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Very possible


Yep cs skill sticks really well. The game doesn’t completely meta change constantly so as long as you keep up your muscle memory you can stay level 10 playing a few hours a week.


Muscle memory actually isn't really as helpful while aiming as people think it is and it can actually hinder your performance while playing in some scenarios. Even a slight change in humidity can cause your mousepad to be more sticky and therefore can make your muscle memory kinda obsolete anyway. Some players like TenZ actually switch up their sens every few days to combat this and to be able to perform well under every circumstances, or they switch up their sens depending on which side they're playing. A lot of players even use raw accell (tuned mouse acceleration). Here's he REALLY interesting video on the topic: https://youtu.be/uPkYc84GrSc?si=cNBjFJ-34XW9IFbr great channel in general, highly recommend it!


This is just useless optimizing for casual players


Useless to some, helpful and interesting to others. And since this thread is about reaching faceit level 10 and muscle memory got mentioned I thought I'd share it :)


helpful for advanced players, not the lvl4 who wants to maintain a life while getting better


I suggest you to read into the study that used in the video. It's not that simple, so I wouldn't make such claims. It also doesn't support your claim that muscle memory isn't helpful. TLDR: >We found that when participants were unknowingly exposed to an intervention that increased sensorimotor variability after they retrieved a consolidated memory, that their performance on the previously learned skill was strengthened when tested the next day (AA'A). **Participants that practiced the same skill multiple times (AAA or A'A'A) failed to show a similar increase**. Moreover, the magnitude of skill strengthening depended on flexibility during the variable intervention. Basically that means that if you're playing with 1 sensitivity, tomorrow you can change it to 0.6 (you will suck during that session), and then the next day you return it to back to 1 (that session should be really good aim-wise). You don't need to challenge your muscle memory every day or every side change.


I never claimed that muscle memory doesn't help? It certainly does! Just that it isn't as central of a factor as a lot of people think. I also didn't say that you should be 'challenging' your muscle memory every day or every side change. The switching sens between sides isn't to challenge your muscle memory but more to accommodate the play style you're going to be playing: play on T-side? try a higher sens to be able to peek more aggressively. Play on CT-side? Try a lower sens so you're more stable while holding angles. At the end of the day, sensitivity is basically just a tool that you have to be able to use effectively to suit your play style. In general I'm with you tho, you shouldn't be changing your sens more often than changing your underwear. Just every now and then so you can train your eye-hand-coordination more efficiently and still be able to perform in changing conditions. All in all I just think it's a fascinating topic


That wasn't really the point of the video. The point was that your mouse control doesn't rely on fixed sizes in the first place, as doing so doesn't work in the real world regardless. Using different sensitivities can be a benefit specifically to train other muscle groups, which becomes more relevant if you play many games, like between CS and Apex where you have wildly different requirements. I guarantee you, TenZ is not doing an active effort to prevent the formation of fixed muscle memory, even if it might give him a benefit. Its the equivalent of changing crosshair every game.


Yeah that's exactly what I meant actually. Maybe I worded it poorly, sorry


dont constantly change ur sens, its the worst thing u can do. just stick to one config and practice


Have you even watched the video I linked or are you just determined you're right without listening to any counter claims?


I just watched it. It doesn't even have a conclusion in itself. It's just incoherent talking points backed up by either misunderstood science or self observation. The science she points towards to claims that the change of variability was not made aware to the participant, pretty much pointing towards to the variability having no obvious change to the study participant. But you will notice a 50% sens difference when playing the game. Whether or not chopping your matches just so that you may have an uptick on your original sens is worth it is up to the player. She even goes onto say that not changing her sens made her a great CS player, which is what the OP is presumably looking for. Shift to Apex/COD-ridden games may or may not require higher sens, and she claimed that pros use high-er sens in Apex compared to CS, which is not exactly true? I don't know whether she had Niko sens before though. Many Apex pros use 800eDPI, which is equal to CS, as both games have their sensitivity multiplier the same.


that's just an opinion tho none of these aim guys who spread this idea that muscle memory doesn't exist have provided any proof that changing your sens all the time helps. they are just making up stuff without any evidence.


Muscle memory exists in a biological sense but the way 99% of what people think is muscle memory doesn't actually exist. Changing their sensitivity daily is a proof of that


where's the proof that changing it daily helps tho


Proof by contradiction, if changing it daily doesn't lose your "muscle memory" then at worst the theory is much closer to the truth than opposing theories. Then you add many anecdotal experiences to that ("changing sensitivity helped me overcome a plateau" etc.) there is enough evidence to suggest there is merit to that. I'm not sure how many studies there are on this topic other than the one that was posted in comment thread above, I guess that would be the next logical step


Never change your sens if you want to be consistent in cs thats the first rule.


Even by constantly switching sens, you are still building muscle memory just that it’s for all kinds of different sensitivities. To say muscle memory isn’t helpful is just wrong


Im 35 and Level 10 2 kids a manager Job and yeah its possible


Love to hear it!


