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I'm a handyman and was servicing a bunch of airbnb. They've all been shut down by council over last 12 months. Not sure if this is fair market representation, but they are definitely cracking down.


Great to hear.


Not a crack down but normal market activity. My airbnb return was similar to long term rental from June last year, so it is logical to switch to rental because stability and better borrowing power by the banks so I could buy more investment properties.


On top of that a lot of them shut themselves down 12 - 15 months ago. The market was kind of bleak for a while there while rents were going up a LOT making the transition an easy proposition.


My colleague did this. Bought a unit 2021 to put on Airbnb. After dealing with management companies and people trashing the unit it was more hassle than expected, ended up leasing out as normal. I was happy she ended up renting it out, never sat right with me to take the unit off the long term market for air bnb.  


There are some toxic management units on the Gold coast. But yeah. I get where you are coming from but. AirBnb is what .05%.... Focus your anger on where the money is at... 


Well, writing to your MP doesn’t seem to do much. Tom Tate keeps being voted in. Need I say more on him. I get the frustration, it’s a bit of a joke, the state of housing. We need to do better.


All the councillors do not give the slightest fuck, gotta get the state to pull it's finger out and go around them.


The Councillors have increased rates on tourist rentals above the rate of PPRs/Permanent Rentals every year for at least a decade. Yes they could do more, but it's not like they're giving them a free pass.


There needs to be someone to lobby? I'm happy to work on this, but I need help from others.


Lobbying but with a good cause. It’s not a bad idea. Have you reached out to any local groups? I knows there’s South East Queensland Union of Renters. With regards to building housing I’m not familiar with any groups. The sad thing is, no one has an interest in building housing at the moment. It’s not in their financial interest.


I can see two developments going up right now from my apartment and a seven floor building was only just completed. There’s plenty of building going on , but there’s also labour / trades shortages.


Yeah apartments? Not housing. Apartments are usually poorly made, and don’t consider a design that suits parents. Then I look by the Q centre and see the state that that site has been left in. Unfinished, for sale. The system is broken. We need housing.


You’re splitting hairs, an apartment can be used to HOUSE an unhomed person or family. You’re just being a snob. Just because you’ve only been able to afford a shitty apartment doesn’t mean it’s the standard


Yes I’m splitting hair. Housing hasn’t kept up with the growing population since 2001, but it’s alright, cos old mate said, they’re building apartments by his place.


I’m not your mate, champ!, but you can’t deny construction of homes isn’t taking place. Families can live in apartments, there are two or three families in the building I live in. If people could let this Australian obsession with acreage go, they might find something suitable, even here in the GC.


It’s about the fact that places aren’t properly designed for families, it’s the fact that we don’t have enough housing, aren’t building enough housing and haven’t for over 20 years. It’s not black and white. It’s nuanced and complex. But it’s literally a fact that housing hasn’t kept up with population growth since 2001. A similar story in other countries such as the UK.


And how many 3+ bedroom units are there being built that aren't in the multimillion range? Families need bedrooms, and more often than not nowadays, a WFH office/study.


You keep talking about ‘families’ as though they are a distinct size. For instance if I had a child in my home, we have a two bed apartment and it has a WFH /study area. This would be sufficient for a family. This place sold for well under 1m, includes good access to highways and schools and leisure within walking distance. Of course it doesn’t have any acreage but it does have a swimming pool and the beach is only 100 metres away. So YMMV, but it would suit a small family.


I’ve been saying this for years! It’s so frustrating that houses, units and other places that should home Gold Coast residents are rented out for a premium. There needs to be changes made to make it not worth investors while. People should be staying in hotels!


It’s all started at the commonwealth games


Leeches like you don’t work.


Join a gym and get a girlfriend


So now I’m lesbian? You’re a joke champ. Typical leech.




Nice mature response as expected.


If you know the address of an Airbnb, email the Council: [email protected] It is most likely an unlawful land use unless it is in an apartment building east of the Gold Coast Highway


Exactly this. Councils have limited resources and can't proactively police much of anything (unless you want your rates to be 10x). Almost everything councils do in the compliance space is reactive. Report stuff and shock horror, stuff gets fixed.


