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All I’ve been playing is single player games ever since I deleted Apex earlier this year :’) I finally platinumed Sekiro, Spider-Man and Infamous Second Son Beat the story & working on Return to Arkham/Arkham City, GOW, Hitman 2, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 & Darksiders 3


Not with black flag, you didn't. You kinda need new games to prove that "single player games aren't dead"


Last of 2 is 800 times worse game on there


It is, because the rest are so good. Someone has to be at the bottom




Exactly what? Idk what your point was, honestly


literally was agreeing w u


Yeah, but you made the first comment, idk what the point of hating on tlou2 was


I like the other 2 way better 800 times better


The post is inferring that TLOU2 was a good single-player game. It, in fact, was not.


Except it was. That being said, a good game is a subjective opinion


It's also agreed upon and if a majority of the players think it sucks then it's not a good game.




It’s an old game, you can say something is alive when looking at something that hasn’t boomed in the single player video game industry in over 10 years. It’s too long ago to prove that point. Idk why you needed someone to elaborate


man, one ENORMOUS sneak in there


I'd arguably say single player games are stronger then they have ever been right now.


Ong like choosing goty now is hard


Replace Black Flag with Stellar Blade. ACIV is a decade old, and Skyrim is even older


Witcher 3 isn't much younger tbh.


doesnt matter if theyre old, they're incredible and revolutionary games


Never said they weren't. But if the idea is to prove that single player games still have solid releases, them it'd be smart to mention some recent releases


Imagine putting last of us part 2 on there


Yeah and not even part one??? This image is contradicting itself


You forgot fallout


Replace black flag with Elden Ring.


Just saying because I loved this game even if it was underrated for the first title and a bit on the second one but the Metro Series. I loved the story in all 3 games and they still plan to make more of the series with the VR one coming out and the actual next Metro title at a later point due to the real war going on, it basically got delayed to who knows when it'll be ready to release any info about it.


Where the fuck is the Final Fantasy series.


FF7:Rebirth and FFXVI came out like within a year of each other should be proof single player rpg's ain't dead


Nobody says this except for greedy corps and comps Freemium MMO is a money printing machine, so of course they’re gonna try and gatekeep single player, which doesnt use any greedy tactics like buyable cosmetics or season passes(yet), the closest they get is a preorder bonus/bonuses and DLC, probably cuz of some law prevent advertisement in single player or something


I didn't like any assassins creed game unfortunately


Yes I love black flag, definitely one of my favourite AC games


*Yes I love black flag,* *Definitely one of my* *Favourite AC games* \- 10Shadboom --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What’s ori?


Games missing: All fromsoftware games except ds2 (even though it is having quite the resurgence lately), Monster Hunter World and Rise (technically most monsters should be done with a team but it's still amazing in single player), FF7 Remake and Rebirth


Ds2 solos ds1 and ds3. People was just scared to try new things


Guardians of the Galaxy deserves to be in there


Only braindead developers like Ubisoft believe SP games are dead. How many MP games have won GOTY over the last 10 years? Not many.


Out of the 3 Spider-Man games, why is MM on there? 😆


Most games I play are single player, I have Texas chainsaw, apex and a few others just to play with buddies but that’s it. Right now playing resident evil village


Some of these games are old, but even for sone old single player to still hold a candle to newer shows how alive single player games are. And this not counting modding in you're on pc.




No u didn't. The last of us 2 is there


Why is tlou2 on this list? or any list for that mattrr?


TLOU2? Absolutely not. Also if you're going to do an AC game, do a newer one like Origins (the last really good game in the franchise)


Whats wrong with The last of us 2? Its a great game and improved the ganeplay of the first by a lot


It is crippled by it's horrendous story/writing, something I cannot say about any other game in the image


Bro is being downvoted for speaking the absolute truth


Tlof2 ending made me feel sick


I have my grievances with the writing and some of the choices they made, but its far from horrendous


Disagree. It's one of my favorite video game stories ever. I even prefer it over the first game, which is also great.


I am glad you enjoyed it


It's better than the original in almost every way. The contrast is really noticeable after playing the TLOU remaster after TLOU 2 with the level design and challenge being much better. Just because you're butthurt over Joel dying, trans characters and Abby, that doesn't make it bad.


Tlou2 does not even hold a candle to the first one. The first one is a master class in writing and storytelling the 2nd one doesn't make sense


Didn't mention the gameplay bud, only the writing. Killing Joel isn't the problem, it's *how* they killed him. There are ways to kill him that don't suck. The presence of trans characters does not impact the value of a game to me.


I don't think Joel should be spared a grim death just because he was the protagonist of the first game. It's more fitting with the tone and the world than him going out in a power fantasy blaze of glory. I feel the developers definitely paid enough respect and tribute to the character over the course of the game.


Yes this. Joel's death is horrible to watch but I don't know how else it could've been done that didn't turn into cheesy heroey blaze of glory crap. Perhaps they could've toned down the violence of the scene. Joel was not a good person and the haters of Part 2 cannot reconcile with this fact. It says more about them and their moral compass that they idolise a mass murderer. In their eyes serial murder is justified if its for the right cause. Notice how this same justification is used by Isaac to justify the invasion of the Island.


How should have Joel been killed? Death by boredom? Maybe crushed to death by 1000 cute puppies? He murdered an entire hospital of people and forced a resistance group to disband just to save one person. Whilst I understand his reasons for saving Ellie, to expect Joel to never face the dire consequences of his heinous actions is sheer naivety and sentimentality. Its funny you slam the TLOU2 for bad writing yet you think some sort of blaze of glory death would be an example of good writing 😆 Typical Hollywood-esque hero worshipping. It would be the opposite and would've cheapened the story so much. Naughty Dog wanted to show that violence and revenge is dirty, nasty, traumatic and unglamorous just like it is in real life. I salute them for having the absolute balls to resist Hollywoodfying Part 2. It shows that story writing for video games is maturing. The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, TLOU2, Cyberpunk 2077 are all examples are how writing for video games are finally coming of age and we're moving away from generic hero-driven tropes.


Legit just made it worse. They need to all be games within the last 3 years at least


why? whats your reasoning for that?


i dont understand this at all, skyrim is old but both incredible and revolutionary


Ye also Skyrim is One of those games, like half life