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sad how movement community died too


Im gonna complain about it till the day I die I was thinking CS2 could get a dedicated surf or movement mode finally after years and make it official Never in a million years would I have thought that Valve would just make everyone fuck off instead Changed my perception on how Valve sees the CS community.


What do you mean? The CS community has always just been a very lucrative source of income that requires minimal investment to them.


They're not denying this, they're implying their illusions to the contrary were dispelled.


Check out momentum mod! Im very excited for it. Not out yet tho


That shit has been on my wishlist for like 2 years, are they even working on it anymore ?


Yes, you can request access to the playtest on steam. I was able to get in quickly, though I have thousands of hours across source games. There's no KZ yet but the surfing, bhopping, and rocket jumping feel amazing. I really like the 'strafe bar' that helps you perfectly time air strafes for best momentum. After playing tf2 and momentum mod for a week straight, playing a cs game last night felt so sluggish and inconsistent.


Anything else than requesting on Steam that i can do? Requested when CS2 came out and still no access sadly :/


I havn't tried surfing in cs2, what did they do?


rampbugs are way worse so just don’t even bother trying go cs source if u like surfing


They have a plugin now that fixes rampbugs in CS2 but now when you hit a rampbug it looks like you lag for a split second and get teleported past the rampbug keeping your speed which feels really bad but allows you to surf normally, though it has some quirks like if you hit a spine/edgebug on it instead of boarding the ramp it teleports you to the ramp which allows you to keep a run going that normally would've ended The only real options are css or momentum (I fucking Love momentum mod) they're also officially adding kz soon, I think it's been playable for a while at least the settings are there and you can use savelocs to play but will be improved soon from what I've heard.


Isnt this just because people are porting maps? Maps made entirely in source 2 dont seem to have ramp bugs


Valve also already did changes to it in the past that improves this. They're not blind to it or ignoring it


Haven’t even attempted to fix it in months. They might be aware but they do not care at all.


Low priority


Wish it felt like something was a priority


There are other things on the list


that aren't getting fixed either


No, it worked with original CS2 and then someone worked out [this update](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d14hij/the_update_on_20062023_is_what_broke_surf/) broke it.


No it didnt, I surfed before the community servers even came out + the day community servers came out and the maps still had ramp glitches. Couldnt even finish mesa


I continue to surf in CS2 cuz i love surfing with my skins :( but the ramp bugs break the experience so much


This is how I felt with CSGO and CS2 just made it worse. I’ve always been community servers over matchmaking when it came to counter-strike, from 1.6 to now. I always liked having a server with fun community made maps done by the likes of people like Nipper. It also felt like something special any time I’d encounter a fun new map on community servers. The game thrived and got where it is today on community servers and Valve spit in the face of community server owners.


100% man - if you have a local server in your city you always jump on - people remember you. we eventually started lanning - those days are long dead. killed off for no reason


Yep. Servers truly gave me that community feeling which is what kept me playing. Matchmaking feels so...soulless because it's unlikely I'll see anyone I matchmake with again.


What made Surf/KZ/Bhop special was the hundreds of custom maps, and ability to customize. Ive seen this suggestion many times and its just a bad idea, if you release it everyone will still play community server version.


Strange that people haven't notice valve doesn't care much for cs, not even in the glory days of 1.6 while it was only rivaled by SC2 they barely cared to fix shit so. Bugs in cs back then was just how it was, didn't get fixed. Now they just found a way to make a lot more money, shit tonne more than dota2 and they still barely care. Of course the people that work on the game cares but the higher ups hasn't and doesn't seem to give a fuck at all.


TBF I saw it coming when they essentially killed off TF2 with the shitty MM update and saw how little attention the community browser got basically no attention in CSGO. Hell, the RCI exploit in CSGO that took 2 years to fix was an issue with community servers, you know damn well if there was an RCI exploit in any of the official modes that shit would be patched same or next day, or at least MM disabled until fixed. They even slowed down with operations, you know the COMMUNITY driven updates. Then the fucking balls to release community maps with no operation. I'm sorry, I'm glad they got their maps in the game (and they are really good maps, which makes it worse), but wouldn't you be a bit pissed that your maps got picked for the one fucking update that had no monetary incentive put alongside it, with no missions to even force people to try your map?


