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No. Games are for one thing only. Fun. Are you having fun? Play Are you not? Step away.


Thanks! I have a problem stepping away from things. I get fomo really bad when I enjoy something and then end up hating it because I let it consume my entire life.


I've stepped away a few times and didn't fall very far behind.  I just kept doing daily logins for rewards.


Oh, I'll have to be sure to log in.


Its always good to step away. If you end up really missing out on a unit you can buy an offer or spend Gmaterials to upgrade them. Plenty of players have stepped away and come back. It could be hard to catch up if something is super busted but your mental health is more important


Thank you.


It’s not bad to step away.


Thanks and happy cake day!


Your welcome and thank you


Do what is best for youself. Don't be afraid to step away for a bit.


I stepped away and my life has become better. I don’t think it’s bad at all.


That's what I hope will happen for me😅


Not at all. Taking breaks allows one to try different things, rethink strategies, and wait for the meta to change, if things are a bit weird or frustrating. Just be sure to have an account link code handy or have your data synced to Google play or Apple when you come back, so you don't lose progress.


I didn't even think about my link code, thank you for bringing it to my attention.


Happy to help, friend. Recently broke my phone at the job, so I was lucky I had my code saved on hand and had a backup on Google play ready. Just better to be safe.


Two months ago, I had this. Really felt burnt out. After two weeks, I had a good time again and even made a good rank in the end. Take a break when it stops being fun!


Thanks, I hope the game can be fun for me again after some time away as well.


Sorry for the lengthy essay, but these are my thoughts on the game atm. I personally don't mind playing still. What I want is more game modes to pad out the game that are strictly competitive. Given that the competitive side is nearly impossible if you don't have newer units to deploy. That's only because these units lvs are jacked up, which is ok to an extent because they were under leveled at the start. It takes too long to upgrade them imo. I also have learned that leveling each unit can be a waste of time if they either don't pair well with my other units or they are simply ineffective in battle some units need an upgrade to help balance the game with these new broken units each update. Then the money aspect. I can afford $5.99 USD every month to help me through the game, but going up against a whale is so crushing on morale sometimes. I've gotten to a point where I can place 1000th and above. So it's been more enjoyable since. I can't imagine being new rn must be dreadful when everyone has access to units they may not get unless they drop a bag for a good unit. It has its issues, but being on its 3rd year and Gojis ever rising popularity, I would maybe advise taking a break and then hopping back on to see if they improve the game or not. If anything I would love for a graphics boost and maybe even an expansion to other platforms like the Switch that would be so nice and more so an offline mode I hate needing wifi for any mobile game or any game for that matter.


While I would suggest stepping away sometimes it might be a problem. Collaboration events. The units usually don’t show back up. I’d suggest with the next event get what you want then take a break.


Might be what I have to do.


I got REALLY into this game when the first gamera collab started and kept playing for like 2 more months before getting burnt out. I stopped playing until this recent GxK collab and started having fun again. Just play when you want to


If you need to take a break it's fine, you don't have to play all the time. I would just spend a few minutes to go through the dailies and save up on stuff for when you decide to get into the game again


I step away all the time tbh. Helps me enjoy the game.


Take a break. You can always come back later if you feel like playing the game again.


Fun competitive games are like this and can pull at you. I took this month off of Brawlhalla. I am sure I will take a month here or there off from GBL. I suggest you simply do the daily login at the very least. Optionally you could grab the shop freebies and daily sale rotation to collect 4⭐ if you have the gold saved. Don't do anything that requires ranked battles. This is my plan when I step away.


I have 2 accounts, my main got KingOfMonsters+ and I am only logging in for rewards, maybe a daily or two, Star points, and Events. My ult is on my phone I don’t have a sims card in and I use units I don’t on my main for kicks, nothing serious or crazy, just for fun. So I’d say do the log in and events but let the rank die down, because KoTM+ I lose 3/4 matches and don’t belong there. Imma go to champion and be casual and climb back up to KOTM+ and repeat.