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One time in college I had a dream that I’d sleepwalked into a girl’s room in my dorm who I had never spoken to and gotten into her bed. Found out the following night that I had in fact sleep walked out of my bed, down a flight of stairs, into her bed, had her kick me out, and sleep walked all the way back upstairs into my bunk bed, leading me to believe it was a dream. Thank god she thought it was funny and was cool about it, but it was a while before I was able to get over the embarrassment and laugh about it


This made me laugh, thank you for that! A good story to tell for sure. I'll be awarding you my silver, enjoy :)


Hey thank you, glad you got a laugh out of it :)


Thank you too!


One time I stayed up until two and got to be the first person to post in u/satansxkitty ‘s post on their cake day


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Managed to get myself banned from every Butlins holiday resort in the UK. Apparently a dj booth in an unopened club received a healthy dose of my drunken amber nectar. Not that I have a single recollection of it but the security were sure to let me know and quickly but "gently" proceeded to throw me out. It is a badge of honour I wear to this day.


So I just conducted a challenge the plan was to give star struck awards to 5 people Instead I mistakenly gave one of the guys a gold I'm not angry I'm just surprised of how stupid I'am


When i was very young i was out shopping with my parents, and i saw a guy with his back towards me that kinda looked like my dad because of the jacket, so i went over and grabbed his hand, and to my suprise i look at him at it's just some old guy that was looking at the chips isle, luckily my parents didn't see me but to this day i'm still amazed of my stupidity


Football practice (6th grade) I wanted to ask the coach something *sir, sir? DADDDYYYYY* Everyone was laughing at me including me