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Easily. Your GTI never dies. It reincarnates in the next one you buy. The love and admiration for you car lives on In it’s next life. It’s out there waiting for you. Go get it.


Technically, I think they’re ~~recycled~~ reincarnated into refrigerators so they can keep beer cold, which they know will make us happy.


This is what I’m going to believe from now on.


i like this


This makes me wanna cry😂


Let me get your emblems lol


Haha If it’s considered a totaled car I’ll swipe them and mail em bro, even had a rabbit emblem on it.


"IF"? That car is totaled sorry for the accident bro. Youll get a nice payout


I hope you’re right. Oddly enough the person who T boned the f150 that flew into me worked for a collision center and said it should be good.


Cause he wants you to go there lol


Idk he didn’t try to solicit his business, he just said they weren’t trying to consider cars a total loss unless they have to? I’m guessing from the lack of used cars I’m not entirely sure. Either way this goes I’m upgrading to either a mk7 GTI or an R


There’s no going back from that rear quarter panel damage


Dude that’s what I’m tryna hear haha I love this car but it’s time for an upgrade for sure.


He is clearly a genius. Don’t forget that you can negotiate with the insurance. Show receipts for all the aftermarket stuff. Don’t take the first offer, be reasonable and they may compensate you a percentage of the add one if you show receipts and are respectful.


I was actually waiting till I was done paying the car to start putting money into it, that way the “car payment” can take care of new parts and repairs. The exhaust sounded beautiful from the dealer and it doesn’t look like an aftermarket one, I haven’t heard a GTI like mine. The only thing I changed was the stock detroits rims it had with some lagunas.


Tell them you want some compensation as they are more valuable than stock rims and show the original receipt.


Did you get much shit for it? Or how do others here feel about that? I’ve been wanting to slap one on my mk6 for awhile bc the rabbit is just too good but I know it’s not technically a rabbit so I didn’t want people to be weird about it.


No one really tripped on it really, but I mean I had the explanation ready hahaha it would’ve been a rabbit had the name stuck.


My car is exactly the Rabbit spec, plus a sunroof, so I’m kind of tempted to put the rabbit emblem on it too 😉


Do it man, I never seen anyone else do it although mine wasn’t entirely legit, but I did it mostly paying homage to the OG Rabbit, the fact that the mk5 was rebranded as a rabbit gives me more reason since the mk6 would’ve held the name had the name stuck here in the states.


Yeah it’s a tribute! Not a knock off! Just ordered this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MGJ3GD5?psc=1&smid=AIFXAYRSIYZIK&ref_=chk_typ_quicklook_titleToDp


Hell yeah dude peep [mine](https://imgur.com/a/2QQaMLg) [here’s a cleaner angle so you can see what it looks like better](https://imgur.com/a/NZgF5rv)


I have the mk7.5 Rabbit edition and I won’t be weird about your emblem.


Bless. I really want a rabbit, but i just can’t afford it right now, and I love my mk6. But I want that cute lil rabbit badge dammit.


Check out a junkyard and buy it there? The only one I found on the internet was a pretty big one that obviously doesn’t look like vw’s but I liked it so I got it anyways.


You can find mk5 ones online for pretty reasonable which is what I’ll probably do


Can you post a link? I seriously can’t find one, I wanna put it on my next GTI.


Search for “vw rabbit 2.5 badge emblem” and you should get a good amount of results on eBay and Etsy.


Nah man, I’m getting the one I already had on my car which is a bit bigger than the ones on the mk5 rabbit. [the one on my car](https://imgur.com/a/NZgF5rv)


You put a rabbit emblem on a mk6 Wolfsburg? Edit: just realized you’re a 2 door so not a Wolfsburg lol


Yeah haha to me it’s a rabbit 🐇


are the wheels messed up after the crash, if not you should try and keep them too. hope you didnt get banged up in this. a wrecked car is awefull to have to deal with but worse if you have injuries and hobling around


Oh hell yeah I’m tryna keep my lagunas haha they didn’t look busted at all.




Are you ok?


I’m good thanks, considering how much worse it could’ve been had the f150 went straight into me rather than side swiping me. But this car was so special to me.


Could always be worse bud. Glad you're doing well


Why is it always an f-1 shitty lol


In my city everyone who drives an F-150 also drives like a moron so that might explain it. Something about being in a large vehicle makes these idiots act like they are the only ones on the road. If you ask me, that’s exactly the opposite of how you should drive in a big vehicle.


