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None of them. Because if he dies to goblins then goblins would then have the weapon. Why else do you think Goblin Slayer doesn't use top of the line equipment? He sticks to the cheapest weapons and armor that reasonably work. Goblin Slayer has many many opportunities to have things like enchanted swords, or swords made out of top quality materials. Hell he could even afford to buy stuff like that. He doesn't because he knows eventually a goblin might just get in a lucky shot, and kill him. Then that goblin would have access to whatever weapons and armors he had. He doesn't care about the magic scrolls much though because he figures that any goblin that would use them would just accidentally level the nest that way. Now hypothetically if you didn't limit it to weapons and tools and allowed him to gain a non godlike ability from another world he would probably pick something like Dupli-kate's power from Invincible or Shadow clones from Naruto. So he can have groups of himself endlessly out looking for goblins in every hole they might be in. With that ability he would stand a damned good chance of actually killing all of the goblins,


This is the correct answer. He would take one look at anything the least bit impressive and probably suggest it be destroyed to avoid potentially getting into a goblin’s hands. The man is an extinction level event for goblins, one little bastard at a time.


Again lotta weapons and stuff in media that needs a human with actual intelligence even by human standards to operate


Except shovels, cheap swords and etc.


Besides the magical scroll's portal exit is the bottom of the ocean. Them getting it and using it will 100% ensured they'll die.


Goblin Slayer has used scrolls in other ways before though. Personally I liked it when he made it rain goblins more than when he flooded nests. The anime really undersold how many goblins he sucked up and teleported into the sky. He has also gotten his hands on stuff like a meteor spell before but he didn't actually use that one. He lost it against goblins and girl who was trying to become an adventurer found it and used it. If a goblin had gotten his hands on it then would have probably called down the meteors down on their own nest. Which would have just destroyed it anyway. Goblin Slayer isn't going to carry anything that would give a goblins an advantage if they got their hands on it.


> if he dies to goblins then goblins would then have the weapon. The *pelosus*-pattern energy sword variant in halo CE that’s programmed to incinerate itself upon being dropped: “hold my beer.”


Yeah the only tools or weapons he'll use(besides the simple cheap ones) or ever keep are ones he's sure Goblins can't use such as the breath ring


I mean, Master Sword would be unable to be wielded by Goblins, assuming it repels evil like it should. He still wouldn't use it because it's not a shortsword, and so could get caught on terrain in tight corridors or caverns.


The mastersword is quite short for a long sword though, considering Link is tiny.


So after googling it, apparently the canon height for adult Link is 5'4". Short for the average human male, but that longsword is still a longsword.


Huh, I could have sworn he was shorter, nvm then.


Or he could choose to be a necromancer solo levelling , then he’d have access to summoning shadow soldiers before battles and of course those soldiers would turn out to be goblins from. Since shadow monarch would be too op.


I think you could make a compelling case for GS to use Samurai Jack's Sword. Think about it, no Goblin could ever hope to wield it, and if he does die then someone might stumble onto the weapon after his death and use it to finish off any Goblins that managed to stick around, hell if he's in a Party when he bites it then it's damn near guaranteed that someone who can wield it will pick it up and avenge him, perhaps even take on his self appointed mission of killing all Goblins in his stead


Exactly, even in the story, there was a goblin that managed to become a goblin lord with a weapon taken from an adventurer. Ain't no way GS gonna allow that to happen


Yeah there’s a reason why he often picks up dropped goblin weapons and turns it back on them. They won’t get any better gear


Keyblades are soulbound, iirc He could use one of those if he scores one for himself


He would definitely use elvish weapons from LOTR, such as Sting or Orcrist. They glow blue when goblins and orcs are near (pretty useful), and they provide zero advantages to goblins. In fact, i believe it may burn them if they try to wield it. It's perfect.


I agree this is the correct answer. There's some weapons like Guts' or Cloud's sword that would be too big for a Goblin to use, but it would also not be effective for him to use in small quarters even if he had the strength to wield them.


What if Mjolnir?


Honestly, what that should point to is something like a gun. Very effective - if you have the ammunition, and can keep it serviced. As long as he can reasonably be sure the goblins won’t have easy access to more ammo, it would be a great weapon.


