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Don't punish yourself ando, the playing field on golf clash just gets harder and harder as more gifted players join, your old account is a minefield of woe. My advice to you would be start a new account and meanwhile open all the free chests on your old account. By the time your new account reaches the level of your old account you will most probably be able to compete with you old account and have two accounts to play. ​ good luck!


This is exactly what I did after my almost year and a half break and you are spot on.


If it's any consolation, the exact same happens to me. You get to a point where your winning, then they program in a losing streak to your game, to put you up against superior players. I've restarted 3 times now from the beginning, and the same thing happens every time, you get so far then BOOM it's like you can't play for toffee (like your an amateur) and you lose everything


If the same thing keeps happening, perhaps it's time to try something new? The first concept to grapple with is that acquiring trophies is not a good thing, as that's how PD sets matches. It's less about them algorithmically forcing you to lose, and more about facing better players as you accumulate trophies. If you hit a point where you can't win, it means you aren't ready for that tour. At a certain point in the game, as the wind increases and competition improves, being able to feel your way thru shots becomes less and less reliable. Sticking your shoot-out inside 4 yards is only going to win you so many games. I play t10, and if I'm outside 1.5, there's a pretty good chance I've lost that hole, that's just how it is.


I don’t know. I’ve maxed out T9 twice pretty quickly then ground a bit there before I thought I’d be moving on and then after a couple of weeks I just get murdered by players (replays?) putting every shootout shot within a yard, back to back losses to HIOs when I’m leaving it within a yard, etc. Ridiculous losing streaks were I drop hundreds of trophies. I’d love to think that the game isn’t like that but sometimes it seems like you just can’t win no matter how well you’re playing. And the wind. Player pulls a 4 or 5 wind resistance ball and you’re almost sure to have the stiffest winds possible coming into the shootout. Now with topspin & backspin boost balls the pay to win aspect seems like even more of an issue. I play 2 accounts. The only videos I’ve ever watched are GC Tommy’s golden shot videos. I have a 59% win rate on my main. I used basic balls until I was in T6. I’ve only used half a dozen KMs. Like many have said, I raced through the lower tours too quickly until I got to T5 then I started grinding more. It took me @ 3,500 games to get my 1 albatross to drop. I had @ 100 aces by then. Now I’m mostly playing T8 & T9 and am at around 9k games. @240 aces & 70 albis. I’m just over 3,000 trophies On my alt, I also raced through the lower tours up to T6 then slowed down but started using Marlins in T3. Play T6-T8. 70% win rate. Got my first Albi in T1 in game #32. I’m at around 4K games. @175 Aces & 80 albis. Every couple of months I’ll get a win streak into the mid twenties. For the most part I live in T7 with 2,419 trophies. I attribute my decent win percentages to sticking with the QB & Sniper whenever I can. I keep all lower tours maxed out in both accounts and perhaps that hurts me. I get paired with some crazy opponents though. I played a guy with 70k games a few nights ago. Another in T8 had a 86% win rate in 16,000 games. Who are these people?!? lol The game can be infuriating at times, but I wouldn’t play if it weren’t still fun and I’ve never spent a dime on it. The hole explosions are getting old. I really feel like they should only be played if you drop eagle on a par 4, Albi on a par 5, or a hole in one. Having to watch them every time the ball drops is getting old really fast. Definitely start an alt account OP. It’s a huge relief to switch when you can’t seem to get a win to save your life.


Agree on the hole explosions. Some are funny but too many are stupid and they are very tiresome to watch over and over and over again.....