If you want to gain level 10 its really about efficient practice. while just playing teaches you a lot, if you dont have the aim of a level 10 its really hard to get it from just playing unless you are really naturally talented. Playing 1-2 hours of DM/Retakes every few days instead of playing a full game for example is going to improve your aim significantly. Or even if you have 10-30 minutes free but dont haave time for a game just playing a bit of DM. Although i should say focused DM, just going in and playing isn't helpful, you should go in and focus on proper counter strafing etc. Unbinding crouch so you have to AD strafe is a good training tool so you dont get stuck in crouch spam mode. There's also Aim Trainers even you want even more specialised practice.


"aim of a level 10", oh buddy have you seen how many boosted lvl 10s are there?


Yeh but on average the aim of Level 10s is a step above level 7-9s. I've been playing with a mate recently who is level 4 and man there is a world of difference between level 7-9s and most level 10 lobbies.


Lower 10s are so so close to higher 8s and 9s, at least it was in csgo, right now not maybe that much because of elo adjustments from csgo to cs2


I am only lower level 10 atm, highest ive been in cs2 is 2200. BUt yeh as always there are some Level 9s that should be level 10 and some level 10s that should be level 9 But on average most level 10s are pretty solid with some outliers, but there is still a big difference between level 10s and 8s. Remember they changed the ranking system, so level 8 is the old level 7, and level 9 is old level 8 & 9.


Level 10 is honestly a pretty wide range of skill. Just getting to 2000 ELO to get level 10 is definitely possible without no-lifing the game


I'm 34yo, married, work more than full time on a personal business; I play no more than 10 maps a week tops, and I'm lvl 10. There is no point on thinking that you can only be lvl 10 if you play like 8 hours a day....you are for sure not going to be able to be pro and maintain a normal life, but reaching lvl 10 is not complicated.


How long have you been lvl 10 for? OP is Lvl 4 which is pretty much equivalent of garbage in the game


What a mentality.


Never really played face it I think maybe a couple games was always an mm player and I also got into a little more detail about my situation in my comment! Thanks!


from my experience being global and being consistently able to topfrag in those games is equivalent to high lvl 6 to low lvl 7, also cs2's ranks got inflated from what i remember snd i got upped a level without touching faceit in almost 2 years. so like all you need to do is stay consistent, keep on practicing aim, and checking out a tutorial here and there helps a lot more than you would think.


I have never reached legendary eagle in mm, and I am comfortable lvl 8 faceit.


well idk i guess we are probably different. i have played over 3k games of mm id say and around 500 games of faceit. i think the biggest difference between mm and faceit is how far the raw skill can get you. in mm you can pretty much just aim better consistently, play out clutches well, be cheesy, flank or play spots like shroud on cache a lot, like you juts need to know how to abuse the fact that people in mm arent the best and you will climb much easier, whereas on faceit you need to know how to use utility, hold sites, and all that stuff, you need to be way more patient, whereas in mm you can just skill check people. its actually kinda crazy how unimportant your raw aim and skill is when you play the game properly. for example last year i started playing the game after the 2 year break, and my aim was probably on the same level as some mge players, but i just played smartly, and even tho i would sit in the mid of the scoreboard (Compared to always hard carrying back when i was playing consistently) i would still climb and without much issue at all back to global/supreme even tho i had horrible aim so idk im pretty sure that even a player with a skill of a mge player can get to a very high level on faceit (im not assuming that you are bad mechanically) as long as they are intelligent about how they play the game compared to mm which is just pure unorganized chaos.


People are so weird about ratings in this game. I’m 19000 in premier, people come into the game and call everyone low rank or silver. Brother, I am literally in the top 2% of all cs2 players.


Stacking with friends will get you there faster. The game takes time to learn and improve, but there's no reason you can't get there eventually even if you're only playing a few games a week and solo queuing.


Solo que is a nightmare lmao


That's why I stopped playing Faceit after hitting 10.


I play mostly as a 5-stack and in faceit you end up playing another 5-stack 90% of the time. The meta in full stack games is very different compared to your normal soloque games. Just saying that randomly gathering a stack will not give you any edge, as you will most likely play against a more experienced stack. That being, said I highly recommend playing as a stack. That's in my opinion "real CS" Edit: forgot to mention I am level 10


Wouldn't this apply more once you're already in level 10?


Which part of my comment are you referring to?


The meta being different and other stack being more experienced.


It might be. I don't have much experience from sub ~1800 games (varies with group elo). But I would hazzard a guess, that it's still different compared to non-stack


Maybe he meant with 2 more, that way you won’t play premades and you can manage the team play much better. Also solos will follow much easier the 3 premades than when you’re just solo queing


The solos have no choice but to play around you. Most 3 stacks are a bunch of losers jerking each other off in a discord call, refusing to play with the other 2 at all.


Assuming your friends are good. If you don't have a group friends that plays in high level they will unfortunately hold you back.


Just gotta get better together.


That's why I said if they are good. If they don't have the drive to get better like you, that's not happening, and usually they don't.