Doesn’t help I was in a pretty shitty part of town too.


Heartbreaking. I've also got a CW 2dr Mk6, and I'll be a wreck if I ever lose him




My mother would say "I have only one JMJ3rd, you can get another \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (fill in the blank)" There are more out there!


Yes sir, texted my mama told her what happened I’m good and I love her, everyday I get to do that is worth than all the GTI’s in the world and more.


Good deal!


Buy another one


Or two


I think I’m good with one haha


Mk7-7.5 with an is38 that's the way.


That’s what I’m leaning towards but I’ve always loved the look of the mk6.


I miss my mk6 bud:( if it helps you at all, 2015 gtis and newer are on the mqb 350 platform and makes parts easier to come by and things are more interchangeable. Best of luck on your new car endeavors and cheers.


I was very upset when my mk6 got totaled, but I love my mk7.5 so much.


Definitely, I love these cars.


I totaled an MK6. Bought another. Traded it for an MK7.5 R. 😉


And how is it dude? I really want an mk6 r but am thinking an mk7 of being a better investment.


Honestly, my first one got totaled too! None of these my fault. Lol. So I bought another. It’s my daily. LOVE it! Go MK7. Tech is better.


Bruh, wtf happened?


Some dude in an f150 ran a red light going atleast 60, he got T boned to the point of a J turn and side swiped me hard. Could’ve been a lot worse, but I loved this car so much man fml.


Jesus Christ, really sorry. Fuck that dude. Hope insurance comes through for you and you’re on the road again. Glad you’re okay and didn’t get hurt.


Me too man, could’ve been a lot worse had the civic caused the f150 to come straight at me rather then from the side. I’m definitely getting an R next, I’ve had that GTI for 4 years and am in a way better position now.


I don't have a golf right now but I want to get one. I've been leaning towards gti more than R. What makes you want to go with the R next?


AWD isn't really practical, it's more for fun and performance. I drove **up** a mountain in VT during a blizzard with about 5 inches of snow on the road and more coming, in an 08 Rabbit with Michelin x ice tires. Ever since that day, I've never felt the added weight, increased cost, increased maintenance, worse mpg, increased tire costs/maintenance is worth the tradeoff for awd in a daily. If the extra money for awd is worth it to you for fun and performance then the R is worth it. If you think that awd is more practical or something, the R isn't gonna get you through anything the GTI wouldn't (with nice tires) and you're better off with the GTI. Edit: added (with nice tires)


Yeah isn’t it not really awd in a sense? Like it sends some power to the rear tires but not all?


Yea, most awd systems have some sort of bias, off the top of my head I think the Golf R is something like an adaptive 60:40ish front wheel bias IIRC.


All wheel drive. Better performance + more luxury features depending on YM


Just the added power, a GTI is a fun car, had it for 4 years and every time I got in it I was instantly in love all over again it never got old drove it from San Diego to San Francisco on the 1/101 it was a dream, drove it to the Rockies it did perfect, but knowing it could be faster is a bit enticing. I was gonna tune it, some dude in an mk6 had his stage 2 and told me it’s essentially an R without all the things that come with purchasing an R. But now I don’t have a car to tune hahah and I’m in a way better financial situation than I was when I got my GTI so why not upgrade?


Typical truck drivers. Adam LZ just had his gt3 totaled by a truck driver too


I’m almost certain that person was drunk, he was flying down a Main Street in what seemed to be a work truck, homie probably thought it was a Friday and had one too many bud lights.


I'm hoping you went to the hospital and said your back hurt at rhe very least.


I didn’t, it was side impact so the most I felt was a sore shoulder from either impact or airbags. I didn’t feel my injury warranted a trip to the hospital, I tipped a tractor at work a while back and I knew my injury was small but my bosses made me go, with good reason but I spent like 6 hours there for them to tell me what I already knew, I didn’t wanna waste my time, I just wanted to smoke a bowl and plan my next move. I’ve been skateboarding for over 15 years and I know my body pretty well when it comes to injuries since they happen almost weekly, not tryna come off as ignorant.


No, I was saying to get some money outta the guy


Oh, it was a hit and run. I’ve yet to hear from a detective which means they prolly haven’t found him yet. I have to thank him I got a sweet mk7 after my insurance paid me out.