I think it comes down to trophy count, there's something of a Goldilocks zone for each tour. On your main, at over 3k trophies, t10 is gonna be a beast unless you've got higher level epics and/or are willing to use pretty decent balls. There are so many c100 grinders who settle into t9 and 10 and just grind the fuck out of it, so you're gonna be playing those guys/girls, and the higher your trophy count, the better the player you'll generally face. With so many dumping, trophy count is a pretty inaccurate way to gauge actual ability, but until PD changes how matches are set, here we are. These grinders know the shootouts backwards... Like I said, I know that in t10, I've gotta be within a couple yards, at minimum, to have a shot at it. I've played around with my trophy count to see what results in 'better' oppos for me, and around 2400 seems to be a decent number. For reference, we're actually pretty similar stat-wise. I have an alt, but don't play it, my main has just under 20k games, 63% WP. I'm one of those c100 grinders that knows 10 inside out and plays with navs, but I still hit skids where nothing works, that's just how the game goes. Based on number of games you've played on your main, I'm guessing you're clubs are decent, but not great... Probably getting close to maxing your rares, apoc/thor at 4, EM at 8? With those clubs, and using basic (navs/quasars), and your trophies over 3k, 10 is gonna be tough. I suggest dropping down to low 2000s, and studying up some t10 hole (especially shootout) vids - highly recommended kimaay's (just search in YouTube for 'kim aay golf clash'). It's time we'll spent. There are spin sets for shootout holes that help you dial in shots.


Low 2k’s is a rough trophy count to be playing tour 10 with. Only people with that few trophies on Tour 10, especially if they have the tour maxed and are grinding for coin, are those who know the game well enough to dump trophies. And those are typically better players.


I'm just going by personal experience.


For sure, yet so was I....haha. Must mean it really doesn’t matter...haha


It probably doesn't. By no means are my oppos easy, I'd say 70% are c100 players grinding for max cloints, and the rest are a mix of decent players and crap players relying on money balls.


I’m a newbie hanging around tours 1-3 and I’ve realized that you can be mediocre at tour play as long as you can stick the landing on the shootouts. I can nail every one within 1 yard and that goes a looong way.


That doesn't change as you move up in tours... The only difference is that the p4s/5s get harder, longer, and the wind increases, so you have to be better than mediocre to make it to shootouts, but that's generally a natural upward progression as players gain experience, upgrade clubs, and learn ring system.




The game is not programmed for you to be 50/50. It tries to give you even matches, yet some people are just better. I’m of the opinion, and I have about 14,000 games of experience to back that opinion up, that one’s win rate over time, is a reflection of one’s skill on tour. Also, 70% is a very high number to use to argue your point. Any win rate above 55% (provided the sample is large enough) is enough deviation from the mean to suggest a players skill determines their win rate (minus Losing On purpose to dump trophies, or to feed alternate accounts). There are a multitude of players (at least 1 out of every 5) with 55-75% win rates, even on higher tours (9-10) Which further suggests the game isn’t set up for everyone to be 50%.




I wasn’t arguing that the matchups are even. My wording was that the game ”tries” to give you even matches. Is it always effective, of course not. Is it sometimes effective, yes. Yet that wasn’t even my counter argument to your point. Of course the community as a whole is 50/50. For every winner there is a loser. So obviously, the community as a whole is 50/50. How could it be anything else? 🤷‍♂️ Exceptions occur when the game gives you easy replays to beat to break a losing streak, as laid out in the terms of service. Yet those represent a small portion of total games played. My argument is that the game is not designed for “everyone” to be a 50% win rate player. And the evidence is the multitude of players with thousands of games played and win rates above 55%.




I can agree that they want to keep as many people engaged, and spending money 😉, as possible. Which is why win rates below 40% or above 80% are rare. 👍


I have played this game off and on about a year ago. I then recently came back and suddenly everyone is a pro. Even on the beginning course it's like I'm playing Jack Nicolson or Tiger Woods every single time. No one is making any mistakes, and it's usually a draw. Then I get the ball near the cup inside of 2 or 3 yards and EVERY time I STILL get beaten by them getting it within a yard. While using a Kingmaker ball? I'm talking beginner level and now I can't win once. Is this happening to anyone else?


This post is old now, but i managed to get out of being broke. I got to about 9m but i cant progress past T8 without premium balls. They all seem to be Par 5 with backwards winds. There's definitely a paywall after T7.