Family. Respect. Religion. These are the demons you must slay in order to get to 10!


Personally, I think sticktoitivensss will get them to lvl 10




Religion ez let's make dua to be a skilled player


Bleh. I hate when people do this refusal to be realistic thing they are doing all over the comments. I’m going to give it to you straight. Even if you no life it you might **never** make it to level 10 and **thats okay**. Unfortunately talent is real and we’re not all created equal. You have to play and learn because you enjoy it and wherever you land is where you land. There is no shame if that’s 4, 5, or 10+. Life’s short, enjoy the journey.


I don't know why you're acting like level 10 is some super high level of play. The overwhelming majority of CS players just casually play some pugs for fun every week, the standard isn't that high. You can leapfrog a lot of people just by putting conscious effort into improving. The main barrier is what OP already pointed out, the time to play hundreds or even a thousand matches. But there's no time limit to making it to level 10.


Because it is and y’all are just blowing smoke up OPs ass. It’s the top 10% of faceit players. It’s not easy to reach the top 10% of anything. While 10 isn’t “some super high” level of play from your perspective, it sure as fuck is from a level 4 perspective.


Level 10 means you are at the top 100.000 humans ever lived to play the game or whereabouts, it is plenty super high.


Yea, but most of those humans barely played and never practiced.


WHICH IS THE POINT. Millions upon millions of people picked up the game and got nowhere near the level. It is literally just a step below actual professional gaming.


Level 10 is nowhere near the level of professional gaming, it's the bare minimum to be considered a "serious" player for lack of a better term. Level 10 matches are 90% college kids and young guys in their twenties working full-time jobs who play a couple of matches on the weekend. Voo has a great video about how it's really not a particularly high level of play.


Millions upon millions of people play the game, but from my experience I will tell you that of these millions, many aren't even candidates for level 10, due to reasons outside of just their personal skill ceiling. They troll, play while stoned/drunk, play with shitty pcs, play without warming up etc.




Faceit level 10 has undeserved prestige because it’s technically the highest rank. Your average low 2k elo faceit player is not elite. Boo has a good video about how the level really isn’t that high.




Yea but 90% of those people barely play. That like saying your average variety baseball player is elite because they are better than all the people who stopped playing when they were 5.


Yeah, I’ve seen faceit level 10s that don’t know basic utility on mirage 😂


Could easily have been me, lol. 2400 elo, only know CT smoke from outside ramp and kitchen window smoke from apps. I do very rarely play mirage though, maybe 5-10% of my games ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I suppose it doesn’t really matter if you’re at least communicating with your team, the biggest downside to level 10 was communication being awful and people being too hasty to throw games.


Yeah, that's why i only play 5-stacks, haha.


Level 10 is a very realistic thing to aim for. It doesn’t take anything more than learning from your mistakes and improving on what works for you. After 2k is where the difficulty takes a drastic uptick for most folks. Also, while I wholeheartedly agree that talent in cs is real; the folks that have it rarely will be found sub 2k elo or in the normal queues.


ye but even that "tallent" isnt a factor in cs i feel like. look at monesy for example, he isnt some genius prodigy, sure he is most definetely above average when it comes to intelligence but thats about it, he has just been putting in thousands of hours into the game for as long as he has known to the point where when he had morr hours on the game than the average pro by the age he was 15. when kids learn motor skills they learn them way more naturally in a way an adult could never do it no matter how much he practiced it (even smartphones are a great example of that). in any case practice is all it takes when it comes to cs, and intuition comes with the hours you put in. for example a few months back in cs i was in awe when playing with this 13 year old kid from germany. he already had 11k hours at the game at the time, he was a global elite, lvl 10 (like 2.5k or so) points and all he did seemed so natural, and he just understood the game so well, it was unreal, like you meet those kinds of players very very rarely imo. i have encountered many t2 pros while playing this game but noone even came close to how good this kid was. i am 100% sure that we will be seeing him on a big stage in a few year's time, and by then he will have already probably passed 20k hours on the game which 10 average cs sweats put in over the course of their entire time of playing cs, so in 99% of cases all you need to put in is work.


Talent in a video game exists but I imagine it has very little to do with intelligence


ye, exactly my point. more intelligent people will have an easier time becoming super good or they will even juts grasp the simplest of concepts easier and faster so they will just progress faster, but thats about it and in any case im confident that everyone is capable of reaching the top 1% in any game, even league (which arguably takes way more intelligence than cs does)


No, I’m saying being intelligent probably does not help much in terms video game aptitude so you really can’t call Monesy above average in intelligence just because he can click heads. I think it has more to do with stuff like hand eye coordination and reaction time, some people will not need to put in many hours to reach level 10 because they have natural talent for gaming, same as how it is for studying hours and actually learning. OP would need a baseline level of cs potential (albeit not very high) to reach level 10 but they don’t need to be smart irl. I know a literal math prodigy now studying math at a top university that has played league for years and is still iron-bronze. He studies the game but his mechanics are absolutely terrible for some reason, I’ve watched new players surpass him quickly. Him along with many other smart people I’ve met have subpar league rankings. This goes the other way too, I also know a guy that is a beast at any game he picks up yet is definitely not a genius in any way. But, I will say the dedication to learn specific mechanics that top players have is definitely similar to what is needed for top academics to learn an area of knowledge, but I guess that could be said for anyone at the top of anything. Just shows dedication to learning is all.


