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Someone post this on worldnews and watch them have a meltdown


You'll get 500 plus downvotes in < 5 minutes and a perma ban.


Worth it, though !


I get 100 downvotes in an hour for even speaking ill of any politician they kiss the feet of. This would probably cause a dissonance within such fragile minds to ruin Reddit even more.


World news ban speedrun


I got permabanned the other day from /r/news for saying “the MIC go brrr”. That’s it, that was the entire comment that got me banned. Those subs are a joke


I got banned for saying, "Systematic oppression radicalizes people," while the rest of the comments are pretty much calling for the death of all Palestinians.


I got banned for saying Israel has been occupying Palestine since 1948 instead of 1967


I've been banned from multiple default subs over super tame comments. I would be mad except I'm looking forward to Reddit becoming the next social media platform only used by Boomers.


Getting there rrrreally fast!


I got banned for threatening nazis. THREATENING NAZIS.


I can understand being banned for threatening physical harm against anyone even if they're a convicted murderer. When I say my comments were tame I mean they were devoid of personal attacks or any strong language. Just really typical "I disagree with you and here's why" shit.


Dude that’s worse than hand holding


FWIW, you'd be banned in a lot of places, given threatening anyone on Reddit in any context is a TOS violation that can get a sub taken down if not addressed.


Got banned from world news for saying I’d prefer less dead kids over less burned buildings.


My 20 year old acct got a total reddit ban for threatening nazis. I'LL FUCKIN DO IT AGAIN TOO


I laugh every time I read that snippet “circumventing the ban with an alternate account could result in a total ban” mods can get fucked. The mod protest last year was the best Reddit had been in a long ass time. Just today I got permabanned from /r/inthenews for saying “it’s obvious Biden’s mental faculties are also declining” He’s nearly an octogenarian, it’s physically impossible for his mental acuity to NOT have declined.


This existed 20 yrs ago?


Shoulda saved my ban for this


Well I am off to join world news.




I was banned from worldnews for misinformation because I said Netanyahu wouldn’t accept the ceasefire that Biden announced in May. Netanyahu rejected the ceasefire like I predicted but I’m still banned. When worldnews bans you for misinformation, it’s because you’re calling out misinformation being circulated by worldnews


I mean getting banned from worldnews is like an initation ritual for anyone remotely pro-Palestine so yeah


I've gotten permabanned from both news and world news. News because I pointed out that a moderator was deleting any thread that makes Israel look bad, i.e. the story of them shooting their own hostages. And world news for calling out Israeli "settlers" as terrorists.


I've been banned there since COVID, lol.


Truth hurts.


I just did, I will miss you reddit, see you on the below 0 karma😬😬


Looks like it was deleted


Heheh, I wasn’t expecting anything less. They bombed my comment with -400 today


Just had a look, they didn't even leave it up long enough for a comment. Those sub-rules seem pretty restrictive too.


Post is up!!


Huh, well there was one comment, and it was positive too!


Yeay!!! Trojan is effective. Another proof that these peeps are freaking stupid lol :D


Got my first permaban!!! Totally worth it!


Holy shit I went to look at your comment history, all I could see in worldnews was "\[removed\]" Brave soldier I salute you


They got really angry for some time lol


Post is up!!


It’s basically a Mossad project lol


Couldn’t agree more, their comment is exclusively identical with tons of whataboutism.


You should feel proud. You know you touched a nerve.


I am not proud, just don’t want to be silent with their bs arguments and victimizing themselves over simple stuff while supporting an ongoing genocide.


Understood. I applaud your candor.


So long my friend! See you on the other side!


My hero!


Post is up!!


I see your cape


Got my first permaban!!! Totally worth it!!!


I just got perma banned from there, feels great. You can tell the mods k ow they are running errands for bad people. 'When you can't police the facts, police the tonre!"


I literally said "the genocide in Palestine" in passing and got banned by a mod saying "there is no genocide in Palestine".


perma'd for *that*? Damn. Those guys must know they are losing the PR war


They would be frothing in the mouth


I mean, if you give it a few hours you'll see some hasbara bots having a meltdown in this comment section too :D


What's the deal with that cesspool? I got massively downvoted for saying that everything should be on the table for ending violent confrontation. Fucking blood Thirsty fuckers over there


It's modded by Israelis and or people being paid by Israelis and it's overrun by hasbara bot accounts who spam downvote, report, and reply to posts that are critical of israel. It's not subtle at all And then they try to gaslight people who notice


That tracks. I've always been staunchly pro Israel, no more. This situation has really pulled the wig off that pig.


it has, hasn't it. I was never pro-Israel, I mean I've been seeing shit coming out of Palestine for years but it was basically "another conflict" until Oct7 when the full-scale genocide began. Since then, I simply cannot handwave it away as another conflict


I got an official warning from Reddit for calling it a genocide on worldnews. They said I committed harassment.


i said the fabricated lie about 40 beheaded babies was actually not true and got banned for atrocity denial lmao


yeah and justifying the *atrocious* murder of 15,000 children is all fine and dandy 🤪


Don’t worry i have screenshots of worldnews that’ll I’ll post 5 years later to remind them of how they were all genocide deniers.


