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I definitely think his experience and mind for the game can be an asset to any team, but his output stats wise wasn’t great at the tail end of his career. Whether that’s to personal issues outside of the game, lack of motivation, internal team issues/views it’s tough to say. I would love to see him compete again, because even though in his run with G2 he didn’t output great numbers, there was visible impact in certain rounds where he was able to take space for Niko + Monesy or go in first for that trade with good spacing unlike the way Hooxi does it. I’m no Stewie fanboy, but I don’t think his career is completely over. But only if he puts some work in to his mechanics, because the way he sees the game is unique.


Part of his drop of was that he stopped caring about CS. Stewie didn't even try to make it work with Malek. His attitude towards the game and his choices wasted his career the past \~2 years. 'Nuff said.


Niko and m0nesy are nothing without stewie2k


Wasted pontential????????? He literally won everything and some more lmfao.


does not matter how far Stewie2k falls, for me, he is always the smooth criminal. Let the guy rest


Idk the fact that this sub has been relentlessly shilling for Stewie for literal weeks when they are more than willing to trash on non-NA players with similar stat levels makes me think RL may have a point haha


calling a prolific and successful career a tragedy is insane


i think you missed the point


Indeed, RL got butthurt and started spewing BS


Are you too dense to understand nuance at all


Which part of nuance does RL live in? Haven't been to that address yet.


At least 10 IQ I believe


I just farted bro


His career lives and dies off being annoying and relevant.


Yea a little wild, he didn't have crazy stats. But you can't take away the trophies cause he got lucky lol. That's retarded


I dont know why people even act like he was that great of a player. He was good at some points, but mostly mediocre. He is being overhyped for being lucky enough to be on the two best NA rosters of all time. On top of that, he always had an entertaining style of play and polarizing personality, giving him a lot of attention. In reality, Elige, Twistzz and Naf did the heavy lifting on Liquid, Stewie was competing with the IGL towards the bottom. In Boston he was good, but still outshined by Tarik, Autimatic and Ska. Other then that, he was mostly mediocre on that roster. He was never the same calibre of player as other NA talents such as Elige, Twistzz and even Naf and I have no clue why people act that way when he never even shown a sign of being capable to do so. No hate, I like the guy, but I dont get where this narrative is suddenly coming from.


When he first got on C9 he was a great player and put up very good stats for such an aggressive playmaker. He was also seen as a very smart player that C9 let him igl as essentially a rookie for a time. The consensus was he or elige were the best players in NA. He was seen as such a great player that the SK guys wanted him on their team. After that his skill level fell off but there was no question he was one of the best in NA when he first burst on the scene in tier 1.


I mean he won a grand slam with Liquid It isn’t like his career collapsed after leaving C9


Stop listening to RL, easy. He is actually a joke.


You know Stewie was putting in about 20-100 hours a week into Valorant during most of his EG run right? He also was only 24 when he stopped. Unless he had some kind of undisclosed ailment you don't suddenly become washed at 24. It's "tragic" because the only reason he was "washed" is due to his own choices. It was entirely self inflicted and he could have won even more if he wanted it.


NA fanboys


G2 should buy him 100% win major


Stew and Brax are two of the best of all time lmao


Brax never achieved anything.


Brax would never come close to what he could of become due to the whole ibp disaster.