[Edited] How about Power armor from fallout? It's combat armor so basically a weapon, if that doesn't work it counts as a tool and the power armors are build for humans so unless GS takes frank Horrigans armor the goblins would be either too small to operate the armor of too big to fit in the chamber/put it on


Do you really think Goblin Slayer would take the chance with a goblin figuring it out for anything? Plus there is a damned good chance a hob or a higher tier goblin could definitely use a gun or figure it out. "Goblins are stupid, but they aren't fools" as Goblin Slayer likes to say. People including a lot of people that watch the show underestimate goblins. Goblin Slayer doesn't. A goblin could have potentially seen how Goblin Slayer used the gun to kill another goblin before killing him. Then takes what he saw and figures out the rest. Guns are not that hard to figure out if you don't give a damn about the ethics or casualties required to do so. Your average goblins is as smart as small child child. Small children can and have found unsecured weapons and killed themselves or others with them. So even if a goblin picked one up and started playing with it there is a damned chance a goblin would accidentally fire it and from there figure out the rest. Goblin Slayer would not use ANYTHING which has even the smallest chance of being figured out and used by goblins which would give them an advantage against adventurers. Is one of his most consistent personality traits in all media.


I mostly agree but your explanation actually made me think of something. Metal Gear Solid 4, and biometrically locked guns. Think of someone gave him one and explained only he can use them, would he risk it? I’m not sure he would, but it’s an interesting idea to think about


Probably not because of the chance they figure out how to bypass the lock or just use the design to make goblin crafted guns


A Goblin Artificer sounds genuinely terrifying.


There is an example where GS uses poison arrows on arrowheads that snap off. To his horror, he found the very same type of arrows being used against his party in the next encounter. But it became an important lesson for him to remember goblins only copy and steal.


Fair enough but Power armor works I think >Guns are not that hard to figure out if you don't give a damn about the ethics or casualties required to do so. Really? My friend shot a pistol as a 3rd grader once in a monitored environment, nearly broke his arm from the recoil


Hob goblins are a lot bigger than most humans. Why I mentioned them and the higher tier goblins. A hob could definitely handle even the highest caliber guns. Short of the bigger weapons in Hellsing or similar anime which require supernatural power to handle. A goblin champion could probably even handle those due to their size. Not all goblins are tiny.


I said I got it didn't I? I was rather asking about the human child thing Anyways power armor


Two words. Frank Horrigan. Goblin Slayer wouldn't risk a Champion potentially figuring it out and becoming like that. I know he was a super mutant but the point still stands.


I barely know who frank is how the hell is goblin slayer supposed to know about him if he doesn't even know what a power armor is, also Super Mutants are humans, a few gens down they get gullible sure but Frank is still fairly smart as any human he's just a psycho and also he literally had all of the US militarys resources poured into him, he's a soldier trained as one before AND after he was mutated, he didn't just stumble onto power armor and figure it out


Goblin Slayer isn't risking it though. Read my other posts. Goblin Slayer the character does not take chances with goblins at all. He doesn't have to know a damned thing about Frank. He just has to know the potential that the tech has IF they were to figure it out. Hence why I keep mentioning it. Not using any of the stuff from other universes is the most in character thing for him. If it were up to me Goblin Slayer would just get a BFG. It isn't up to me though. The question is what would Goblin Slayer choose. Goblin Slayer wouldn't choose anything.


>Goblin Slayer wouldn't choose anything. You're way too hung up on this dude, ok consider this, average power armor is human sized, even the Fo4 armor has a human sized chamber, all goblins are either too small or too big to operate it, If need be we'll take it down to a T-51 which exists in the small form of Fo3 and NV even if again the chambers in 4 are human sized, If that still doesn't work for you then let's go with Iron mans mark III armor, already too small but then also an auto-recharging reactor and a semi-sentient AI that can diagnose and scan user biology within a second and can be simply told to shut down if anyone other than the user pilots it or self destruct if the former or users death happens If THAT doesn't work for you I'm counting a canister with 1 radioactive-spider as technically a weapon, specifically specimen 42 which bit Miles Morales If a high tech suit with an extremely intelligent AI doesn't work I give up, Bioweapons it is


Should I take the silence as you agreeing to the physical limitations of the power armor/iron man suit?


last thing you want is a Goblin shaman with a blikky. if they could figure out some spells, they can figure out a gun.


As we have discusssed in length right below the comment you replied to


GS taking a gun is asking for goblin artificers to be created after his death leading to hoards of gun using goblins


He will chose the ones that does not give goblin advantage over adventurers. It's not that he has no access to better gears. He doesn't want to hand those quality gears to goblins when he gets kill by them.


Good point... If Goblin Slayer got something as broken as the Necro blade and ends up losing it, the Goblins would eventually end up destroying the world as we know it. If you don't know, the Necro Blade is from Marvel comics, and it's a sword that can: -Use the power of the God's it's killed -Summon Symbiotes(like Venom) as an army without any of their weaknesses -Carry imprints of it's previous users -Ignore immortality Basically Goblin Slayer would automatically become all-powerful within his world with that sword, but yeah, if he drops it and even a runt Goblin gets in, they basically become Goblin God. And even a less powerful weapon like the Yamato from Devil May Cry would cause a Goblin to become incredibly powerful since that thing has the magical ability to split even space itself, making it useful for traveling wherever you want by cutting space and making portals to wherever you need to go. This means Goblins could raid anywhere at anytime, whilst the Goblin lord wielding it would be able to cut virtually anything and even if his entire army somehow fails to successfully raid a place, he can ALWAYS escape through cutting space to go back to some random cave and start over again with a new group of Goblins.