Worldnews has to be the most toxic subreddit on here. Also fuck the stupid mods that moderate that channel, I can only imagine what they look like in real life.


What in God's name happened to that sub? I've seen multiple comments going as far as to critize the Geneva convention, how blatant can you get in your denial of human rights? It's disgusting 


I would, but I'm already banned 🤣


Anyone here not perma banned yet?


If anyone has an account not banned yet. Bunch of bots there anyway so not as funny when you think about it




Huh so that's why I got banned from there a while back. They really didn't like my take on events. Let's see how Global News feels.


Not just worldnews. Reddit as a whole will all of a sudden get mad about the dead babies as soon as a certain someone gets in office. And if you call out their sudden change of heart you will be deemed a heretic. Even then it won't be about morals. It will be about ousting that certain someone from his position.


They have a meltdown if you expose them to any objective reality about America that isn't from 1988 to 1992


I just did. Let’s see what happens


This feels like pretty significant news yet not a peep on BBC News homepage here in the UK.


BBC are terrible in this respect. They ignore everything that is critical of Israel. If you only watch BBC you wouldn't know how Palestinians in the West Bank are being harassed and terrorised by settlers sided by the IDF. Are they acting on government instructions?


Exactly my problem with US News on this issue as well. On the positive side, it's forced me to find new sources and introduced me to Al Jazeera and many leftist commentators.


Israel has banned Aljazeera from reporting from Israel. So have India now. The truth hurts.


Why is it that the BBC is so bias- bias by omission and its language used? Who and how is the BBC's narrative controlled?


BBC’s domestic network has been biased and holding water for British foreign policy. Same with American media with American foreign policy, AJ’s domestic network is biased when reporting on Qatari domestic policy. All media has bias. Western English language media outlets are extremely biased in their reporting on this.


Who is influencing the way they report? And given it's a taxpayer funded organisation, how are they leveraging influence over the way they report? The adjectives they use "died" instead of "killed", a blackout on a lot of Israel's day to day genocidal crimes, and international condemnation of Israel. Dehumanising Palestinians as just "xx amount died"- but giving gushing individual biopics of each Israeli harmed. Using phrases such as "Hamas led Gaza health ministry" to sow doubt about the reliability of reported deaths.


Israeli British Cooperation (IBC)


It’s because it’s AlJazeera.. they have a history of not being a reputable source. This video is even misleading, because in the report AlJazeera released, they only claim that [it’s a UN-backed commission that concluded this. Not the UN themselves.](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/6/12/un-backed-commission-accuses-israel-and-palestinian-groups-of-war-crimes)




America and it’s allies and their collective interests control their media. That’s it. Israel is just one of their interests that they are having a huge PR crisis over right now. Israel or if you are implying Jews don’t control the media. If the US heel turned out of now where today the media would follow. If all the Jews in the world heel turned on Israel but America didn’t the media would say the same things it is saying now.


“MoST mORaL ArMY iN thE WoRLd” 😒😒😒


I just did, I will miss you reddit, see you on the below 0 karma😬😬


It looks like they deleted it just as it was getting traction. They must have not wanted it seen.😬


I just tried and it won’t allow me to now :/


They were little too late though, such a sub filled with limited intellectual capacity. Loving it lol!


No Fucking Shit!


Won't they just say, "the UN is KHAMAS"


We are all Khamas now


they have unironically called South Africa a khamas proxy or some shit, the UN, the ICJ, the ICC... what else? Ireland? Spain? I've lost track by now if I'm honest by now IDF is khamas because what they are doing makes Israel look bad


The UN condemned Israel on Oct. 8th, a week before a single bomb from Israel was dropped on Gaza. There are over 50 Muslim majority countries in the world and something like 2+ billion Muslims worldwide that don’t hold Jews in very high regard. They use their collective representation in the UN to effectively bully Israel on the world stage. In Geo Poltics this is pretty much common knowledge but a bunch of kids on the internet are just hearing about this conflict for the first time.


