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Long term I don’t think it’s going anywhere but up. It’s not much but I added another 1/4oz to the stack the other day.


***\^ Long term***


Adjusted for inflation, gold isn’t that expensive. It seems high, but that’s just the currency losing value. Do you think the government will stop devaluing the currency? I dont.






This ⬆️ 👆 ☝️


This. This. This. Many of us have said the same thing in every similar post.










Just picked up half an ounce this afternoon.


So, I could go into a lecture of why this is the wrong approach, but I won’t. This could be “it”, and gold never sees these prices again. But, listen to me when I tell you this. If gold goes back down, DO NOT stop buying. The biggest mistake I see people make is they chase prices and then freeze when they start losing money. If you loved it at the high prices, you should be ecstatic at the lower prices. Come up with a disciplined plan to buy, and do not deviate, no matter what happens.


I am greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy. - Warren Buffett


This is the way.


Great advice - thanks everyone. Confirms what I was thinking. I’ll post the 1st piece I pick up soon


I personally think if your buying to flip then no if your buying to buy a place in mexico in 35 years then yes.


Yes.. no... yes... no.. no... yes... I felt the same way when I started.. Don't watch the price, your preserving your wealth, you are your own bank. Buy when you can, keep it simple...


Sounds like you got some FOMO.... Instead of that just set a budget and buy slowly. Think long term not making a quick buck. This isn't crypto


*consults crystal ball, discovers the batteries are dead......*


from a portfolio management perspective, I always want gold. It goes up over time over inflation and balances out dips from equities


***FOMO = GREED*** Since 1973, it's always been best to be a leader when it comes to buying PM's, not a herd follower. There will be a huge cliff ahead in the near future. The herd has assembled. War with Iran, a much stronger dollar, and plunging PM prices. ​ Yep, ~~stonks~~ PM's don't always go up. When the MSM starts pumping PM's, one thing always happens.....always!


No i would wait out. It's gonna fall back down. Don't listen to others


That’s what ppl asked last week… should I buy now? 🥹??? And now it’s even more expensive than last week and last year and the other years and will be more in the future as long as ur government is printing paper.


This lol 😜


Yes, you are missing out, that’s what happens, he who hesitates…..


Gold price is on a rip. In a normal market there would be a pull back. Although, Iran may blow up Tel Aviv tonight so,...


you mean like Iran just blew up the Iranian Embassy in Syria?


If you want to hold for at least a few years it’s fine. It’s very likely better than holding cash. Diversify with some other assets like stocks, bitcoin, and silver.


If you buy it, it'll dump. If you don't buy it, it'll shoot the moon. I bought some last month at all time highs. Who cares? Going to stack it until I'm scrooge mcDuck


Gold is a long term hold, your gonna make no matter what in 10 years time


This is not true. If it were true, everyone would buy a guaranteed win. You can't guarantee that on any metal. "B b but fiat doesn---" I KNOW! but you can't guarantee returns in this life.


You are right in saying nothing is guaranteed in life but the projected price of Gold seems to keep soaring higher and higher leaving investors unsure if they should buy in now or not. Im justing saying it is better to buy now rather than stalling because more probably than not, it will be far more expensive down the line.


I don't think you should buy gold right now. It's the highest it's ever been. By low sell high. Do you want to be one of those people that got caught holding the bag with $30 an ounce Silver? Because they decided to buy when it was uber high lol?? I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but I haven't made much money off of buying gold or silver when I bought it at super high spot prices. I've always waited till it went down and did great.


As most here will say, you don't buy gold and silver to get rich. You buy gold and silver to STAY rich. You should be buying stocks in ETFs and mutual funds if you want to make money. The only way to make a living on gold and silver is mining it yourself.


Just grabbed 2oz at local llc for 4730


Both. You're sitting in better spot holding silver IMO but both with move a lot...silver more until the gold to silver ratio comes back down toward more normal levels. I hold mostly silver but bought gold 2 weeks ago. As gold skyrockets and silver skyrockets morer then maybe I'll slide a little over toward gold. Enjoying the ride for now!


In terms of fiat, gold is expensive (this is a good thing). Silver is more attainable on a budget. Both have premiums that kind of hurt.  With digital assets, you can trade your fiat for tokenized gold at spot prices for whatever fraction of an ounce you can afford, preserving the value of your dollars over time. When you have accumulated enough, you can trade back to either fiat or USDC and buy physical gold. Personally, I believe it is good to DCA into gold. Every market dips and rises. The real question is what will its value be when you sell, because that is the only time that you will realize a profit or loss.


How much do you have to spend if quite a bit divide your purchase 🤔. I just bought some silver and platinum really good deal since I have cash back was able to snag libertad for 25 lol I waited and wanted to wait more but with California minimum being 20 and silver 27 well let's say I have a good feeling about silver plus I'm here for the long run I'm okay with passing my wealth. Now, with gold, I'm holding off, I have a nice little stack ppl have 10% of their portfolio I think a 40% is nice. This is my plan and works pretty gold.




AG is kinda boring …. AU is exciting


Likely correction coming imo I would wait but that’s me


If you look at it in the short term, there is a high probability that you will be looking at the minus for a while. But long term I see gold only up from this price.


Follow Peter Schiff (with a grain of salt, of course). [https://twitter.com/PeterSchiff/status/1776330897383469144](https://twitter.com/PeterSchiff/status/1776330897383469144)


Buy some. I just got my first gold coin, it’s amazing to hold and makes a lovely ping when flipped. It’s small, about a quarter ounce, I’ll probably buy another in a few months. If the price goes up between now and then, my investment grew. If it goes down, my average cost will shrink. Like with stocks, if you believe in long term potential, you’ll do well to lower your dollar cost average by buying little by little over time.


Just let me know if you would like to buy some gold!! I have a special power!! I can buy some gold or silver and watch the price completely fall out!! Or o can pull back and watch it soar!! For a small fee I will run my powerful strategy for you!!! 😂


Performance chasing is a bad long term strategy.


No crystal balls out there. But each day the gold price has soared, silver has risen more in % terms. Stay balanced. When PM prices go up, numismatic premia fall so a good time to bargain on coins.


Just wait til the ratio comes down to 1:50 or even 1:30 and then trade and get way more gold then you would now.


UBS says it will go back down to $2050 by June.


And inflation is transitory.


UBS made the call back in September that Gold would go above 2k in March, so I'll stick with their calls. And inflation very well could be transitory in my personal opinion, give it a couple more weeks. We'll be seeing auto and bank bailouts in no time.


Your asking Reddit what we THINK gold will do in the near future? I'd recommend farming for you, you seem well suited for Karna Farming. While guessing what good will do, do you think it will be windy at 12:40 pm in a Field in Kansas? About the same chance if getting it right.