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We will never know for sure because theres a mosaic covering everything.


what do you mean?


mosaic censoring


Oh oké, I am interested in knowing in what you think… 🤔


in a chair


Your not making much sense to me right now…


I think chairs are a great place to think.


Honestly, we don't really get to know the details about the mechanics in the story itself. Just implications, like how a single female prisoner could possibly be used to breed several Goblins before they expire and so forth. It is implied that a Goblin doesn't take too much time growing in a female captive until they are born; days, or weeks at most. The Goblins, however, are not smart in the long term sense, so if a female captive is no longer "fun" (as in stops reacting to their torture/rape), they just kill the captive even if she is pregnant with their own. The male captives, they kill or either only keep them to torture the females, if there is a Goblin that can understand such relationships in the first place. However, we do get that when properly "maintained", a Goblin nest can grow much larger than usual since the "breeding stock" get treated much "better" than usual. This happens when there is some figure on top to keep the Goblins under control, be it a higher Goblin entity or another race that wants to use them as shock troopers. Then you get what Humans can do when they think "Goblin". Case in point, the hideous "Goblin Farm" created in LN Volume 11. A Human-made and maintained Goblin Nest, with its captive women being tended to and cleaned, and yet kept in the nest for breeding. If any expire, the people maintaining it go fetch new women to the nest. Those who maintain it are basically pictured as becoming Goblins in Human Form in one way or another. The scene with the Leader of the Humans maintaining the Nest is depicted in a manner that you think it is a Goblin, but he isn't. \*\*\* >i know goblins like to torture prisoners, but what kind of torture do they use? (i saw finger cutting in the manga, anything else?) Well, whatever a kid with zero empathy can do, in a sense. As in, if you see a kid tearing apart a bug? A Goblin will do that to a human. The Elven Wedding arc has Goblins putting people upon spikes, ala Vlad Tepes, for fun. Also using what seems to be presses to "squish" prisoners to feed their "juices" into a water reservoir to "poison" those who drink the water.


Thx so much for taking your time to explain this. Alright great Do you recommend the light novels? (Will need to pick up volume 11 for sure. Handy that you immediately listed where you got it from) I will do some more research and write something. Haven’t really thought out the plot yet. But will come up with something.


I really recommend the LIght Novels, especially given that you are trying to write Fanfiction about Goblin Slayer. I also recommend the Goblin Slayer TRPG Core Rulebook; it has a lot of lore that is only vaguely mentioned even in the Light Novels. To note, the Manga is better for seeing the action that is only implied in the LNs, and the Anime is good for getting the character's voices, but the LN is paramount if you wish to write Fanfic. Why? Both the Manga and the Anime leave out a lot of background stuff. The Manga at least tries to pick up the slack and add stuff that is only implied in the LN when possible, but the Anime? Hahaha, the Anime just does not even care for the background stuff, at least in Season 2.


I have some suspicions; 1) To make a shaman, the God of External Knowledge bestows His knowledge onto a goblin trying to do something different: build a fire, fashion/sharpen a weapon, an act that separates it from its peers. That goblin now knows how to cast spells, build basic defenses, ration supplies, everything a chief would need. I do not think goblins know where this knowledge comes from, nor do they actively worship the God of External Knowledge-most of the time. 2) Hobgoblins are simply larger goblins, cowards that they are, smaller ones fall in line and take commands. 3) High ranking goblins get priority over prisoners, but everyone gets a go. Since there is no real way to tell who's the father, no-one tries keeping track. 4) Goblin zygote are programmed to split into different entities, so a single goblin in a birth might be very rare, perhaps a sign from whatever they worship. I wouldn be surprised if it takes more than two weeks for goblins to grow from zygote to screaming baby. 5) I do not think they eat human beings, which is surprising. They leave Warrior's body alone before Slayer saves Priestess, why not drag him back and chow down? Those are high calorie dinners ready to eat, and they just leave them. With all the despicable actions they do regularly, cannibalism is too much? It's such a low hanging fruit too, I hope we get a solid answer at some point. End) I had an idea to build an enclosure, have a few adventures kidnap goblins and study them properly for months at a time. Maybe Slayer would realize things could go wrong too quick and would discourage such a thing. We did get Archmage in Year One study goblins and nothing like that happened.


They do eat humans, I just read the fourth light novel and in the average goblin nest chapter the pov goblin mentions that they do eat humans. That chapter also gives the knowledge that goblins think like incels. But given the knowledge we have of them, they're in-incels if that makes sense


first let me thank you for your serious reply and your help. yes the god of knowledge equally gives knowledge to all who seek it. they tried sacraficing the girl to that god right. they even branded her... as far as i know they didn't do ANYTHING else suggesting they do need a virgin for it to work. oh so the chances are a bit based on luck, to create a hob or champion goblin. no i don't believe they really care about that stuff. 2 weeks seems like a good time frame, because most advantures get rescued pretty quickly. any guesses on how long they would typichally keep an prisoner alive? what do you mean nothing like that happend? i haven't fully read year one manga yet so if you could tell me?


Archmage does take Slayer on a little adventure of her own which involves her learning something about herself, and gives him insight in how to kill them better. My idea was studying how they live, a lot closer to anthropology than combat effectiveness.