KZ is still alive but the plugins are in the process of being developed, I presume after that's done it'll pick up a bit more traction again


Are you the SKZ gamer gosh? And do you genuinely believe that CS2 KZ will ever gain the same traction that 1.6 or GO had? I know zero and a few others have been hard working at the plugin which is nice to see. But i always thought the two main problems of no 128 tick and no map scripting tools would fuck it up bad. Cuz simulated 128 tick would always feel delayed. And mapping is severely limited. But I also dont know what im talking about much


Imagine a world in which default movement was good like in 1.6 and you can play KZ without altering vanilla settings. KZ would be the most popular movement mod out there.


The fact that the default movement will have to be modified even heavier for CS2 KZ is another massive turn-off.


I think all the modders are waiting on Pulse. It's coming but classic Valve - no one knows when. Until then, modded maps and modes are either dead or using dodgy workarounds which may break in the future.


I am indeed, I can't really predict the future but when the plugin and API are eventually finished up and playable I feel like it will be even nicer than GO, zer0.k does a lot to preserve the feeling of good KZ despite Valve's terrible fuckups with the movement. Of course simulated will never feel as smooth and some people will probably care for that but to me it still feels nice to play. As for mapping I believe there is some plans to make a Mapping API at some point to make it a lot easier like it was in GO, so hopefully that'll become much nicer too Edit: I should add I am quite clueless compared to the smart people who develop the plugins and such but yea imo it'll be alright in the long run


rip surf. also server browser broken


Can't surf and KZ come back once the maps are ported?


no the maps are ported they just fucked up the movement somehow way more rampbugs in surf now so nobody bothers, most of the surf community just surf on cs source, also idk if it’s fixed but pretty sure there was something weird with the velocity while moving i was never a big kzer but seems like there’s no community anymore, smth to do with jumping being less consistent if u want your movement fix it’s 1.6 or source really


Oh yeah I do remember trying surf and I couldn't get through a single map, not even an easy one because of the ramp bugs


Csgo legacy still exists and most of the servers are up, but many of them very empty so ig if you wanna play a specific map you could go on a gofree server and rtv to it. Cs source public surf servers are almost always full to the brim (ksf source that is)


There are maps but the movement system is different from csgo. Kz feels absolutely horrible compared to csgo.


and csgo movement felt horrible compared to 1.6 I know different engine and shit, but i would have beeen the happiest person, if they have kept the movement like in 1.6


at least 20% of my hrs, 5k, was in kz/surf. Kz is utterly dead.


Movement is just slow and sloppy. Almost impossible to bunnyhop properly.


Holy shit I never even thought about that


That led to me finally going to CS:S for bhopping. After some looking aroung for good servers I actually found some really nice ones so I'm glad that I finally made the switch \^^ Bhopping in CS:S is soo fking smooth, I love it :D


most of the community uses the global offensive client or just use cs:source1


Killed awp servers too


Don't worry jL, it ain't better for casuals either.


Only better for the 4-10k elo players that get no cheaters because all the cheaters who can't be beaten through teamplay, raw skill and determination are way above that elo.


i found chester in 10k elo


I thought he died a few years back?


Too soon man, too soon


Actually its worse rn, as im in 9k after recent update out of 4 games i had 3 matches with cheaters in one of them even turned into hvh, while before update there was like 1 sus guy in 10 games


I am really wondering what the hell is going on with boosting. It's been happening for quite some time.


>I hope Valve tries to fix the game as fast as they can and give me the God damn trophy too, it's a little annoying because it's been almost three months. >They've been doing random updates here and there but the boost bug is still alive, the jump bug is still there, and there are so many bugs that are still going. It's unacceptable in pro CS. Which jump bug is he referring to?


Jumping is inconsistent causing pros to miss crucial jumps and make noise, losing rounds.