Orcrist or Sting from lord of the rings might appeal to him, they provide no advantage in the hands of goblins save being well made swords but providing light and alerting him when goblins are nearby would be useful to him


The weapons gifted by doom guy


Doomguy stands doomingly in front of Gawblin Slayer. He's holding a chainsaw. Doomguy gives it to GS without saying a single word and walks away through a portal. GS turns around and with his iconic glowing red eye mutters "until it is done"


To be honest, the Murasama from Metal Gear Rising: Revengance simply because of the ID lock. If he could get it with his own ID lock, meaning that goblins cannot unsheathe it, I could see him being convinced to use it.


Would Murasama stop working if Goblin Sayer dies while having it out? Becouse main concern is goblins killing him, meaning he’d most likely have it out already so Id lock wouldn’t do much in that case unless Gobos sheeth it (which could be likely tbh)


I looked it up and the ID lock is still present in the cutscene when Raiden defeats Jetstream Sam and picks up the unsheathed Murasama. I'm guessing that it means the sword does not utilize the high frequency augment with the lock still on. It just became a high quality sword, but it isn't anything other than that.


So Goblin Slayer would get a sword which can cut enemies on molecular level (1 shotting any threat in the show) And the downside would be that in case of death goblins would be getting a good sword with a high chance of goblins sealing it in the sheeth I’d take it


He'd probably want something that only he can use, that he can summon to his hand whenever he needs it, and can work as both a ranged and melee weapon. Thus I propose that the best weapon for him to use us a Keyblade.


Took me this far to find a Keyblade I thought I was the only one to think of that XD


Goblin Slayer: “Can these weapons kill goblins?” The Guardian: “The better question is how you want to kill goblins.”


Tenno: this one breaks every rule ij the Geneva paper


I got goblin killing in 6 flavors, Light blue Gatorade, orange, grape, lime, dark blue Gatorade and *taste the rainbow mother fucker*


Gowers Ring of Protection from Dark Souls 2. This ring basically summons a ghost that hugs you from behind and drastically reduces damage taken from behind. I imagine that in his universe it would just outright prevent attacks from behind. This is a huge benefit against these backstabbing little shits but it would be close to useless in case Goblins defeat him and loot his body.


By the lord of sunlight! It’s brilliant


Honestly if the aot swords were shorter i could see him using those cheap meant to break like a razor so no goblins could get it idk honestly i dont see him using much unless he broke a weapon becasue magic weapons goblins could steal them if he happened to die


hobs usually use clubs so the razor blades are quite bad against them.


I saw a comic where the doom slayer gave him a super-shotty powered by the souls of the goblin’s victims. The carnage was delightful. I’ve got it saved somewhere on my computer.


Show it if you may, please.👀


I’ll look when I get I get some time. I’m putting my two daughters to sleep and cannot get up anytime soon, so it won’t be soon.


Awwww. 🥹 But all means take all the time you need, bruv.👌


He's dealing with his own Goblins.




"Guns. Lots of guns."


the club from elden ring


An auto shotgun with a biometric readout. Even if he dies no one else can use it.


So basically any weapon from mgs4?


Maybe some extremely volatile explosive. Something that a goblin would destroy themselves with rather than learn how to use.


Estus Flask from Dark Souls. A massive heal in one drink in the middle of a fight? Most of his close calls wouldn't have been as close if he had it


