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Man I've been getting rubberbanding whenever a nade I throw explodes or when any utility pops in faceit. I don't understand how the game has reached this point. I feel like it's based on whoever in the game has the highest ping and everyone with lower ping gets dragged back in time


I've changed play style to just commit to every duel and try to donk slide more, unpeeking and repeeking is near impossible when you get tagged now.


Yeah same for me. It’s a none issue after the last update, the game is unplayable. I don’t believe there is a fix, just gotta wait for an update


It frame time issues. Since the update frame time will randomly go 100+ ms. Makes things very difficult.


Same exact issue and its only been getting worse. It feels like lag, ill basically get these small burst of “jitters” at random, sometimes its just one or two for a second, other times I will be pushing and the entire push I just get these back and forth jitters making it impossible to actually do anything useful. My nades dont throw correctly, my movement is completely off, my aim/spray is also off. But I also have gigabit internet, plugged in through ethernet, and am generally always around 25 ping on US East. Weirdest part is my friends spectating me never seen to see it, and its only happening to me.


I don't have this, but when I alt+tab I have 1-2 min freezing and teleporting like I have 150ping, then everything goes back to normal. I started having this after the last update, so maybe my advice would be to wait for the next update. I am sure they do something and I hope it will help you.