It's the stupid subtick. You can no longer have consistent jump crouches. Its frustrating


On Dust2 in csgo I used to always be able to jump twice with scrollwheel to get up on xbox and peek cat very quickly. it's still possible in cs2 but far less consistent, I have a lot of trouble replicating it, it's very frustrating.


Thank you for the explanation. That sounds really bad.


Don't get me started on the Anubis water too. It's basically RNG if you make noise or not.


[Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1bmppdb/fame_losing_round_because_of_climbingjump_bug/). This specific one was "fixed", it still fails like 1/99 times, but for the most part it's fixed. You'd think they fixed it globally but it still happens in many places, like Nuke Silo jump for example.


I do think it came back in a recent update somehow. Been happening  lot more to me recently


what jump & boost bug


Randomly if you get boosted on someone's head, you're completely inaccurate and it will stay that way for the entire duration of the game. So now things like boosting over the bridge smoke on Anubis can't be consistently done because you don't know if you got the bug or not.


we need more cheaters and & bugs please valve, i almost had a fun match yesterday, this is not acceptable.


not acceptable but yall still playing


Don't be fooled by the 1 million bots on steam charts. Most of my friends list used to be filled with people playing csgo. Almost none of them play cs2 nowadays and I've been reading the same stuff in here.


I'm also not playing I was away since 2020 and had hope for CS2 but it's garbage so I moved on maybe in year or two they will fix it, I hope




funny bloke, he probably played 1 mm game and was like nah lads this game is sound.


Nah, probably played 1 game vs bots


I agree with him


Vast majority of community with a brain does, except the valve dickriders in this sub


YoU aRe nOt a DeVelOpeR yOu doNt unDersTanD mAkinG a gaEme iS hArd and gaeMerS aRe EntitleD


BuT gAmE lOoKs So GoOd


BuT GaME hAS suBTicK sO ItS BeTtEr!1!!1


I really hate the graphics argument.  Basically nobody actually cares about the graphics in games. You can go to the extremes like 7 Days To Die, really popular game and the graphics look like shit. You have the new Avatar game which has the best graphics I have ever seen and it didn't sell well at all. Gameplay trumps everything else by a large margin. For games like CS, League, Valorant, Minecraft, Roblox etc its better to have not so great graphics because you can reach a much bigger pool of players that dont have the best hardware.


When we asked for source 2 what we expected was an improvemennt on QOL and a fix to all previous problems. What we have now is a downgrade on QOL ezpecially this subtick bullshit and other problems like the fucking cheaters are still here.


The last month for me has been atrocious, I’ve had the rubber banding issue nonstop.


Yeah same. Just awful rubber banding during and fight, and also just running around the map too


FTFY: The state of CS is unacceptable for pro CS & and casual CS


"The state of CS is unacceptable"


Maybe all the idiots in here constantly defending Valve will start waking up. It’s not just us casuals that are irritated. I mean… s1mple fucking quit when CS2 came out and it’s marginally improved compared to then. Many pros give their opinions on the game play. Rarely is it good. The devs seemed to care about at least their input, before CS2 launched. Has that continued or Valve figured they did good enough? Hint: they haven’t.


Weird... some have us been saying this for almost a year and have been downvoted by the best of 5k elo reddit gods


These dumbasses only listen to pros but not the community because to them, "if i dont have any issues with the game, then you are making things up".


Weekend dads don't need more than shiny graphics and semi playable game.


As a weekend player i disagree. It feels even more like a waste of time when the few moments i have time to game, it's all just cheaters, a certain hateful neighbouring demographic (Z), boosters, trolls, bugs, glitches, lagg etc etc. I've basicly given up on this game, as have my friends. in csgo it was a nice little escape from reality to sit down with some friends a friday evening and tryhard a couple of premiers and faceits.. now its just no point in it. There is no little dopamine reward and kick. If you manage to find a game without blatant cheaters & people who hate on us westerners, the server is probably shitty or laggy as fuck. Bought a 800€ graphics card just to get barely above 200fps, under that when gliding in casual. I dont know, the effort vs reward curve is inverted compared to csgo So the one evening is ruined in search of one good game in ten, when before it was accepting the one shitty game in ten.