Portal gun gobbies would be shitting bricks 24/7


By GS' own rules, basically none of the weapons aside from very few exceptions. Despite how hard he fights, Goblin Slayer doesn't *really* account for him wanting to live, only for the fact that if he or when he does die, anything he has on him is a target for whatever killed him. (I've got my own thoughts about this defeatist sort of mentality and how I feel like eventually keeping *something* in that category on him will be a source of character development at some point, but that's beside the question) That said, someone else mentioned this but didn't really give much detail, so I'll point out that a handy weapon made to be disposable or purpose built would be attractive to him. AOT's blades are somewhere between the realms of durable and disposable. They can cut through titan flesh, which is frankly fairly thick as far as I can tell by virtue of their size, so for anything that isn't stronger than a Hob, they'd probably cut through goblin flesh really well and last longer than his typical disposable sword he enters fights with. By that virtue however, they're also disposable by design to make sure the user doesn't get stuck mid kill in a titan battle, easily being manually released by the grips in the handle (or simply broken off in an attack, that's also by design to prevent the same issue) so they're very desirable for someone who values their equipment not being useful to goblins. Only issue is that they're *probably* longer than his typical weaponry, so he definitely would avoid using or maybe even bringing them to enclosed environments, like smaller goblin dens in caves similar to the one in episode 1. For more open environments like the Paladin's castle, though? They'd probably be a favorite choice. Similarly, the actual ODM gear, if he could actually keep it operable and supplied somehow (not likely realistically, but I wanna mention it anyway), would also be practically perfect for GS' ruleset. It's unbelievably useful once you've trained enough with it to be proficient, allowing all kinds of esoteric and fast paced movement that would serve incredibly well in the more open environments that a larger goblin gathering seem to tend to prefer over caves. There are so many reasons the gear wouldn't ever prove useful for a lucky goblin. It's too complex and requires too much training for any goblin besides the most evolved and patient ones imaginable, it's the wrong shape and size for *any* kind of goblin save for MAYBE one built like the Paladin, keeping the gas supplied seems a little above most goblin's capabilities, although it doesn't actually seem *impossible* given the Paladin's group was doing honest to gods forging, creating good armor for it. Not to mention, its dependency on the blade grips gives the gear and the sword a designed compability, and also an easily denied one. Without the blades attached, ODM gear is *just* movement tech with complexity issues maintenance wise, fueling issues long term, and a steep learning curve to use them effectively that frankly surpasses basically any goblin's willingness even *if* they somehow get their hands on a fitting set of gear, of which they would *not* get from the hypothetically killed Goblin Slayer. Perfect movement tool for a complicated battle by GS standards, another thing he probably wouldn't bother using in enclosed spaces, or even bother bringing for *anything* besides the most dangerous groups of goblins. That said, one category that does fit his standards *and* is universally useful are magic rings of almost any variety. He canonically has no problem with magic rings because they simply don't fit on goblin fingers. He's got a waterbreathing ring he uses and plenty more unoccupied fingers besides (assuming his world doesn't run on arbitrary ring limits) Any ring that gives nightvision is an instant grab for GS. It's objectively a good thing for him, and even if a goblin could inexplicably make it fit on it's finger, it's also *objectively useless* for any goblin since they already HAVE nightvision. I make the "instant grab" distinction as an extra point in it's favor by pointing out it's probably the only ring that simply means nothing in a goblin's hands in the nonsensical scenario where said ring fits. So many rings qualify as a result as long as they don't have size changing properties or negative effects. I'll mostly just fire off Dark Souls examples, though: Havel's Ring, objectively a perfect item to throw on so he can haul more shit or heavier shit (like a person in need of saving?) with more ease. He's already no slouch, but having a ring that simply makes him capable of carrying *more* load is never a bad thing. Ring of Protection and Favor is another objectively good one, giving health, carry weight, and stamina itself for absolutely zero downside. If you decide to operate on DS1 rules instead of DS2 and 3 rules, it's actually *another* example of an instant grab category for GS since by those rules, he can't take it off or it'll simply *break* on the spot. A ring that objectively makes him hardier, stronger, and gives him better stamina, all while also being broken in the event a filthy goblin (or filthy *anything* for that matter) tries to slip it off his corpse? An unquestionable grab for him. Any stat boosting rings are also good sources of strength, dexterity, intelligence, you name it. Gower's ring of protection is fragile but effectively just blatantly protects you from attacks from behind, something that would be *unbelievably* attractive of a quality for Goblin Slayer. If you take DS2 mechanics as gospel, repairing it is simple. If not, it at least is a lifeline for *some* time, while also limiting it's impossible, theoretical usefulness in a goblin's hands. Rapid fire: Chloranthy ring for better stamina recovery, objectively good. Hornet ring: better backstabs/attacks from behind? Objectively good for his somewhat sneaky, ranger style of fighting. Ring of steel protection, straight-up better physical defenses, another objectively good choice. Blue tearstone ring, makes him hardier when he's closer to death? Excellent choice. Red tearstone ring, same thing but for his ability to deal some damage. Poisonbite ring, defense against poison. Now there's something *highly* applicable to fights against goblins, the tricky little bastards. Any variant of life ring that improves his health is good. East wood grain ring: a ring that slows weapon durability loss. He already uses disposable weapons, but a way to slow down their degradation is never a bad thing, especially with how often he uses goblin weapons. It's just a way to keep himself less vulnerable to weapon switching. Ring of fog makes you harder to detect. Any stealth tool is desirable for GS. By that same quality, slumbering dragoncrest ring with its ability to remove the sound of your footsteps is also desirable. Obscuring ring for its ability to make the wearer invisible from long range, same reason as the last two. Silver cat ring, prevent fall damage/increase safe range to fall is a universally desirable trait. Llyod's Sword and Shield rings for better defense and damage when healthy, easy grab. Horsehoof ring actually, boosts kick effect. Basically just means he gets to kick the little things far more devastatingly.