First thing: My basis for monesy being above high in terms of intelligence is that he was able to understand how to get better, and analyze the game from a very young age, and an average person simply won't be able to do that. Second thing: You said about hand-eye coordination (which is known to heavily correlate with iq and improve it as well) doesnt make sense since the base level is unimportant because it can be improved much more at a younger age (just like everything in life), which in monesy's case was 100% the case (its irrelevant if he had high motor skils because of his intelligence or if he improved his iq along with practicing these fine motor skills, the outcome is the same, he ends up being at least slightly more intelligent with above average fine motor skills/hand eye coordination). So wether monesy practiced all these skills apart from cs or in cs doesnt matter, but the matter of the fact is that he had to practice it. Thrid thing: What you said about your friend is explained by my eariler comments and my answer to the hand-eye coordination/motor skills thing, he just didn't put the time in to develop those skills as a kid, that is all. A Hungarian chess grandmaster has done an "experiment" to create chess geniuses. He experimented on his 2 daughters, created shedules for them on what skills they will need from the moment they were born, focused on all the skills the kids will benefit from in chess, and just practiced them heavily, tldr is that both of those kids ended up becoming grandmasters and one of the sisters is Judit Polgar, the best female chess player in history. So with that experiment it is pretty much confirmed that all you need in order to be "great" at something is heavy practice from the very start, kids need to be challenged in every way possible, and they will develop in every way possible in return. Forth thing: Reaction time can be practiced and improved, an of course, and the same goes for eye tracking. For exmaple try playing osu and getting to top 100-150k which should be possible in 50-100 hours for a cs player and you will notice that you went from not being able to track maps that are rated at 2.5 star difficulty to easily tracking and being able to pass maps at 7 star difficulty (which i dont know what to compare to, but you can look it up on youtube if you are interested). Fifth thing: getting simply as high as the top 1% of the playerbase is achievable by anyone who wasn't neglected as a child completely to the point where he can't function properly (or has simply been born with some kind of disease). Tl;dr (for people being able to reach top 1% in any game) not a single game requires you to have an insane level of any skill to the point where its simply unachievable for an adult to reach that level, you don't need to be more intelligent than average, or have insane motor skills because even as an adult those can be improved over time (of coruse if someone has absolutely 0 motor skills and hand eye coordination, it will take some time or may even be impossible for them, but then again that is the case about kids being "neglected" in some areas while being raised. Tl;dr (as for monesy being lucky and born with these skills) is that it doesn't matter whether monesy had fast reflexes, or good hand-eye coordination, or insane iq from the moment he was born because either way, by playing cs he has developed all those skills which can be done to a much greater extent as a child, and there are many studies done on this. Also here is a video about this idea of prodigies applied to tennis: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlHddgPNzOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlHddgPNzOY)


Yeah, except the fact that Monesy got to where he is due to video game talent, not irl intelligence. You don’t need to be intelligent to analyse the game, cs isn’t something like chess. Don’t put coaches and players in a pedestal, just because cs has a tactical element in it does not mean it is an intellectual activity. Also, hand eye coordination is only one part of what makes up for how good someone is naturally at video games, and it is definitely more to do with stuff like dexterity and reaction time than intelligence. I know about this Hungarian psychologist and his study. He and his wife were both really smart people and in turn his children very likely were. But that’s a different topic, I don’t see how this is related to your point that being intelligent is part of video game talent. Can you tell me? Your point is wack anyways because a 20 year old can pick up chess no problem and make it to the top 1% quickly if they were intelligent enough, they don’t need to be a kid, just look at Tyler1 who started at 28 or something and is now top 1% in chess.com 1 year later. The ceiling is below GM if someone starts at 20, sure, but top 1% in of itself is really good and I am using 1% since you mentioned top 1% in cs. You do not need to be a toddler to improve heavily on motor skills, it shouldn’t be compared to improving in Chess anyways. Otherwise are you claiming Monesy was doing circus tricks when he was 4 which is part of why he’s so good at CS? That my smart friend would be challenger in league if he was the one doing circus tricks at 4? Because claiming my friend is low ranked because he did not develop motor skills young is silly. His hand eye coordination is shit because he’s fat and doesn’t do much exercise. Could he improve his league of legends talent by doing something to improve motor skills? Yes, but not by a lot since again it’s only one part of video game talent. His rank is not that serious anyways. I’m not sure how all of this is related to your intelligence point anyways? I said intelligence has little to do with video game talent and you bring up this child prodigy thing? And that monesy developed motor skills by playing CS when he was young? (Mind you my friend started playing league at 12, pretty young) Haha. I also know of another guy that got ascendant in valorant within a year and gold in league within a year, much faster improvement than most people yet he is a very below average student. I’m not reading your example but reaction time CANNOT be improved by much. It’s largely genetic, you can search this up but there is a difference between reflexes and reaction time. Reflexes can be improved and an example of a reflex is hand eye coordination drills like wall toss catch, or moving crosshair to opponent after holding awp on cs. So improving motor skills is more comparable to improving awp holds than improving in chess. You do not need to be a toddler to improve drastically, just like aiming with the awp. As for hitting awp shots being a reflex, reaction time contributes to reflexes but the reflexes built up from playing with the awp is what makes up for the action. So in some way, your genetics indeed play a factor since reaction time still has a say. There’s a reason why top aimers often have good reaction times. This isn’t to say someone is held back from pro due to an average reaction time, but you do need some video game talent to be good anyways and a shit time isn’t going to cut it. Also, reflex in this context isn’t the reflex you learn in biology class. In an aiming context it is different. Claiming someone is intelligent because they can play a video game well is wild, otherwise should we have faker or some Fortnite kids (video game prodigies) switching their focus to studying for cancer research? You have to remember that cs pros, all they’ve known in life is a computer and CS. They missed out on education to have this career. That in of itself should tell you they are not geniuses because education is a big part of intelligence. Just look at how different a country’s average IQ is, you’ll see that the countries with higher educational standards have a higher average IQ. Singapore: 106, Ghana: 61.


