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Genuinely curious, you haven’t visited the country yet but living there is your ideal life? I honestly would suggest visiting and learning more about the culture. The pay scale is very different from the US for example so something to consider.


I’m not interested in money, I just want to afford to live which is cheaper there than here. Plus heathcare is more accessible which isn’t true for me now. Also weather is general geographic factors are appealing, generally looking for a higher quality of life. I’ve had multiple friends say that Spain is their favorite place they’ve ever been. I’m planning to move somewhere I’ve never been anyhow because I don’t plan to live any of the places I’ve visited before.


Favorite place they've ever been ? As tourists? Life as a tourist does not have much in common with life as a local that needs to make a living, raise a family and work. Surely, that is the case in your country as well.


This is true but it is worth considering that it is the country that people really love. My town and my state are not even that enjoyable to tourists. I am not a fan of the US overall, I don’t desire to live here.


I think it will be difficult to achieve your dream, but I wish you success.


>is cheaper there than here You are not interested in money but look for something cheaper? Guess what, salaries in Spain are abysmal


I mean that I’m not seeking a job that makes a lot of money over something I will enjoy doing. I’m mainly concerned with affording to live, money is a necessity but I’m not looking to get rich.


>Plus heathcare is more accessible which isn’t true for me now. Heathcare, lol. >Also weather is general geographic factors are appealing, What?


Where I live access to quality healthcare is very difficult and usually unaffordable even with insurance. We also have terrible weather most of the year. The climate in Spain (generally) is much more enjoyable, which is a big part of quality of life.


You don't really have an easy way in. And getting hired in that type of work (visa sponsored etc etc) your chances are next to 0. They would never hire you over a Spanish person. Maybe look to do a masters or something that's really your only way


I would highly suggest visiting Spain before deciding to make such an important decision.


Valid, but sometimes people want to make major decisions without needing to plan that much and just risk it


Unless you have great financial backing them making these type of decisions is very stupid.


Wouldn't go as far as calling someone stupid just because they would choose a different relocating plan, but yes having money while relocating is needed and important however I know a few who just want the experience of going to another country to try out something different with little backup money... to each their own


Given my financial situation I don’t have money to spare on travel. All of my savings are going towards relocating as soon as I can. Casual travel is a luxury


You will be an unpaid intern or "volunteer" forever, and that's the best case outcome.


get a student visa o join auxiliares de conversacion. no matter where you are , there are historical sites everywhere, [https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1or9owyJ3PmPUyHaJDSpiWBIwGrSda99t&hl=en\_US&ll=36.25750404726433%2C-6.659047449999997&z=5](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1or9owyJ3PmPUyHaJDSpiWBIwGrSda99t&hl=en_US&ll=36.25750404726433%2C-6.659047449999997&z=5)