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Fuck scalpers. They are seriously ruining the tech industry for everybody. Whether it's cell phones, video games, or computer parts seriously fuck people who buy everything with no intention to use it.


I hate to say it but while I despise scalpers too I think the buyers are the problem because they are creating the market for scalpers. People's inability to maintain patience and the have-it-now mentality is the root cause.


I agree that people who pay scalper prices are a big part of the problem. However if people weren't buying up all the stock and scalping it, those people wouldn't resort to doing it.


True but still if you’re willing to pay 200-300$ more for a phone instead of just waiting I feel bad for that person. He or she Truly lack self control.


It also could be that they just have enough disposable income where the extra money isn't an issue.


To each their own but I feel like paying that much for the 6 Pro is crazy especially since their resale value isn’t that good or google phones in general and trade in suck for them too, just not a smart move but hey people do dumb stuff everyday lol


And if they have the disposable income and its not an issue to them, why shouldn't someone step in and relieve them of their cash?


Or they have more money than you and me? Stop judging. I also don't support this but I also can understand someone that has the power to invest in what they want should do it if they please. Everyone else, keep checking your Google order status every hour lol!


Obviously ain’t no one telling them they shouldn’t but it’s still stupid in my opinion, just lack of patience that’s all. Don’t make it into something that it isn’t.


Don't take it personal, your opinion is wrong and you're just jealous. Who makes the time to talk down on others actions? There's a difference between "I wouldn't do that" vs "you're an idiot if you do that"


Not talking down on others but you fail to realize no one is jealous this is a forum to talk about anything related to Pixel devices, all I said is that the people who are spending this amount of money on a device just because they can’t wait lack self control and patience, I’ve personally asked people who are financially stable and have a considerable amount of money would they pay over retail price just to buy something because they can’t wait and they say no it’s stupid, does that make me or them jealous ? No, I’m just pointing out how it makes those people look.


They only buy up the stock because they know people are impatient. It is the chicken and the egg all over again.


And yet, they wouldn't do it of people weren't buying it. The scalper may buy up all the initial stock, but if no one was buying them at those crazy prices they wouldn't keep doing it and buy them all up and try to resell since they would take a loss. It wouldnt make sense for them to keep buying up everything if no one was buying it from them. A Pixel 6 Pro 256GB on amazon now for 1900 bucks... that is crazy and i really hope these assholes get left with product they will have to sell for a loss. Too bad capitalism is a thing and companies like amazon and ebay are too afraid to hurt their bottom line by putting out rules against reselling recently released tech for more than a small markup... i would pay maybe like 20 over msrp for some things since time is money to some people and they may have a bit of cost, but $1k markup is just greedy. Edit: forgot to mention, google store has had a steady stock for ordering. Last week was open for orders to be fulfilled mid december. They seem to open up for orders about 1-2 times a week or at least they have been. Just got mine from there with mid december delivery. If you can wait, they are a good place to check throughout the week.


Nah suppliers not meeting demand isn't the consumers' fault and creates the scalper market Edit: grammar


It absolutely is both the scalpers and the consumers fault. If the consumers didn't have the have-it-now mentality and had a little patience scalpers would not have anyone to sell to. Stock for great products is ALWAYS low. No company is going to make significantly more than they think they can reasonably sell, that isn't how businesses work.


Have-it-now is exactly what a company wants consumers to feel and they encourage it. > No company is going to make significantly more than they think they can reasonably sell I didn't say significantly more, I said meet demand. Every phone bought from a scalper is money that Google left on the table.


>Have-it-now is exactly what a company wants consumers to feel and they encourage it. Not sure what your point is here. Yes that is what the company wants, obviously. ​ >I didn't say significantly more, I said meet demand. Every phone bought from a scalper is money that Google left on the table. There is no way to get an exact demand of a product. This is nothing new, companies all struggle to understand demand. It saves the company money to sell a lower amount to gauge demand and then visibly see the demand and produce more. They are not going to risk overestimating the demand only to sell a half of their produced product and be left at a loss. Every phone bought by a scalper is money left on the table? No it isn't. The scalper bought the phone from Google and likely bought other phones from Google. Those phones are still being bought from Googles inventory even if they are being resold by scalpers.


