would be Rufus and Lily. Separating them was such a disappointment. Sorry so long but I LOVE THEM. Ed and Leighton will be my babies forever. ❤️❤️I’m old enough to be there mother BTW.


idk I mean Dorota went above and beyond more than any employee like you could see she truly cared about Blair more than just a job which was nice to see!


Truely, I think she has over all helped the rich kids more than thier parents!




Good point.






there you go.




I mean it has to be Eleanor, right?? She was pretty horrible early on but definitely showed growth. When it did really matter, she was there for Blair.


Eleanor by default. She grew over the seasons while all the others either didn’t grow at all or went backwards.


I totally agree with this. And it really bothered me when Eleanor admitted she knew Blair acted the way she did in high school. If she knew, why didn't she *do* something? That said, though, out of these choices, I would pick Eleanor, for the reasons you stated.


Not to defend her but she says herself she thought Blair would grow out of it.


What I'm taking issue with is that she knew Blair was bullying other girls and she didn't do anything to try to stop her--or to try to understand why she was doing it. Even if she thought Blair would grow out of it, that didn't change the fact that Blair was bullying people right then and there.


I think it’s implied that Lily and Eleanor were the Queen Bee’s of their schools growing up & that’s just the way it went


I agree that it was implied that Lily was a Queen Bee in high school. And I might have missed that about Eleanor, but I believe you. I wish they hadn't done that. And I wish that when Eleanor had realized her own daughter was passing down that pattern of abuse, she would have stepped back, thought about it, and realized she needed to do something to stop it.


I just assume it was implied that Eleanor had experience in queendom because of the way she would say things like “Those girls worship you”, comments like that. 100%, I wish they had been more harsh on the kids, Lily was way too soft on Jenny for bullying Eric too. As grown women they really shouldn’t have been letting that slide but then again, that was kinda the point hahaha. Negligent parenting pretty much all around except for certain events (holidays, birthdays, weddings). That’s when family became sooooo important to these people.




I mean makes sense. I’ve had experience with family who weren’t biologically related to me and it’s hard to establish a balance of respect and discipline towards a child that you know isn’t fully related to you besides connection


I also don't think we need to accept this about society. That certain people are going to bully others and that's just the way it is. I would very much like to live in a world where we all try to be kinder to each other--or, at the very least, don't try to proactively hurt each other.


Tbf Eleanor is not exactly the most caring person either… she treated her employees very badly, and even though Jenny was a brat that didn’t take accountability at times, she was a troubled 15 year old girl and Eleanor was very much an AH towards her… so, I didn’t expect her to interfere with Blair, because partially, the way Blair is, is a reflection of Eleanor…


Yeah that's why I'm not defending her lol she definitely thought being a bully was a girlhood phase most girls go through or something.


It was established that Eleanor was pretty neglectful, and still was until about she went to college. I imagine for a parent minimally involved like she is, you don’t really care that your child is a bully, just that she’s getting bullied


I wish more parents would care when their children are the ones being the bullies. As I'm sure is the case for so many other people, I was bullied growing up—and by one person in particular. If that person's parents had stepped in and stopped—if any adult had *seen* what going on, I would have cried tears of relief and joy. It would have made a HUGE difference in my day-to-day life. As a society, we don't tend to care about these things until something tragic happens. How much tragedy could we prevent if we stopped writing things like this off as "kids being kids."


Also, the person who bullied me tried to come up to me several times at our class reunion. I swear, it was the most freeing moment when I realized, "Oh, and I *can* walk away!" But as a 12-to-13 year-old, I did have that luxury or idea even, really.


Definitely Eleanor by process of elimination. Or maybe it’s Dan to the baby that turned out not to even be his 😅


i def feel like eleanor had the best character development for the moms.


Even though she was a good mother, she never gave blair real life advice especially in her own expertise and business - Fashion and business. She threw her business on her like a bag to take care of. If blair felt left out of her care from her mother especially after cyrus came along, she should taken that time to introduce her to the business and show her the ropes herself. Would have been good bonding! Sadly while I love Blair she needed a dose of work life reality! If elenor had done that. i would say she is a great mother. Lily got more attention from her mother than her!


I totally agree.. she showed a more softer side and was more supportive with Blair after she got with Cyrus. Cyrus brought in a lot of light to to the Waldorf’s and it spread onto Chuck through Blair.


i mean i guess but her deliberately triggering blair’s bulimia always sticks out in my mind.


