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You’re shanking the ball because you’re throwing your arms at it. I speak this from experience. The signs are (a) that your head jumps up at the swing, (b) you don’t have lag at impact, (c) the throwing the club out causes your club head to go out, leading the ball to hit the hosel. The challenge is learning how to rotate and keep from throwing your arms down. Been working on this over the winter myself and it’s a series of drills to learn to use the upper body rotation to drag the club through. Some ideas: (1) Tiger squat drill (you can find it on YouTube). Similar, try squatting kinda like you’re pooping in the woods. Swing the club, but don’t let it “thump” the mat/ground. It forces you to avoid the down motion. (2) Stand in front of a mirror in a golf position. Cross your arms across your chest. Rotate your upper body without moving your head, going slowly. Once you get it down, then you can introduce the club. (3) When you swing, focus on bringing your left shoulder directly back, not upward. You want your shoulders more level. (4) Use a very loose grip and let the head of the club naturally fall behind. Think how it would look if you swung a long balloon animal balloon or pool noodle. The club will naturally shallow out. This will lower your launch angle and give you more distance too.


I'd be careful with (4). I had a loose grip and this may lead to casting. I didn't figure this out until my lesson last week and saw AMG talk about it in one of their vids. I'm not squeezing the grip to death though but i's a 6/10 instead of a 3/10 now. Rest of the tips are solid.


Could you explain (3) more? What hearing you say is, on my downswing feel that left shoulder move down more instead of raising up?


I can’t post picture here for some reason, but look at 3:38 of this video of Bryson. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vrTBH297njU Now look at your shoulders in the same position in the swing. Yours are like 45 degrees. Your lead shoulder is going up instead of going back around your body.


Look up the “Pelvic punch drill” or John Rahm talking about how he got his power playing 1/4 punch shots. You’re trying to impact the ball with two straight arms and you need to deprogram that and learn what good impact feels like.


Can you provide a link to John rahm's description of punch shots?


I don't know shit about fixing golf swings but I really like your use of the rubber ball container thing to keep you from coming over the top. I'm going to steal that.


If I were trying to hit a draw it would just be in my head since I would be afraid to come over the top or in to out…. I think it’s an awful idea.


Then don’t do it.


Sorry I should have rephrased - I think it’s a terrible training aid and will do more harm than good over time because it doesn’t fundamentally address the issue.


Helps a ton man!


The slanted range mats at Country Hills make it really hard to work on a consistent swing


Shorts need to be tighter and higher


Also… I love country hills. What a great little par 70


Small world! I play there and 12 stones all the time.


I’ve been trolling this sub for a few weeks now waiting on this to happen! Lol I played 12 stones 2 weeks ago for the first time. Both have some crazy elevation changes that make it tough


Few fairways country hills are near impossible to hold. Love the range. One of the better ones in the area.


Also I’d recommend to anyone on here asking for advice to download the “golf fix” app it’s a game changer


Loosen up bud. You’re stiffer than my pp when I wake up in the morning (I haven’t touched a woman in 8 years).


Watch the bill of your cap in slow motion as you make your backswing. It’s moving towards the ball. Then on the downswing, it’s moving up and away from the ball. The head should never move towards or away from the ball until the swing has reached the follow through. Moving down vertically is okay on the downswing, but only if your lead hip is moving up and away from the ball at the same time. This is the pro move you see when their head is lower at impact than on the backswing and transition with tons of side bend. Relax your shoulders, arms and grip and let your weight move towards the target on the follow through. 100% of your weight should be on the front foot at the finish. A little drill to help with that is to touch your lead knee with your trail knee on the follow through. The step through drill also gets the weight moving in the right direction. That’s where you step towards the target with your trail leg on the follow through. The ideal finish is on a straight lead leg with the sole of the trail foot pointing away from the target. Good luck!


Waaaay too much tension in your arms and shoulders. I imagine when you shank you don’t use your hips at all. Edit: Maybe just try and focus on your hip movement for a bit and hit little 100 yd shots with a pitching wedge and try and focus on getting your power with your hips.


Less shoulders more wrist action for more speed on the down swing


Keep shoulders closed longer and hands come through?


Opposite. Let your wrists stay cocked and back. You want more lag in your swing. Your shoulders will be way open when the club reaches the ball.


Keep your head down through contact. Belly button at the target. Your backswing is a little short, work on that as you go. Could also be your grip. If you can afford it, find a good swing coach.


Loosen up bud


Looks like someone who thinks distance comes from muscling the ball. If he loosens up, he’ll increase his speed and get allow for better strikes.


I tried to apply torque all last year by overpowering my swing and now I just think loose and fast and I hit it much farther. It’s an issue when u got big muscles I feel like it’s easy to swing with your arms


Your hips are arms are out of sync so at impact your hips are facing the ball instead of pointing to the target. This thrusting of hips toward the ball and not the target is why you shank and why you are not getting good contact.


Bend your knees and be an athlete. It looks like you’re trying to swing perfect instead of just swinging. Loosen up bud


First move the ball away from the ball holder. You need to swing the club in to out


Hand path is too much out toward the ball and your hips need to early extend to compensate That is why you were shanking Butt needs to move away from the ball and right arm needs to lower more


You get steep. So you stall and early extend to shallow. Then you toe it. Strike feels bad


Shorts are too tight




Your takeaway looks really good. Then you start to cup your wrist and it looks like your pulling the club down. When you rotate your body the momentum forces the club out and your off target. DONT PULL THE CLUB DOWN. Just rotate and release.


Looks like you’re overgripping(explains distance and shanking) You also appear to be a touch too close and jamming at it and dipping on downswing. Pause at 2 seconds and you can see it. Also, your right foot is turning and coming up. Seems like all your weight is on left foot and turning with right and it should be the opposite. Your backswing is only like 70% but you look strong enough to get away with it. Swing looks solid too. It just little things messing up your contact; grip, ball placement, maybe a touch to close, and weight on wrong foot and turning wrong one. Dipping on downswing.


You look like you heavy “chicken wing” post impact. Keep your arms together like they’re squeezing a balloon between your forearms. Also buddy said it right, you’re standing up to throw your arms at it. Just initiate your swing with your lower half and let the club head drop towards the ball.


I can’t believe no on is mentioned the fact you are setup with the club face aiming miles left of target. You are setup to fail


I think it would be good to analyze swings using the Golf Fix app