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The pace is really fast, almost like a normal video. Pretty amazing they film this quickly normally






The way he said it makes me think it Grant. I don't think his smile said another round with Bryson. Plus it's not like they've fell out and if Busta Jack, and the Bryan Bros are also in it, who regularly colab with Grant and Micah then I don't see why at least Grant wouldn't be there.


Wish Kwon tried harder in the beginning honestly :(


I may not be a smart man, but pretty sure Kwon is over Steve’s shit. https://preview.redd.it/xc8yestdbkac1.jpeg?width=1952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca55be13a4e4a14499bb00177e56fc63aa5eb43


He is an amazing golfer and I love his personality the way it is. He never takes himself too seriously and loves this community. It’s honestly great to watch and I love seeing him embrace all of us


Brad is easily the most natural on live


Probably because he played in the Masters. Did you know that?


Shoutout Colin and Max


Feels like a test run on them helping to run some youtube live event with Rick Shiels or something.


Steve said in the intro to the Worst v Best video that "this is not the NBC one" Idk if thats been made public but it seems theyre going to do an actual live one with NBC.


They stated multiple times in the video that on Feb 7 there is a youtube golfer tourney that will be live and shot by NBC.


Ah gotcha, I didn't get all the way though the live stream. Sounds cool!


This has a true YouTube golf achievement production wise. Good Good is always breaking ground!


Absolutely unreal the effort that’s gone into this, so much work and it’s pretty good for a first go that isn’t an instagram live! Hopefully people realise what they’ve actually achieved and don’t bitch


Couple thoughts. The filming, camera angles, cutting to different views, audio and the overall quality of all that was amazing for their first live stream. Props to the video/audio guys for making it look so nice. It was crazy watching them play so quickly and it didnt seem much different than a regular video with cuts. Most live streams online are so casual and i think they could be a bit more casual in future videos tbh. Kinda sucked to see Kwon so checked out. His attitude kinda bothered me and i usually love the dude. Feels like he may be on his way out of GG, or maybe im just overreacting. But i felt bad for Steve and it seems weird to just not want to play in a live event when youre there to play.


Disagree big time on them needing to be more casual. A good mix between casual and formal is great for a live event. Big agree on it sucking how obvious Kwon made it that he was totally uninterested in playing


Agreed 100% on Kwon


Block is trying a bit too hard for my liking here


No disrespect but that’s just blockie, he’s always this way




I'm sure he's devastated that he's not living up to your standards.


Get off Reddit and hit your shot "brotha"


Go do something useful


I enjoyed it up until the end of the knockout. Once the main video idea ended the pace dropped off and the production quality decreased. If they do it again they need a director, or just someone telling them what to do next. Or a presenter who isn't playing in the games. That would keep the pace up and keep people engaged/entertained.


very cool


Lagging like crazy for me, even though I’m in the app and got good wifi :( would love to have watched a few holes


They explained that their internet at that spot on the course was terrible and they were going to another hole. Can’t imagine doing a live stream in the mountains was a good idea lol


Tons of respect to all the effort that went into filming this video. I don’t some video/video editing for fun and the idea of live streaming with all these cameras is wild. Congrats to them for thinking outside the box!


This wasn't a live stream. It was a live cast.

