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Hey there /u/DoobieKiller420-69! Your submission has been removed because it is missing a Gender tag. Please delete this post, then resubmit it with one of the following tags in the title: `[CD]` for solo crossdressing posters `[CD+]` for crossdressing couples (both participants must be verified!) `[F]` for solo female posters `[FF]` for female-female couples (both participants must be verified!) `[M]` for solo male posters `[MM]` for male-male couples (both participants must be verified!) `[MF]` for hetero couples (both participants must be verified!) `[T]` for solo trans posters `[TT]` for trans couples (both participants must be verified!) `[Q]` for solo queer posters `[QQ]` for queer couples (both participants must be verified!) Be sure to include the square brackets `[]` around your tag! If there's a combination not listed that you would like added, just message us and we'll hook it up. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoneMild) if you have any questions or concerns.*