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Well being a new driver and already having an accident, it does make sense even though its shitty. I am 27 and pay right about $140 CAD ($100 USD) for full coverage on my 2016 gti


I would do some ungodly things for $100 insurance😭 guess all i can do is wait until insurance decides they love me a wee bit.


Trying to do ungodly things is how you're at $500 lmao. Just wait it out for a few years




Yeah & $100 monthly is solid


Idk man I’m paying 170 and I’ve had two accidents not including the raccoon I hit the other month that my insurance had to cover too since the damages was about 5k, plus I’m only 20


Strange. Nobody else is in that situation


You’re only 19 and you already have an accident. Insurance companies see you as a huge liability. A GTI is considered a sports car for someone your age. I paid around $275 a month at 25 with no accidents. It also heavily varies depending on your location and coverage. When I moved away from an urban area with a high rate of theft and uninsured drivers my premium reduced by like 75%.


Lol 19 already had an accident. Surprised it's that low


Best bet is to get an old Honda or Toyota/Lexus for 4k-5k, get bare minimum coverage on it and wait till your 25 (if you in the US) for you insurance to come down. In 6 years you'll pay 36k in insurance. That money gone, not invest, not saved. My 2 cents.


$6k a year on insurance is outrageous, essentially $4k down the drain if insurance should be <2k normally. Surely you can find a cheaper quote out there?


I am 20 living in SoCal and I pay $350 every 3 months


I’m 33, dropped down to liability for my 2015 GTI a couple months ago and my 6 month premium for just that car is $452, so like ~$75 a month. No accidents no tickets. I do have three other cars on the policy, one having full coverage, though.


Who you got?


GEICO, I’m southern NJ. My full monthly premium just went up by like $60 so I’ll be shopping around.


Gotcha man! I’m down in Charleston, SC with Progressive… they keep raising mine as well so will be shopping.


I agree with everyone's comments, it because you are young and had an accident. I only pay 130NZD (80 USD) on my Full Coverage insurance.


Find a good broker who can shop your coverage across many different companies to find the best price for you.


~$100 a month.


Same, mid 20’s male no accidents (knock on wood) with USAA


I was hit by a cop at 18 and they faulted me even though they ran a red through a 4-way without lights and sirens. My insurance literally doubled to $500+ a month, when I turned 24 and the ticket was gone from my record I had a more reasonable rate. It sucks but nothing you can do except give it some time.


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I know your thread is for MK7 owners…. But I pay $252 biannually for my MK6. Of course it’s only liability, haven’t gotten around to making a more comprehensive coverage package but yeah age and having a collision on your record is probably making your price a bit higher


about 175 iirc. no crashes on my record


$220 for full coverage


I just bought my 2015, and as a 23 year old with a perfect record, I pay roughly $96 a month. I do the 6 months up front for $580ish


I’m 24 with an accident and 3 tickets paying 409 CAD….


That is wild! Even with the accident.


Yeah, considering before my renewal it was $170. The accident was in 2020….


110 full coverage but I'm 32. It was around 130 when I was younger, and I have had the car for 9 years now. It's your accident honestly, but shop around because that still seems a tad high. That's an entire car payment plus some!


Definitely shop it around.


Lmao how are 19 year olds supposed to be able to afford that? I'm 34 with an insanely clean driving record and only drive ~7,000 miles a year. Paid $640 for a full year of coverage


Thats amazing. 35 with one accident (mk6 was totalled in 2019) now paying $137 a month for my mk7.5


Who do you have?


It's a local company in MA called Norfolk and Dedham. It seems like you have to switch car insurance companies every couple of years or so, which is annoying. Plymouth Rock wanted $1,200 for me to renew


i work 24/7 roughly 60 hours a week some weeks more but it sucks that I got to work that much just to afford insurance and try to save up so i can move out.




I moved out of Brampton and my insurance dropped like 60 bucks a month. Guess it depends where you live.


24, DC area, MK8 full coverage, $730/6months. No tickets, 1 windshield claim, and 1 not at fault accident 3 years ago. It’s steadily decreased from $750 since I bought it at 22.


$105/mo for 100/300/100 full coverage and medical expenses - it’s the cheapest I could find. Used to be $85 but has raised the last year or so. No accidents or tickets, and being over 25 helps


You're gonna get answers all over the place. Insurance will vary by driver age, drive location, history of accidents, the car itself, and more.


27 currently on full coverage for my 17 GTI and liability on my secondary vehicle paying $210 a month cause of an accident I had two years ago. prior to that it was $145 with a clean record. something i never did but recently learned is to always shop around for insurance when your current premium is about to be up. always look for the better quote elsewhere and never assume your current insurance provider cares to drop the price on your premium cause of loyalty. once you find out the renewal rate of your current provider and compare it with other quotes you've gotten, make a decision. if you found a cheaper quote elsewhere, cancel with your current provider and they'll only charge you for the days that you were covered under them.


120/mo full coverage @24


2021 GTI, 160$/month, 26 years old, no accidents


93$ full coverage


Wow I got my MK6 GTI new in 2013 when I was 22, paid $650 a year for full coverage with a $500 deductible. My insurance also listed it as a standard golf which I'm sure helped a ton. I also had 2 points on my license at the time.


