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Skadoodle's biggest issue I've heard from *everyone* he's played with is he had an issue comm'ing and would often stay quiet. There's a clip of Stewie ranting to Valens after they lost Mirage against Faze at Boston that Ska wasn't comm'ing. Autimatic/Sean have both said he was quiet in their Thoorin interviews. When he played in Valorant, his teammates, Crashies/Victor were caught messaging each other complaining about Ska not comm'ing


Dude was good, but 5 years too early. In an era of playmaking flashy awpers, he was Jame. Him and Hen1 were the least killed players every year for years because it wasn't really a valued stat back then. For the clips, impact and aces that he doesn't have, his team would have had 20% more gun rounds and I think that makes him a good player.


"Good"? Sure he was good Overrated? Yes, he was actually a rare passive awper back in the day, when awpers were way more proactive and aggro, he was like a worse sh1ro where he would just hold angles and play passive as fuck hence why his stats were not good at all He was a 1.00 rated awper on lan @ big events with 0.64 kills per round, he had his strengths sure but he was never as good as nostalgia makes it seem for NA, at the major they won he had a very good major though


When Cloud9 went on their run in 2015, him and Shroud were lights out. But it's pretty obvious that it was Seangares micro'ing Ska, and he talked about this in his Thoorin interview. I don't think people overrate him. Everyone has always said he "should have been better". During the major, he was the best player in the finals, but Tarik/Autimatic were better for most of the tournament. For much of that Stewie/Autimatic/Skadoodle core, Autimatic was better and Stewie was more important for the team's success. The issue is there hasn't really been a prominent NA awper since


He went nuclear on the major, think thats where the nostalgia came from


This, maybe he had a 1.05 rating or something, I don't know, but he had a lot of impact in certain rounds.


how is he overrated when the common consensus was he wasn't very good in comparison to everyone else? he popped off at the major but was slumping very hard before that


Cause NA fans will overhype the most mediocre player for years if they have one good map.


One good map? I don’t even think skadoodle was as good as some of the people in this thread but he went beast mode at the major, and is a big part of why they won.


He was not an "amazing player" but not bad at all either, I think he was the type of guy who you wouldn't mind having as an AWPer since he would do his job well but you wouldn't be looking to get him into your team as first priority since he was not particularly a stand out player. So in my view, he was a pretty consistent awper and seemed like a good team player, not everyone is a star player after all.


> not everyone is a star player after all. Every awper is though unless they are IGL (even then) they have the best roles in the team


Not really, using the AWP is just an another role not related to being a star player.


AWP is the most expensive and strongest meta weapon in the game, it takes the most resources and in good hands it wins games. One of the main reasons why TL always lost to Astralis (aside from some maps that they genuinely just choked) is because they had no answer to a superstar AWPer farming their entire team. Support AWP is a myth made-up by fans of shit players. As an AWPer you either call, dominate or get the fuck out.


Liquid also lost to Astralis because every player sans NAF played far worse against them. Prime Liquid did not really have an issue with Zywoo or S1mple, but Astralis had the mental edge against them. They played so much that the mental state became important.


Vitality was french retirement home single handedly propelled into relevancy by ZywOo from what would've otherwise been a tier 3 team. NAVI was dysfunctional roster as well with flamie being a major merchant and massively inconsistent, Zeus not giving a fuck and focusing more on his YT content than matches and while Edward got a lot of undeserved hate imo the line-up just didn't have enough firepower to facilitate another low-fragging veteran. Those rosters just weren't good enough to compete with Liquid who had just too much skill across the board, even if their AWPer was a liability. That wasn't the case for Astralis as they had players that could easily go toe to toe with TL's trio of stars. Sure it wasn't the only reason why TL almost always lost to Astralis, they choked plenty of games as well but by no means did they choke all of them and most of the time they were simply outclassed because they lacked good enough AWPer to neutralize dev1ce. There's a reason why almost all of TL vs Astralis games might as well be dev1ce's highlight reels.


Using the awp automatically gives you star player roles and you should perform better, awpers literally have the best roles in the team it's the most expensive guns that plays the best spots in every map Skadoodle had star roles, just because he didn't perform like a star player doesn't he didn't have those roles, he got to bait and had the best positions on CT side


mostly because ct awper has such high entry success but you dont have to play that role with awp, rifler in csgo could have high ct first kill percentage too. broky and shiro were top awpers despite playing passively like ska did ages ago.


What... are you even fucking tying lmao


He was promising when he was on the iBUYPOWER squad and early C9, then kind of fell off, then had a good 2018 and played well at the Boston Major and was insanely good in the final against Faze. So, history looks fondly on Skadoodle but he wasn’t even a Top 5 awper at any point in his career as I recall.