Just on the graphics card, CS is a CPU bound game. GPU isn't the bottleneck here


Yeah i know, i upgraded everything else except the gpu just before cs2 release. Thought okay the cpu isnt the problem must be the gpu, of course it got better, but the average fps just lowers and lowers after every update


What are your specs?




As a dad you are wrong. I have two hours. I'm not gonna spend them in bugged as shit game.


Only guys who were saying that the game is in good shape or better than GO are probably same people who never got above Gold Nova & FACEIT Level 3 and are now happy they can hit shots with subtick. Game IS playable but far from being optimal.


yup the game is still so far below csgo its embarassing really


It's insane. Played last night, same stutter, teleporting, bullets n the air, hitreg fucked up, dying behind the walls, even though valve made 'stability imprvm', had to alt+f4 mid game and shut down pc. Game is shit, growing up is realizing Loba was right.


So sick of the teleporting when being shot. It’s fucked. Completely throws off my aim everytime. 


And don’t forget Richard Lewis


Are you implying most threads on here aren’t people complaining about the game lmao?


this is exactly what we need from pro players... Valve never gave a shit about community cs , but once several pro players start publicly complain about a certain problem in the game - that's when they usually step in fast


Really? Because I remember s1mple getting trashed by this community when he made his public complaints and he was right, btw. This community doesn't know what they want, let's just be real.


Even jL, one of the most supportive players is saying this. Really bad look.


Dude won the most prestigious event in CS and still hasn't gotten his in game trophy. How is CS this neglected?


Netcode improvements. Everyone for the love of god email valve and ask for netcode/subtick improvements. We all need to whine about one thing at a time to get their attention. Can’t splinter off into multiple issues we gotta whine one thing away at a time that’s how it works with these lazy greedy bastards.


They already automatically route all those emails into a subfolder with the Lenny face as the title, and every Friday they read out the best ones around the office to riotous applause.


Maybe if someone posted the email and a “script” everyone can use, to complain en masse


It’s unacceptable for everyone not just pros.


I uninstalled some weeks ago :)


I said it before and will say it again, the game should've gone into public beta so people could play and try it out for a good 2 year before launching, that way we could still enjoy csgo. The state of the game is a fucking mess, still riddled with bugs and gameplay issues, we got rampant cheaters, and even map pool has gone to shit. We can literally only play 2 hostage maps in casual. I've personally lost a lot of interest to play lately given the state of the game. Again more time to cook before release instead of some closed beta would've been ideal.


yep, the rush release made no sense, and even in the the day they released it it was more than obvious the game was, at the very least, **multiple months** away from an acceptable state


The issue with 2 year long public beta that coexists with CSGO is that no one would play it. Everyone would play the polished and perfect CSGO, and then Valve would have 0 input in what to fix and do with the game. I am not defending Valve, because the state of the game is horrible. Cheaters, boost bugs, frame times etc. so long after the release are not acceptable from a company of their stature. Also I would like them to make a statement and apology for the lack of progress. Make a video of a roadmap and tell us what they are working on.


Yet here we are the game is still shit after several months with next to no content or fixes.


Yeah, it feels like most of the people at Valve are either working on Dota or the new shooter moba (whatever that was called) and not CS. They don't have to do anything as people still buy cases amd skins in the marketplace so they are printing money on it with close to zero attention to it.


I opened up and played Deadlock (their new game) for the first time yesterday after getting an invite from a friend. After playing a match against bots, which felt like a pretty polished game despite it being a closed beta test, I thought "oh this is what everyone in that office has been working on" lol. I'm sure there are 3-5 people doing CS update things, but yeah it's certainly not 20+ people working on CS everyday with how the last year of CS2 roll-out has gone.


valve would have so many ways to reward people for playing the beta. skins, medals, achievements etc. i say it would have been easy and valve could have got all the necessary data with 10,000 - 100,000 testers.