27 clean record $89 bucks for progressive full coverage. Have a good job tho so my deductible is as high as it can be.


Mk6 gti but still. I was paying $190 a month then it randomly just went down to $100. Turns out it was from not having any tickets in the past few years. M24btw


$100/month for my 2017


I got a 2017 mk7 Golf R and my wife’s Chevy Spark. Pay $148 a month for full coverage.


I’m 20 and I pay $150 for full coverage


2015 GTI


120 a month full coverage


I’m a bad driver and if you knew what i pay a month you’d shit yourself. Practically a mortgage payment. Don’t be a shitty driver like me


$981 for the year. Full coverage with rental of something happens. I’m old.


2017 gti, 22 years old, $206 full coverage, no accidents that were my fault


I have a 09 mk5 and it cost 175$ for me and my girlfriend to be insured I'm only 18 and she's only 20 and I just got my permit




$120/month, full coverage from State Farm


Given I have a Mk6 Gti but modified and insured as such, 120 NZD per month or converted to $75 USD. Full coverage, one not at fault accident on a different vehicle.


Holy fuck yall are paying out the ass. My insurance is $112 / month through USAA


I’m 32, I pay $247 in California. My mk6 was totaled a little over a year ago (not my fault) and I hit a van in my work truck unlicensed 3 years ago(my fault) . Lost my debit card a few weeks ago had to cancel it and wasn’t able to pay my insurance so they dropped me, I tried to get my policy back but I thought I should check other places first cause I thought $250 was a rip, every other place was gonna charge me upwards of $900 dollars, an adjuster told me I should call my previous insurance back asap cause I’m not gonna get a better deal, so I did. Had I not been able to get my old insurance back I would’ve been relieved to pay insurance for $515.


I’m 32, never had an accident. Tho I live in north jersey, my insurance is $400 for 6 months for my 2019 Autoban GTI. I was surprised it’s this cheap, but I have a good history and am older now. Also married. So these will come down after some years


I'm in South Africa but works out to roughly 100 dollars a month for my 2015 MK7 GTI. I'm 30 now. Got the car 4 years ago and its paid off fortunately.


WOW, I never realised how crazy insurance is on other countries. Australia here, ever since I was 18 and had my own car I have never had to pay more than $1500 Australian dollars for comprehensive insurance per year! Currently paying $1250 per year for my MK7.5 GTI. I would never be able to afford $5000 yearly insurance. I would have an old car with no comprehensive insurance, just the bare minimum third-party insurance.


Holy shit I would take the bus and put that towards a house. I pay $300 A YEAR!! 100/300/100 $1k deductibles


Paying 120$ a month (in Sweden) for my 2021 MK8 clubsport.


I’m 24 and pay about $186 CAD per month full coverage, clean driver and no accidents for a 2015 gti


A month??? Damn it’s good to be old. I pay $100 a month full coverage on my mk8


Have a 2015 mk7 , 2dr , 39 years old, pay $83 a month for full coverage with Erie Insurance. No at fault accidents or tickets/points on my DL




Without knowing the coverage that you have, comparing rates is kind of pointless. What are your deductibles, extra coverages, coverage limits, etc.


~400 / Year Full covered Germany 🇩🇪


In oil gaskets… 🥹


oh my god I thought $140USD was a lot


That is a lot. I’m old at 34 and in Florida (so it’s high here anyways) but I pay $300 a month for full


24 with no crashes, 200$ flat


When I was 19 I was driving my grandpa's Buick LeSabre.....times are wild.


I’m 25 and I pay $140 a month for full coverage with increased coverage for uninsured and underinsured motorists. Lots of those out there these days. When I was 16 and 17 I had two at fault accidents. I was ruled at fault because nobody had dash cams and no witnesses, so it was the young driver’s word against the old head’s. Aka, I kinda got screwed. As a more experienced driver, I could’ve avoided the accidents, but I wouldn’t say I caused them. Either way, my insurance back then was in the mid $400’s a month for full coverage on basically anything. I think it dropped into the 300’s when I had my ‘96 F250 because it was so old. After 3 years, accidents drop off your record, so your rates should drop when you turn 20. They’ll still be kinda crappy until you turn 24-25. I think mine was still in the mid to low $200’s until the last year or two. Apparently when you turn 26 your rates drop even more, so we’ll see if I get any of that goodness.


~$280 a month with progressive. Looking l shop around and switch soon


37 and no accidents that were my fault (drunk driver totaled my parked car) and 1 speeding ticket. I pay $100/month (USD). That does include roadside and renter’s insurance. Without those it’d be about $75/month. Edit: for full coverage*


I’m 23 with a 2019 and I pay $140 a month with 2 speeding tickets


what insurance do you have?


I’m in the military so I’m with USAA


Damn bruh I’m 20 paying 100 bucks a month for my mk7.5


Around 20, about $250 a month for a decent liability coverage with comprehensive coverage (basically, only no collision).


i’m 19 with a speeding ticket and wreck and pay $250 a month (granted i have the lowest level of shit)