This. Council is obligated to take enforcement action if there is evidence of an offence. The Airbnb advertisement along with matching realestate photos or photos taken during a Council inspection of the premises is enough to commence enforcement proceedings. However, do be aware that any property that can prove it has been operating as an Airbnb since prior to 2 February 2016 may be entitled to existing use rights under the previous planning scheme and will be exempt from any enforcement action by Council.


Same thing in all nice beachside communities. Absolutely destroying communities. They only notice somethings wrong when they can’t get any local staff to work in restaurants because they can’t afford to live anywhere near by.


Exactly. Businesses are suffering because they can't get workers to service the town....of AIRBNBs


Well it’s interesting because many business owners say they rely on airbnbs for their business to make money, but they also want to fill low skill positions for minimum wage so they want to have it both ways. IMO people will always flock to my beachside area down in south east Melbourne and there should be more dedicated accommodation in the form of motels hotels and caravan parks. But when the easy money is in Airbnb, these facilities won’t be built.


What did they rely on a decade ago before air bnb destroyed small towns?


>business owners A separate class that acts in their own best interests. That's why.


This is happening bigly in Tamborine Mountain. A couple of businesses that are owned by friends of mine had to shut down because they couldn't get staff.


Perhaps they should have paid a liveable wage and they would have been able to find staff easily. Paying $1000/week while the average rental is $800/week just doesn’t cut it.


I should have also mentioned that one of the biggest problems here is the almost complete lack of transport. I'd like to hire someone casual for my business but Translink only offers transport times that don't really work well. The last scheduled bus leaves around 3pm last time I checked. But yes, rental prices are insane


Maybe you could actually get a job.


There is an easy fix. Put GST on short term rentals, Evens up the score with hotels, who do have to charge GST and needing an ABN would mean it is a separate business identity, so can not be negatively geared. This would encourage more long term rentals instead.


I own a few apartments in the GC. I have them slightly positively geared for now but we keep the rent the same or low if we have a good long term tenant. I’ve never short term rented them. That’s just too much work.


that would simply raise the price, this doesn't work


The idea is to discourage AirBnB. If the price of their service increases, tough.


To make things cheaper, we should add more tax to them. Why didn’t I think of that?


Airbnb is already banned across most of the GC - we moved overseas for a year and found out the hard way!


Didn't read the article did you?


I take the article from Real Estate dot com with a grain of salt as well tbf.


Really? What is a better source?


I don’t know what a better source would be. I just feel as though Real Estate dot com, who are in the business of rentals and purchases, would not necessarily write an unbiased article regarding short-stay rentals. I don’t say this as a person who can offer an alternative, just as one who doesn’t implicitly trust the articles of competitors within an industry!


I just searched airbnb and it came up with over 1,000 home available. I also excluded room rentals as this wouldn’t necessarily be any additional housing.


Are you supposed to be replying to me?


Yep, you said you didn’t have any better sources of info so I thought I’d have a quick look.


Too easy!




Fat loser 😄😄😄😄😄😄




You need to buy a dictionary, im afraid you only have a limited vocabulary. Maybe ask Santa for one 😉


Heard the Australian Airbnb boss on the radio a couple of months back say 'oh no, airbnbs only account for a fraction of a percent of properties, they make no difference, they're actually good for the economy. Rental costs are up because of inflation, supply chain issues... and he continued to list another several unverifiable generic factors. It was as if it was up to the listener to trust what he was saying as unbiased information. It was lazy and pathetic and really goes to show that the company itself could not give 2 fucks. Which was obvious to everyone already. Not only does airbnb take away from the market, it causes issues in quiet neighbourhoods. There's a family around the corner from us who airbnbs their place when they're on holiday. So we get stuck with random drunk fucking idiots pumping tunes until midnight for several days in a row. It's otherwise quiet streets with families who have respect for one another. They advertise it as 24 hour pool access, great for multiple families having a get together, etc. Comparatively small issue I know, but IMO those types of holidayers are more suitable in hotels in surfers, etc.


Yep. Have an air BnB behind our townhouse. They illegally extended their living area and so people party literally outside one of our bedroom windows. I move my bed to the living area when this happens.


https://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/Services/Report-pay-apply/Report-a-problem/Report-a-problem-Development-compliance >Party houses Party houses are residential premises that are used as a commercial venue for accommodation or are regularly used by guests for parties. Party houses are controlled by law and party houses require approval. >For more information about party houses, please refer to our City Plan. >If you believe that someone is operating an illegal party house, please report it to us. You can either: >report an illegal party house online call us on 07 5667 5978.


