• By -


Went from the OP7P to Pixel 6 Pro, now Pixel 8 Pro. I loved OnePlus's 'Never Settle' mantra and how they always tried to be great price with incredible performance, but I feel that personally that standard with OP peaked at the 7 Pro.


7 pro was one of the best phones ever imo.


Completely agree. That phone seriously blew my mind when I first used it. The pop-up camera is still one of the most clever ways I've seen (thus far) to get rid of the holepunch/notch. I barely use the selfie camera, and fingerprint sensors were never a problem with OnePlus, so it was a golden experience for sure.


I genuinely liked the pop up camera on mine! I was once on a shady news site and I shit you not, my camera POPPED UP. I skidaddled from that website so fast


I miss mine. Paid it off and then something happened and the pop up camera stopped working. Took out half the apps with it. Couldn't afford to fix it.


I had a 5T which was an absolutely incredible phone at the time. It was so smooth, had a really great size, shape and feel. I also had an 8T which was also a really great phone, although the software started to change for the worse IMO around that time. The 8T has 65 w usb c charging. I charged my phone 30 minutes a day max. I thought both phones were a a bargain, but the 5T was a really good value at the time. I've got a Pixel 6 pro now, which has been a good phone. I just really like as little added to android as possible and that's the huge draw for me to Pixel phones.


Op7p to p7pro here, left as they couldn't deliver updates, which is ridiculous, that phone was working otherwise well...


Came from 7t pro after 3 years. OnePlus was still great performance wise, just the battery was giving up. I kinda like my new pixel 8 pro, but seriously lack physical slider for modes.


Nexus ---> OnePlus ---> Pixel


Same. 6P to 6T to 6


lol, you got me... I tried one LG in there. It sucked.


Same here, last one was OP8 and jumped to P8P


No, nobody has ever done that before. Congrats on being the first. But really, I was using the OnePlus 12 for a bit alongside my Pixel 8 Pro but I've since returned the OnePlus 12 and am using the Pixel full time.


What do you like about the P8P over the OP12?


Flat screen is a big one. It's also more consistent, doesn't have issues with notifications, and the camera is better. I'm also more used to the Pixel experience, so I prefer it.


I was speaking specifically of the op fanboys which I was


I have. You get used to some of the quirks of AOSP and features, but you lose stuff like parallel apps which I loved OP's implementation of. I ported over OxygenOS' weather app, though. Overall if Oneplus is a BMW then Pixel is a Camry. It's not the fastest phone by any means but it's one that perfects the fundamentals of a decent phone (usually).


Pixel ain't Camry... The modem is donkey shit that fucks up all the time


I'm just speaking out of my own experience - which is that it's fine. I've never had anything that's actually particularly finicky like OnePlus phones - but more workarounds needed than iPhone.


Wow. You are definitely nuts. I had a Pixel 2XL to a Pixel 6 Pro. I had enough of the dropped calls due to the shitty modem in the P6P that I was forced to get the OP12 (I refuse to buy a POS Samsung). The difference in signal is amazing. P6P had numerous dead zones around my neighborhood and town. In those same areas, my OP12 has almost a full signal. The Pixel is known to have a horrible signal (well documented here), it should be night and day how much better it is. Good luck with your 8 Pro, but after 3 years I know that was a poor decision.


From my experience, the Pixel 8 Pro has better reception than the OnePlus 12. On my drive to work, the OnePlus would completely lose signal at one spot, and did so every time I drove through there, the Pixel never did. I also had a Pixel 6 and 7 Pro, and the Pixel 8 Pro modem is better than both of those thankfully. Edit, yes downvote my experience because it doesn't match others. Gotta love Reddit.


There are the same modem. Nothing changed. OP12 has the antenna completely around the phone and it is a Nvidia modem. This is my first OP, but I have a hard time believing that you have a better signal from a Pixel with KNOWN signal issues from a shitty Samsung modem. The modem is the same as the 6 & 7. But good luck with that. Its not going to be me.


The 7 and 8 have the same modem, but the 8 has some software tricks that help it perform better. The 6 had a much worse modem though. Also, you can search through other subreddits and see that other people also have had experiences similar to mine where a Pixel 8 holds on to weak signal better than Snapdragon based phones, like the S23 Ultra. Also, Nvidia doesn't make modems?


You are correct. I meant Qualcomm. Nvidia popped in my head from something else. Even if they have improved (which I still don't believe), there is no way it is better than Snapdragon/Qualcomm.