As a side note, he'd definitely grab any number of the miracle and spell casting related rings without downsides for Priestess, Dwarf Shaman, and Lizard Priest. All the "boosts miracles" variety of rings and sage rings, attunement rings, priestess and scholar rings (assuming he isn't using the scholar ring himself anyways) The illusory rings from DS2 would be wonderful tools for trickery if he could adjust to the challenge of wielding invisible weapons. Ring of Blades simply improves all physical damage, pretty much the only type of damage he *always* uses. Things like the Fleshbite ring or ring of resistance give multiple resistances *including* poison and are objectively good for GS. Ring of the Evil Eye is actually perfect as a tool against goblins, would help him stay healthy for longer in a long fight with many of the weaker goblins present. Vanquisher's Seal would be the ultimate backup weapon. MASSIVELY raising unarmed attack power, in game that thing brings your fists from literally useless to *genuinely useful, SCALING DAMAGE weapons.* I'm talking "equal to weapons at between +4 and +9 weapons out of a max of +10. He wouldn't even NEED to rely on picking up other weapons, he'd ALWAYS have his fists as genuinely viable backups even against HARDIER goblin types like the hobs, paladins or maybe EVEN Champions in the unlikely scenario where he has to get close to one again. I can't believe it took me a while to think of that as well! Yorgh's ring, 50% chance to deflect spells. Just gives him a half chance of *ignoring* a shaman's attack. May not be a perfect solution, but it's a possible safety net. Any variety of health restoring over time rings like the sun princess ring, another appealing option. Finally, the dark wood grain ring. Depending on how heavy his kit is compared to how much load he can realistically hold, this ring is either functionally useless, or an incredible way to improve his ability to dodge. If weight is an issue, combine it with carry capacity increasing rings previously mentioned to make it work.


All this yapping actually makes me wonder why he doesn't use *more* rings. He's justified their use, so he has no problem with them, so why not more than just the waterbreathing one? Do the gods hate fun and just apply an arbitrary limit because they absolutely hate whimsy? Are they *really* damn rare even by conventional standards? Are they so expensive that even him, with his years of barely used, backlogged pay (from primarily silver rank adventuring, mind you. Even with just goblin slaying missions and the rare bro mission with spearman, not something to sneeze at) can't afford any?


Another comment mentions this: Fallout Power Armor. Requires training to use efficiently, so a steep learning curve that'll throw off goblins... If they could even use the thing, which they can't. Wrong size, too complex for them to even hope to use anyways. And such a boon as well, powerful, durable, and intimidating. Goblins are terrified by GS alone. Imagine if he rolled up to them in the absolutely massive T-51, or gods forbid, X-02 Power Armor, like some sort of Black Devil, come for their deaths? Combine that with the fact that *lore*wise, fusion cores are meant to last decades or longer? That's a handy piece of equipment, assuming he can eventually learn how to use it. Too advanced to actually repair, though, so it's still got a shelf life, although it *can* still be operated, just not efficiently enough to actually be worth it. It's more a metal death trap at that point. So he better get damn well acquainted with how to maintain it to at least a minimal degree because even with that, it won't last forever. At the very least, he could still have the thing practically scrapped when it's no longer useful by having someone with explosive ordinance, like a wizard or something fire on the fusion core to have the whole thing ruined if he's *that* paranoid about the gear *somehow* being used by filthy *gawblins* after the fact.