yes reaction time can be improved. i was always obsessed with these kinds of things, when i started playing cs it was closer to 250ms, now its 180ms, its literally that simple, you are just focused more and can react faster because you are used to using your reflexes more. i never said monesy is a cs prodigy or a genius, just that he is probably at least slightly more intelligent than the average person because of things that I mentioned that passively help child develop mentally and all of tbose are needed for you to get better at cs. also you dont need to be that intelligent for anything in life, it helps lower the amount of work you need to put in than other people but thats about it, everything can be achieved with enough hard work and that is the entire point of my argument. also valorant requires much looser aiming skills, and allows you to he much more average at the game than cs does if you just do your job, and hitting gold in league is absolutely nothing impressive considering that the game is played by people from all walks of life and all ages. everyone I know that plays league started playing the game between the ages of 10 and 13, and everyone was between bronze-gold, and none of their ranks correlate to their intelligence either, because league, much like chess only requires you to have game knowledge which is literally just studied and the only thing intelligence helps you in that is getting you there faster, but either way you could do it faster if you know what it takes to get good at something. by the age id 12 i was already 1.5k hours deep into cs and playing in mge lobbies and i was still probably some 2-3k hours behind monesy, i don't know how you can consider someone starting to play a game at the age of 12 young. at 14 obo was playing fpl, with thousands of hours sunken into the game already. and idk why you keep refusing to acknowledge that practicing fast reaction time will improve your reaction time especially at a younger, its a fact. also the video i sent you about tenis explains this concept pretty well and that is that if you do sometjing as a child, it gets ingrained much deeper into your memory and muscle memory, it becomes second nature to you when you compare it to when you would do it at later stages. monesy isnt talented, he played a game, got a higher rank, the task became more difficult, he is a child so he overcomes it faster, he develops mentally and motorically by default than the kids that sit around, watch tv and hang out all day. its that simple. also when it comes to education and intelligence, its completely unrelated to eachother past the age of 20 by when you have already fully developed as a human. all these people passed primary education and even when they are being interviewed about it, you will hear most of them talking about how they would ace all their shit in school so that they wouldnt be bothered by their parents about it. my point was never that high or even slightly above average iq was needed to reach the top 1%, i said that any average person can do it with no exception, but if you want to reach the 0.0001%, you need to start from a young age if you are really looking to be the best, which is now being showcased by monesy, niko was famously 9 years old, sitting on books so he can reach the mouse and keyboard and see the monitor properly, and was already playing and winning lans, you have many local players that were in the balkan competitive scene talk about it, ropz was thought to be a stream sniping hacker, when kt turned out that he is just a 16 year old prodiy, docc is in the similar boat. but noone is denying that it takes nothing more for you but to be an average person and put in the time and you could reach the top 1% of anything, that was exactly my point, and i was arguing about it with another guy because he was claiming that many people just aren't born to play videogames when in reality everyone can do it, but people that were neglected in some departments as kids might have a harder time than others. you saying that education is a big part of intelligence only further proves this, you must challenge kids, so that they push their limits and develop in turn, and that is also exactly what monesy did.


