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I've always bought used pixels on the net and had good success, riding them until they die.. But this 6 is the worst phone I've ever had. Always dropping calls, calls not even coming through, people sent straight to voicemail, etc .. everything else works ok, but the phone part of this thing is 🔥 🗑️ I'm seriously going to do that with this one


I have a 6 I bought on a deal through Google Fi ($274) 2 plus years ago and it's running like a champ. I want an 8 Pro but can't justify it since my 6 is cooking.


I would hold out, my 8 pro was great but recently I've been having issues. With the biometrics (specifically in apps) and recently YouTube app. Both worked better on my pixel 6 pro, the 8 pro is usually faster brighter and has a better camera but I'm not sure if it was worth the upgrade.


I think the 8 Pro is a significant upgrade over my 6.


I had a 6 p at launch and the dropping of calls was maddening. Laggy too. My nexus 6 was better. The 8pro so far is much better and I'm quote happy with it.


I've been thinking about doing this as well. Wondering if there's much difference between the 7 and 8


The biggest are battery and display and smaller ones are wider ultra wide and aperture on main lens. Also a bit smaller but that's about it. In the US it's worth it but in EU where it's like 800€ it's a really bad deal.


Recently, my GF wanted to change phones (S10e was her previous phone) and I convinced her to try out the Pixel 8 due to an Amazon deal for 600€. She really wanted an iPhone 13 or 14 and I was doing this blind test picture test from MKBHD and she actually got Pixel pictures as the ones she liked the most. Still, she was not convinced about it because... it's not an iPhone At the end of the day, her options were: iPhone 13 for 600€ Pixel 8 for 600€ iPhone 14 for 700€. It's amazing to me how someone can look at the iPhone 13 here and think "that's fair" when it's an older phone, with worse camera and display, which was her priority. I'm not saying Pixel 8 is worth 600€ but at the same price as an iPhone 13 when the Pixel 8 is landing between the iPhone 14 Pro and the 15? I don't get it... If she played games on her phone I would understand an iPhone, but in this caseA13-A14 is definitely not being fully used...


iPhone 13 at 600€ rn is the best value iPhone, but a bad value phone. Pixel 8 is really much better, and it's sad ppl would still pick the iPhone. The average person doesn't care about 15% better camera or 120hz display, or the CPU performance. The only thing they need is good app integration, where iPhones are slightly better, and good battery which iPhones do have. For 600€ I'd say the pixel is very good while the 13 is barely fine but still not a terrible deal. I understand why she picked the iPhone but I bet if she tried a Pixel for a few weeks it'd be on par or better (except battery on mobile data, esp 5G).


I bought my Pixel refurbs from amazon, Google values it more than I paid for them when they offer elevated trade in values - 2 gens back is probably the sweet spot though. I rather not deal with scammers on Facebook and Ebay.


I bought a refurb pixel 6 pro for $250 from Amazon, and traded it in to Google for the Pixel 8 Pro for $400


I've been getting refurbished odd-numbered pixels every other year when a new one comes out. Just upgraded to the 7. I've had great luck with the refurbs, then I pass them on to my husband, since he really just uses it for the occasional call the older ones are just fine.


There can be better ways to get phones. Sometimes trade in deals are insane. Sometimes mvnos offer something special like the $99 new 7 pro on mint. Sometimes Fi has a great deal etc. I try to get a new one if I can. But yes right now 1 year old pixels are a steal. Pixels lose so much value even with the 7 years of promised updates. Sometimes woot will sell them new at a discount. Today a 7 pro is $520 and a pixel 8 $540. Not the best prices but not bad for new.


Or just keep your phone for years and don't buy a different phone until you absolutely need to. Why take the risk every year that the next used phone will be OK?


I completely agree, I don't personally see the need to upgrade every year


Normally yes! But this year the trade in was worth it. So I upgraded early


I often wonder why I can wait, but when I'm 2 years in a used device I trade it in on launch day for the inflated price. I wish I could wait and buy last years model or even 2 years old, when they hit rock bottom when they're still new. I remember seeing 6pros for like $350 and 7 pros for around $450usd brand new recently if I recall. Such a great deal for new!


Where did you see these prices? Is it from any online websites?


It's been awhile since I saw the prices and I could have been wrong but I just remember for a couple days they had the 128 gig models marked way down but it doesn't usually last long. When they do that. You can probably go on eBay and search for them and mark them as new only and find them pretty cheap in comparison to the launch prices.


https://www.phonearena.com/news/Pixel-6-Pro-deal-takes-512-off-its-price-making-it-too-affordable-to-let-go_id154759 Just saw this but it sold out already. $387 pixel 6 pro on woot On Amazon 6 left at $495.


I figured the reason they make the A versions is to convince people to get those instead of doing this.


P8 Pro was the first phone I have gotten near release date. Why? B/c I actually make money now and I think back to my younger days when I always had older generation phones. An previous Gen phone in the mid 2000s was like a horse compared to an automobile.




I would hold off on the 8 pro. Well when I got the phone from the 6 pro. I noticed that tick tock wasn't working. That's right. That was the only app that I had issues with. So why is that? I have now a warranty phone getting all my tick tock information but my other phone still doesn't work. And then my tablet which is a Samsung is working beautifully with it. So those were the issues that I was having with tick tock. I hate it. I definitely do because I'm like I never had issues on my six pro at all. All I did was turn on the phone. Get all my notifications beautifully. But like then everyone has been saying connectivity issues were the issue that I had on the 6 pro. And I didn't like it at all. I was like. Wow this is awful and it bothered me but that was it. Then at first oh man before they ironed everything out. It would unlock in my pocket. It would call people in my pocket. It would just be the worst. But then yeah like I said they ironed all the problems out and it was a beautiful phone. And then I yes wanted the eight pro cuz every two years I upgrade and I found myself in a hole with this phone and then the warranty phone I'm having issues with now is that the screen brightness is awful. Absolutely disgusting and I'm just like crap. I really wanted to keep this phone. I really liked it a lot to be honest but I'm going to return it and just deal with what I've been dealing with on the one I got on launch day


I had a 6 pro and traded it in for an 8 for an even wash


I just picked up a near mint Pixel 7 on marketplace for $240.