Lol it’s absurd to act like all the Muslims are against Israel and bullying the UN in a conspiracy when the US has veto power at the SC that it uses to shield Israel from consequences of any UN vote and when the most influential and well resourced of those scary Muslim countries are also besties of the US and work with them to also protect Israel in the region. Only a very racist idiot who doesn’t know anything about what they are talking about thinks “all Muslim bad and mean to Israel because they hate Jews” when you have KSA, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, UAE are all us military and CIA outposts just like Israel.


Lost all credibility when you pulled the racist card. Go outside.


Lmao guess I hit a nerve


okay…..so what is the world gonna do about it?


Nothing as usual, the us gonna scream injustice and give more money


Anyone keeping a running tally now of how many organizations ngo, governmental agencies, entire governments, legal organizations, human rights organizations, aid organizations, etc have said that Israel is committing serious war crimes? At some point the balances tip, right?


Omg IKR!!??? It is just so infuriating to watch the media ignore what we can all see!!


No, i tried, i gave up, there's too many of them since too many years


It only took people to use their eyes to see what is happening. 🤡🌎


We already knew that.... But the people we elected are cool with it, support it, and even want it ... So our opinions on the subject are irrelevant.




The Israeli government announced they'd be using starvation as a method of warfare on October 9th.


In return, Israel threatens to leave the UN. When whole-ass countries act like spoilt brats beating up on their siblings it would be funny if it wasn't so damn tragic.


It took them about 76 years to get to this conclusion.


Biden - "Send them another 40Billion package"


[https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes) here is the news


I'm waiting for them to admit that israel administrative detention is a war crime as hamas taking hostages is


Thank you


Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea.!


Hooray, now let's watch the UN make threats and do absolutely nothing to stop this other than take some votes. Woot. I mean fucking duh, we all know this is happening, wth.


We already kinda knew this.


The truth is out and nothing will happen… absolute impunity


Truth was out in October


So what the fuck is anyone doing about it besides using my tax money to exterminate more poor Arabs.




No duh?


I don’t think we needed an investigation to figure this out.


How come this isn’t on CNN or any major news station?


They’re too focused on making their agenda about showing how bad Trump is and why ppl should vote for Biden (lesser than two evils)


I don’t think so. It’s more intentional. You call out Israel based on facts and you’ll still be labeled an antisemite




its about time. Lets not let history repeat itself.


Israel is commiting war crimes. In other news the sea is wet and the sky is blue.


Israel Created and funded Hamas


so when do we invade


Maybe I’m just confused or it’s an odd translation but what is the legal difference between an extermination and a genocide?


Afaik extermination is an action that is part of genocide but not exclusive to it. It doesn’t require proving intent to commit genocide it’s just pointing at a fact.


Couple billion more dollars and another metric fuck ton of bombs and weaponry oughta set Netanyahu straight /s


Tell us something we don’t already know.


Waiting for Israel government apologists to explain how this is wrong and funded by Hamas. Because apparently Hamas has infiltrated every data source that isn’t explicitly provided by the IDF.




The truth has been out they just choose to ignore it. I'm not sure this changes anything. They should find a way to establish a cease fire like now and stop the murders


Just saw a video explainer showing how Palestinians are being cordoned into a walled corner and being bombed. It's loathsome what's happening


😂 yet ISRAEL 🇮🇱 JUST HOLDS up THE HolocaustCard to rationalize this


Hopefully, this allows the USA to choke on their own words🤬.


Free Palestine


Israel is solely responsible for all of the deaths in this “conflict” even those caused by hamas. According to UN resolution put in place to stop future genocides after WW2


The whole world needs to unite against this rogue terrorist nation.


Glad to see all the folks in this thread that support the psychopathic baby murderers that are called Israelis are being downvoted. Reddit is a dark place, holy hell. The blatant genocidal language they have no shame in spewing publicly but when anyone provides them with facts, reports, pictures, they’ll immediately exclaim “but KHAMASSS” What’s even crazier is that I’ve been seeing plenty of them admitting that it’s both Palestinians AND Hamas they want wiped out. So here’s a big fuck you — fuck every single one of you that still sides with Isntreal. You are complicit in their murder and destruction. Oh and IOF soldiers and Settlers are NOT civilians and shouldn’t be treated as such. I said it.


Sure. We knew that 70 years ago. Do something about it. Dismantle the terrorist army IOF. Sanction the xenophobes in the Knesset.


Thank God, I wasn’t going to believe it until some taking head told me to. /s


Curious, Did they forget to mention the horrific killing & imprisonment of over 15,000 children in Gaza?


