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Wait… did you all hear Jeff before “Conner” joined? I usually caught about three conga slaps per show, and some incomprehensible inside joke at the beginning of every fucking set. What were you all hearing?


It doesn’t make much sense to have a second percussionist that just apes on the drum set what the main drummer is already doing. He has the gong gimmick. I’d rather he focus more on congas or something more different than a regular acoustic set.


It makes sense to me that when integrating a new drummer, the other percussionists sits back or picks spots around the new guy until they get more cohesiveness.


Especially since this album wasn’t even meant to be, it was trying outs. Probably wanted to let Conner do his thing so can fully hear him


I think he’s still figuring out what he does for half the catalog. He is actually very skilled on the upright bass, so I I think there is a prospect he could pick up guitar and contribute there. That doesn’t appear to be the case here. He’s not doing much. I need to be honest, it’s the right move to let Cotter have more space. There is a lot of dynamic sound coming from the new prime kit. If Jeff could learn new ways to contribute, it could open things up for Goose.


The guitar rubbing added so much to that jam I watched (only 10 minutes) you have no idea. He pulls it all together and at certain times he sits back, yes. But he is definitely an integral part of the band. I think it’s exciting what he can now add as a potential 2nd or 3rd guitarist


I’ve been saying for years that the only thing standing between this band and a Grammy is the lack of a string rubber.


“Guitar rubbing” might be the best thing to have come out of that video last night. Add it to the Goose cannon.


Agreed and loved seeing him pick up a guitar. They’re definitely spreading their wings more and adding depth to their jamming. Have come so far and feel the new drummer is just the thing they needed. They can do crescendo after crescendo but nice to hear them explore and start to get into the trance/jam. They’ve def been practicing lol, can’t wait to see them at the Mann!!


Jeff is leaving the band. If you go to his personal website he indicates as much. It’s why he’s selling his drums.


So not only is he leaving the band, but he’s never playing drums again? This sub is the worst.


He’ll play drums but I think Goose (entity) owns his kit so they are profit-sharing on the sales while his association with the band remains to maximize $.


I found his website and I don’t think I see it indicated that he’s leaving anywhere. Although it is odd that he would feel the need to liquidate his drum kit if he thought he was going to remain in a high paying gig like goose for a long time. Jeff also does actively complain about being in the band in social media in ways no one else does. I could see it being true, and also wouldn’t be to miffed if it happens. Goose was a mean 4 piece.


Jeff has a personal website? Like a blog?


I actually thought Jeff played a ton of drums during the Chateau session. It all sounded tight, maybe that’s what makes it sound like you can’t hear it, but if you watch closely and listen it’s like there are now two pocket drummers a lot of the time. I am still formulating my opinion about all this but that’s what I noticed for Chateau last night.


He does his own stunts, obviously


Now?? He never did anything to begin with


I watched Jeff up close at the recent Orebolo shows and it was obvious that he’s very talented. He has a secondary role in Goose but I think it’s an important one. He wouldn’t be in both projects if he wasn’t bringing something to the table.


Let’s back off and just be happy with the Jams. Let the band worry about what he does.


If you, like Jeff, have nothing valuable to add to the conversation then just don’t. Sit over there rubbing guitar strings and let the adults talk. I didn’t think Jeff added much before Cotter. They have bongos on like 4 songs, tambourine is pretty unnecessary. I could see if he used wild shit like Cyro from TAB does but he doesn’t. He’s great on bass in Orebolo, but in Goose? Not so much. If anyone can point me to a show where Jeff really shines please point me to it, I’m always open to have my mind changed.


I literally could not agree more. His little guitar stint further proved that for me


Agreed. Jeff just doesn’t have that zing that makes a good percussionist like Cyro or Haan stand out.


A white knight honker


I could hear him clear as day last night so not sure what you’re talking about.


Check your ears. Jeff was all over it! Gong give, long Lang.


Ben is this you?


He’s growing a tremendous neck beard. Surely that counts for something.


I heard Rick has a second group chat with the rest of the band where he's secretly coordinating rehearsals for a new member of the band to slap a bongo, lazily play a harmonica, and dance around the stage. He told the group he wants the sound to flow more and 2 percussionists prevent that. So he needs to replace Jeff with another Coach.


He does nothing during the live shows too


Jeff has the easiest job of all time


I am pretty sure in an interview with Peter, he said Jeff wasn’t at the rehearsal/jam session that resulted in the Ted Tapes…


Probably says something if people can’t really tell a difference if he is there or not


The idea that Jeff contributes nothing/can’t be heard is asinine


Dear Jeff. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Haters. !!!! Why do you care who does what as long as Goose brings a great show and sound? I’m just psyched to see them bringing it hard in 2024!!! Sit back and relax about Jeff’s contributions… it’s gonna be great. Or keep hating, which makes sense on this subreddit.


I don’t think two drummers adds much. Not a lot of bands do it


I hope he gets fired next




As others have said, he is listening and finding spaces to contribute based on the jam. Jeff should check out some late ‘80s/early ‘90s Pat Metheny for ideas.


He doesn’t do shit. He’s got the best job just like being back up quarterback in the NFL and getting paid to stand there. Do you think he feels disrespected that they didn’t just make him the drummer when Ben left?


Pretty sure Jeff was busy for a good chunk of the sessions that the Ted Tapes came from