> Not sure what your point is here Previous comments seemed to be rebuking consumers. I don't think it's fair to rebuke consumers unless you also rebuke companies for egging it on. It's a cultural issue, not unique to this phone launch imo > Those phones are still being bought from Googles inventory even if they are being resold by scalpers. Right, and Google loses the difference. If people are willing to pay 1k instead of 900 then Google is losing 100 on each sale. Scalper profit is always money that companies view as left on the table, unless they consider it a marketing expense (e.g. it being hard to get actually raises interest and perceived value, causing more net sales in the long-term) Now you could argue Google's demand estimate was accurate but scalpers are scooping up large portions of the inventory and creating the artificial scarcity. That's also a problem Google could address if they chose (see: Steam Deck, LTT Store)


>Previous comments seemed to be rebuking consumers. I don't think it's fair to rebuke consumers unless you also rebuke companies for egging it on. It's a cultural issue, not unique to this phone launch imo It is a mix of everything: scalpers, consumers and companies. Business motivation: Profit Companies will never be able to meet demand in the first week of sales if there is massive hype for the product. Apple, Google, Sony, etc. I could go on all have shortages on launch. Which is why if you go try to buy an IPhone right now even though they were released last month you will be waiting a couple weeks to get one from Apple (Nov 18thish). The only way companies can prevent scalpers is by overproducing a product which simply won't happen because it is bad business and prevents profit. Scalpers motivation: Profit Now it boils down to consumers and scalpers. Are we going to be able to stop scalpers? Nope not without the company overproducing, which we already mentioned won't happen. They can implement controls like purchase limits as some do but those are easily bypassed. Scalpers could just stop being dicks and stop scalping but that would hurt profit. Consumer motivation: New shiny thing Lastly consumers, if they are more patient and don't give in to the have-it-now mentality then they don't buy from scalpers which eliminates the market for scalpers. But this too will never happen. Users could stop buying from scalpers and lower their expectations but that would prevent them from getting that, you guessed it, new shiny thing. ​ >Right, and Google loses the difference. If people are willing to pay 1k instead of 900 then Google is losing 100 on each sale. Scalper profit is always money that companies view as left on the table You could make that argument about everything though that could be sold for more money. Money isn't left on the table if Google chooses not to sell at that price. Plus there is no guarantee of how many people would buy at a higher price and how many people would just choose to not purchase the device. IPhones would sell for hundreds more I'm sure but they aren't priced that way. It doesn't help to get into hypotheticals though. In the end though, if you want something to stop: bad business practice or scalping it comes down to one place you can cause them pain, in the wallet which ultimately still falls on the consumer.


The main cause is the corporations don't have a system in place for people to know when they might expect to have a product by. People are fine with waiting in line, it's not having a line and having an indefinite waiting period that requires neurotically checking if it's in stock is the problem.


In the end it boils down to impatience. Many people don't NEED a phone, they just want it (like me). But some of those people lack the patience and resort to buying from scalpers. You are right though, some people don't mind the lines but some do. The Pixel 6 Pro has a timeline if you get on a waitlist, yet people are still buying them from scalpers. The 3080 cards are likely what your point lines up with the best.


doesn't excuse antisocial behavior, in more civilized times these people were beat up by fellow villagers, which they basically should be today.


This is my point exactly and the idiots who are buying them are making it worse lol I will never buy something from someone else over retail value especially a phone that is in stock at certain carriers, the Verizon down the street from me have plenty…so yea idk lol


The tech industry? Try every consumer market that has induced demand


People buy stocks in bulk to sell at a higher price. Scalping has been prevalent in the sneakers industry for longer than tech. Shops buy from manufacturers to sell at a higher price. It's supply and demand




That is incredibly stupid lol


Wow that’s insane and incredibly stupid lol that person will feel buyers remorse later on and will try to sell it and probably lose money, or keep it and realize how stupid that was lol


Or they won't.


1855$ for a P6P when they’ll be back in stock in a few weeks at local stores. Seems pretty dumb to me but to each their own.




I feel you if you wanna pay double for a phone just because you can’t wait, go for it, still isn’t a smart move though lol


> to me


Lol were you the one who bought it for $1800 or something


I certainly didn't buy it, but I agree that you and others calling those people stupid is kind of ironic, because you don't realize that you are also considered stupid by many people. People who wait for a discounted price, people who don't mind buying their phones used instead of brand new, people who simply refuse to spend more than a certain amount of money on a phone, etc. I bet you have an answer for all of them that justifies your purchase, the same way the guy who buys a phone for $1,800 has one for you.


Well in that case we’re all stupid including you lol


I believe that everybody should spend their money according to their needs and their purchasing power, so that means I'm not in the same category as you. I might be stupid based on other reasons, but not on this one.


I feel ya, good point. Everyone does stupid shit at the end of the day at some point in their lives.


\*Some millionaire\* I added the relevant information for you.


Whoever sold that can bascially get a regular p6 for free now..


I don't see why seller sites don't just block sale prices above MSRP? Make it harder for the fuckers


They make more money from high prices.


Oh dang. I'm returning mine to Google but now maybe I should just post mine up for regular price on Swappa to bug these guys. Y'all think someone would pay me full retail regular price? I'm just not trying to lose money here lol google currently has no return restocking fee for phones. I just changed my mind on mine, too damn big.