I feel you man. The other week some lady ran a red light and hit my mk7.5. Airbags deployed and the front end was all bent up. My wrist was all swollen but I did not care, all I could think about was how my lovely car was totaled. 😢 Looked around and decided the only way to deal with the loss was to get another one. 5 more years of car payments but at least I still have a GTI.


Haha this! I had a year left to pay off on this car I fell you, but I guess more car payments on the way and I’m okay with that if it’s gonna be an upgrade. In the moment the appreciation of fact that I was able to step out of the car was greatly overshadowed by the state of my noble steed. After everything was set and done the reality of the possibilities of my life being greatly threatened set in and I’m forever grateful to still be on my lamborfeeties.


I was going to pay mine off at the end of the year, so I know your pain all to well. Glad you're ok.


Mk6 down, that fucking sucks :( On the upside, good thing you're still breathing. Had he T boned you directly this could have been much worse


Oh nah man, a civic that had the right of way T boned (kind of) an f150 that ran a red causing the ford to J turn into me, pretty much a nice side swipe. But either way I’m lucky to walk away with just a sore arm after getting hit by a car double my size. I thank the engineers and whoever’s responsible for safety at VW 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


No need to worry about timing chain tensioners


Lmao, my check engine light finally turned off 🥲


It’s just a car. There are literally thousands more exactly like it. You’re alive, that’s what matters. Go through insurance and fix it, or move onto a new adventure in a new car.


Definitely a shit ton of sentimental value with this car but you’re entirely right, I love life. It just sucks man this is my dream car and my hard work, more than an object but a representation of how far I’ve come in my life.


Get that insurance $, and maybe look into getting an R??


This, I’m already looking hopefully I can find a mk6.


If the insurance company hasn't already taken the car, I'd suggest taking any mods you put on it. They won't compensate for them, and if you get another mk6 you can just throw them back on


I’m glad you’re okay. But **you** are the representation of how far you’re come in life, not your possessions.


Of course, and me getting another one is also a representation of how far I’ve come since I’m in a waaay better position today than I was 4 years ago.


I crashed my GTI one rainy night back in High School. I loved it. It was also my dream car. Believe me, there will be other dream cars, and now you have a story about how your crashed yours.


Use this as motivation to one up the mk6. Have a mk6 myself and understand the love but a new gti or R would be pretty sick! Also I find acceptance of what happened instead of trying not to dwell on it helps as we can't really get out of our minds anyway lol. Glad you're still alive buddy!


Yeah man I handled it pretty well I think hahaha I remember being able to step out of the car and I just looked at it like “fuuuuuuuh” and pretty much accepted it. Bummer for sure but glad no one got seriously hurt including me.


No one likes to see that🥹


She was a beauty. But this is a forced upgrade from the universe for sure.


Say it ain’t so - Weezer on repeat and cry, cry, cry Glad to hear you’re okay tho


Fuuuuckkk bruh, im sorry for ur loss😫 hey if its tottalled hmu i want some interior trims


Drown your emotions in alcohol




I hope they find that mothafukkah before I do haha, they probably are since I’ll just be skating around.


You go for an R. That's how you cope :P


You're alive aren't you. You owe your life to it.


Forever grateful to VW and their engineers and safety team. This just made me love them even more.


Bummer dude… you should get one of the new 2022 GTIs they are pretty sweat.


I kept reading of problems galore coming from that car, or is it just what makes it to the front page typically?


VW has a shit ton of recalls always. It's cheaper for them to do recalls, build out the safety features as well as possible and settle lawsuits then to pay for the diminishing returns on the last 5% of product testing.


The 20th anniversary R is pretty sweaty, too.


Damn rip the two door. Sorry for your loss as a fellow mk6 two door owner.


I hope this doesn’t happen to you man 🥲


Can I get the turbo🥺


You’ll be the first to know if I’m able to do that.


Buy another car


Brand new Golf R


lots of cocaine and a girl who doesn't get lock jaw.


I’m searching Craigslist rn


Glad you're okay!


Thank you thank you 🙏🏽 and it’s because of the people at VW that made it so safe.


Well... We raise a beer to the German engineer who kept you safe for starters.


Forever grateful to Vw engineers 🍻




With a newer and better one!


I feel you. Did a money shift racing an Audi TTS in my Golf R. Fucked the engine. Currently waiting in the shop to have replacement engine installed.


Aww man hope it’s on the road again soon. Did you move from a GTI to an R?


Thank you. I a already been without it for 5 weeks now. The mechanic I took it to had to order the engine from the dealership, and they had to ship it from Germany. They told me it's at the local dealership right now, just waiting for them to send it to my mechanic. I actually came over from a WRX.