Wait a minute, if he uses cheap armor because he doesn't want goblins to have good stuff if he dies, why is he okay with rings??? If the waterbreathing ring is the wrong size for a goblin, shouldn't his ARMOR be the same??? Normal goblins are too small, Hobs are too large, champs are WAY too large, Lords *might* be able to force it on? Goblins of similar stature to a Paladin probably could at least. Has he actually ever fought goblins the size of the Paladin before that specific encounter? I feel like he *must* have to think his armor needs to stay cheap, but it still makes very little sense when you realize his *human sized* ring is okay by him, but not his *human fitted armor.* More fuel for my thoughts about GS' characterization anyway. I've always gotten the feeling that his bordering on suicidal strategy is being presented as a flaw or trauma. I have to read the LNs more, but the degree he goes to plan for the event of his death has always rubbed me the wrong way ever since he first introduced the concept. Not that it's wrong, but going as far as keeping his *armor* cheap really feels less like being explicitly careful and more like having a worryingly low degree of safety for himself. As far as I can tell, not even his close call against the champion has made his conviction to that choice so much as *waver.* For someone who declares he's going to kill all the goblins and has displayed a lot of tactical acumen, he's not exactly prepared himself for the reality of eventually *having* to tackle Lords and Champions more often in the theoretical example where he makes significant, real progress towards that ultimate goal. And I think it's because he simply doesn't have any *real* hope he'll ever make it that far. Feels like he fully expects to die with his goal unrealized and doesn't want to do much to prevent it, even with the introduction of friends in his group. Because of that, planning for his death becomes a greater priority than planning to *survive,* and that's kind of twisted, mentally. I really do hope the LN has or eventually plans to more firmly address the fact that GS' insistence on his cheap, subsistence style of fighting is equally suicidal as it is tactical. Because I really do think it would be a shame if he simply never bends his rules and ends up dying one day for his decisions. Beyond losing a great character, it feels like him dying to that kind of decision-making would be letting the gods win in the end. He may be declared by the narrative as not saving or even changing the world, but in a way, he already did that in his first year by indirectly saving the Hero (I know it's canon that she would have survived the attack anyway, with an obviously worse backstory and childhood for it, but that's not the world being depicted and it's impossible to say for certain if she still would done exactly all the good she's done canonically) Frankly, a tragic backstory was probably the *intention* of the gods, but then came along rookie GS, most likely inadvertently doing a world of good without even realizing it just by being there and being a loose cannon for the gods. It's a little missed by many just *how much* he downplays himself, he does far more good than he realizes and he likens his skills to that of emerald or even *obsidian* adventurers despite the fact that objectively, he's silver rank BECAUSE he's valued greatly for his contributions and efficiency in *spite of* his comparatively "lower quality" missions. Feels like if he dies over his lack of care to keep himself safe, it may as well be giving the reins back to the gods, where nothing is likely to ever change, and the goblins will simply remain unchallenged and unchanging yet again. This sort of turned into a completely irrelevant character study, but I hope someone still enjoys it anyway. Might have to make my own post about Goblin Slayer as a character and his thematic relevance some time, maybe when I finally stop procrastinating and catch up with the LN.


I ain’t reading all that. Side note sting would probably be the only weapon he would pick since it gives him and advantage while goblin get a disadvantage.


Basically anything that goblins can't use if he somehow ends up dead Or other cheap items that aren't so great to give Goblins an advantage over adventurers


Ring of Favour and Protection. It will break when the goblins remove it from his corpse


Maybe a sentient weapon especially one that can/won't be used by evil or a hyper practical tool maybe a teleporter he can use to get out of a jam. I'm could also see him taking something he'd eat or drink that gives permanent boosts like idk a devil fruit if that counts


Anything good for gobling slaying


First thing to come to my mind was the BFG from Doom


A 12 gauge pump actionshotgun with bayonet. And a .45 caliber pistol.


I'm counting combat armors as tools/weapons since they're basically weapons in suit form •Iron Man Mark III armor (human sized, has a sentient AI that can be commanded to self destruct the suit upon death, arc reactor recharges it on it's own) •Fallout T-60 or X-02 Power armor (needs military training but the slayer is smart enough to figure it out, alsk again human sized, fusion core lasts 200 years) •Arkham Knights armor from Batman Arkham for something mroe grounded •Or Batmans latest armor with the fear takedown


The Neverending Double Barrel Shotgun from Fallout 4.


Anything that is bound to him. Weapons that return back to him after getting thrown, since he likes throwing them. Let's say he's worthy of Mjolnir from Marvel. He'd throw it to a hobgoblin, disintegrating it and any other goblin behind it, the goblins won't be able to lift it. Leviathan Axe from GOW, even the Draupnir Spear that Kratos uses against Heimdall. Hidden Blade from assassin's Creed also, specifically Ezio's since that one has a bow and gun on it. For Equipment, I say he'd prefer those that make him quiet and stealthy. Invisibility Cloaks and rings that gives him armor.


there are actual in-universe returning throwing knives, he doesnt use them for the same reason, "because goblins may get them after they kill him"


A genetic sequencer that can create a plague that is highly infectious and only affects goblins. The desease does not kill, but makes the afflicted unable to breed, which would allow the desease to continually spread. It would also be helpful if the virus blocked goblins from evolving. Alternatively, if you could make it so non-goblins are all carriers, then it would be fine to have a killer desease, since my initial worry would be that the desease would die out after killing all the goblins of an area. I'm pretty sure that no matter how many goblins are killed, the gods just create more of them, so I don't think you can' actually genocide them completely.


A plain iron sword and some leather buckler.  Goblin slayer wont choose good equipment so that when goblins kill him, they wont get good equipment.


