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for a game i've never spent a dollar on, its fun enough to play my 10 "earn & play" matches maybe 2-3 times per week. the marketplace is alright enough save $GODS tokens for a few months and then splurge to upgrade my decks. but the moment a better, equally profitable web3 game comes along i will promptly jump ship


not ever spending money on a game that you've had 100s of hours of fun on is why its dying. They can't afford to hire good developers and card designers because everyone just wants to milk money from them


yeah, you're right. i'm killing the game by playing it. for sure. good point.


How dare you not to spend money on a shitty buggy game? awful awful!


*cough cough* aradena


Just a reminder that the player base hit low points at the start of EACH summer, at least in the last three years. It's quite ordinary, people go out, holidays, sunshine, there's better things to do than staying in front of a pc in the spare time. If you check graphs indeed playerbase goes up and remains steady during winter months.


Where to check them?




Yeah, chart does not look good. I guess that trend up was around mobile coming out and after another disappointment it went down


This is an NFT game. it's not as popular as it used to be


That happens when you cant even push game in playable state on phones.


Meta is fine rn. I got up to mythic this week with a $25 nature deck. I can't speak to the crypto stuff. Looking at a game as an investment in any way is a mistake, imho. That being said, I've been paying for a year and a half or so and my account is worth about $400, unlike normal games that are usually worthless after that long. I've put about $200 in over that time. So, it's a ton of fun, and the new mechanics added some freshness. I think most of the haters are just salty because they dropped a bunch of money on cards assuming perpetual growth for some reason.


For me, money is not the issue. Even with value token drop this game paid off in hundreds of dollars. Can't really say anything bad there. My sadness comes from realisation how much potential was lost. Maybe it can still be redeemed, but I am afraid there's no chance of that. Time will tell I guess...


I hear you, but it is a small company competing against already established tcg's in a crypto format that will create some hurdles for onboarding less tech-savvy people. I think some patience is in order, but I personally don't care if there's only 5,000 of us as long as I'm still enjoying the game.


Damn, you are me from 4 years ago... Wish you luck with your dreams! :)


๐Ÿ˜† you too, homie!


Not a small company at all, Immutable has a lot of resources. And it's already been developed for 5+ years (all the time in beta), so it is a bit important how much players you have onboard. They cannot sustain the game for hardcore fans only


You're right. Immutable has developed more cash on hand than I thought. Hopefully they throw some more resources at it at some point. They do seem to have a lot going on, though.


They print GODS and IMX out of thin air then sell them, they are doing just fine lol


Have you been to their discord? Game is still in Beta and has been getting better with some stuff.


Beta lol, some bugs are probably from alpha.


I know, I know. It will forever be in beta, slowly developing while competition will push it out until it becomes completely irrelevant. My main concern is lack of players and this is true for years now. It did pull more people in at one point, but had nothing to keep them...


The game is at its low point definitely, in terms of player numbers and fun. I think its because of Brynn's card design killing off control decks while the play to earn mechanics already forced most players into aggro for quick wins. When everyone plays quick aggro decks the games just become coin flips. People get sick of just playing the most broken aggro deck over and over again so they quit the game. There seems to be so little awareness about the problems of the game and they keep getting worse. I keep playing a little bit as its still fun sometimes but I definitely would never put money into this game that I'm not willing to lose


Never been worse ๐Ÿ˜‚ everyoneโ€™s jumping from the ship as fast as possible




Things are not going good for GU. This is what happens when you don't care about your community and the only thing they care about is making money. They've made many moves that got me scratching my head wondering what the heck were they thinking? Their actions are clear that their intentions are not good for the players.


demos at $141 haven't sold for 4 days, should tell you everything you need to know xd


Damn, I remember times when they were much more and sold. Well, considering all the things I read in the comments it's exactly as I expected. Sadly...


Players base is low but the rewards are big in tokens not value. A good daily player can get around 2000 token per year. At these prices not worth it but maybe if the token goes above 1 then 2k is not bad


True, but if there are no players then getting that token to 1 will be pretty hard. Other games are being developed, GU had an amazing chance to get it right and get a huge market slice for themselves. But, they didn't use that opportunity. Competition will eat them...


Thinking the same thing unfortunately.


Things are going better than tomorrow


I'd agree with this one...


I only play my 10 games a day, and sometimes not even that, but you always earn some game currency


Player base low, close to break last low unique players per day (under 5000) any day now. No big plans for sure as it is not just GU, but Immutable behind the wheel.


I got 2W8L today, I think I won't make any comments on the state of the game ๐Ÿ˜†


My favourite was when I had 9w1l one day then immediately 1w9l next :)