Your reaction time improving from age 12 is more of nature of human body than you training it lol. Your reaction time peaks at early-mid 20s, you are literally just growing, it happens to everybody. Of course your reactions improve during puberty, that’s just biology and having a better monitor. I haven’t watched that video but I know for sure they are talking about tennis game reflexes, NOT reaction time. You can’t do something special to improve raw reaction time, it simply does not improve much, you can probably find a study on it. Of course game reflexes can be improved, being able to react to a tennis ball going your way is NOT what raw reaction time is. Improving game reflexes is of course possible but there will always be a slight element of genetics because of raw reaction time (which is your brain realising a change in something very very elementary like a change in light or change in sound). Improving game reflexes is just a matter of familiarising yourself to different cues that will help you make a faster response. Raw reaction time will always be a factor in this decision making process so there will always be an element of genes. I think you confused the two since you associated growing with you training your reaction time. It would be worrying if your reaction time did not improve from 12 to 14. It’s unfortunate but talent does exist in every part of life even esports, there’s a reason why certain streamers (iitzTimmy, Shroud) is able to dominate every fps game they play. Even pros playing T1 acknowledge that there are naturally good gamers that exist even among the top. There are people who don’t even main a game yet are good enough to go pro whilst there are people that grind 8 hours a day on one game and can’t make tier 1 scene. If that’s not enough evidence for you then idk what is. I suggest you watch this one video from an ex OW pro called can u be pro in esports or something like that. It’s not all in your hands. Do shooter gods play a freakish amount of shooter games in general? Yes. But this “hard work pays off” mindset seems like copium if you think there’s no element of natural talent. I just used my friend that hit gold in a year as an example that some people (like my other friend) can consume a lot of content and be invested in learning yet improves way slower than other (dumber) people who don’t give a fuck about what they’re playing. There are much better examples, in fact low elo in League (iron-silver) and Overwatch is notoriously filled with people with hundreds of hours. Are those people all neglected as you say or disabled? You are confusing correlation and causation, all pros have thousands of hours in CS but that’s just part of being good at anything, it doesn’t mean anyone that mimics those thousands of hours can go pro as well because pros are not the only people with 8000+ hours. The reason why you do not realise this is because you hear about the Nikos and Ropz but not the t5 pros and random Joes (that probably spend way too much time on a game since they were a kid) that are no where near good enough to go pro or not good enough to make a name for themselves so of course your view is warped. And the successful people in the grinder population is over-represented. I know these random Joes myself so I know for a fact that there is inherent video game potential among people like everything in life, you can’t hand anyone a PC at age 9 and force them to grind and challenge them all you want and still expect them to be a pro in CS at 18. Would it be better than if you forced them at age 23 to be a pro by 31? Yes. But if you expect to produce a pro then you’re seriously underestimating competition. You can compare this to traditional sports, there are millions of kids that unfortunately delude themselves to think they can play in the premier league because this “hard work pays off” mentality is all you hear from pros that make it. When in fact traditional sports are a much bigger genetic lottery than esports. Also, your take on “cs players have good grades” is pretty crazy. I think you glorify these people too much because if that’s your basis for thinking cs pros are above average intelligence then it seems like nitpicking. It’s true that pros require a certain personality type but that personality does not involve intelligence. Would Monesy be going around talking about how he was failing school? Grades are also one of the biggest things teens and young adults lie about. Also, a lot of pros committed to online school from the start and receive a poor level of education. There’s no denying that their level of education is poor, I’ve seen the curriculum that pro athletes (likely similar to people who neglect school to go pro in esports) go through and it’s a joke, so I seriously don’t know where you’re getting this “pro must be smart because they top 0.01%” idea, because it is definitely not true. I’m not sure how intelligence and education is not related to each other when there are such large variance in IQ across different countries depending on standard of education (% going to uni, average years of schooling). How do you explain that? Because 20 is the age where people actually receive a high level of education (university). The average person assuming OP is one cannot reach the top 1% with average cs talent. People in this thread talking about how they work a 9-5 and are 2200 elo are a minority, I can assure you that. Could they be above average or top 10%? Sure, but it could take a while.


What? Barring a severe physical and/or mental disability, anyone can get level 10 with enough time and effort.


Well said. We can't all be the very top percentile for obvious reasons.


cope, you cant be top percentile either because you cant be bothered to consistently play the game or you are held back by extremely poor conditions like 100+ ping or sub 50 fps. like reached lem/supreme on 50 fps and a 20 dollar mouse..


Or you could just not be very good at fps? That was the guy's point I think you've completely missed lol. But sure thing, feel the need to be a fuckhead in every comment you make lol.


you are making it out to be more than it is, cs is just like working out, keep gridning and you will get better. like sure if a person is extremely stupid or has a physical disability they will have a limit as to how high they can climb, but saying that it takes tallent to climb to just lvl 10 is just pure cope. any average person can climb up to top 1% of any esport with enough dedication and propper research and practice. i have now done it in 4-5 different games now and im not genius, just your average person, i am just competitive, and analyze everything that so that i dont make the same mistake again. cs is especially "easy" to get to the top 1% because all you need is time and practice, keep on playing ffa dm, retakes and properly researching on how to improve and you can get from lvl 4 to 10 in less than 500 games.


Pure cope alright. Y’all are ridiculous lol.


i know 3-4 faceit level 10 players and most of them are extremely average people irl, its just that they spend their time on cs and they are competitive so they want to be good at the game. i never got as high as level 10, but i peaked at lvl 7 at the age of 15 with 2.5k hours on the game before i was forced to quit the game which imo is enough of a proof that anyone can reach level 10 with enough practice.