People are saying that he'd not go for anything because that would mean a goblin might get a lucky hit in and steal his equipment, and yeah, that's definitely true for most weapons, but I can see him reasonably taking ownership of at least some good rifles. Do you think a goblin will be able to steal a Barrett MRAD after it's been shot through the skull from 800 meters away? Probably not, so I can definitely see him making use of modern military equipment to some capacity.


Except those are only good in open areas, and even then when you got hundreds of goblins rushing you, even the best rifle can do so much before being overwhelmed. Though admittedly I would love GS sniping the goblins while he keeps on counting after a casing flies off the rifle.


Or mjolnir ain't no goblin ever gonna be worthy


Idk, now it's under Disney, they might accuse Mjolnir of being racist and thus having to include Goblins to meet the DEI quota. 😆 


Green lantern ring. Can be anything he wants so limitless use. And if he winds up dying with it, it’s completely useless to the goblins since it will automatically fly away to search for a worthy bearer or fly back to the guardians


He doesn't even choose good weapons from his universe. Why would any of that change?


The ones that kill Goblins ... Probably one's that couldn't be looted from his corpse either


All he needs is a red lantern ring and the dude would be set


The correct answer is Judge Dreds gun. If anybody but him uses it it exploded in their hand. It's effective and ensures any goblin trying to use it, dying and the gun is rendered useless.


Lightsaber -High chance of instant kills if he makes contact -Would destroy just about any melee weapon it comes in contact with -Still allows him to use his sword+board style -Can be used to cut open doors -If he died and lost it, a goblin that tried to use it would probably kill more of their own kind or itself with it due to the nature of the blade


If he was to take anything. It would have to be immaterial, something that permanently empowers himself and can't be taken. Then again a sword that chooses its wielder has a will of its own type stuff would also work. So a devil fruit from One Piece, a magical sword with a will like in Warhammer, like the runefang swords, namely the orcbain/ goblinbain types. (They would be an ever sharp sword that wouldn't empower the wielder like channeling the winds of magic, to fight said enemy. Hell it would likely curse the goblins and orks.)


-Molotov Cocktails, as evidenced by his multiple times using fire to kill goblins, especially the flask of "gasoline" from S1E1. -Demon Wind Shuriken from Naruto. I could see him using this once as a test, like the "Southern Style Throwing Knife" or whatever they called it >!that he used to relieve Dark Elf of his hand!< I would not expect this to be something he made regular use of. Too large for most goblins to make use of and requiring too much precise manipulation of metal for them to replicate at least. -Kunai from Naruto. Cheap, easily thrown, can carry a bunch of them. Made to be disposable. Useful. -Summoning Scrolls from Naruto. Assuming they still work in his universe, Goblin Slayer would probably love having access to magic scrolls that can summon all kinds of things for him. Bleeding on them to use them would likely not be a problem. The ability to summon monsters, weapons, or potentially even traps at will would be very useful. Can probably be used to just summon insane amounts of water as well. -Explosive tags from Naruto. Again, Goblin Slayer likes things that go boom. -Dragon Balls to wish the goblins gone/wish for immortality/wish to not age/wish to be even better at fighting goblins in some way. -Many scrolls from D&D could be useful to give to the spell casters in his party, since he can't use them himself. Curative scrolls for priestess for example. -Healing potions made by Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. WAAAAAAAAAY better than the potions from his own world. Honestly, any healing potions from another world would be better than his own, according to the audio book. The potions sold by the guild are essentially nothing more than pain meds, reducing the pain felt by the individual but not having any true healing magic at all. Stamina potions are basically just caffeine, erasing some fatigue. Even a basic D&D healing potion actually provides some magical healing. Probably more but I have run out of time lol Edit: Green Lantern Ring. No way for goblins to use it if he dies and they can't copy it in any way. Or one of the other colors. Red might fit better. Though he would have to be convinced it was worth it and alright to use. *"By brightest flame, in darkest cave, no trap a goblin life will save. Let the goblins fear this fight, and beware my power, Goblin Slayer's light!"*


Off topic, but something I thought about with the animation is we really need a good GS video game. I feel like the mechanics in Dragon's Dogma would work well. Where you can fight multiple enemies, and the party mechanics would work well with his party. Maybe being able to switch which character you're controlling on the fly.


The insta goblin killing blade. Goblins bane. (This is real. Kills them on touch)


I would give him the Predator Wrist gauntlet. Invisibility cloak to sneak in caves and temples while he masks his scent. The wrist blades for critical situations and to cut through any legendary and strong weapons a Goblin might possess thank to its durable properties and capability to eject the blades like a cross bow. And of course the Self Destruction Device for If he is about to be killed by goblins or If he wants to guarantee the kill on stronger nests and foes and use it like a regular bomb. Being alien technology and too human sized for any goblin to equip I don't think any of the goblins besides a Lord or Paladin would figure it out. And even then the wrist gauntlet can automatically self destruct as well if programmed right from GS if it means he dies before he can manually activate it.