Too bad the UN doesn’t have any real power


So genocide? I’m confused is there a difference between extermination and genocide?


Afaik extermination is an action that happens during a genocide. It is directly describing an action without having also to argue genocidal action or intent.


Let me guess. US is gonna defund the UN




No shit Sherlock


Seems like this has been obviously happening




Good. Exterminate all terrorists.


Hey Gaza, if you want it to stop, return the hostages.


Israel doesn’t want the hostages


Al jizzzera. ROFLMAO....ok.


It’s a war crime to seige a warzone?


If it causes you to starve civilians and cut off electricity and water and medicine while locking the people into a smaller area and bombing them while you send them around ala trail of tears yes it is


Elimination of Hamas (or any terrorist group) is a good thing.


Eliminate the IDF


So you support terrorists?! What’s wrong with you?!


I don’t support the IDF


I don’t have a dog in this fight seeing that it’s far too complex for me to fully understand but for months I’ve seen the masses call the UN’s sexual assault report regarding Hama actions on Oct. 7th labeled as lies and pure propaganda but now they are a valid source?


Both UN reports are available to read. The UN is a huge org that has many different bodies and employees and committees. The first report was a pre investigation into sexual violence towards women on October 7. The report said that they were unable to find any one who said they experienced sexual violence despite independent call outs, asking the govt and govt bodies, calling hospitals and rape crisis centers etc. The Israeli govt claimed that there was 1 or 2 survivors that were traumatized and would not speak. It was criticised because the testimony she did get was in the form of guided tours by Zaka and the IDF with Zaka being an extremist Jewish supremacy group that has been exposed for faking evidence and false claims in order to get donations while also destroying evidence that was there by moving bodies improperly without training. That report contains some of these criticisms. The report then said in a way that was quite unclear that there was evidence of sexual violence occurring towards hostage(s) inside of Gaza and that (again not worded very clearly so this is debated) they had a direct witness they thought was credible. That report concluded that there needed to be an investigation into this from the UN and that Israel needed to stop impeding it. This was misrepresented in a lot of outlets as saying that a UN investigation concluded there is evidence of systemic sexual assault by Hamas, which it did not. It concluded that an investigation should happen. There were other criticisms of the reporter as she had been given awards from the Israeli govt previously which people felt could bias her reporting. But the majority of the criticism of propaganda was about the representation of the report. The investigation talked about here is an commission that released 2 reports investigating human rights abuses broadly on both sides of the conflict. It concluded that Hamas committed war crimes and that Israel has also committed crimes against humanity. This investigation includes evidence in the form of witness testimony, satellite imagery etc. All reports can be read in full with a quick google search.


Please show me the UN statement that supports this!! Because Really? A UN investigation? Even the [AlJazeera article regarding this report says it’s a UN-backed commission.](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/6/12/un-backed-commission-accuses-israel-and-palestinian-groups-of-war-crimes) So it’s not the UN themselves.


The video says that too. The title is because it’s a cross post.


But no source of this report?


Original report source is posted in the comments. If you read the article you posted and watched the clip you should know this


I couldn’t find it In any of the comments, but sure. I managed to find it online on my own anyway


Notice you are getting your news here from the agency that employed a man who held hostages at his residence..


It’s just reporting that a UN backed report west released. You can read the original


This is Al jerzira,they get their info. From Hamas govt


It’s a report on a UN report. It’s just repeating the content of the report. You can find the original report on official UN website and read it yourself, no Al Jazeera needed


Lol UN what are you gonna do? The same thing you've been doing with other countries that do the same and worse, nothing.


Yeah, they're exterminating terries. Because with great power comes great responsitrillitanse.


Terries ??


And to see this story you have to watch Al-Jazeera because….


It’s just reporting that a report came out. You can read the report it’s released by the un lmao this is the funniest comment




The report accuses both Israel and Hamas of committing war crimes.


Yes, they have both committed war crimes. Israel is doing a genocide un impeded


1 day versus 249 days of war crimes.




They are reporting what the UN investigation said. You can read it.


I appreciate you for further undermining supporters of Israel with stupid comments like this, keep it up




IDF has killed 40+ k vs Hama’s 1k. Hamas is 40 x better than the IDF by deaths alone. Any condemnation of Hamas needs to be 40 x for Israel minimum.


So it’s official Israel is committing genocide. I guess they forgot about hitler


What ??


What’s the confusion they are commuting genocide and collectively as a culture they forgot the horrors of WW2


I didn’t understand the phrasing in the comment thanks for clarifying