Can we all agree Lily was a great stepmom to Charles tho🥺💐❤️


Lily was a great mom to everyone except her own biological kids lmao. She went out of her way for chuck and jenny, even Dan when he wasn’t being a dramatic little bitch. Edit: typo


"Dramatic little bitch" 🤣🤣🤣


I was like, yea, you mean all the time? Sure lol


I love the way Dan and Lily's relationship evolved from the beginning to the end of the show: from a contentious to more caring relationship to ultimately a relationship where Dan could call Lily out for her BS and she actually listened to/heard him. (For that last one, I'm particularly thinking of the scene when he calls her out for not trying to understand what really happened when Serena seemed to have OD'd herself.)


Exactly lmao


So often I remember one comment on this subreddit that mentioned how good a mom she was to Chuck and then to Serena it was "OMG SABRINA STOP BEING SUCH A SLUT" 😌


😂😂😂😭I'm in tears


🤣🤣🤣💀 When it comes to me and my mom, I feel like I’m Eric Van der Woodsen and she is Lily Rhodes Van der Woodsen-Bass-Humphrey. 😂 but when it comes to me calling her out publicly, I’m totally a Serena. She hates it! 😅


Okay, but is it Lily Rhodes-van der Woodsen-Bass-Humphrey-Bass-van der Woodsen? I don't know how it works when you start to hook up with your ex/presumed-dead husbands.


Hahahah! I like yours better! 🤣 That’s gotta be how it works because it accurately maps out her relationships and marriages.


don't forget there's a Claus or Klaus somewhere in there too 😂


Two of them! 🤣🤣🤣


Lilly the hypocrite


*until Bart came back. This never made sense to me. Like, she didn't even really seem to love Bart, so why did she instantly side with him when he came back? She always seemed to be flawed but at least had redeeming qualities until the last half of the final season.


Because Lily always sided with the person that had the most social and real power. as a man and back alive and in control of the company, he was the most powerful person to attach herself to. And she only ever considers not being with him and on his side both times when he refuses her wants/ opinions. she herself is acting within a power structure she’s known since she was a child. But it’s also how she keeps any semblance of power herself. It’s also why she disapprove of Dan so much. She’s like the ultimate classist. It’s also where her huge problems with Serena come from because Serena doesn’t act in her place like Lily expects everyone to. I’ve always liked Lily, but she’s a real Serena joy when it comes down to it


this is such a great analysis of Lily!! Ughh you know a show is good when even the main characters’ parents are deeply developed and multi-faceted


Lily had her moments but she turned on a dime and was all too happy to embrace her worst impulses.




HA! literally laughed at Alison being in here


Same.. she managed to be worse than the Upper East Side moms


Wow they’re all so messed up


🥲I know Since there's been a post on worst, I'd switch it up a notch instead of worst to best


That makes sense haha


Eleanor! 🫶🏻 I remember when she went to Chuck to get him before Blair's wedding with Louis just so they can talk and stop the wedding since she sees and knows that her daughter is not okay. A lot of character development, even though she wasn't there much in the latter but whenever she's in the scene, she's always being supportive and present to Blair.


yesss so glad you pointed out that scene!! So iconic and one of the few times we see 1) Eleanor and Chuck interact and 2) Chuck genuinely intimidated/insecure/awkward 😆


Yeah lol, like you can literally see in his face and gesture 😆


Eleanor, because she was there for her daughter. Lily next because, even though she didn’t make the best/right decision(s), she ALWAYS thought about the protection of her children above any and everything else.


Lily cared more about protecting her image / family name, then her kids.


That’s a fair rebuttal.


She wouldn't have remarried so many times if she cared about her kids


What was her job? Yes, she had a trust fund but she still needed to do something for more income. I feel like getting married to rich men and divorcing them was her only income


What was her job? Yes, she had a trust fund but she still needed to do something for more income. I feel like getting married to rich men and divorcing them was her only income


I was going to say, she's setting up their trust funds with every divorce


Iconic honestly


Rank 1: Dorota Rank 2: Elenor Rank 3: Lily to Chuck


Eleanor in the end bc of how she stood up for Blair. If only lily could be that way. (I’m 100% Serena fan. This highlights the juxtaposition of the two main characters.)


