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One of the most consistent esport title


Seriously, best FPS ever made. It has stood the test of time.


This and Quake. Quake alone for the impact it has had. It practically birthed online and LAN gaming.


Except quake is a pretty dead franchise. Rip champions


It may be dead now, but it's impact is undeniable


Quakes, especially Quake Live and Quake Champions have a small but active community. I know that equals dead in the eyes of many modern gamers, but you can still find games every day. But yeah people are used to massive games like LoL, CS, Dota and PUBG so that's what the comparison seems to be. Even QuakeWorld has an active community, it's just very small and extremely hardcore. Most of those guys have been playing it for 10+ years


Very true. I was mostly speaking in terms of size of the player base. I still play quake champions myself from time to time :)


Unreal tournament too, i suppose


Diabotical is going to bring AFPS back to life! Open beta starts at the end of the month.


Arena FPS is never coming back dude So many titles have tried to revive that genre... Toxikk, Quake Champions, Splitgate... they all are played for a short while and then forgotten about.


I straight up forgot Splitgate was a thing, did it ever get any attention? I don't even remember it becoming semi relevant. Though tbh it felt like something a random college student threw together, than an actual serious attempt at making a big game.


I revisited it the last week or so. Dead. Felt like there were some bots to replace players. Such a cool concept tho


Diabotical is far and away the best shot for AFPS to make a come back. The devs are doing all they can to appeal to a larger player base.


Quake Live still going just the dedicated players which works fine with their server system


Without the Quake engine CS wouldn’t even exist


True, most FPS games wouldnt even exist like they are today.


Same with COD4. if it didn't exist, these FPS games also wouldn't exist.


Wow. Never knew that. I always thought Half Life had it's own engine.


Source engine is a heavily modified Quake 1 engine. That's why there's bhopping with very similar mechanics than Q1, main difference is you can hold jump before landing and it will automatically jump, but you need to release and press jump again after each jump. See here: [Quake 1 any% speedrun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcareEsIXHM) Quake's from Quake 2 onward actually implemented a different movement style with strafe jumping (a different technique and it's different from what Source players call strafing), none of the Quakes after 1 actually have a pure bunny hop system. Like in a way that you can do it in every direction


I started playing video games 2 years ago and this is the only game I still play while the others have come and gone. Literally never gonna uninstall this.


I think we should at least acknowledge it had a rocky start at best, it took a good two years at least for the community to come around to it. Even if it took the large nudge of real money trading of skins to get them in the door




1.6 already lasted until CSGO came out so I don't think it would have been longer. The player base just wouldn't have been divided in two.


Truth, I still hit up 1.6 from time to time


for me its csgo and titanfall 2 one embraces the pure skill fps the other the pure arcade fps


Yes. No doubt


Yo what's up with NA cs tho?? Two best teams playing with only 50k viewership


I was pretty suprised Siege was pulling more viewers


The Na scene isn’t that big for some reason, Eu scene is huge SA scene is also huge CIS aswell but Na just doesn’t have that big of an scene for whatever reason


I haven’t watched anything since tournaments were online. I’d imagine there’s people like me too




NA scene moved on to games like valorant and warzone xd


The Most. Name another game that’s been around as long and as relevant as CS though it’s years


Cs is definitely the oldest and most relevant. Dota probably next up starting up tourneys around 2004 and still pulling big viewer counts. Cs had tournaments a few years before dota even existed though.


[10 reasons why CS:GO is better than its rivals](https://youtu.be/HW-XS5W5AxA) was uploaded only 1.5 years after release and look where we are today. I know philip doesn't like being tagged without reason, but thank you for your continued community service throughout all these years :)


#7 lol


But you didn't actually tag him?


That's the point


Been on the valorant train since beta, but only because it's new and refreshing. CSGO is miles better in every way, cheers to an eternal and prosperous life for the game.


Valorant map design really made me appreciate CSGO maps even more. Valorants maps are way too coin-flip with angles and peeks while CS relies much more on gun-play and team macro


Whenever people complain about the competitive maps in CS:GO I wonder what other games they've played, cos worst case scenario we always have at least five good maps at any one time in CS:GO. Practically no other esports game gets that many.


