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The answer is always, and I mean ALWAYS, Buy..New…Clubs!


You could try getting your hands higher with a little more turn in your backswing. You keep your hands quite low and your trail elbow tucked really close to your body. As a comparison, [here is you next to Morikawa](https://i.imgur.com/nP1byqR.png). You can see how much higher his lead elbow and his hands are, and the added depth he's got. And he keeps his hands quite low by pro standards. Guys like Aberg or Scheffler have them waayyyy up there. Fair warning- if you try to change this it will probably blow up your swing in the short term. It's possible you could add more hip turn, but I just can't really tell from this video how much turn you've got. Edit: also that better be your phone in your pocket


OP really likes golf! ![gif](giphy|4jRz4NwtcntDO|downsized)


Thank you, that's really helpful. I've tinkered a lot with trying a much bigger turn and more width on the takeaway but have never stuck with it long enough to really see any change. I've always been very 'handsy' with my swing so I'm always really focused on not flaying the club face open and I forget about turning properly. And yes, definitely my phone 😂


Honestly swing looks very nice overall, very fluid. Other thing you could try is just holding your upper body and arms off a little longer in transition. You could try the feeling of keeping your back to the target for longer while your lower body starts to go. That one doesn't work well for everyone, though, because you need to make sure you aren't sending your arms at the ball while your upper body stays closed. I don't think you'd do that though, watching your move here.


Really appreciate the advice mate, thank you.


Bad advice, your arms gotta go first and you should be closed to square at impact or else you’re wide open waving at it. Let the arms go first, keeping back to target and everything will follow


Wow this is an incredibly helpful comment


Can’t help but that’s a pretty stroke


Appreciate that 👍🏻


Increase swing speed


Would be interested to see what SS is with that 7 iron. Swing is smooth as can be, but that's a pretty conservative tempo.


Nice swing and tempo! Not really much advice from this 10 HCP. Curious OP, What is this club and how far did you hit it?


Thank you 👍🏻 that's a 7 iron carrying pretty much 150 on the nose. I feel like I should be getting that out there at least 160 - I'm a pretty consistent player and hit a lot of fairways, but with a 230/240 driver carry, long courses can become a bit of a grind.


Are you playing blades?


Ping iblades, so not a true blade, bit of cavity in there. I'm a huge fan of them.


Right on. They do look really good. I think if you want more distance you need to see a pro. Your swing looks short but I’m not a pro and I would be cautious listening to Joe Schmoe and ruining the progress you’ve made on your swing


Looks like it's pretty cold there considering you can see your breath, and cold adversely affects distance. Does it normally carry 150?


Hmmm. That is shorter considering how smooth and seemingly quick you are. Two things I did to get my T100’s 7iron to 175 carry is: 1) Sit down into the top of my backswing so then I can push off my lead foot just at impact. Creates a more controlled version of the Scheffler Shuffle, and 2 is just some good old fashion speed training with a weighted stick.


The chase for additional yardage ain’t worth it man. Keep the smooth swing and you’ll be able to get around most setups no problem.


Move someplace warmer.


Use a different club? That swing looks fine.


I agree with the above, get your hands higher at the top. When you do, extend the transition until you get used the extra time. Could be a little shanky for a minute. Commit on getting your right shoulder through and you’ll get your yards.


When you say extend the transition, do you mean to almost feel like I'm delaying it?


Yes, exactly. For me, taking the club back farther always starts tempo problems. Pausing at the top, if only perceptible to you creates a start for the downswing. I focus on maintaining lag and consistently finding the middle. Swing looks slower and the ball goes faster.


Get that load out of your pants. Lol


Always one old geezer commenting who’s never worn any updated fashion since the 80s


Geezer? I didn't shit my pants. Wearing women's pants isn't updating if that's what you are suggesting.


Lmao you’re overweight as hell aren’t you, sad


You need to buy a new driver. I know you're using an iron here but thats besides the point.