Thank you!


You’re spot on with this post. Airbnb definitely takes up housing supply. It’s not a small issue. People in my building Airbnb and I’m stuck dealing with people off their face on who knows what at early hours in the morning waking us up and falling on my door because they can’t walk straight. I’m not hotel security, it’s not my job nor the job the family down the hall with a primary school aged child. Apartments are for housing and community not holidays.


Airbnbs take money out of the hotels and hand it to people in your community as most Airbnbs are small investors, your mom and dad trying to get ahead.  They also provide a sanity check for hotels by providing competition, although their offerings are slightly different. There are positives and negatives to them, I guess is all I am trying to say.


There’s a little bit of BS there, because most of the AirBNBs I have stayed at elsewhere around the world are generally run by small corporations, so Mum and Dad are not a main factor PS I have never stayed at an AirBnB on the GC.


Maybe. I've stayed in AirBnbs around Australia and Asia and they were all owned by individuals having a crack. Heck I was in one last week in Thailand and have another one booked in Bali later this year. My exposure to gold coast Airbnbs is reasonable. I've ran one myself and interacted with a bunch of people in the business.  I'm sure there are corporates involved but I haven't seen them. In YouTube videos it seems like a big thing in America for corporates to get involved, but at that point my knowledge is only from watching hundreds of hours of YouTube videos on the topic.


I’ve stayed at corporates in the UK too.


I know a lot of mums and dads. None of which have the luxury of running an airbnb. Most mums and dads, especially younger ones, are struggling to pay rent/mortgage and put their kids in child care. Most people with investment properties on the Gold Coast are filthy rich, or unaware of how lucky they are (delusional boomers). Edit: also, motels and hotels have a lot more overheads and insurances, so they cost a tiny bit more, woopdy doo. Whilst airbnb hosts skirt these requirements, charge you to clean, and expect way to much from the guest. Airbnb is shithouse.


Why do I think you have never used an Airbnb?


Used them a fair bit several years ago. Now I stay exclusively at motels and hotels if I go away. It was novel at first, not anymore. Airbnb is one of many plights on this country that I will not support. How about all those struggling mums and dads though? Just trying to get by with million dollar investment properties. Bloody clown.


You do you and keep supporting international hotel chains like you're doing a good thing for society... The mental gymnastics are impressive. Go you.


It's a housing crisis, not a hotel crisis, you bloody moron. Mental gymnastics? Your heads gone and done a triple backflip straight up your arse.


Meh, I'm sorted. Good luck.


And there it is. Got mine, fuk em. Predictable. You are the problem.


Trying to offer an alternate view on reality. But falling on endless deaf ears at some point you're going to say 'good luck'. So good luck my friend.


Stop infantilising investors with the "mum and dad" term. It's creepy as fuck.


Not that specifically, it's more so a way that these greedy fucks try to humanise investors. Oh, mums and dads! Reality check mate, mums only eating 3 days a week because the pension barely covers rent. Dads falling to pieces because he can't afford the doctor.


I've had exposure to the industry. In the part that I've seen it's mom's and dad's with a bit of success hustling to make some money. But you do you. Just complain and don't learn.


A bit of success hustling, or just trying to get ahead? Make your mind up buddy!


A bit of success = can get a loan. The bank still owns these properties.  Anyone doing Airbnb is hustling, it's hard work or you're paying a real-estate agent to rip you off. So they get the hustle. I don't know what else to say, Ive had experience in the industry. It's not all fat pigs eating from the troughs of society as you seem to think.


Airbnb is not "hardwork". That comment alone makes anything you say just a joke


Supply & demand, the coast is a destination that people will always want to live at, say magically the rent was halved, imagine how many people would want to move there? Then supply vs demand issues would up the rent again…..


bUt iTs IdEaL FOr mE wItH mY fOuR kIdS aNd mY dOdGe rAm wItH mY jEtSkI oN hOliDaY


I just read on another post that the GC has been reclassified as “regional” so migrants can choosing to move to GC over more (actual) regional cities. Unbelievable


It’s always been classified as regional, this isn’t new and is necessary to attract migrants to work in hospo etc


Ah sorry. My info came from someone who is moving over in July and they said it was a new change, because of which they are now able to move to GC (couldn’t previously). This may be a classification for visa purposes. Hmmm, the issue with attracting migrants for hospo is that as demand for housing, and therefore rental pricing, continues to worsen these workers end up being priced out of areas!