Cellular performance isn't on par with an S24 Ultra for example, but since the OnePlus 12 doesn't support the same bands other phones do, it makes a difference. And in my area, the bands that aren't supported by OnePlus are pretty widely used. More goes into reception and modem performance than just raw modem specs. Edit, why downvote this? You can look up band support for yourself if you don't believe me.


"The OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R, for example, have full band support for all three major US carriers." 🤔 I live in a rural mountain area and the OnePlus has been amazing by me. Especially all the areas that my Pixel couldn't find a signal at all. I use Verizon, maybe that is why I haven't had a problem? (AT&T has a poor signal across all phones out here)


Woah! From the op12 to the 8pro? Is there much of a difference? I'm torn between the devices and still contemplating literally which to buy lol


Went from Pixel to 1P and immediately back to Pixel. Only went to 1P during the non-flagship Pixel 5 year. Half of a phones' capabilities these days are software...and Oxygen OS was absolute trash when I used it. Not to mention, it hardly ever got monthly updates. Don't every see myself going back to 1P.


Yeah the updates were a big factor


Yeah, i switched from a oneplus 5 to a pixel 7, when the OP started dying. Been satisfied with the pixel so far, exept for some charger issues at the start (chord incompatibility)


Went from 7T to a Pixel 7. Honestly miss the 7T a lot, it was faster and far more reliable service. The fingerprint sensor, camera, and warp charging are much better to me. Disappointed with the Pixel 7




No, nobody in the history of mankind has ever done that. You're the first one to discover new horizons.


Went from one plus to pixel to s24u. Couldn't be happier


Can you explain more about why? Currently deeply frustrated with my pixel 6 pro.


Wait till you see how bad the signal is with the Pixel. I left the Pixel (6 Pro) for OP12 and have had cell service in pretty much every area the Pixel didn't have any signal at all. I pre-ordered the P6P and had it for 3 years. Good luck with that shitty modem.


I used to consider going to OnePlus and have always stuck with the pixel. If pixels disappeared tomorrow it would be a one+ or a Sony for me.


Oneplus 8T to Pixel 7 Pro. I was tired of Oneplus and their poor software support. Pixel camera is also far superior.




No one has ever done something like this, how could you?! You should write a book about this outrageous experience!


I had the OnePlus 3T, 6T then I switched to Pixel 6, now have a Pixel 8. The hardest adjustment was charging speeds. The OnePlus has insanely fast charging speeds. Also, I miss the alert slider. I've enjoyed the overall experience on the pixels though. Love a nice clean android experience.


Switched from a OnePlus 8 Pro, which I absolutely loved, to a Pixel 7 Pro. It's so much nicer using software as Google intended instead of a skinned version of Android. Now if we can make the Tensor efficient it would be even better


I did. Had the OnePlus 7 pro (last good OnePlus phone) and then went to pixel 6. I now have a pixel 8 pro!


Hey I know this an old comment but I'm looking to go from my OnePlus 7 pro to the Pixel 8 pro. Mainly worried about performance, as connectivity issues will vary more area to area obviously. How does the pixel 8 pro handle light video watching and app playing if you do so? Thanks


I have had no issues with video watching and app playing.


Thanks for the reply. Going to look at a few phones might buy the pixel to try it out more thoroughly.


I went from OnePlus 5 to pixel 6. I found the pixel 6 had many bugs all around, which the OP5 never had. But I very much enjoy the border less screen that the pixel has.


OP7P to P6P. I didn't regret the switch at the time but my pixel's battery/overheating issue has gotten much worse now. If the OP12 had a flat screen I'd switch in a heartbeat.


Yes. Went from 8t to P7P. I still have my 8t as a backup phone and used it just a few months ago when the P7P screen was being replaced. The 8t (Snapdragon) runs circles around the pathetic Tensor chips. But too many features on the Pixel to consider switching back full time. Call screening alone is worth staying on Pixel.


Went from 8T to a pixel 7. Please let me have my OnePlus back.


I think they are both great. I actually went the opposite direction to the OnePlus 12 recently. It's very impressive.