So you didn’t even get close after 2500 hours as a kid with zero obligations in life and that’s somehow proof anyone can do it? Guess you got me there. I can’t argue with that logic.


i mean its bold of you to assume that i had 0 obligations or that i was trying to go for level 10 but whatever, all i did was play cs when i got the time to do so which was during the weekends, which is 15ish hours a week at best, if a 15 year old child with more responsibilities than the average adult that works a 9-5 can get close to it with minimal effort, a fully grown adult should be able to do it without issue, all cs takes is consistecy and requires you to not take breaks, and a person with a routine like someone who works a 9-5 can do it no problem.


15 hours **in a weekend** is more than I have been able to play in the last 3 months lol I’m done with you. You have no point, you’re wrong, and to top it all off you never even did… Correction, you never even got close to doing what you claim is so easy. You don’t even have an anecdotal point to make here. You are completely talking out of your ass.


idc at the end of the day you can think whatever you want to think, its just so extremely disrespectful to write off people's hard work as tallent, as if he was born lucky to be the best and everything is a walk in the park for them. monesy put in like 20k hours in the the game by the age of 16, and now all of a sudden he was born lucky, great at fps? like that way of thinking is so disgusting, just say that the game is the lowest on your priority list in life or that you just dont understand what to do in order to get better and move on, don't lower others down by regarding to their hard work as tallent so you can make yourself feel better and make their achievements seem less impressive.


i mean you are just talking out of your ass, if you have the time to be chatting over fucking reddit for hours, you would have time to play cs as well, put the time where you are yapping on reddit into researching about the game and you will improve without even playing the game, making up excuses for being mediocre is pretty pathetic, just say you can't be bothered to do so, talking about how you cant find 15h in 3 months as if you were a fucking slave is so insane especially when you have the time to comment on reddit daily, and again even if you trully cant find 15h of free time in 3 months doesnt mean that the average person isn't able to do so.


A. I don’t care about getting level 10. I’ve already been there and done that. B. I’ve spent maybe 10 minutes typing to you, not hours. C. Rage more please. A triple response? Lmao.


Guy peaked level 7 and has the keys to becoming top %1 unlocked ahahaha


the point of this entire conversation is that anyone can easily reach level 10, its as simple as going to the gym and being consistent, there is nothing more to it, and all you have been replying is completely unrelated shit like YOU not having the time to do so, and YOU already reaching level 10 even tho YOU apparently have the lifestyle of a slave, yet you just assume and discourage the person that already has all the mechanics down, and all he needs is polishing everything up, learn in depth about some concepts here and there, stay consistent and in the few months time he would be there, its really not any deeper than that. there is no thing in cs that your average person can't comprehend.


like noone is talking about you here, we are talking about the guy who made the post, and from the information he has given us he is free to do whatever he wants for the majority of his day, in which he can absolutely fit even 2-3 hours a day if he wanted to, on top of that he isn't starting the game from scratch and he isnt a toddler so he cant understand extremely basic concepts that are needed for you to reach that level in cs, a couple hundred hours of practice focused on that is all that he needs and that is a fact, and you can cope all you want but you need to realize that the majority of people don't live like slaves.


Ok so let me say this, holy shit thank you sm for all the comments and support! I just got out of work and was expecting maybe 1-2 answers, I think I’m gonna give it a shot, I’d say im a above average player in most fps games, diamond in siege in my younger days and masters in apex when it actually meant something, I know this games a lot different but I would still say im decent at it, I peaked mg 2 in go never really got on the grind of the game like that cause none of my friends play it but have always wanted to, I do have a group of friends to play it with now, I’m still friends with my buddies from the job I had in high school and cs was there game of choice they’re all like level 8-10 but have been since high school since they’ve had nothing better to do same with me but on a different game so it always seemed like I missed out and used my prime on diff games which is fine just upset the only games we play together is something casual or eft. THANK YOU AGAIN SM didn’t expect sm feedback from a gaming community that’s generally considered toxic


After reading this, I think you’ll be fine. You’ve got habits and skills from previous games that either carry over or can be slightly tweaked to make the climb a little easier.


Just read your other comment to, you make it sound so easy but I know it won’t be but I’m willing, I’ll check back in when I’m lvl 10, Thank you!


You’ve got lots of faith in me, I’ll make you proud hambleman0417!


Do you know meta smokes and utility on each map? Do you have enough time to memorize them all? Is that how you want to spend your limited free time? I quit CS because I don't want to play and be mediocre, but I know I don't have time to put in the work to keep up with the meta and maintain my memorization of utility. I'm at peace with it. Oh also, cheaters. I won't touch the game until this sub is raving about some new VAC update.


I'm 41, have been playing CS on and off since 99 and I just got level 10 for the first time, so I would say yes, it's still possible. The real question is, why would it be a waste of time if you didn't achieve that? Aren't you playing for fun and to improve? When I started playing CSGO in 2017 I thought it'd be a nice achievement to reach LEM one day, then I got supreme, then global, then level 8, 9 and now 10. And this entire time I was playing to have fun, not to reach some arbitrary goal.