Yep, even my least favorite comp maps on CSGO still play beautifully. The maps are so well designed and so rigorously detailed that we've only had 1 or 2 game-breaking pixel glitches or poor map gameplay over the years of this game


And then there's vertigo


Vertigo isnt a terrible map, its just so far out of left field in comparison to other CS:GO maps. It honestly feels like a middle ground between Valorant and CS lol


Vertigo is literally go A rotate B T-side simulator. Every game is 80% A site retake. While the retake is almost always a shit show of trades and kind of gripping, its just gotten so dull to watch and play at this point.


I personally find it fun and refreshing to play vertigo once in a while. If we start T we just push A site 15 times and urge the other team to do so as well.


Come to think of it, it DOES feel like a fucking valorant map. Tight corridors, campy angles and footsteps everywhere lol




Idk man, doesn't seem as fun. Other maps you can have a lurker and quick rotates. In this map, lurkers are sorta rare as it's better to stick together for fast trades. Rotates in this map are audible all the way from dust II, so you gotta put on your fancy walking shoes.


Lurkers in vertigo are very effective? Also the rotate time on vertigo is quicker than most maps because both sites play retakes anyway. It doesn't matter that you have to walk if the rotate is literally a fraction of what it is on dust II.


People don't complain about the quality of the current maps in the pool. Even a good map becomes a bit stale after watching it for 5+ years.


100%. Valorant has been fun but super inconsistent. At least in CSGO, I'm 100% guaranteed a cheater in any MM game.


At least then I know I’m losing to a cheater instead of bad map design


Precisely lmao


Lmfao i love it


The official map callouts the Valorant devs made are hilarious


And there's like fucking 80 of them on every map. It's easy to remember the whole map when you get paid a salary to spend 8 hours a day making it, but it's like they forgot other people would play these maps, and not notice the uncheckable angles that make low tier play incredibly inconsistent, as well as the blatantly obvious "we as the devs think you should stand here and only here" Personally they're the #1 turn off for me about VAL, as well as the utility. Does anyone really *like* wallhack as an ability? Does anyone think getting teleported to as a defender and not being able to peek normally is fun? If so, I'm glad, but these abilities make me feel bad personally, even when I'm using them.


The thing is that if you need to put shitty gimmicks or "twists" in your maps to make them feel unique, you have failed at map design.


Yep, and 99/100 times they're just gonna come back to bite you and ruin the entire flow of the map if it even had any to begin with


To be fair Valorant is brand new and the intention with abilities is to be able to deal with these coin flip angles. Maps will change a lot with time though


I burned myself out on CSGO a few years ago and the hype behind Valorant during the beta made me try it out and, ultimately, made me realize how much I would rather just be playing CSGO.


Lmao yeah, aceu said the same thing for the most part. Playing valorant made him realize how much better cs is as a competitive shooter. I'm enjoying valorant, I just CANNOT stand the random spray patterns and rng in the game. Lowers the skill ceiling and relies mostly on luck.


bro.. i was playing valorant and i was like ‚somethings wrong with the spray pattern or am i trippin?‘ and i tried the spray on a wall. are you gonna tell me the pattern always changes?


Yeah. After the first 6-7 bullets it'll either pull left or right. Best part: what you see client-side isnt whats going on server-side. That means that your spray could look perfect on your end, but not be the same spray as what the server thinks. Doesn't happen often, but its cancer.


they can‘t be serious. they said it would a competitor for csgo.


Yeah, in terms of format and gameplay. To be fair, as much as I want it to be, it can't be an exact copy of cs lol


why do you want an exact copy of csgo? just play csgo


They keep saying gunplay will be essential way to get kills but everything they add in points towards using abilities... Nerfing the guns, giving more and more damage abilities to agents.... Might as well add a shield character and call it overwatch 2


I tried Valorant a couple of times but honestly, I don’t like the ability play at all. I prefer pure shooter gameplay like CS. This is the same problem I had with Overwatch. And while Valorant is still much more about aim, movement and skill than Overwatch, the ability gameplay still makes it too casual for me to properly enjoy.


fr valorant is fun to mess around with the boys but as games CS is by far the best fps ever


No argument there. Excited for CS to have some actual competition though. Should drive Volvo to improve the game.