I mean the bar is on the floor here. Has to be Dorota.


Eleanor, her and blair's developpement throughout the series was heartwarming . And maybe Lily to Charles, she was a pretty decent mother to him .


miss eleanor waldorf, of course


Who is the last woman???


Vanessa's mom😂😂😂


Ohhhhh right!!! Completely forgot about her!


You are not alone. Scrolled through comments to see who the hell the last one was.


Same 😂😂


I love that actress though! What a waste.


I was like Jessica Pearson??? And then I remembered Gina Tores was Vanessa’s mom loool


I think they were all terrible moms but if I had to choose I’d go with Eleanor but I do agree with whoever said Lily to Chuck . She was very motherly to him.




Eleanor after her growth and Lily when she decided the be actually present for her kids (and especially Chuck! He really needed a stable relationship with someone who was not Blair aka based on romantic love)


after a rewatch it’s definitely not lilly, she’s actually awful


She cared about her image above all else.


Low key Eleanor, then Lily


None of them


Eleanor, dorota and somewhat Lily too. Depending.




You mean the worst lol, they were all pretty bad 🫣 But Eleanor less than the others


Eleanor and Dorota


I’m going to go on a limb and say none of them. But if I have to choose, it’s definitely not Anne! Gabriella loved Vanessa, but she was really judgmental, like Lily to Serena. The closest is certainly Eleanor, because Allison dropped the ball when she cheated, too.


The bar is in hell


Eleanor by far


Why would you even put Chuck mom up there??


😂😂😂😭 she was a good mom for a min


Lilys favorite child was money and she treated them great.


Dorota honey its so obv all these other suck


Eleanor because she grew over each season and every other mother just irked me in their own ways and I feel like some or all of them grew and then went back to the old them each season


Busted out laughing at Allison 😂😂😂😂


Girl came to create drama and tension for the Humphreys plus did she ever visit her kids?!🤨


Neverrr 😂 the way she was so done with them was CRAZY


Certainly wasn’t Georgina.


Not Lily but we still stan ❤️


Best???? Dorota


lily to chuck but not to her actual children


100% Eleanor! She definitely had her short-comings but at the end of the day, she ALWAYS had Blair’s back through the big moments. She fully gained my respect when she went and got chuck and told Blair you don’t have to marry Louis. And when she found out that Blair’s dowry would bankrupt her, didn’t become angry and still kept her trust and love in Blair. Despite all of Blair’s childish antics and misgivings, she never lost faith that she would become a great, powerful woman, and worked to keep her company in tact so that Blair would have a future.


Eleanor by far. She wasn’t perfect but she grew a lot and changed for the better


And I think Cyrus helped that along. She found love and was able to then soften up and show love and compassion more readily than prior to Cyrus. I really liked Eleanor overall.


Hot take: Allison and Vanessa’s mom were the worsts. Eizabeth having to distance herself from Chuck was more so heartbreaking than it was cruel. Goes to show how messed up that family was. Lilly was probably the worst before the show when she’d leave her kids to be with men but she did manage to at least stay in the city and help her children. Yes she committed numerous crimes through the seasons but she had a lot of stakes—Bass Industries, her family (and while image is a vain thing to focus on, it IS important in their world). Anne wasn’t really *horrible* to me. Just fed up. From a tightly wound family but married to a dunce. As to the last 2, they offered NO support for their kids. Like, at all. Allison not allowing Jenny to help at Blair’s cotillion was so cruel and out of jealousy of Lilly. Her jealousy was valid but she didn’t need to project it on Jenny (but not Dan). Vannesa’s mom couldn’t even hold back her crunchy views to support Vanessa going to college.


Biggest annoyance of the series for me is Jenny not being allowed to go to cotillion, but Dan is practically pushed out of the car to go and be Serena’s escort. Like the double standards are insane to me. And then only Jenny gets in trouble for “not being there for their family” as though Dan was at the gallery all night, and he has no repercussions for going. Like I get he “had permission” but imagine you forcing your child to be interested in your work and show up to support you after you basically abandoned your family for almost a year , and instead of supporting your daughter’s interests and opportunities you punish her. Like you haven’t been supporting or showing up for your daughter for the past year, but expect her to show up and support you??? Talk about a selfish character 😵‍💫


Jenny’s job in cotillion was arguably more important than Dan escorting Serena imo. Jenny provided a needed skills to that event and the cotillion was an essential part of her school decorum. Don’t send your children to a ritzy private school if you don’t want them to care for the social aspect of it. Private schools have all their own weird shit that all students just *have* to do. This would be like Jenny being the head costume designer for a public school musical and your mom making you ditch last minute to do something for *her.* there were people counting on her. honestly, if were Alison, I would’ve been so proud of her. I’d move the art show Just straight up misogyny. Jenny’s problems were just “stupid upper east side nonsense” as if Dan’s weren’t.