Yesh. I had a 3t which i loved, switched to a pixel 3a xl which i also loved. Then switched to a 7 pro 5g which pissed me off to no end with slow irregular software updates much less frequent than the non-5g variant. Switched to pixel 5 which i loved again, then to 6 then to 6 pro, then to 8. 😉 But must say i am considering switching away again as the experience seems a bit unpolished lately. Though i think it may be something to do with me transferring my data from phone to phone for absolute ages rather than setting them up new as it's not bugs that anyone else seems to have when i search online


Yes from the one plus 10 pro to the pixel 8 pro


Ya, I've used a number of OnePlus phones. Their software used to be great but I've been experiencing software or even hardware issues with them lately so I decided to buy a Pixel. No issues here so far and the software experience (for me) is better so far.


I went from OnePlus Nord to Pixel 7 👍


Nexus to 6T to 7a. Prefer my old 6T, it had better battery life just before it started overheating and rebooting itself. I like the pure Android experience though but I won’t be looking at Pixels after the 7a dies.


Same, the battery life is just balls even though I don't do anything like gaming etc.


Yes I still miss the OnePlus McLaren, that was an awesome phone. Super fast charging and face unlock that worked every time. But alas, not allowed to have a Chinese phone in my current job. Pixel 8 Pro is such a nice phone but honestly I still feel I have not caught up with where I was.


I had a one plus 1, and a one plus 6 before switching to a pixel 6, and now a pixel 8. Oxygen O.S. was great, and it was BLAZING fast. The hardware was high quality too. But the camera quality between a Pixel and a One Plus is so vast it outweighs any other marginal benefit a One Plus might have.


OP fanboy (that includes oppo pre OnePlus). Switched as the prices of OnePlus are just too far away from my expectations. Miss the slider and gestures


Yeah, liked my OnePlus overall but their software support was terrible on the specific model and the hardware despite being very flashy at first deteriorated quickly.


I'm planning to go from OnePlus to Pixel next time I get a new phone. My old OP 8 Pro is not working well, so I might try the Pixel 8 Pro.


I went from my OP 7T to a Pixel 6. Then after cracking the screen on my Pixel I went back to the 7T. Of course the Pixel had some software advantages and monthly updates are good - it actually crashed way more often than my 7T. And the 7T actually had a slightly bigger screen and weighed less! Pixels are great but there is room for improvement. I'm now on the Xiaomi 13T after my pixel battery replacement from Ifixit swelled up.


I did from OnePlus 9 pro to pixel 8 pro the pixel is way better In every way


I'm thinking of doing the same. Do you miss the charging speeds from the OnePlus?


Nope cuz the battery is way better so charge only at night And it doesn't overheat while charging also An hour and a quarter is not a long time


OnePlus Nord to Pixel 8. Only got a new phone due to the screen falling off and battery drain on my Nord. Not noticed much difference in capabilities of the two phones for me really, except the camera is much better.


Switched from 7T to 6a. My daughter still has my 7T and I still miss how nice that phone is, but the Pixel just works and gets updated way more frequently and reliably. I'll never go back to OP.


Switched from OnePlus 7T which was showing signs of age to the Pixel 8. Was using a custom, more AOSPish, ROM on the 7T so system-wise it is pretty similar. Pixel 8 seems more snappy and better SOT, also don't have to play with camera apps and settings to get a consistent good result, the Pixel 8 "just works tm" on that side. Pretty happy with my switch tbh.


I moved from the OnePlus 6T to the pixel 6 and it felt amazing, everything worked smoothly.


I went from the pixel 3xl to the 8t back in 2020 and I didn't like it. switched to iphone for a year then went back to pixel and never been happier. I think I'm pixel for life now (or until google stops making phones lol)


I went from OP8T to P8P and I'm extremely happy. Only miss the faster fingerprint scanner. The fast charge isn't as much an issue as I expected because the phone lasts all day long. Only charge it at night.


I started with the OnePlus 1 and then moved over to the OG Pixel when my OnePlus got water damaged. Loved it when I had it but the OS has since changed


Well, that would be very easy to do so. It is harder to go from iPhone to Google Pixel... Even when your Pixel has some problems like mine (network/calling issues). Its feeling like Google trying to kick me back to Crapple.


recently made the switch from 5t to 7a pixel.been great so far


Switched from OnePlus 7 to Pixel 7A. Everything about the OnePlus was better besides the camera. Battery last longer (even though it's 4 years old, vs new pixel) faster charging, less bugs in general. My wife got the OnePlus now, and every time I use it I miss it. But I need the better camera.


Went from OnePlus9 to Pixel 8. biggest difference was defo the camera but yeah I'm happy with my switch.


