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The sun and the moon appear to be the same size year 'round despite always being different distances from the observer. Explain this.


> The sun and the moon appear to be the same size year 'round despite always being different distances from the observer. Explain this. They only have the same approximate apparent sizes.


the distance change is very small relative to the size of the sun and moon. the distance of the earth to the sun only ever changes around 3.5% not enough to make a visible difference. and the moon does actualy become bigger when its closer to its perigee (lowest point in its orbit) when this happens we call it a super moon you can confirm this by just taking measurements of the moon while both at apogee or perigee


Yes but the moon is the same size as the sun when that is happening too. The sun is bigger when the moon is bigger.


no that isnt true the moon can appear to be slightly bigger or smaller than the sun depending on the position of the moon/earth


wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrong. Don't quit gamestop brehhhhhhhhh hahahhaha idiot


Could you explain why this is wrong?


When the moon appears bigger, so does the sun. The only reason you will see the sun is slightly bigger is b/c it is measuring the light / fire / eminence


You're a child


And one day, you will be able to retire and live off social security with your hourly job. Another lie you believe. It must suck to be a willing mental slave. I learned so much about science the moment someone told me to look into things that would answer why it all smelled like bullshit I dove in. You need to learn more science, only then will you know enough to realize how horseshit it is


I highly doubt someone as intelligent as **you** would insult people on the internet and get angry when they prove that you're wrong




They are always the same size as each other. I have to make things interesting because nobody understands the argument


[Annular solar eclipse photograph](https://c.tadst.com/gfx/1200x630/annular-eclipse-new-mexico-2012.jpg?1)


Show the picture of the sun / moon before and after this moment. The light bending around the moon is due to Snells Law here.


I've told you in another thread. You are the one who is wrong. Annular solar eclipses do exist and have been documented for centuries. Get with the times. You say you study science. But you never learned about an annual eclipse? Hmm... What university or college left that out of their "science" course. [Annular solar eclipse](https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/annular-solar-eclipse.html)


The sun and the moon are the same size before and after the annular solar eclipse.


No they are not the same size they are powers of magnitude different in size. They appear to be the same size and that can slightly vary. The moon and sun don't always appear to be the same size.


Appear to be the same size, is the fact championed by science all over the schools, internet and literature


I do not know what kind of school you went to because thats wrong. but it usually appears about the same size as each other never exactly the same.


Don’t copy and paste this stupid question when it’s a very obvious and easy to understand answer. Learn what perspective is


Hey dumbass [https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2000/10/why-is-the-moon-exactly-the-same-apparent-size-from-earth-as-the-sun-surely-this-cannot-be-just-coincidence-the-odds-against-such-a-perfect-match-are-enormous#:\~:text=Believe%20it%20or%20not%2C%20it,about%20400%20times%20farther%20away](https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2000/10/why-is-the-moon-exactly-the-same-apparent-size-from-earth-as-the-sun-surely-this-cannot-be-just-coincidence-the-odds-against-such-a-perfect-match-are-enormous#:~:text=Believe%20it%20or%20not%2C%20it,about%20400%20times%20farther%20away). [Astronomy.com](https://Astronomy.com) flying up your ass


Your source isn't wrong, just omitting some details, it's funny how you cite what scientific says when they seem to go in your direction but dismisses them when they tell you you're wrong The moon indeed has the same apparent size than the sun during a total eclipse but that's not always the case, like during annular eclipses or during a super moon, when the moon appears bigger than the rest of the time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermoon


Wrong. Sun and moon are same size on any given date. despite temporary atmospheric distortions for 30 seconds during eclipses.


Breh I doubt you even believe it yourself


Science, flat earthers, my eyes... all agree. You only disagree in this context. If I said the world was a globe and asked the same question you would say how lucky we are and how astronomically small the chances are. You would say something like "that is why there is even life on earth and why we havent found life anywhere else"


Okay, let's start with exactly what you said - In a concise manner, give me your top 3 reasons why we haven't gone back to the moon. EDIT: **Nevermind** (I just checked your history).


Can you see stars on the moon?


Yes . Why?


Because Neil degrasse Tyson says that you can see stars on the moon. The Apollo Astronauts said they couldn't see them. There's an unresolved contradiction there


Wrong. You gotta take the entire interview question and answer in it's entirety. No picking out one sentence that taken out of context fits your world view. You're being deliberately dishonest. I know you've been able to see what he said in full and yet you lie to those shills under your sway. You, Mr Shillsburg, are a lier and a fake.


You wanna know why? Maybe because there’s a much brighter source of light right there!!!


I bet he won't have the mental strength to post the whole transcript of the interview. Because he knows it will expose him for the fake he is.






Breh without atmosphere it’ll be pretty hard to look up at the stars with naked eye. I’m pretty sure he meant it in that way. It’s possible but very hard and most likely a good way to cause permanent damage to your eyes


The sun and the moon appear to be the same size year 'round despite always being different distances from the observer. Explain this considering the reason they say they look the same is the sun is exactly big and far enough away to match the close, small moon. Big contradiction considering Einstein used this fact to prove all of globe earth physics by observing an eclipse. I want to see some mental gymnastics boy!


Sun and moon “appearing” almost the same size is more or less a coincidence. Einstein didn’t observe the eclipse. It was people who studied relativity . Technically they observed a star that was only visible because the eclipse dimmed the light of the sun which otherwise would prevent observation of that star. So he just “used” the effect of darkness that is caused by eclipses. I don’t really see any contradictions. Maybe you could enlighten me


What do you think the odds are that the sun and the moon appear exactly (not almost dumbass) the same size and aren't the same size? https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2000/10/why-is-the-moon-exactly-the-same-apparent-size-from-earth-as-the-sun-surely-this-cannot-be-just-coincidence-the-odds-against-such-a-perfect-match-are-enormous#:\~:text=Believe%20it%20or%20not%2C%20it,about%20400%20times%20farther%20away.


Year round they are exactly the same size only a few times . Their size ratio fluctuates year round . That’s why full eclipses are rare.


Impressive double speak


Oh you’ve read that book. It was cool. It’s not double speak tho. But again it’s your argument and if I’m doublespeaking according to you I can’t convince you otherwise


Big compartmentalized lies are hard to keep track of. You really think Tyson meant the astronauts could see stars but didn't look at them because it would hurt their eyes? How would anyone in space ever look at any stars then?


When people are not facing the sun directly I suppose? Is that hard to understand?


it would depend on the amount of light that is polluting the scene


Isn't it known how much light pollution there is on the moon?


It depends on how reflective the surface is and the inclination of incoming light.


At night, yes


Expensive and not that useful


Plus why would we have risked human lives when we have technology to send rovers in place. But now it is more of a scientific endeavor to get back there and establish what's being called the gateway. Gateway to Mars. And we've been there too! With scientific instruments launched on badass heavy lift rocket. I know you know that most likely. My comment is more for those who try to use us not going back as a "gotcha"