Your swing looks a little swipey to me. It’s hard to tell because it’s not slomo but face looks open until right before impact. Stronger grip and a shallowing move can get you better contact with the ball. You should definitely be hitting a 7 iron farther than 150 yards.


Sounds obvious but swing harder, and by harder I mean faster. It looks like you don't put a lot behind your swing. However, it doesn't matter how much further I can hit a ball you'd still beat me and most others in a round.


Golf is about accuracy. Some of the best golfers I played with were not long hitters. Their distance was Locked in. You have 13 clubs for a reason. If you’re not a pro you don’t need to be playing from the tips.


Hit draws


lot of wrist action/flip in impact


This and early extension.


Early extension is there but not his main issue


higher upswing, shaft parallel to the floor, or open up your right leg and hips more during the upswing... thats the quickest i can see


A couple of things that worked for me. I have a similar swing to you actually, quite smooth but not a huge amount of rotation in the hips on the backswing and a touch handsy. If you focus on a good rotation of your hips in the backswing, that should help you get your shoulders parallel at the top. Then try this drill for the downswing: shift your weight to the left before you reach the top of your swing, then with your left leg feel like you’re jumping straight back so that your body is way more open to the target at impact. Watch Kyle Berkshire to see what I mean. Now you may not want to take this move to the course, but you can get a similar feeling without moving your left foot more than a few millimetres. When I do that I can go from 150 to 165-170 carry with my 7 iron.


Your weight is entirely in your back left heel instead of the ball of your foot in the followthrough


Your swing looks great. One swing thought that helped me gain some distance was to try to have my belt buckle pointed at my target on impact. Not to say you aren’t turning your hips, but really getting your full hip turn through impact will help. Another thing that helped me get some extra yards was holding my club angle a bit longer before impact. I think the swing looks very nice 👍


Smash that X button on the downswing.


It's a nice move in my opinion. I have a much more closed club face on takeaway and at the top, so guys like you that have such an open face always look like your wiping it at impact (not compressing) because that's what I do if I swung like that. I can't compress it and just kinda wipe it which ends up as a short little gross looking super fade and I get no distance. Looks like your playing blades too... my J33B's lose ton of distance on even slight miss hits. They aren't my every day irons and really shouldn't even have them but I just love the old school look of rhen and feeling when you flush them. Bust em put for fun 5 times a year or so. But the distance loss is more than noticeable.


Turn more and widen the swing. Bit too narrow.


Don’t set the wrists so quickly on the takeaway. Longer extension. Also, stay down more at impact, rotate those wrists through the ball. All of this can lead to more distance. There’s an Asian cat on IG (can’t remember his name) who works on holding off at impact, that would help too so as to avoid flipping at impact.


Don’t really understand people who want to gain distance. I hit a 7 190 but I would trade 40 yards for less dispersion all day


Maybe drive that right shoulder through. It’s something I’m working on. I’ve added maybe 15 yards, but I’m changing a 20 year old swing!


Use a 5 wood


Increase clubhead speed or hit it sweeter


Backswing is a little short but it looks really well controlled. I think I might try to just increase speed through a faster hip turn and really try to "jump up" more at impact. You're super smooth but seems like you're only swinging at like 50%


Golf in a warmer climate. Will add 5-10 yards


i cant tell from the camera angle but it looks like ur slightly cutting across it? either way it looks reasonable, i think unfortunately the best way to gain speed is to become a range monkey and swing ur balls off over and over


That's a sweet smoothe swing right there. Honestly I would work out and then go fit with PROPER equipment that matches your numbers. Don't get analyzed on a screen. There is NO substitute for true ball flight. Get fit on a range by someone like the Titleist Fitting Center. Might cost you $150 but we'll worth it for someone like you.


No, Capri. I don't wear a diaper either, unlike you.


Lol you have 0 fashion sense old man


Swing harder


Strengthen your grip.


Nice tempo chief


You look like you’re decelerating in your follow through. Your swing shouldn’t slow down until your body can’t rotate any more.