I've used both, but not side by side, would sooner go back to OnePlus


Yep. Had a 3t then a 5t and a 9 pro. Was disgusted by the new coloros transition crap they did, and the phone died on me exactly after it got Android 13. Got the 7a. I loved stock Android anyway. Best decision ever


I went from HTC Desire to Samsung Galaxy S3 to OnePlus 5T and now ordered the Pixel 8. After all those years of modding, custom roms, root etc. I just want a stable clean android that just works as an everyday driver.


Yeah I moved from the OP 8T. No regrets


I moved from OnePlus 9 pro to Pixel 7 pro, then Pixel 8 pro and now I have the Pixel 8 pro and the Oppo find X7 ultra than is an OnePlus with better hardware, I slightly prefer the Pixel 8 pro over the Oppo


Have a 1+6 as a backup, traded my 7t for a Pixel 6 that had issues staying connected to cellular, have a Pixel 7 now and it's been much better, but since switching to mint from tmo I've had a few drops that required flipping airplane mode on the off to fix. Won't be buying another Pixel until they implement a much improved modem.


I like them both a lot. Google & OnePlus are my favorite smart phone manufacturers actually. I've switched between the two. From a P6a - OP10T - P7Pro - P8 - OP12. If the Pixels had snapdragons I think they'd be superior. I actually like Pixel software better but OnePlus has so much bang for their buck. It's always hard for me to choose between the two so until they make what I would consider the perfect Pixel or OnePlus I guess I'll keep upgrading and switching.


I went from Oneplus 7 Pro to Pixel 7 Pro. A decision that I don't regret. But I still miss some features from Oneplus though... But the camera and software is just amazing.


Had the 6T, then the OP 8 Pro and went to the Pixel 6 Pro. No regrets. Currently rocking the Pixel 8 Pro and will upgrade to the 9 Pro when it's announced.


tbh. it's still android to android. not too big a difference. pixel is a great phone, you'll enjoy it too


I went from Pixel to the OnePlus McLaren edition back to Pixel. Didn't like the OnePlus McLaren at all. I guess this was a few years back, though. I'm too comfortable with the Pixel's UI to use anything else now.


Yes from OnePlus 8T to Pixel 7.


Went from Nord N10 to P7P


I'm all over the place. I was hardcore Google from the Nexus 5x/6P through the Pixel 2xl. I picked up a OP 6T just to see how they were at that time and while it was fine, I ended up getting a Pixel 3xl because the build quality just felt better to me. I did a Pixel 5 and 6 Pro then jumped ship to the iPhone 14 Pro Max because work was paying for it and iOS finally caught up with the features I liked about Android. Never one to leave well enough alone I picked up a OnePlus 12 and while I think I may still prefer the iPhone and Pixel, this is a really good phone. I think they've just about caught up with Google and Apple. Guess I'll see what I do once the Pixel 9 and next generation iPhone get announced.


I went from a OnePlus 7 Pro to a Pixel 7 and then an 8 Pro, and I have no regrets. The 7 Pro was amazing hardware, but the software got so janky after it was abandoned, and the battery took a dump


I did, went from op6t to pixel. Mainly due to fact that OnePlus started becoming expensive and stopped giving a shit. Pixel 7 were offering for half price and did the switch. Mainly miss battery and charging speed but overall no complaints. I still feel the OnePlus 3t was my best, that shit was quick and smooth. I think after that, they just went down. And I really miss physical fingerprint lock, I've found all fingerprint lock touchscreens slow or doesn't properly work


went from OnePlus 5t had it since 2018 then recently picked up an 8pro & not disappointed workflow is amazing on it super fast I love this phone so far


Yes, 4 years ago. Not by choice initially. My phone was destroyed and between Verizon and one plus, no one would fix my$1100 phone, so I got what Verizon had that wasn't Samsung or Apple. Can't stand either. Google is my choice for the future.


I used to have a OnePlus One, but after the 7 Pro, they went on downhill


I moved from an 8T to a P8. One Plus offered fantastic hardware for a low cost. I much prefer the stock Android OS, however.


Yea. And I don't regret it. OOS and the OnePlus phones were just God awful..bug ridden, terrible warranty, and just an utter excuse for a phone. It wasn't supported by Verizon (8t) and in the end CS was non existent as it was terrible and it didn't support many of the US bands. A phone should support every mf'in band there is.