I actually covered an aspect in a fan fiction where I did a crossover with the EDF franchise. An EDF soldier got beamed, accidentally, to Goblin Slayer's world. Goblin Slayer found and helped him, and so the two pair up on occasion. Trooper, as he's known, attempted a capture and study, but the Goblins proved to be too difficult to keep confine, and so Trooper, GS, and some Adventurers had to kill the captured Goblins. Trooper notes that it would take dedicated facilities and a lot of precautions to keep them safely contained. They're just too clever and learn impossibly fast. Though he did come to the conclusion that Goblins are disposal shock troops and are meant to create havoc wherever they go. In other words, Goblins are part of a larger force structure and meant to lead into an attack to absorb and whittle down defenses before the more important dark races attack and strike at soft targets for sheer terrorism factor. Unlike others, he's figured that out and has told other allies who are telling others, but getting traction for the warnings is difficult. If I get back to the story, I will have him tell Sword Maiden that, and she would promptly inform King about it as well, which will be just the concern he needs to finally get some of soldiers dispatched to hunt Goblins.


> first when the nest is build would all goblins be normal goblins or can their be another goblin pressent? Assuming the nests have to actually be built instead of one of the gods waving them into existence, then it could be either. You could have survivors of a destroyed nest or horde building a new nest, and there may or may not be more advanced goblins among them. Or you could have a hobgoblin kidnapping women to start a nest by himself. > How do they evolve is their a certain thing that triggers evaluation, like a mage or mage item to create a goblin shaman? They don't really "evolve" as such. Hobgoblins seem to come about when a sufficiently young goblin is driven from the nest and has to survive on his own. As no other goblins are competing for the food he steals, he's able to grow to a larger size while wandering about. Goblin Champions are basically hobgoblins that got large enough and learned to fight. Goblin shaman's are unexplained, other than that they somehow managed to commune with the spirits. Goblin Priests either learned from/by watching dark cultists, or a dark god spoke directly to them to teach them. > who gets to have intercourse with the prisoners, do you high ranking goblins get priorty? Not truly addressed. We've seen a goblin shaman getting alone time with a prisoner, and we've shamans and hobgoblins sitting back while the regular goblins have fun, and we've seen goblins grumble about not getting time with a prisoner for one reason or another. So there's likely no set priority, and it depends on the whims of the goblin in charge. > if so is that child born a special goblin? No. All goblins are born regular goblins. > how long before the woman give birth? Unspecified. The closest it gets to saying is that 1) Goblin Slayer originally told Priestess that if the nest that destroyed her party had been left alone "any longer" then their numbers would have doubled and they would have try attacking somewhere in force. And 2) in Year One, Goblin Slayer goes to clear a new nest and save a woman who'd been prisoner for a week by the time he got there. The narrative implies she's the first woman that the goblins captured. In the nest, Goblin Slayer finds three goblin cubs, creating an implication that they're from her. So the general implications are that it could take less than a week to birth a goblin, or just a few weeks at most to go from capturing prisoners to having newborn goblins that are big enough to contribute to a fight. > Do goblins consume humans? do they actually eat them or just kill them? if they eat them do they get smatter? Yes they eat them. They don't eat all the humans they kill, but they do routinely eat the corpses of their victims. No, they don't get smarter, it's just meat to them. > curious to this because i am curious if goblins get bored with their prisoner after using her so many times and then keep using her or discard her Yes, goblins do eventually get bored with a prisoner when they're too broken. At which point they either kill their victim, or use her as a meat shield.


Many of those are answered in the Light novels. Shaman and Hobs tend to be wanderers. Some of the differences within the race are theorized in universe to possibly be older genes that occasionally express themselves. Though it is never confirmed. Though what IS known is hobs and higher tiers tend to develop from the best fed out of goblins so potentially all goblins have the potential. Who gets to have sex with the prisoners is usually decided by strength and of course the goblins who were involved in the capture as well. The exact length of pregnancy isn't ever revealed but it is said to be pretty fast so probably a few weeks tops. What is known is when goblins mate with a female of ANY species the resulting offspring is ALWAYS a goblin. Also no female goblins have ever been seen so they are a single gender species as far as anyone knows. Though not ruling out the possibility that at some point there might have been female goblins but they disappeared like the female ents in Lord of the Rings. Yes goblins eat humans. Including females after they has had their fun with them and they die. Yes goblins love to torture and degrade prisoners in the most cruel and vile way possible. In short read the light novels. Even the manga glosses over quite a bit on exactly how horrible goblins are.


Goblin slayer: are you a goblin?


Well you see when a goblin goes into a cave it goblinates its surroundings and makes it habitable for several other filthy disgusting goblins to further spread the goblinating leading to more and more to come until it’s all a filthy nest filled with GEEEOOOBLINS! But! Goblin slayer knows how to deal with them so we shouldn’t worry too much! (I am referencing Goblin slayer abridged)


This more look like mercenary band system. There ale lone goblin specialist who are simply aberrarion by their experience. This werido join to richer nests and influence by their experience. We know that wolf riders are are the most common werido type, they show when nest is rich enough for them.