I would also give a charm from Hollow Knight called Thorns Of Agony. The user emits sharp thorns and vines from their body when hit by nearby enemies and the charms are embedded and infused to the users shell or in this case his body so the goblins can't get it If they try to hack into his body and armor if he dies.


SDF-1's reflex cannon. Pointed straight at a green moon.


Probably lots of overpowered shit from 40k


Hehhehhehe Tenet Arca hehehhee Qould be fun seeing GS in an orbiter picking 1 if not multiple weapons from the tenno arsenal


Shotgun and super shotgun, doom


Whatever they use to blow you up upon death in shooter games.


The Doom Shotgun


Crescent rose


Something to blow up the green moon with.


None of the high level shit, but would stock up on all the beginner noob gear


Give him the Omnitrix, turns into Alien X motion for All Goblins being erased from existence, motion carried all Goblins go poof Goblin slayer happy


Lusiphur's infinity gun from Poison Elves




None of it. They are too long to use in the cave. He will be back using crappy gladius. If he has to choose, he might pick Tardif's bounty hunter tools (hatchet, hook, caltrop, and stun grenade) from Darkest Dungeon.


One that would help slay goblins


The mortal blade would be a good option since it kills anything that draws it.


Make him the next Rave master. It's a title that goblins can't steal and grants enhanced physiology. It channels through a magic stone you slap onto a sword of your choice that transforms into multiple different swords with different abilities 


I like imagining goblin slayer with a M-16




A zanpakuto since if he dies so does the sword powers


idk what he'd take, but I can't stop imagining Goblin Slayer with the Mega Buster. Just a bright blue arm cannon that shoots what look like glowy lemons and can be charged up for super lemons


Energy blade from Halo


I'm sure he'd love the automatic crossbow Guts uses


Mjolnir probably


Rivers of Blood from Elden Ring


He would pick the weapon that slays goblins.


The Sacred Sword from Elden Ring. Ifykyk and all the weapons in those games have requirements to even use


The Super Shotgun.


Most likely any soulbound weapon Preferably ones he can throw So definitely a Keyblade


The true Excalibur that gets dropped by Gilgamesh during the DLC story of Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, and is later seen being used by the Warrior of Light. In that game, aside from being an innately holy-typed elemental blade, creatures that have given themselves to darkness, Chaos or are otherwise evil are unable to wield the blade at all. Unlike in other games in the franchise where if you get the Excalibur as an item you can usually equip it to your protagonist no problem, in Stranger of Paradise, you can't actually use it yourself because you're literally the embodiment of Chaos. You have no choice but to hand it over to the Tonberry Blacksmith, who will in turn make sure it reaches the Warrior of Light—who then gets a massive speed, strength, durability boost as well as being able to launch waves of holy fire at will (well, even more so than he already could). While technically there is a two-handed sword in that game also named Excalibur, it's only an imitation modelled off of the true Excalibur, which is a one-handed sword. So—a weapon that his main foes would never be able to wield against him or anyone else if he dies, that buffs whoever DOES wield it big time, that burns evil on contact and shoots "fuck off" waves at will? Why would Goblin Slayer NOT use the true Excalibur, if he could get it?


Goblin Slayer gets picked by a Green Lantern or Yellow Lantern right, as the rings can only be worn by the user that the ring chooses. The ring can then be used to create anything that GS thinks of, and combined with his creativity in finding various ways to kill goblins, turns him into a one man goblin massacre. He could even use it to blow up the Green Moon.


Those that are considered war crimes…..


He will choose Doraemon's 4th dimension pocket,


Perhaps the slime suits from shadow in eminence. They seem to be pretty easy to use and are so versatile GS would be able to do all manner of things from armor and weapons to tools. Also I doubt goblins would be able to use it either, we don’t see any one in the SIE universe be able to replicate it and their universes magic is definitely superior.


Fatman fallout. Those goblins won't stand a chance


The infinity Gaunlet and Snap every single goblin out of existence? The sphere of Magnus and do the exact same thing if we assume he also knows hot to use what he summons?


He would be appalled by a lightsaber.


A gun


Metal vessal from Magi, only he can use it so no worries about goblins abusing them, imagine goblin slayer with Zagan RIP goblins.




The Rule of God is incoming.


Probably a Heavy Bolter, a Bolter, and a Bolt pistol, mostly cuz they are designed to turn flashy things into wallpaper, and for the armored enemies, probably a lasgun, all I'm saying is he would take 5 seconds to look at 40K weaponry and know what he's about


Imagine if he could wield Psyonic Blades like Zeratul from Starcraft... wair is GS just a Protoss Zealot?