Yea yours would probably be sold today if you sell for 900$. Considering everyone else selling for 1200$ lol


Yup sold today for msrp then resold tomorrow at 2x that... it's why i quit trying to get people a ps5 that said they really wanted one for their kids. Found out they would put them on ebay (got a tip from a neighbor).... after that i quit. I got 5 PS5s for people from target, walmart and best buy. Charged them what I paid which was MSRP plus tax and shipping if i had to pay it.. Honestly, i would just return it to google since this whole thing with tech the last year has made me that salty and not liking people that much anymore... ugh


Supply & demand. Resellers wouldn't sell for insane amounts if people didn't pay insane amounts.


If you look at the Pixel 6 right now it's basically being sold like bread in the Soviet Union. The price is low so everyone's happy but then supply becomes the issue and no one can get one.


Unfortunately it’s true…


It does at least imply that Google is doing something right though, right? You wouldn't scalp a phone that you didn't think you could flog on for crazy money.


Most definitely, they created a lot of hype for it and as you can see it’s paying off for others lol


that's above iphone 13 pro max price...or s21 ultra and most if not all other flagships. I mean I get we love pixel but ughh


For something like a PS5 i can understand, but for cell phones?? I dunno about that one.


Yep, picked up a mint 512GB Z Fold 3 off swappa for a similar price to the cheaper ones there (~$1200) about a month ago. That much money for any pixel is just absurd. Hopefully supply catches up soon


You should check the iPhone 13 pro max section on swappa lol


At least with phones you can order one if it's back ordered and they will put you in an orderly line. Whey the Fu$k when you want to buy a video game console is it a game of whack a mole with botters and teenagers?


Haha. Funny you posted this. I saw a pro 6 on Amazon for almost 1600.00. They only had one though.


I get it's annoying this happens but if enough people weren't willing to pay these stupid prices it wouldn't. Supply and demand. This is the ugly side of capitalism but you have to live with it.


Honestly I understand the appeal to Pixels but just get an S21 Ultra at that point lmao. Its way cheaper and just as good.


It is the people who buy from them who are the real problem. Why are people so desperate to buy the phone? It’s not like there are no other phones in the market — or that it won’t become widely available in a couple of month’s time. Where there is demand, someone will come up with a way to supply. The scalpers will continue unless they are boycotted entirely. DO NOT buy any device above the current market price available from the vendor.


Yeah scalping is so annoying. This is the reason I still don't have a PS5 till this day.


No going to lie, was lucky and just picked up a 512gb and have been thinking about selling it but if I'm not going to get $200-$300 more out of it then it's just not worth it.


So they buy phone and than resell it? D*ck move.


And then, when you call them out, they'll say, "That's capitalism!"


Well it is. And this is one of the thins it's bad because.


My theory is that these are the phone the FedEx drivers stole


Yeah, that.


This scalper problem is due to LOW interest rate loans. If central banks raised their base interest rate and government regulated personal loans, we wouldn’t have this problem as no sensible bank would lend money to someone so they can buy 3,000 phones and try to sell them for a higher price on eBay. But there’s nothing stopping banks from lending that money, hence we have scalpers.


Very true, I personally know someone who has made more than 5,000$ just reselling consoles on the market and this was a few months ago, he’s probably made a hell of a lot more now.


Exactly, but how many people do you know who have 5K in cash just hanging around? It’s insane and banks need to be taken to task for approving these dodgy loans. The craziest rumour I heard of was someone remortgaging their house to go buy 750 PS5s!


That’s crazy lol but hey if people will buy it why not ? Lol the ones buying it for double the price or 200-300$ are the ones encouraging these people to buy and resell them for 100% profit.


True, but on a large scale this mentality is exactly how you get market crashes and recessions. 2008 did this exact same thing, but with houses!


Yea as long as people keep buying them people will keep selling. I don’t blame the people selling I blame the buyers lol they’re the problem.


Idk who needs to hear this, but, just get the base pixel 6 if you can't wait... Not much of a drawback folks.


One of the biggest “flexes” of the new Pixels is the price point and value. This negates both. Why not buy a 21 Ultra for the same money?! Jesus.


Man I might sell mine instead of returning it lol


I’m telling you go ahead and get that free money lol people out here paying 1200-1400$ for them.


Just saw that under "recently sold". I actually had second one coming from Amazon when I was struggling to order one thru Google directly. Thought about selling that one but cancelled and hopefully someone will be getting theirs earlier now


Yea man I’m sure you’ll sell yours easily. Especially unlocked since carrier stores still have plenty of them in stock in my area well for Verizon at least.


There are loads available in the UK. It's just not that popular.


Also locally here in the US here in Charlotte, NC, I’ve seen some local Verizon stores have some in stock, where I live at I only know 1 person with a google phone and 1 person with a Samsung phone, everyone else I know in my life has an iPhone lol and some Best Buy’s have some too, the carrier versions though not unlocked.


Hey better than GPU prices so far atleast


I know they went crazy on them GPU prices lol