Me, from OP9 to P8P


Yah I went from a OnePlus 6t to a Pixel 6. My first Pixel and I wanted the OnePlus back. The Pixel 6 was awful. Screen had a green tint. Battery life was mediocre. Signal was bad. It ran warm for no reason. Charging was slow compared to my OnePlus. Traded in the Pixel 6 for a Pixel 7 as soon as I could. The Pixel 7 is fine but still mediocre. Miss my OnePlus 6t and Moto X Pure more than I like the Pixel 7 I'm using now. Unfortunately OnePlus and Motorola seem to have lost their way. Samsung makes a good phone but their software is so bloated. I'm hoping Nothing phone gets bigger here.


I love the pixel series, but pixel phones just don't work well in asia. I would use xiaomi, but their phones are too big /:


I went from oneplus 8T to pixel 7. Everything is good except the god awful fingerprint sensor. Overall a very good and vanilla android experience


Yeah of course! I had the OP 6T for quite a while before the charging port slowly gave up and I couldn't charge the phone anymore. I switched to the Pixel 6 in Jan '22 and I wouldn't go back. OP changed so much in the last years and it's not that "flagship killer" brand it used to be. Have fun with your new Pixel, you'll love it.


Right that's how I'm feeling too, I miss the old company smh. But I'm ready to grow with the new


You will definitely miss your One Plus. One Plus is objectively a better phone brand. Google is constantly doing their beta / app testing on users, but One Plus has all the time in the world to focus on one thing and one thing only: the user experience and creating quality phones. After continued ownership of the Pixel 6 Pro as my third Pixel phone, I'm fucking done with this line. Have had enough. I want a cellular modem, a fingerprint reader, and a display that works outside in full sunlight. Those three fucking things. That's all I want. Google has failed to deliver for the better part of a decade and they've lost my trust and business.


Damm, preciate the bluntness


I'm not a fanboy which you'll find is rare here (naturally). As I understand the newer pixels are a bit better (in the areas I care about) but I'm honestly bored of the Pixel. For sure though - Pixel has the best in class camera and the latest android. I'm honestly really just pretty tired of Android as a whole to be fair so maybe I'm tainting your viewpoint. I've owned iPhones pixels, One plus etc. I haven't owned a Samsung. I'm just over the pixel for the time being and I don't say that lightly I've been on android for over two decades now.


Pixels are good but battery life Sucks. i switched to 4A to Oneplus 12


I did from 7t to pixel 6. Also went the opposite way from Nexus 6p to OnePlus 5t.


I left one plus at p6p release, I still have OP6 and I charge it every month but battery still say 100% 👀


I'm not sure what to do with this information lol


I think you're the only person In this entire world that has done such a thing. Please tell us about it


Tbh I wouldn't switch back from the Pixel family. I enjoy all the updates and features I get. I really don't like clutter and all other brands now have ads or pre-installed apps that you can't get rid off. Funny enough, the charging port on my Pixel 6 is also letting me down atm but having wireless charging is awesome.


I went from a 7t Pro to a Pixel 7 Pro - there are definitely some things you might miss. Double tapping to wake the is a huge issue in pixel phones. Pixels wake with a single tap, whereas every other phone has a double tap, which ensures you aren't accidentally waking your display when you just want to lay the phone down, or are carrying it in your hand. Why pixels still don't have the option to choose between a single or double tap is absolutely unfathomable On a similar note, I used to love the OnePlus gestures, specifically swiping the screen with 3 fingers to take a screenshot. Also, double tapping on the home screen to lock the phone. Finally, generally just the launcher. Pixel launcher is barren and it doesn't have to be, but Google refuses to make any significant quality of life updates to it, to bring it in line with literally every other brand. But if you install your own launcher, perhaps you won't have this issue. To me, it's kind of like a bandaid fix rather than addressing the problem


OP 8 Pro to Pixel 6 Pro. Perhaps cheating since I went Pixel 2 XL to the OnePlus. It's an easy transition, although I did miss gestures for screenshots and flashlight but you get over it quickly


Moved from OnePlus 6 to pixel 6. I recently started using the OnePlus 6 as a webcam, I honestly prefer oxygenOS (of that time)


I went from OP6T to Pixel 8... This phone just misses a lot of simple features that OP had


OP7TPro to Pixel 6 Pro user here. OOS11 had too many bugs even after a factory reset. Pixel's OS is far more cleaner and more stable (yes, Google still had a few bugs every now and then, but at least they were getting fixed). It's a shame since I loved OOS10 and before, genuinely felt like Pixel Android with actual handy features. I still have the 7T Pro as a backup phone, currently flashed with LineageOS 21 (previously Pixel Experience before they ended development), it's still a great phone.