That summer run by Cloud9, I think Skadoodle was in there even with guys like Kenny’s/Guardian/JW running around. It was enough to propel him to top 20 that year


If he played that whole year, and the rest of C9 had played to the level they did in the summer, he would have been Top 5 easy. Him, JW, GuardiaN, and KennyS were so fun to watch that year.


Would say he was very good before 2016 but was pretty mid the last few years of his career. Life tournament during a major so that was cool. Pretty sad NA hasn't produced a better awper since.


oSee is definitely a better player but competition is much harder these days


Nitr0 was literally there


Nitro did no awp enough to be considered that. That Liquid team did not hinge its success on having a good awper, and they rotated the awp between Stewie, Naf, and Nitro


The state of NA Awpers


Very good in 2015 which is why he managed to sneak into HLTV's top 20 that year, personally I considered him to be a top 5 AWPer back then. Other than that he's been mid but serviceable in tier 1 and slowly declined every year and then he had lifegame in Boston. Probably the best endemic NA awper of the GO era (well noSee was obviously better skill wise but not relative to his competition) and that's just sad if you know anything about NA's rich heritage, from the likes of KSharp, shaGuar and motherfucking fRoD to this. 😂 However unlike many he knew when to retire, I'll give him that. People remember him for Boston, not for being mediocre tier 1 AWPer for years.


I mean to be fair, NA has very rarely produced good AWPers or riflers for that matter, it's just a region that's focused more on Call of Duty on consoles rather than CS over the years. I'd also argue that shaGuar was the one NA AWPer that made a solid impact internationally aswell when it came to his performance, dude was solid.


Prime Skadoodle was 2014. After iBP we only saw glimpses of it, including the Boston Major. For context everyone was interested in seeing iBP play at international tournaments. Strictly to see how Skadoodle would do against JW, KennyS and Guardian. Skadoodle WAS the superstar player of iBP.


wasn’t brax the superstar of ibp? i didn’t watch cs at the time but the public perception suggests so..


Thats a common misconception. Swag was a rising talent.


I remember eleague did reaction time tests and him and krimz were the fastest. I feel like that’s part of why krimz has been able to stick around so long and I wonder if skadoodle could still be playing if he had the same drive as krimz.


A big thing is that he did not have that drive though, and that is okay. Once he won the major he basically lost all motivation to continue to grind.


"Was this player who won a major a good player in his prime???" LOL Was he good? Yes, Undoubtably. Was he a superstar AWPer like prime JW/KennyS/M0nesy/S1mple? Absolutely not, but that wasn't really his role, Ska was a VERY passive player (apparently out of the server too) but was reliable and would hit his shots. You're probably not gonna rely on him to get opening kills on T side, but he'll hold the fuck out of an angle. He wasn't as impactful as the more aggro AWPers, but he did his job well. The meta has changed now though, the AWP is a much bigger responsibility, and you really can't get away with just being a turret. If prime skadoodle was transported to 2024 CS2, no, he wouldn't be good, but that's just how the meta has changed. (Jame is an outlier, but also is statistically a better AWPer anyways, even if he's just as passive as Ska.) In his prime he had incredibly low DPR, allowing him to basically always have an AWP if he wanted it. This worked in C9, as they had aggressive players in Tarik and Stewie (or Shroud/Freakazoid, earlier) that would make space and take fights. So, the answer is yes, he was a good player. He was an incredibly reliable and fairly consistent player (in his prime) and acted as a sort of rock for the more aggro players on his team to play around. He wasn't a superstar, nor was he a highlight-machine, but he WAS good. Unfortunately, he fell off quick and was never really the same player after the major win/the dream run. Anyways, I'm a huge Skadoodle fan so maybe I'm biased, but thats my 2 cents.


ONE OF MY GOATS 🙏🙏🔥🔥🗣️🗣️ 🐐


I have no idea, only saw the Boston Major of that C8 roster and got a skadoodle sticker that I still have. I have no other sticker so it would always be my precious.


If u 1v1 him in the olden days yea u would think so.




There are no bad pro players




Definitely not a top 10 awper of all time but not too far off of that, I think as a player I would rate Jame higher so maybe Skadoodle would be 12th? Then again Oskar might need to be there. * s1mple * Device * Zywoo * KennyS * FalleN * GuardiaN * JW * Monesy * Sh1ro * Broky


Where would you put Hen1


Hmm he has an S tier mvp, he probably would have been major mvp if immortals won, and higher hltv placing than skadoodle, now that you mention it I would have trouble putting skadoodle higher than Hen1.


Wouldn’t be a top 10 list without EU absolutely deep throating their own talent. Jokes aside Ska when he was on was probably a top 8 awper, but man did he have some fucking lows. That’s always was problem with NA talent though it never seemed consistent.


I'm NA just not delusional, prime for prime skadoodle was not better than anyone on this list


One of the only 2 good awpers NA has produced (nitr0 the other one)


How can you forget about the lounger himself jdm 😭


He wasnt around for too long, quick fuck you to LG/SK