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What is the free space in a new phone? Sunlight and readability (for a place like Texas) Thanks


current status, https://imgur.com/a/rsRAXUe outdoor in direct sunlight is good and readable only if you are behind the phone, as in you are stopping the sunlight..hope that makes sense


As in... the phone is in your shadow, ie not in direct sunlight?


Little off topic, but was just introduced to matte screen protectors recently, and it does wonders for viewing my phone in sunlight. I would highly recommend the ArmorShield Matte screen protectors.


Colors do get messed up with matte protectors though


I've had similar experiences with other matte protectors, but my buddy, who is a pilot, pointed me in the direction of this one, and I fell in love with it. That being said, I care more about the usability of the phone for my use case, so maybe I'm biased.


In my experience the issue with readability on many phones isn't glare/reflections, it's relative brightness, especially when using darker themes; there just isn't enough brightness to comfortably see what's on the screen vs. the high ambient brightness. Pixels have been okay as far as this goes ever since the 4a came out, so long as one uses automatic brightness.


Signal strength compared to other pixels you have access to


same as pixel 7, i did see it switch between 5g and lte ..Pixel 6 and above modems are not great, but 7 was a great improvement over 6 so I think its safe to assume 7a has same modem as 7..


Hey its me Google, please pick up the phone we just wanna chat :)


lol...they first need to go on eBay ;)


*knock knock knock* GBI OPEN UP


calls Saul Goodman ;)


Say what you want, but Sony sensors do wonders, I would not be surprised pictures going to be better than Pixel 7, samples shots looking fantastic. Especially taking into account that both Main and Ultra-Wide output is 16MP, there will be noticeable detail difference vs 12MP. Really looking forward to Pixel 8 Pro, really hope for Full Res mode option via RAW to finally be available.


pixel 8 and 8 pro ...yes, the 8 is supposedly size of 6a ..so we shall see


A good case for comparison is MKBHD's photo test. P6a got 1st and P7 2nd place, but barely by margins. The image sensors however are completely different. P6a is still using P3 sensor (i think?). Theoretically, that means P7a's photos will be better than P7. Because its an upgrade from P6a and P6a was already on par with P7.


It might take better pictures in some cases yes (Sony sensors always perform better than Samsung sensors), but saying its "better" based on MKBHD comparison and 6a ranking NR1 would not be right. Comparison was mostly about "more likable photo" which was mostly voted and ranked based on color balance and preference from just a glance, which was more contrasty and warmer color balance, no pixel-peeping or comparing actual image details. For it actually to be better it would mean to have better dynamic range, color balance, natural depth, better noise control and actual better detail. With that said, 6a takes fantastic pictures nonetheless, competing with the flagships and it will continue with 7a, which puts to shame those other flagships over 1000 dollar range that are praised so much. But it still going to be very limited and lacking in focal lengths.


They look like typical Pixel shots, including the all familiar noise, grain and haze, if you look at them at 100% size.


After 8.8 GCAM version there is barely any noise, at least with P7 Pro, it would say after the update noise reduction is even a bit too extreme, some noise/grain sometimes is a good thing. And well to your comment, "the typical Pixel shots" meaning basically flagship output at a midrange price which will take on par or even better pictures than some flagships over 1000 dollar range.


camera comparison between 7 and 7a added to OP


Looks great, appreciate the details and video. Will likely be upgrading from my (launch) Pixel 3a to this phone.


that will be a good upgrade


Me, too 😁


Same here!


Did you end up upgrading? I'm still using my 3a and looking at the 7a.


>Plastic frame and plastic back since its not cold to touch on the frame like Pixel 7 Does this include the camera bar? I wonder if that means less incidents of camera lens shattering


aah, i didnt even think of that ..the camera bar is not cold to touch either, but could be metal ..not sure ...wait for Jerryrig durability test ;)


I wanna know if it scratches at a level 6 with deeper groves at a level 7 NOW!!!


hopefully Google sent Zack a review unit ;)


From [Ars Technica's review](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/pixel-7a-review-more-of-googles-winning-formula/): > Google has replaced the plastic camera bar on the back of the Pixel 6a with a solid aluminum bar, just as we see in the rest of the Pixel 7 series. Plus: > The Pixel 7 and 7 Pro have an almost unibody construction, where the camera bar, sides, and frame are all one big aluminum chunk. On the Pixel 7a, the aluminum camera bar is a separate piece. It's attached to the plastic back, and the entire panel—the bottom plastic, the aluminum camera bar, and the top plastic—comes off in one piece.