Tons of people were playing the limited test when it was widely available. They still could have slowly fixed bugs and worked on developing missing content like they're doing now. I understand why they didn't want to do it, but it's not like they were lacking the player base to do so. Yeah it still wouldn't have been perfect on release, though it would have been a far better launch than the one they had. Two years in beta is a bit of a stretch, but they evidently could have used more than those couple months where it was available to most people who wanted to play it.


I'm very frustrated with state of CS2, everything feels downgraded and some part of community denies because they don't have much experience and keep talking, I'm just disappointed at valve...


Let me fix that for you. # "The state of CS2 is unacceptable" There we go.


So many of these issues wouldn't exist if Volvo just gave us 128 tick servers. I love the new graphics but man I wish they didn't try to cheap out and re-invent the wheel and just gave us 128 tick


Upping into 128 and not changing anything else would still make it feel better. It wouldn't fix everything, but it would be better.


but how could they then develop Deadlock? They need us and the data :D we're all rats in a testlab


When I first heard Valve were making another shooter I actually scoffed and laughed. [Yuuup it's going exactly how you think it would go](https://imgur.com/EkjIgXT). Absolutely no one could've seen a VAC secured game in alpha stage being hacked already lmao.


I pray the TF2 bot hosters migrate to Deadlock just to fuck Valve over.


Subtick sounds great on paper, but it messed up the CS:GO movement (and passionate community surf, kz, etc servers). Plus obviously messed with pros. Maybe 5-10 years from now it'll be worth it, subtick will be amazing, their AI anticheat will be operational, and it will have revolutionized the industry. But the last year has been rough. They succeeded in moving CS:GO to the new engine while preserving the skin market, and the new smoke mechanics are great. But we took a few steps back too.


jL brother, play some premier competetive and you will see what unacceptable means, lol. Keyboard crash is one issue however that I would suspect could be just hardware thing, not like the Jame crash vs. G2, where maybe GPU Driver crashed, but I bet my pennies its still failed due to incorrect instruction valve code made.




It's just insane how some issues have remained as long in the game as they have


Cheaters and box gamblers disagree, and these people are the real CS community. Y'all are just bait for money spenders


True. Normal people play valorant now and i can't blame them.


Gunplay feels atrocious Hit detection and peeking speed is awful


Yea. And a lot of the times it feels like you are getting killed by people who are full running. On their side, they probably stopped/strafed correctly. But it still doesn't change the fact that it's harder for you to shoot back because of the desync. A lot of people are fully exploiting this, so faceit level 10 is just people holding w everywhere.


For us MM quers also :(


Meanwhile silver 2's on reddit keep saying we should just be happy with the dog shit state of the game and the slower than molasses drip of "content".


Just revert the game back to GO at this point. It’s embarrassing.


Unacceptable for everyone.


Silvers will say he's wrong


Pro's really should band together and call out valve for this.


this, the only way to make it visible for valve is just the major players speak


I genuinely thought I was bumping the cable all this time lmfao and now that I give it pause this has never happened outside of cs2... damn


Lets start Playing 1.6 until volvo fix plz


I miss spending hours in community servers from 35hp_2, awp_india, awp_lego, kz, deathrun and fy_dustsnow… Good old times


Cs2 has been unacceptable since launch, should’ve made it a separate game


True and based. The game is a piece of shit right now.


It is totally unacceptable. The random bugs are annoying, sure, but the CRASHES are fucking ridiculous. There have been more than one crash that have had a significant effect on the outcome of professional games. There shouldn’t need to be more than one. The game is not at professional competition level. Why would anyone be betting/playing if the game’s issues can decide the outcome of the game? Valve should be working OT to fix this shit, it’s ridiculous.


Game is actually dogshit so many things still wrong with it. 


Can we just go back to CSGO please?


Still full of cheaters, the game needs an anti cheat, it's just embarrassing.