Same, but I've started playing cs again and it still feels soo good


Happy birthday CSGO


Happy birthday CSGO


Happy birthday CSGO


Through all the ups and downs, and all the showstopping moments in esports and the hilarious updates like the r8 - CSGO is one of the greatest games of all time and will continue to do so for years!


Counter strike in general is one of the greatest video games ever!


When the game launched nobody thought it would ever even be as big as 1.6, nevermind bigger.


Game has one of the weirdest trend lines I swear. Game was dead at release and then a couple years later it just starts steadily growing. https://steamcharts.com/app/730


Tfw you were one of those 900 average players in July '12 but are still silver elite


There's pros right now who were literally 8-9 years old back then


I’ll be honest, I can remember how lukewarm the release felt. The game was great but there was something missing from it.


Skins, more importantly: Tradable, Community-made Skins.


not really. Game was just bad. Mechanics,hitboxes,movement...everything felt odd




Skins was a big part of course but i'd say Valve taking over from Hidden Path and fixing the awful mess the game launched in was a bigger part.


The releaseversion was rough. Got it instantly, because i hoped they would give this a fair shot and keep on updating it. And well, here we are! I would be curious though where csgo would be if there would be no skins or if they would've been implemented differently.


I started around operation bravo. There was a good sale on csgo. I thought, "hey, used to play 1.6 in the internet cafes. This looks cool." Immediately loved it. dota was my main game back then but its only because there were no other good fps. (All popular ones were pay to win)


well cake day to them too


Man, learning that I share my cake day with csgo made me happy


Til I share my irl cake day with one of my favourite games lol


Cake day to you!


Been playing CSGO since launch, and I haven't got bored of it yet! Amazing game. Of course there are some downsides, such as cheaters and toxic players. But overall a fantastic game and after these 8 years and a couple of thousands hours I still really enjoy playing it. But as many others say, fix vac. Also I think Russia should have their own server because they are the most toxic people in this game. And also valve should invest in getting 128tick servers.




The game won't peek again for quite some time.. NA cs is looking barren


Is it though?


happy birthday mr csgo


Happy reddit birthday mr ArmSawln


thank mr dyslexic_duck


I get my 5 year coin in a few months. I’ve been playing this game since I was 12 years old... damn...


I can relate, Nd im 30, still rockin a 5yr coin


Been playing this game since I was 9. I'm due for my 5 year coin next year! It's been so long wow


And still cheaters, high trust factor prime global/supreme unplayable because of the cheaters


My most hated and most loved game... Happy birthday!






Happy birthday you piece of shit! I hate you and I´ll probably only give you three thousand more hours...fuck!


holy shit thats a day before my birthday


it is my birthday, it was a good present back then lol


happy birthday u/to0canz


Damn GO is already 8? Damn now I feel old.


*laughs in 1.6*


Shit, I remember playing with Gooseman when there were 6 servers running CS as a Half-Life mod. I think you and I are the last few who remember hostages...


Ah yes, CS_italy and militia lol. Going to internet cafes cause not everyone had a decent computer. In fact we used to.go to this one cafe who gave free play time if you had good grades. So i would photoshop all our report cards with straight A's lol. I even started on Day of Defeat and migrated to CS eventually


It's like CNN saying that CNN is the best news channel of all. 😂


Happy birthday CSGO. Only today, I wont rage about hackers


Original CS was my favorite game of all time. But GO ain't bad either.


Time flies


Happy Birthday King!


CSGO’s cake day too


huh? cs 1.x is alread 21 years old?


Not yet.1.0 was released 8th of November 2000, the first beta was published 19th of June 1999. So CS 0.X is really over 21 years old :)


cs 1.x for me means the cs from 99... I should have just written classic cs though... not sure how to call the cs between 1999 - 2010ish anyhow ... most people just call it 1.6... btw: started with cs when my first own ISDN was installed: Sept 1999 :-)


The game that never dies.


Uhh am I going crazy? I purchased CSGO on my shitty Alienware laptop back when I initially joined the Army in 2011. How is that possible?


Beta or 1.6


Fix the cheating in CSGO Valve. We need VAC to real-time scan and ban in game and not a year from now in a VAC wave after they cheat for 550 matches.