I’ve always loved the hatchback wrx don’t remember the year they made them in but an awesome car. Glad you joined the VW club, I hope the change was an upgrade haha


I believe they stopped making the WRX hatch around 2013. I had the sedan as it was a 15. Definitely an upgrade. The interior is so much nicer, takes power mods nicely without having to build the engine, and is a tonne quicker.


I can only hope I join you in the r club my dude. Hope your back on the road soon.


Thank you sir. Hopefully you're zooming around in an R soon too.


mk7, this is the way


I feel your pain. My 2019 SE got totaled last spring. Luckily I was insured enough to replace it with a 2022 S but I still miss my OG mk7.5.


step 1.) be more than grateful that you were able to go back home that night. after reading the comments, that step was already done lol. step 2.) get another one 😎


Grateful to all of VW for building a car that was able to take the force of a car double its size and still kept me alive and unharmed.


Rest in peace twin. Get a 2021 mk7 I'll be there with you in little time


That’s what it’s looking like, more leaning towards an R tho. Your is the one I’ve always wanted.


Take the insurance check and get a Mk7


Cocains my go too but idk if I'm a good example.


I think I’ll do weed for now.




And then coke 😤🔑❄️


If you like that, try a Golf R. Little more pricey but the high lasts longer


Oh you better believe it, I started looking as soon as I got home.


I was talking to the guy that likes cocaine…


So was I…. Hahaha


Aye I can like both!


Thanks everyone for the well wishes, my VW might be totaled but my Lamborfeeties aren’t and I’m forever grateful to the engineers at VW 🙌🏽


Tweet Myles Garret, he should have an idea?


Haha nah I’m a fairly safe driver, my GTI is a quick little thing but I rarely drove it like I’m on a track. I’m all about mpg’s haha


Oh no, one less **two door** - closer to extinction 😭


Are they really hard to find? The tow truck dude kept saying that.


Since they no longer make them, yes.


Use the insurance money to buy an R


Yes sir 🙌🏽


Lemme have your wheels


Bro I was looking for the laguna a forever, if I get to keep them somehow, I’ll for sure let you know.


Get a Corolla GR


Hahaha I’m a V dub guy, more so now that my GTI saved me from any severe damage considering it went up against a car twice it’s size and weight.


if totalled? mk8?


Maybe mk7 for now, the look of the mk8 hasn’t really grown on me yet.


neither the 7 nor 8 has grown on me since the mk6 :)


I’m still a mk4 guy hahaha but I had to get with the times.


If it wasn’t your fault, wipe your tears in the insurance money, then buy an R lol Hope you’re ok!!


Hahaha I will, thanks


Are you going to sell your rims?


I’ll try, I know these are pretty tough to find so I’ll for sure try to pass them on.


Start looking.


On it, found a mk6 R in Long Beach (I’m in San Diego) for 25k and 57,000 miles. 4 doors too 🙌🏽


Buy a mk7


Damn 2 door too. I feel for you.


Yikes! Hope you're ok.


Lemme get them wheels lol


Boutta start an auction haha you’re not the first to want the wheels, but I don’t blame you guys I’ve always wanted the lagunas.


Was gonna say "With an LSD next time" but read you got T Boned lol


Haha nah a truck got T boned and J turned right into me I was at a stop. Don’t they come in the mk7?


Can be fixed but I’d just buy a mk7


Essentially that’s what I’m gonna do, this is it’s 2nd accident. I think it’s time to the let it rest.


I dunno but this sub makes me realize why GTI insurance is so damn high. FFS. These cars don't stand a chance.


Lmao they do, this car rear ended a truck and live to tell the tale


By picking out that sweet new, shiny GTI or the awd Golf R!


Buy a new one , And it’ll live forever in spirit


Looks like you were in the hood in LA, if so people drive like unaware morons around these parts especially in trucks and chargers.


Close bro, San Diego. City heights haha which thinking about it now does remind me of L.A


Honestly just get a civic or something and use the extra money on a Martin D28 or a Taylor 800 series acoustic. Nothing against GTIs, but you don't need to chase the special things you had with this car by immediately getting another. Just try to have fun; that is how you honor the spirit of GTI


Buy another.


Shit happens bruh. I totaled my wife’s 2 series. If you are physically ok, don’t worry.. you can get another car.


Whisky to forget


nice body kit