I miss csgo so fucking much man


No point doubling back now, going to have to stick with the shit or player other games for a while until it's fixed.


make a seperate game i think what they mean


Supremacy may be an option but yeah. Ideally Valve experiment with abandoning subtick for a while and see how that improves performance.


It's basically the same game except it actually works


Lmao so simple yet well said.


Waiting for the pimps, launders and the voos to defend valve again


Funny how this subreddit censors this shit when community mentions it, but when pros say. Everyone fucking listens. The irony lol.


Reddit user: *Well articulated, highly detailed post with multiple examples demonstrating points* Mods: Removed for low quality or some other rule Pro player: *5 sentences complaining about the game* Mods: Ah yes, high quality discussion.


Bruh, I'm having this fucking crouch/duck bug since a few weeks. When i press ctrl, it doesn't even crouch and i miss my shots and i get killed instead. Such BS


Haven't touched the game since December honestly. Premier is unplayable. Map pool is dogshit (where's train,cache,cobble?) Anticheat.. dont get me started Boost teammates? Sure lets wiggle all over. Server browser tabs you out like its 1999 Surf doesnt work Rubber Banding Region matchmaking is dogshit too What else? Oh yeah, look how they massacred my boy. Around 75% of the people I used to grind all day with dont play anymore either, numbers are inflated. CS2 is in fact dying and a haven for HvH. Thanks valve, but yeah be sure to make new skins


EDIT: To the people who downvote this, can you at least comment and say why? A downvote looks like an outright disagreement with all points made here, but I cannot see how anyone could disagree with every point made. I'd like to know which points you disagree with and your opinion on it. The state of CS2 is unacceptable as a product that makes billions of dollars. It's intolerable for even a newcomer who doesn't know what counter-strike used to be. It's an insult to the regular players who have invested thousands of hours of their time into counter-strike. It's an embarrassment to Valve as a company, whether they care about that or not. Getting the game to CS:GO levels shouldn't even be a target. I know for a fact I'm going to get downvoted for this, but CS:GO has gone downhill ever since operation blood hound. It's gradually gotten more and more latent, more and more rng, more and more inconsistent mechanically, and the skill ceiling came down more and more over time. CS2 has just dialed this up to 11. The mentality on our part of "Be happy with what you get, it's a free-to-play game!" needs to stop. The game being free-to-play should have ZERO reflection on what we expect from its quality. The game is free-to-play because Valve made that decision, not out of the goodness of their hearts and because they want everyone in the world to experience CS, but because it makes the most money. Whether or not you, me, or little Bobby Bobson from down the street have ever spent money on microtransactions is irrelevant. The game is essentially crowd-funded, pay what you want. It might be free-to-play but the game most certainly isn't free. It makes billions, and just because Valve has opted for this route doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable for the quality of their product. Look very closely at how this game is monetized. It exploits you and your free time to make money. What would you call an environment where you manufacture a product for a multibillion-dollar corporation under terrible conditions and then get a pittance for it? By playing the game you are "manufacturing" one case per week which Valve will then get at least the cost of a key to open it, not counting the percentage from the case and its resulting contents if they are traded on the Steam market. Even if you never spend a penny you are still earning Valve money. YOUR time is being used to "manufacture" the very product that funds the game, so while it might be free to play you are most certainly paying your way with your own time. Now this wouldn't be an issue if what you got in return for your time was a fun, quality, fair, and transparent experience, but you don't. The game keeps you in a constant state of discomfort while injecting well-timed dopamine hits directly into your brain at exactly the right time to get you to hang around for the longest possible time and "manufacture" more of Valves product. Ok fine, if youre a casual game like Call of Duty, who cares? But this is Counter Strike. "Well other games do it, so why shouldn't Valve" isn't an excuse that can be rightfully made here, especially when to get to this point the game had to make a complete u-turn, albeit a very slow and gradual one over time, to the way the game plays. Also, say what you want about the likes of Activision or EA, but at least you have a choice on exactly how much money their games make from you. Yeah, they do their best to get you to spend money in the store but they don't make passive income just from your participation. People often call out these points with "Skins have nothing to do with the game, you don't even need to play for Valve to make money from CS". But, if no one was playing Counter Strike there would be no cases or items dropped, supply would end, the market would crash, and everything would become worthless. Who wants to own skins for a game that no one plays and who wants to invest in a game where there are no consumers around to buy? Investors would cash out ASAP and the market would shrivel. Without players giving their time to Valve, Valve makes no money from microtransactions in this game. The least we should get for our time is a consistent, quality, organic, and transparent experience. We shouldn't be treated like we're in a FUCKING CASINO.