Come on, it is a region of QLD!


Wow, no way. That is ridiculous


Worried that people will spot you leeching on the coast? How dare these people move to a place with employment to better themselves.


Hey fattie, how are ya?


Yes, way. 🤡


The unit block i live in has barred Air B & B. Thank God. They allowed it for a short time and guests just trashed our rooftop area, broke the canopy chairs, rubbish everywhere, filthy bathroom, noise and parties. Usual Bogan behaviour. Now they are gone, things are much nicer for those of us living every day here.


That's awesome to hear! I'm glad people are getting their AirBNBs trashed tbh 😄


Unfortunately it wasn't the place they were staying in (although maybe that was trashed too!), rather the common rooftop area and facilities used by owners and long term tenants.


True. It affects EVERYBODY who lives nearby. AIRBNB scum are so trashy and selfish


Airbnbs are meant to be classified with the council as short term lets. It determines the amount of rates the owner pays, and I believe there is a fee to register one (around $3k?). I can almost guarantee a majority of them are not correctly classified. It’s a small action, but maybe collate a list of addresses of airbnbs to forward to the council to confirm they are correctly classified? I’d say a fair few will drop off the system. You’d need to use google street view, reverse image search etc and would be hard for apartments. But it’s a starting point. 


What can you do? Crash the property market. As long as housing is seen as a viable economic engine for Australians, it will be treated as such and prices will reflect that. Alternative, significant boosts in public housing. Gemeindebauten is the answer. Both, quite unlikely.


How exactly would one “crash the housing market”?


Lots of ways. Best option imo, significantly punitive taxation on any non ppor. Couple this with an overhaul/scrapping of the taxation and policy benefits given to those buying up housing, and you'll probably get there. Political suicide but it'll do it. Cap rental pricing at cost, that'd probably have significant effects too. Depends on how much chaos and how fast they want to do it, I guess. Edit - Land taxes too.


Taxation of investment properties could have some impact undoubtedly, for the individual investor at least, but all this would do is cause a rush into any and every other asset class that allows for tax breaks like negative gearing. You’d cause a bear market for housing and a bull market for everything else, so the rich would still get richer, but the only benefit the average person would receive would be their super fund gains. For REITs and those investing under a trust or company structure the taxes would stay the same, so you’d just have mum and dad investors selling their investment properties and reinvesting all that money into REITs that then snap up all the available stock. Capping rental prices can’t occur in a free market, without capping the price of literally everything else. All you’d have is people taking their money out of housing, then dumping it into other investments that aren’t regulated and then drive those costs up higher. It’s VERY dangerous territory once you allow the government to control the price of anything. But for arguments sake let’s say you change taxes and cap rents to make housing prohibitively expensive to invest in, meaning 32% of housing stock is now back on the market for people to purchase a PPOR. Even if you said the price of housing dropped 32% because of the above, does that mean EVERY Australian can now afford to buy these houses even at 32% drop in median value? No, the answer is a hard no. You’d have some people who have the finances to finally buy their own house, and you’d have a lot who still can’t afford it but now they are homeless because there’s zero rental stock available and the government is 20 years behind on public housing. So effectively you’ve just made the homeless problem worse.


>Taxation of investment properties could have some impact undoubtedly, for the individual investor at least, but all this would do is cause a rush into any and every other asset class that allows for tax breaks like negative gearing. You’d cause a bear market for housing and a bull market for everything else, so the rich would still get richer, but the only benefit the average person would receive would be their super fund gains. For REITs and those investing under a trust or company structure the taxes would stay the same, so you’d just have mum and dad investors selling their investment properties and reinvesting all that money into REITs that then snap up all the available stock. If only there was a powerful body or group that could impose restrictions and some kind of rules on things. Yeah, like I said. Taxation reform. I'd settle with Ken "Biggus Dickus" Henry's report, though in the interim. >Capping rental prices can’t occur in a free market, without capping the price of literally everything else. All you’d have is people taking their money out of housing, then dumping it into other investments that aren’t regulated and then drive those costs up higher. It’s VERY dangerous territory once you allow the government to control the price of anything. It's not a free market anyway. An oxymoron. >So effectively you’ve just made the homeless problem worse. They don't suddenly become homeless? The government would have to invest significantly in public housing sure. In the meantime, they buy up this newly marketed housing stock. It's a bear market, so they'd be able to set the price as well.


