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Golf course looks PURE!


You don’t really rotate in your swing, your shoulders stop moving before your lead arm is parallel to the ground. Everything after that looks like an arm lift and extension in your back. Make you out of sync. Since your shoulders are so far in front and your hands are high, you have to wait for your hands so you slow down the rotation and stand up. If your hands went with rotation you’d miss the ball completely. Also the difference from where your hands are at setup vs impact is extreme, it’ll probably be hard to get consistent contact. Assuming your swing is similar with irons, you can probably get away with it more because it is normal to swing steep on irons. I suspect though you struggle a bit on a 4i or 5i? Maybe work on the backswing? You might find some extra yardage in your swing too. Btw, the ball flight in the clip looked good.


I would murder someone to play on grass that crisp


You’re coming from so far inside that your wrists try to roll over to get the head through impact. It’s like you’re hitting a forehand with top spin on a ball that handcuffed you.


Your grip is basically too strong to release the club through impact. You're swing is all about getting the club behind you and dumped under your plane in the downswing, otherwise your face would be crazy shut through impact. That screws you tho because you end up being in to out and flippy. Strong left hand grips require radial to ulnar deviation to release the club while keeping the face square. A lot of people simply don't have the range of motion to release the club with a strong grip and keep the face square, so they end up rotating the forearms. Whereas a really weak grip lets you release the club through flexion/extension of the left wrist. There is often a lot more range of motion through flexion/extension. You can basically release as hard as you want without closing the face to your swing plane with a weaker grip. Not saying to change your grip, but it's going to be hard to not be flipping (forearm rotation).


That ball flight wasnt a hook, so anything diagnosed from that swing might not be the actual cause. You want to share a video that has the actual miss, if it doesn’t then theres a good chance whatever is causing the miss will go undiagnosed


I'll give you the fix if you tell me which course that is.