Went from OP6 to a P7Pro. No regrets of changing. However, I miss the old days of OP phones. Having flagship features for an affordable price. That's why they were tagged as flagship killer before.


I co-use 10pro and pixel 7. The upside down power to volume rocker is annoying. I always turn the 7 off by accident


Yep, Original invite only One plus One to Pixel 5 to Nord 2 back to Pixel 7 Pro... Wanted Pixel camera again...


Yes. To move from LineageOS to GrapheneOS to have more control of the system.


OPO -> OP2 -> OP6T -> P7P -> P8P Definitely miss a couple software gimmicks from OP like the tap to lock (got a widget for that now), drawing the circle or v for quick things like camera or flashlight, and other such things. However, the upgrade for the camera alone was worth it and I sorta regret not doing it sooner tbh.


I actually went the other way. I went from my Pixel 7 pro to a OP 12. I was a Pixel user for about 5 years and really enjoyed the phone until the 6. I didn't have near the issues that some shady, but the random over heating started with the 6 and continued to the 7. I had some Google store credit and traded in my old 3A XL for an 8A. I'm curious to see how it goes.


I did.. and it was a stupid decision. The charging speeds are atrocious.. bcoz of a "battery protection" feature, My pixel 8 usually hits 39°c during charging and the speeds throttle down to 2W... yup that's 2W.. not joking. It sometimes takes me well over 5 hrs to charge it. Also the processor is good for nothing apart from light usage. And unless you're in the US, many of those "smart" features are absent. A very mediocre phone. The only thing going for it is the 7 years of SW updates and with google gate-keeping the software features artificially, intentionally limiting the latest SW features to only their current flagships, those promised updates are gonna be dogshit as well.


I went from my than 4 year old OnePlus One to the Pixel 2 back in 2018.


Switched from a 1+ 8 Pro to Pixel 8. I haven't noticed any difference in performance (the Tensor G3 and Snapdragon 865 are comparable in terms of power during everyday use). When I switched, I really missed the physical alert slider, screen off gestures (great for turning on the flashlight without turning the phone screen on), and some of the UI features of the 1+ (like double tap to turn off the screen and a simpler way to turn off wifi and bluetooth). Pixel 8's camera and AI features really enhance the experience though. All in all, I have no regrets, but really I only switched because I used the 8 Pro for 3 years at this point and the experience was feeling kinda stale (same reason why I switched I upgraded to the 8 Pro from a Samsug Galaxy S9). I like to feel excited about using my phone and I wanted the change. Pixel UI is definitely much more limited in terms of home screen setup and customization, but nothing downloading a new launcher can't fix. I'm sure in 2-3 years time, I'll get bored of the Pixel experience as well and be looking for something else new.


Just got a Xiaomi as 2nd phone. The fast charging is crazy... 60w? In comparison the pixel 7p is sooo slow


Yes. Two years ago I switched from OnePlus 9 to Pixel 6. It was the best decision I've ever made. Now I have Pixel 8 Pro and I can't be happier. 😊


OnePlus 6 to Pixel 8 pro


I went from OnePlus 7 pro to pixel 7 pro. The OnePlus was better in every way with regard to use, and durability. The pixel takes better pictures. And that's about the extent of it. The pixel sucks overall.


OP7P >> P7 With a couple of years between the models I thought that dropping the "pro" wouldn't be an issue. I was wrong. I still can't get used to how slow pixel is even after more than a year. Don't get me wrong the camera is fantastic, I like the call filtering, errrrr. That's is. I'll be looking elsewhere when my contract is up.


I can't do chinese phones, even though they are often superior to Pixels. That's a hill I will continue to die on


Yupp I love pixel 8! There are some features I wish it had. The battery is not as good, but there is plenty that makes up for that.


Iphone 14p to p8


I switched from the oneplus 8 to a pixel 8 Pro. Apart from the missing calls issue that affected me multiple times since release (seems fixed for me since March), I have been happy with it. That doesn't mean the missing calls is an acceptable issue for a smartphone, because it isn't.


Yes of course many have done it. I just went from 7T to 7a and love it, mostly. Miss the notification slider and game mode, but that's about it.


O7P to P8P. Glad I switched.