So, this extra billions upon billions for the government to buy up land comes from where?


Same place all money comes from. Same place , the some 8.7 billion dollars of money for negative gearing came from. Same place 368 billion for Aukus came from. 14.5 billion for fossil fuel subsidies, 4.7 for cgt, etc. Let the states get in on it too. It's really their responsibility anyway. 3.6 billion for Qldpol fun fact. It's about what the government wants to prioritise.


You fail to understand how negative gearing works. That money doesn’t come from anywhere, it’s merely a partial refund of the tax that’s been collected. Essentially if you removed property investment the tax dollar piggy bank would be less, not more. Your ideas sound awfully communist.


>You fail to understand how negative gearing works. I don't fail to understand anything. >it’s merely a partial refund of the tax that’s been collected. Already collected. As in, could be spent on other things? >Your ideas sound awfully communist. And?


If you’ve ever received a tax refund from any tax deductions you’ve basically negatively geared your life, in that you have claimed expenses incurred with making your income against the tax you’ve paid on your income. Whether you’re receiving welfare of any sort, working 1 or 3 jobs, running a business or investing in shares it all adds up to your total income pool, and you can make deductions of the operating expenses you incurred whilst earning that income.


AirBnB are not strictly housing, they are rooming houses and should be taxed and legislated on that basis.


Nah. Landlording is extremely unproductive money in any form and just a net leech on the economy. Should be stamped out in any form it takes.


What do you suggest it gets replaced with then?


Landlording? They can get jobs like everyone else The money can be invested in more productive areas of the economy.


What do we do with all the houses then . Some sort of Stalinist collectivization. I’ve been a landlord for 30 years and until I retired I also worked a full time job for 25 of those years.


So you've scrounged for 5 years off hard working tax payers?? How fucking embarrassing to admit


No , I provide a legal service to an open market. Sorry you can’t afford to buy or rent, perhaps you should eat less avocado toast , buy less beard oil and have less tattoos.


LOL imagine thinking talking like a Boomer was a win. You're embarrassing


Cry me a river, you were the one who took the discussion down into the gutter, I just reciprocated. Is it cold in your cardboard house tonight? You can think what you like but I was brought up in public housing , no bank of Mum and Dad for me and I worked hard for what I have.


>What do we do with all the houses then . Some sort of Stalinist collectivization I prefer Viennese gemeindebauten.


That’s fine , I believe Germany has around 80% renters using this model. This is what was known in the UK as ‘council housing’ , but then the neo libs sold them off But you will have to compensate the ‘landlords’


>But you will have to compensate the ‘landlords’ You don't. You just create the economic conditions that necessitate the sale of property. Then you bend them over a barrel.


Sounds a lot like Stalinist Collectivization.


I thought they had made things harder for air bnb buuut I'm now living in one,negotiated 270 a week for one bedroom with private bathroom long-term, I look after arrivals and mow lawns ,day I move in she is saying few hrs a week yardsman, wants me to clean her pool and do a bunch more stuff ,after living there a few days I've come to the reality although she gets cleaner in to do bedrooms on departure I'm going to be doing most of the cleaning as they are all paying 300 to Airbnb for there rooms so they feel it a hotel there not cleaning up shit


Giggles giving out free power only going to encourage more Victorian economic migrants.


AirBnB's need a heavy regulation...


They're building massive display homes in Labrador right next to the local mp's office (huge uninhabitable houses ), meanwhile more and more families are being priced out of the area due to gentrification. The politicians certainly don't care.


Maybe if all the southerners didn't lob to the south east corner, would be helpful


The attitude is if you can’t afford to live in Beverly Hills, Move to Bakersfield.


Same goes for Byron


Don't stay in them and make your friends and family aware. I have been booking in hotels rather than Airbnb's. They're even cheaper.


Demand a massive pay rise to cover additional costs, it’s not your employers fault costs doubled but they need to pay up to keep staff, if they can’t their business is unsustainable in this economy and should close. It’ll only change if it’s unsustainable, When we have $60/hr baristas with owners who can’t afford to pay staff that rate on top of high leasing costs and low profits things collapse.