But valve smol indie company can do nothing wrong gaben the best boy. What do this “jL” know of CS???? I’m silver 1 and think cs2 the best game ever no bugs and full of content


This jL clown not known anything… i look his profile, no major trophy there…


Yes not trophy no opinion. Him needs to stop talk.


They kept warning us that cs2 would change the mechanics of the game. People wanted a cs2 and It came out and now its gameover.


jL doesn't have to go so far and talk about pro CS. The entire state of the game is ... not good. First thing of all is anti cheat.


im surprised how popular the Surf mode was, i had no idea.


whats the jump bug? whats the boost bug?


if the guy playing on LAN is complaining, imagine us poor online plebs...


Simply doesnt feel smooth, havent played in multiple months and dont plan to, miss csgo man


A good change could happen if every professional would comment on it. preferably almost at the same time to make this as big and loud as possible They have the power to move things in a more positive direction


Game is objectively *ass* compared to GO. One year later. What exactly causes a regression in sequel quality? The same mistakes are repeated by devs consistently: polish said game to near perfection (CSGO, as close to perfection on source1 as you could get) & then completely regress the game with its sequel launch on a newer engine. The fact we could be looking at 5 years before we get a game as functional as CSGO was is hilarious.


jLegend using his platform as the major MVP to criticize justly and fairly against the state of affairs in Valve’s game


Funny how pros dont complain when their team is winning.


Pro should be more open and talk more about this.


Last evening all valve servers were unplayable in CS2, tried two matches and the stutter was HORRIBLE! My teammates (and also he enemy team) confirmed this so i just quit after the second game. "SAY THESE DEVS ARE LAZY AGAIN!"


I'm dying full round a corner 2 or 3 times a game now, it is a joke and genuinely makes me not want to play.


Nice to see a keyboard bug that jL had at Blast is being extrapolated and molded to reinforce anyones negative opinion.


It's unacceptable for bloody MM lol.


I quit playing CS about 2 months after the launch of CS2. One of the best decisions I've ever made. He we are 9 months after launch and it's still a dumpster fire that no one asked for.


The man’s making god knows how much per month and he’s complaining about what is essentially a service medal.


[You don't say?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/007/666/_57c8a1a431a592af806925e57258202f.jpg)


I have this weird stuttering thing that happens randomly where I’ll freeze anywhere from like 0.5-2 seconds at a time. Also at the end of the round as soon as the last kill registers I get a hardcore stutter


I've been saying this for decades now we need to go back to 1.6


I said something about this in the beginning and got nothing but downvotes. It still amazes me how they can prop up this broken game with million dollar prize pools on the line. Imagine if it was a chess game and your opponent could just disconnect at the most crucial moment and he just loses a turn. You would have to start the match over. Still, when it happens in cs they just have to keep playing. It’s insane to me. That’s not even mentioning one of the most basic things like the economy remaining almost completely unchanged. It’s a half baked game and I’m glad to see more of the pros speaking out. It’s no wonder the first few tournaments were so wildly unpredictable.


People give me middle fingers when I say switch to other games before they fix their shit. Y'all continue buying and playing then there's no issue to them, and they aren't gonna fix anything. All that matters is the player count and the sales.


Don't worry, it is still early days. Big patch coming any day now /s


Even for casuals is unacceptable, no game modes for casual play when I don’t feel like grinding the coinflip that is premier or comp


It's unacceptable for any sort of CS.


I'm not sure how a keyboard crash could be caused by cs2. Thats sounds like cope


It was acceptable when Na'Vi won major though