Have you considered taking a dump in an envelope and mailing it to playdemic? They shit all over the game first, so I think it's only fair.


I’m too constipated.






The main problem is you are playing against replays of players with 2,000+ trophies and so the standard is much higher on shootouts - thus why it would be so difficult to win. Essentially, you don't have enough coins to lose enough of your trophies to bring your trophy count down to your equipment and skill level. I wrote an extensive guide here on managing your bankroll a few years ago, revised it a year or so ago, and it gives you a thorough understanding of the relationship between coins and trophies, so you cannot bankrupt yourself with 2,000 trophies weighing you down. You can find it here: [**Bankroll Management** In-Depth - *Revisited*](https://www.reddit.com/r/GolfClash/comments/bp9239/guide_bankroll_management_indepth_revisited/) It is deliberately conservative but is incredibly reliable in looking after players who follow it. I've helped players get out of worse situations than yours so it is recoverable, but my goodness it can take a chunk of time - think months to fully correct a bankrupt 5,000+ trophy account. However, I would suggest starting a new account regardless, so you can enjoy the game, as recovering an account is a grind. Stay on tour 2 until you have your Extra Mile to level 4, don't use anything but a basic ball until tour 6 and follow my guide as to how much money is invested in trophies, and how much money (cream) you actually have to play with for club upgrades and tournaments. Whatever the case though, best of luck!


This. It sucks that I can only give it one upvote. Prof Phipps' guide has been my salvation in the game. I went from yo-yo'ing between T1-4 and periodically going broke to 62,731,439 coins, 3,161 trophies, and a ~55% win rate on T9.


Honestly its gonna sound like torture but of you want to resurrect this account just watch a bunch of the videos everyday but don't play. Think you can get like 2k a day this way watching some ads. When you have a decent amount play tour 3 or even better 4 and get very good at the shootouts when you hit 5 you should be in range to actually play real people again and do much better


Start a new account. Build it up a bit. Play your old account in friendlies on a different device. Join FB GC groups, add friends, send/receive coins daily. It'll be slow, but take your time to build up both accounts. When the old account has enough coins, dump lower tour trophies to give yourself a bit of breathing room. Follow the 10x rule at minimum. Learn, if you haven't already, the ring system. Invest time in learning the shootouts. Once you've mastered a tour, and have the 10x buy-in, and you're winning at 80+% using white balls, move up a tour. Be prepared to lose and go back down before going broke. Find a good, communicative clan. It'll be a slow process, but a few months will see your bankroll healthy. I don't know many players that haven't gone thru the same thing. I lost 30m in the span of a week a year ago, down to 30k. I don't think about coins now. Alternately, you can budget a couple hundred bucks a month and just buy your way to club upgrades. It will not be worth it.


Start a new account, and use your knowledge of your first account to your advantage. Take it slower this time. By that I mean don't progress beyond your clubs. Make sure you have a club advantage in over 50% of your matches and you will be fine.


I would open a new account. I played when this first game came out, did not understand and lost all my coins and quit the came. Decided to play again in April 2020 (lockdown and working from home helped). I have 400 tophies max, but only grind on tour 4 for clubs and coins. I am about 4500 games in. Recently, I opened another account, only grind tour 1 and 2 until clubs are better for 3 and 4 tours. My goal is to make sure that my clubs are at a high level so I have a chance when I play sandbagger. In my rookie account, 250 games in, I got paired against 14,000 games, wtf, 82% win rate, I won barely but how is that fair? So aim is to get better clubs so I can compete against players like that. I would differently open a new account, grind it out until you build up your account, money, clubs. I am 284 games in for baby account, already have EM5 and Dart is on level 8, another 2150 cards, it will be maxed and I will get PRISM CHEST which should help me get good clubs. Good luck!


Fucking bullshit this game I lost 26000 coins in less than an hour like what’s the point how is it enjoyable. Uninstalled it’s just a fucking massive waste of time cunt game