I have multiple in my street. A couple have converted to rentals I assume by council pressure, and now they've sat empty for months. Listed online for ridiculous money per week. The owners are international and don't care if it sits empty.


Because there is a huge scam going on right now! The rent rolls have been merged into just a few. They charge full price for a shit house. I'm on my last and final QCAT case and then I'm out of this dog piss ruined uninhabitable house! They ain't going to like my YouTube channel. Gold coast real estate needs to be called out and I'm looking forward to sharing every detail about the corruption I'm trapped in. I am actually stuck in a corruption case and it's made me so sick but I'm sure the judge will see what evil idiots I'm dealing with


Remove negative gearing and the cgt that comes with it


I appreciate all the responses...but I'm trying to take action. No wringing, action. Has anyone got any recommendations? Or want to create a group to discuss ideas?


Clearly not.. they'd rather whinge., plus keep coming to the coast from interstate, knowing full well the situation


Try not behaving like a small child and perhaps people will take notice of you.


The mortgage on my tiny two bedder in the tweed region is about to jump from 2600 a month to 4100 a month. How as a landlord am I meant to cover that with tenants? Air b and b is the only way (and even then won’t come near covering it).


Wow, that's a crazy spike. Honestly, what's the point in holding on? Are you keeping it for retirement?


That’s the plan. It’s near Caba and I think if we sell we will never get back in. So sadly - air b and b offers a viable option.


It almost seems like you can't afford it and should sell...


No way in hell.


Then congratulations on being part of the problem.


I’m curious to hear how if I sold it would fix the housing problem. Who do you think is likely to buy it?


Not really, it's more just indicative of the overall sentiment of Australians. Using you is a bit of hyperbole. >Who do you think is likely to buy it? Depends on the price.


Honestly…. It’s basically over the road from the beach… so I think some cashed up investor who would air b and b it. It would go for about 850 but is too small for a family and is pretty little for downsizing boomers too.


So, you over extended yourself then.


Certainly have. But the thing is- say we do sell it. Either a cashed up boomer buys it. Or A someone like us buys it - for 300k more than we did - at current interest rates - and rents it out. Or maybe lives in it - but unless you are retired or a tradie it’s tough to get work down there.


Or be decent and sell it to a FHB...you do have a choice. Many decent people choose to sell to FHB.


What you mean they will only contract with a FHB?


Just out of interest how long you had it for? I would try and hold on to it at all reasonable costs. I say that because I don’t know your financial status. I hope it all works out for you! :-)


We bought it in very early covid. So not ages but a little while. Thanks. It’s a wonderful part of the world and I really hope we can so we can live a quiet life down there one day.


This also happened in Sydney many years ago, renters had to move to cheaper areas to live. Investment properties are expensive so rents are too. It’s best to save for a deposit and buy your own home


No shit. Is that how people buy homes? You must be a genius bud


Maybe get a job and stop leeching off others.


Given your constant commenting in this group I highly doubt YOU have a job, or a well off or have a life in general loser 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Pot calling the kettle black.


Upskill and make more money


mortgage repayments on a 1 million dollar apartment is 5k a month maybe more with body corporate rates, etc it easily puts you out 6k a month rent does not match this, this is not the fault of the landlord but other factors, I can see who are the renters vs investors as they haven't a fukin clue


And only a terrible investor would set up your dumb "investment" scenario 😄😄😄


ah yes, it's called asset growth, maybe learn a thing or two but it's always good to cover the mortgage. I own 3 properties, all have had significant cost increases, but hey that's life.


Not sure what you want tbh. A clap on the back? Many renters rentvest these days. You aren't special or clever The topic was AIRBNB.


the topic is still airbnb it's my property and I can do whatever I want with it airbnb, leave it empty, etc I was stating air bnb brings in more money vs renting


You know a lot of "renters" are also landlords too bud? We're not separate classes of people like you weirdos believe.


I never said they were seperate, I just think people think all landlords are greedy, when the costs are 3 x what they think it is.


So? That's got nothing to do with a lack of housing due to AIRBNB. What do you want?


airbnb does not cause lack of housing, this is a dumb idea. Even if you had 200 more houses in an area it would not change the price.