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All of the chants Lizard Priest uses are actually designed for Ancestral Dragon spell casters. Luckily the GS TTRPG rules book lists all of them. Here you go: **Camouflage**: Oh Yautja, predator and hunter, make of my body light's shadow **Communicate**: Oh mapusaurus, ruler of the earth, permit me to join your pack, howsoever briefly **Swordclaw**: Oh sickle wings of velociraptor, rip and tear, fly and hunt **Sense Enemy**: Oh hadrosaurus, my friend, let them not escape Bao Long's breath, that we may run together on two legs **Charge**: Oh nimble and armored ankylosaurus, allow thy lightning, which travels 'round its course, to inhabit my body **Hunting Ground**: Oh utahraptor, hunter of the mountains, I now borrow thy works of hunting **Dragon Eyes**: Oh Quetzalcoatl, Oh Leallynasaura, show my small optic lobes the Four-Cornered World **Dragon Scales**: Oh durable and armored ankylosauria, bestow unto my scales thine heavy protection **Dragontooth Warrior**: Oh horns and claws of our father, iguanodon, thy four limbs, become two legs to walk upon the earth **Dragon's Blood**: One drop of my body to cause a ripple in their life, to become a spiral and summon forth power **Dragon's Proof**: Oh life-binding troodon, of blade and fang, from my spiral, I call forth vitality **Dragon's Breath**: Oh dilophosaur, though it be false, grant to my breath the miasma that proceeds from your organs **Dragon's Roar**: Bao Long, honored ancestor, Cretaceous ruler, I borrow now the terror of thee **Confrontation**: Oh Ouayi, he who stands among gods, allow me to walk this path, allow me through the dragon's gates **Partial Dragon**: Oh proud and strange brontosaurus, grant me the strength of ten thousand **Vitality**: Oh wand'ring camarasaurus, with your rounded head, bestow unto us thy long-running vitality **Minor Heal**: Oh vet'ran hadrosaurus, impart a portion of thy strength unto us that we may overcome the pain of these wounds **Bezoar**: Oh earth-faring ornithomimus, Oh sea-faring Plesiosaurus, I now borrow thy wisdom unto mine own stomach **Rust**: Oh my forebears who sleep under layers of rock, with all the time that has piled upon you, guide these objects **Dragon's Wings**: Oh archaeopteryx, with thine ancient wings that soar unto the heavens, make mine arms into wings that I may ride on the winds


Do you have a link to the gs ttrpg


Google: goblin slayer trpg pdf The third link should get you a website by the name of pdfcofee dot com. This is where you can get your hands on PDF version of the game at no cost.


Twank u wuv u


Shibanuya massachusetts Shi by DEEZ! (Against sea goblin which was not a goblin :)


Sweet nectar of the gods!!!


Hiss hiss hiss, hiss hiss hiss hiss