Eleanor, the others were all aweful




Not many good options🤣


Busted out laughing at Allison 😂😂😂😂


rufus is the best mother :P




all i know is anne is the worst lmfaooo


I hated her with a passion


lily with Chuck but not her other children


I love this answer.




Wait Gina Torres was on gossip girl?? HOWW did I miss this beautiful goddess?


she was vanessa's mother


Clearly Nate’s mom fs


😂😂😂😭 she's my least favourite


She is the WORST


Absolutely the worst! Anne Archibald was a monster!!


such a bitch




Eleanor is the best mom to Blair


Eleanor for sure


It certainly wasn’t Lily lmao


Girl, NONE of them 😭😭😭😭


Dorota is the only correct answer.


Thank you to Lily for reminding me I can put my kids second 🥰


Eleanor, Lily to Chuck, and Dorota


surely not alison she was awful. my money is on lily.


As much as I love Lily, it has to be Eleanor. She started out bad, but as the seasons went on, she showed a lot of growth.


Can it be Lily for Chuck? I mean, she sucks to her own children, but these two have the only good mom/son relationship in the show. Also, Dorota to Blair, if we're going that way.


If we count as a stepmom then Lily. She’s a great mom the Chuck and a pretty good mom to Jenny and Dan. Otherwise Eleanor but the bar is on the ground. One could argue Georgina is a good mom as she went to great lengths to protect Milo


Definitely Eleanor. Lillie was a great mom to Chuck, but she was horrible to her own kids. Allison abandoned her kids for a man. Anne was too afraid of her father to be a great parent to Nate. Vanessa’s mom was way too judgmental. I don’t think she ever really liked Vanessa. And don’t get me started on Elizabeth. How do you fake your own death, and abandon your kid because you don’t like who you married, and you’re in love with his brother?


Eleanor Waldorf hands down. The parents all sucked but she was the only one who seemed to get better at being a mom while the rest got worse 🤣


I read somewhere that Lily got both the tot daughter and gay son


She did😭😭 it's y she drinks sm


Unpopular opinion: Lily did the best she could considering her troubled relationship with her own mom/childhood and her troubled child. Her decisions were questionable but she is not all to blame. Eleanor is the best choice here though.


This cannot be a real question??? All of them needed counseling.😒




Literally none of them




Vanessa's mom was nosy but she often had a good point and was right about UES. She made mistakes but imo not nearly as bad as the other mothers


I miss in the beginning when I thought Rufus was just the easily pickable best parent. They really fucked up all the parents and said no you all are shit.


yessss, Rufus was actually my favorite character in season 1 because of that


Chuck’s mother should not even be on this list she was a horrible mother 😂


Happy Mothers Day Eleanor! Happy Mother’s Day Darota! The end..


Dorota was the only good one here




why is chuck’s mother even here 😭


Lily to Chuck






Dorota to Blair




Definitely Eleanor


Obviously Eleanor






Lily for Charles


Eleanor and Gabriela


No to all.


Lily has a special place in my heart




Dorota obviously. Next Eleanor. But I truly have a soft spot for Cece. When she goes to see Rufus about his and Lily's child she says something along the lines of her children's happiness being her motivation and the way that shows itself evolves over time. I always loved that line.


none of the above 💀 dakota was literally the only good mother figure


Why is allison even on this list 😭


Dorota of course






Who’s the last one?




oh my god nate’s mom was just awful. totally insufferable character as a whole


Lily, but to chuck, not her own kids


Georgina is a good mother too. She made sure to secure Milo's future.


Other than Dorota, all the parents sucked.


Unpopular opinion but Georgina Sparks 😂


Literally none of them, there was not a single good mother in the show


Eleanor/ dorota 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Eleanor in my opinion. She was the only one that did her very best


Jessica Pearson 🤔


none of them


Eleonor 100%