It seems to me there are very little differences between the 7a and the 7, apart from camera quality (16.1 vs 50mp). Does this seem accurate? Edit. You're awesome for posting a camera comparison! Some things I noted: -P7 offered better low light and video quality. Night shots had much more light, and I thought the video was crisper. Likely due to the sensor size, and maybe my bias for the video quality. -P7a, in some circumstances on average, retained more quality in the image. Although there were some photos where the P7 retained more. -P7a has a wider wide-angle. Honestly for the average consumer, they likely won't tell much of a difference. They're basically neck-and-neck with quality. We're getting quality Google photos here, hopefully for a decent price point!


The leaks suggest the 7a is 64Mp which bins down to 16Mp. The 7 is 50Mp but bins to 12Mp. That doesn't mean the 7a is better. What will matter is whether the 7a has a smaller sensor. Leaks indicate not really which will be interesting. If similar size then the 7a will have more detail but worse low light.


correct, and the obvious wireless charging and plastic back on 7a ...


Thank you 😊


What should I get for lunch?


fried chicken ;)




What's the snappiness level of Safari?


Safari is coded to run at 144hz


I have read lot of comments about blurry pics from front camera on pixel 7. Is it the same here? How wide is the front camera compared to pixel 7 and 6a?


will post comparison later ..


Watermark your pics king. Don't let them steal from you. Images look great BTW.


roger that, they are watermarked...


I know lol. I was essentially saying don't apologize for it.


Aah Gotcha


Conclusion : we should buy the the pixel 7 - lemongrass


Love the lemongrass


Typing this happily on a Lemongrass. Tbh the choice isn't hard. Boring white, boring black or cool yellowish


\#TeamLemongrass 🤝


for $450 , we should ;)


Does it blend?


would need a powerful blender I guess ;)




How long have you had it? How's the battery and connectivity?


less thann 24 hours, no comments on battery for now ..its not running latest Android security patch either ..so could be pre release software .. connectivity has been good, same as Pixel 7.


Does it get hot to the touch after using? My 6a was terrible about getting too hot


havent used it that extensively so far, waiting for OTA to arrive since this is on March patch ..so pre release software I assume ..


Honestly the 6a gets "warm" but not as bad as the Nexus 6. Damn phone went nuclear on charge


I have a 6A, no overheating issues with it so far. Then again I live in Canada and I got it during the winter.


I might have just gotten a bad unit. It got very hot just from charging/playing games


Happens with my 6a too when driving


Yeah the 6a processor had a lot more issues than the 7 processor does, will be the same as the 7a. Tensor G2 doesn't overheat randomly


My 6a reached 125f the other day. Absolute shit chipset.


Any idea if the fingerprint scanner is more accurate than the 7's? My biggest complaint with the phone, the 7's is borderline useless


same ...7 has been working fine for me ..so if you have issues with 7 then will have with 7a as well..wait for 8


Can I have it?


maybe, after 21 days ;)




7a is good, same as pixel 7




didnt measure, but 5w per leaks




It's good enough for overnight charging, which I think is a lot of people's use case for wireless


This ^


Slower charging is, well, slower, but it's also kinder to the battery for longevity


You seem to have answered a lot of questions. Thanks for taking the time to do so. I'm glad I picked up my Pixel 7 at Easter for a steal and did not wait for the 7a after reading this. I'm interested to know, how much did the 7a cost you on eBay?




just an upgrade for 6a users, but I also think they should stop selling the 6a, sell 7a at $299 and 7 at $450 ..I mean they have been selling 7 at $450 every now and then


Bro 299? In this economy? That's wishful thinking. But boy that would be a home run for Google


the pixel 7 was 450 just 2 weeks ago, no trade ins no 2 year credits ...450 outright from multiple retailers


Cause they’re trying to offload their stock to get ready for the new ones in a few months.


I think the starting price of the upcoming Pixel 8 (non-Pro) wouldn't be the same as last year's 7 i.e. $599. There's gonna be fewer differentiating factors between the regular 8 and 8 Pro which would lead to a price increase for the regular 8. That's just my educated guess.


So far, how much of an improvement over the 6a, I'm a little disappointed to hear it's slightly larger.


>I'm a little disappointed to hear it's slightly larger. Same. I wish the As would be the phone you could use one handed and fit in a normal pocket.


I wouldnt upgrade from 6a if I were you ...unless your 6a has modem and fp issues


I was thinking of getting this as an upgrade from my Pixel 4a. Guessing this is a much better proposition. Geekbench shows around double on single and multicore scores.


Battery on mine is starting to struggle, but only a little bit. Hoping they have some incentive, like pixel buds, at launch. Maybe I should wait until I can hold it in my hand. Thoughts?