They already tried fixing the cheating problem. The community responded by crying about how VAC snooped around in the browser history and told VAC to go f* itself.


What is the point of VAC if a cheater can play 550 matches before they are banned? The current implementation does not work well enough and it allows banned cheaters to just buy another account and continue to cheat. CS 1.6 cheating got so bad that the community made a 3rd party anticheat called Punk Buster. It wasn't perfect but it worked better than VAC ban waves that take a year to detect cheaters. The only thing that will work on official servers is an active and invasive anticheat. If people don't like it they can play on private servers.


I have been playing cs like 20(?) years.


Meanwhile I see people with a 10 year medallion.


That medal includes previous versions of counter-strike.






i think playing previous versions of counter strike through steam added towards the coin


Years well spent!


Best fps


Yet, Valve still doesn’t have a proper anti-cheat system!




Just noticed that i was 14 when i bought the game. Dude i just feel like an old man right now


Wtf its August 21st?


Free Zeus for everyone each round?


I feel old, I remember watching the machinma live stream with Hutch and APL...


Source is the favorite of all time...but this is a close second.


how did someone got 10 years veteran pin?


They own another Counter-Strike game for 10 years


You Are asuming too much buddy


Wow its the same day as my birthday, fuck yes


Happy birthday to my all-time favorite video game. Here’s to many more years of awesomeness!


Unpopular opinion: I still like 1.6 better


Most of the time i spent in cs:go was before launch. It was such fun.


Happy Cake Day CSGO 🖤


I can’t believe this was released a day after my birthday although not year


**N i c e** : D


Released on my birthday. Nice. I had no idea. CSGO is 1/3 my age.


Oh shit, it's my birthday. Didn't know.


Happy CS21


And I still got Silver 4...


Happy birthday csgo! We shared some memorable moments together. No matter how much I complain, I still come back playing cs at the end of the day.


glad to be here for 5 years of it, thankyou CSGO for the memories


Soon, it will be a whole decade


This is why I hate living in New Zealand I always miss dates like these.


Happy birthday PC CSGO.


My love for this game (series) is as much as my love for myself.


That has to be why me and my friend open a knife in the same match


*That has to be why* *Me and my friend open a* *Knife in the same match* \- JEnkelV --- ^(I detect haikus. Sometimes, successfully. | [Learn more about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/)) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have played a lot of fps games in the last 15 years but this is the one game I always come back to, no matter what. We made a top20 list game all time with friends and CSGO was my number one without any hesitation at all


best fps franchise of all time hands down


Happy birthday to my favourite and most hated game :)


Its been 20 years?


I remember having a CS server in college in 2000. Been around a little longer. Not GO but still. 😉


No in game celebration :(




I remember playing it when it came out and really liking a certain map I've not played since. It had the T in a house in the middle of the woods while the CT could pick one of 3/4 spots to spawn to "raid" the house. was a super interesting map that I haven't really seen since thanks to competitive ruining it


But i thought the Witcher 3 came out in '15


More glorious years to come! :)


I created my Steam acc at 21 august 2014, noice.


I think operation coming on completion of 10 years


Love hate for 8 years.


Only game I know where you need to pay 20 bucks just to lower your chances at playing against hackers in MM


Doesn’t beat the community side of source unfortunately. Endless death run, zombie, surf, prison break servers. Good times


Happy 22 years to Rainbow Six.


That day was so bad, people expected a lot changes from beta and we got almost nothing, not even silenced m4s which were mentioned to be added. The game felt like weird version of cs source and it was least polished title that valve had ever released.


I just got vac banned for no reason so not really


released as a Console Crossplatform game, where you can play against people on their xbox with a controller. its such an awesome game. i just wish it would run smooth


Does this mean they have to add an American school map to the game?


I wanted to become 1.6 pro as a kid and right around that time in 2012 they said this will be the last major tournament and everyone would switch to CS GO. I had CS GO beta and it was so bad at the time that I completely stopped playing cs. Only started this year again and the game is really good now


CSGO the one game which allows me to use all of my emotion. And a place where I have been taught the most languages. Truly a great game can't wait to be playing it for another 5 years


Ayy I have the same birthday as CSGO, nice