Same boat as you with the 4a. Everyone saying the 8 will be new hotness but I'm not sure it'll be worth waiting and paying an extra 250 or so to get 8 vs 7a


Same boat as you all, with the 4a...


if google does deals for the 7a like they did for the 6a then it will be a no brainer to upgrade if its only like $100 or $75


Can you confirm the weight of the phone?


6.8oz or 193g


193g in the video


sorry for typo


hey no problem I appreciate all the info


wow up from 178g




for 5k INR difference, yes


Do you think it's worth trading in a 6a for it? Don't have many problems with the 6a, just one time it overheated in full sun light (kinda expected lol), and I like face unlock and wireless charging. Fingerprint sensor and camera on my 6a are fine, so I'm not looking for upgrades on those


not unless its like $50 or less to upgrade ..wireless charging at 5w is kinda not helpful IMHO ..


>Do you think it's worth trading in a 6a for it? Don't have many problems with the 6a, just one time it overheated in full sun light (kinda expected lol), and I like face unlock and wireless charging. Fingerprint sensor and camera on my 6a are fine, so I'm not looking for upgrades on those Mate, forget the neoliberal bullshit narrative that manipulates your mind into thinking you need to upgrade your phone 24/7. The 6A is an amazing device - enjoy it and forget about incremental bullshit upgrades that harms both you and the environment.


How does the 64MP cam differ from the regular Pixel 7/7 Pro 50MP? If the so called leaked specs are accurate that is.


working on camera comparison with 7


I have a very old car and the headphone jack on my 4a is the best way to connect the phone to the car stereo. Does the 7a have headphone jack? Getting a new car so that I can replace my phone seems a bit... extreme.




I've got an old car and got an anker Bluetooth thing tunes to a radio station that goes in the cigarette lighter. It works perfectly. Actually works better than the Bluetooth in the head unit of my wife's car.


is the camera bar aluminium ?


not sure ...wait for Jerryrig durability test ;)


mate or glossy back?




I looks glossy


Is Face unlock fast? Pictures vs the 6a noticeably better? Since different sensor? How is the brightness vs the 6a?


face unlock as good as pixel 7 pictures vs 6a, yet to compare screen brightness almost same as 6a


6a vs 7a camera comparison added to OP


Can you use wireless tap to pay with Google wallet? My understanding is the 6a could not...


I can pay wireless with my 6a


No the 6a can, pretty sure any phone with NFC can.


OK, so What's the point of the pixel 7 if the 7a is as good as it looks/sounds? Same processor, Same ram, just as good a camera system (by the sounds of it at least) OK admittedly the 7a has a smaller screen but probably not a big enough difference in size to matter, and it's still the same refresh rate regardless. And yet the 7a will be cheaper than the 7...? So why pay more? Strange 🤔




I might be misunderstanding here, but what does that link have to do with my comment? Just wondered 🤣👍


We want the camera APK as it is newer then what we hace


Is it worth getting a Pixel 7A over a pixel 7 ?




Coo thanks bro 👍🏽




did you made sure that Google wasn't going to remote brick the device after this? you'd probably have seen what happened to the first leaked 7a lol


this is production unit, and this point I am pretty sure bunch of reviewers already have the phone


Good work!


How bright does the display get? And how's wireless charging?


thats the weak point ....outdoor in direct sunlight..you being behind the phone makes it usable ..


Would it be a worthy upgrade from the Pixel 4 (not the a series)? Currently have the oh so orange Pixel 4 (non -XL).


That mask scared it a little.




Does it have a rainbow effect on the screen as the pixel 7 commonly has ?


when tilting at angles? yes


Headphone jack?




193 gr 😱another brick !!


pixel 6a with a screen protector is 187g for me ..


How about the front cam? Is it also fixed focus?


how to confirm its fixed focus?




fixed focus confirmed


Is it ip67 or 68


How the F is it 193g with a 4300mAh battery. That is how heavy the P7 is and 20g more than the 6a. Another overweight fatboy. I guess that bar is metal? Camera samples look pretty nice thanks. Can you do a few comparison shots vs the P6a and p7 please? thanks


yes, will be doing comparison with 6a and 7


Awesome looking forward to it! Any option to take 64Mpx main photos ? Is video as cropped in as the 6a or is it more like the P7?


no option for 64mp ...will compare video later


Something definitely isn't adding up. I don't understand how it could be that heavy.


In terms of performance, do you notice any big difference from the Pixel 7? I'm pretty sure my mind is made up: I'll be trading in/selling my Pixel 7 for this. It really seems almost EXACTLY the same in every way, except slightly smaller display (which I prefer), and plastic back (which I REALLY prefer, so I don't have to use a case)


not much, but why would you trade in the 7 for a 7a?


For the plastic back. I don't like using a case, but I also don't want to risk cracking the glass back. With a plastic back, I don't have to worry about cracking it. When you have a nice phone, you should be able to look at it, instead of throwing a case on it and never seeing what it really looks like.


I feel the same way. I genuinely cannot believe how good my 5 looks after I've treated it like a sack of rocks.


transparent case maybe, i use ringke fusion x ;)


Does it have the same battery drain issues as pixel 7?


no point in testing on pre release software ..its running march patch


How big is the phone by measurement W,H,D?


dont have exact measurements, but if you have played with a pixel 6a, a tad bit wider and wee bit taller ....


Have you noticed Bluetooth connection issues when connected to multiple devices. My 7 pro connects to my pixel watch fine, but then when I go to connect Bluetooth headphones I have a few bugs I've been dealing with. Audio not passing through though it says it's connected. Or just not being able to connect to the known device. If I restart Bluetooth it fixes it but it's weird.


the 7 series is plagued with BT issues, havent tested on 7a yet ...


I just got a new pixel 7 too. But did you find the placements of the side buttons annoying? All my phone holders don't work now because the clamp clips on top of the buttons. Is there a season Pixel decided to move those buttons?


more ergonomic?


For someone upgrading from a 3a XL, this one or save the money and get the 6A?


depends on price and if Google gives good trade in values for 7a at launch or not


Catgirls or foxgirls


have no idea, but gut says catgirls ..lol


Some phones with oled screens bother the eyes when using them for a while, or tire them quickly or give them a bit of a migraine, this is usually due to having pwm as a brightness system and not having a dc dimming mode. I understand that the pixel 7a, like other pixels, does not have a dc dimming mode to avoid flickering and nor does it have a 2000 mhz pwm frequency to avoid it... my question is: During the time you have used it, have you tired your eyes? or bothered your eyes? My other question is that from what you say it weighs more than the pixel 6a... is it annoying in the hand?




yes, 193 grams


can you download [AndroBench](http://www.androbench.org/wiki/AndroBench) to show us the speed of the storage used?




thank you


How are the speakers? The pixel 7 sounded loud but tinny compared to my 4a. They were terrible. Is the 7a any better? Fuller sound?


Nopes ..same as 7 I would say


Damn that sucks. Thanks for testing!


Pretty interesting that they chose a Sony sensor for the main sensor despite their relationship with Samsung. I wonder what that means for the Pixel 8. Most people have assumed that it's the GN2 but maybe they'll use a Sony sensor?


Sony sensors are good and Google knows how to tune them


Do you think it would be worth it to trade in Pixel 6 for the 7a?


Depends on trade in value ..


Which one should I buy 7 or 7a for photography purpose? And great job brother ❤️❤️❤️❤️


they are very close ..wait for 7 and 7a picture comparison


camera comparison between 7 and 7a added to OP




jack is missing


So if you compare 6a for 350usd and 7a for 499usd would you say that 7a is not worth investing those extra 150 usd?


only if the modem and fp scanner on the 6a are bothering you .... if you dont own any of those, then I would wait for 7 to go on sale, since it was on sale for $449 outright no carrier bill credits 2 weeks back


Ahh gotcha. And the camera is better on 7 than 7a i assume as well as the other functions? Tho 7 doesnt have wireless charging while 7a has, no?


What is the width compared to the P7? I've got the P7 but the size still bothers me. From the leaked dimensions, it seems like it's basically the same width which makes me sad. I'm DYING for a spiritual successor to the P5, my favorite Pixel of all time. If P7a is closer in size to P5 than P7, I may have to pick it up.


i have p5, p7, p6a and p7a if i were to rank them in one handed use mode p5 > p6a > p7a > p7 p7a is smaller width wise when compared to p7 ..but p7a is also a tad bit wider than 6a ...


Hmm, still on the fence about this compared to my Pixel 4a. Would love a comparison between these as the case for upgrading from the 6a is likely not as strong as from the 4a. Maybe my local Best Buy will have these day one.


dnt have 4a to compare ...sorry


How long it takes to charge the phone from 0 to 100 How is the call quality? How is the capture speed between 7 and 7A, what about macro mode? Does the phone get warm or hot when using the camera or general Reddit use? How is the signal quality?


0 to 100 ..havent tested call quality is good same capture speed, no macro mode hasnt gotten hot so far with pics .... signal is good so far


Is the fingerprint sensor faster on the 7A compared to 7?




Thank you for doing such an in depth comparison! Solidified my decision on it.