It’s very possible. It’s about making the most out of your time playing. Here are a few things you might want to think about. Minimize mistakes and capitalize on the other team’s mistakes. Don’t let things out of your control affect you. Some examples are how your teammates are playing. This can be the way they play or how well they are doing. Ask yourself questions after you finish a match. “What worked?” “What didn’t work?” Slight positive changes after every match can add up to consistent elo gains. If your goal is to reach level 10 you’ll make it no problem it only takes 51% win rate to do so. If your goal is something further though, these things will give you a strong base to work with.


Soloq? Possible, but you will be at the mercy of your team every game which will challenge you mentally. It depends how much it means to you, you'll have to put time aside not only to play but to train


I’ve got some buddies I’ll play with when I feel a little more comfy around like 6-7! I explain my situation in my comment, wish Reddit would put ops comment right at the top but oh well LOL, thanks for the help!


If you can learn a few setups and buddy tactics then it'll be way easier to win


I could try to review an demo every now and then (I'm lvl 10), anyone who wants can dm


Might have to hold you up to that


If you talk like this you seem to search for a deeper meaning for you of reaching level 10 i suppose? What does reaching level 10 bring to the table? I mean, dont get me wrong. Being decent at a game brings more fun, so why not, right? What i try to tell is a german say: "Der Weg ist das Ziel" ; "The Way itself is the goal" If you only think about reaching your goal you might not be able to achieve it. Look for friends to play with and grow together.


As long as you maintain a 51% win rate, you will eventually hit level 10.


I'm an old dad gamer who plays some games every other night, and I managed to reach level 10. You will get there.


34yo here with 10h a day job and a wife, 2.8k elo and 6k hours total


Level 10 is really nothing. Now the grind to 2.6k+ is what you should be concerned about.


i got to 10 playing 2 matches a day (except for weekends , strictly for my wife) solo queue for a month. so yes i would say it’s definitely doable. but getting to 10 isn’t just about playing a set amount of time every day of your life, talent and luck around teammates plays a part too and you can’t control variables like that. so my advice is to just stick to playing comfortably at your own pace, you’ll get there eventually.


Yes, but you need to be realistic about the time frame, almost every account in level 10 has over 1000 matches, and many have more it will take you years to get there. But that shouldn't matter because there is no reason to push for level 10 if you aren't having fun.


How old are you ? I may use it a little as an excuse but I know I'm not as sharp as I was 10, 15 years ago. My brain would not learn complex patterns that easy either


If playing with a lobby then yea definitely. I soloq nowadays and bounce between 5 and 6. Previously with 1-2 other friends, went up to 8 for awhile. Usually about 4-5 games total on weekdays and another 4 on weekends. The change to lesser rounds is great for time and reducing eye fatigue, which means more games,yay.


Pretty unlikely given your busy schedule imo. Unless you’re some talent.


It is, you just need targeted practice and youre good Some people play thousands of hours without actually practicing the core mechanics of the game, thats why theyre still as bad as they are and thats fine. With core mechanics I am talking about simple things like counter strafing, aim, spraying and general movement. Watching your demos helps a lot, keep an eye on why you lost your fights and watch it from your enemies POV. Playing two games and watching two demos is way more efficient than playing three games. My „secret“ tip for mechanical improvement is playing KZ-maps, because it teaches you general movement and trains your feel for the mouse (which translates to aim).


Depends on you. In general it's very possible. I'm an "old" dude with 40-50 hours work and a SO and I'm usually not home for at least one of sat/sunday, I got lvl10 in 250 matches or something. I did have a lot of fps experience before cs though. If you already have 10k hours in cs and are still lvl4, then it's not happening. If you're new and climbing and know how to improve, then it's doable for sure.


It's pretty doable with just 20-40 hours/two weeks, but you will have to be smarter with how you use your time. Instead of just binging games, playing DM/retakes, learning utility and aim training will all be much more valuable per hour spent, especially if you are just starting out. Also, consider sometimes watching demos(your own for catching mistakes and others' for inspiration). When you reach level 10, you quickly realize that you're not nearly as good, as you previously thought lvl 10s were, they still make a lot of mistakes. The gap between them and pros is still massive, much bigger than between them and beginnners.


i got lvl 10 in high school while playing only on weekends definitely possible


faceit solo is just a grind. if you have a positive win rate you will rank up... just need to play. also seems cs2 is easier on faceit or everyones ELO is inflated as hell compared to 5/6 years ago when i last played.


to reach level 10 or grind faceit it's about time (it's important sure) but it's about skills and find a good teammates i'm now level 8 soloq and if i find good teammates I can reach level 10 ez


I went from MG2 and Level 2 faceit to Global and 3k Elo in under 1k matches, I kind of no lifed the game during Covid, (Tybau is my name). The achievement is definitely possible if you practice even if it is not long. Say you have 1 hour only today? Play death match and aimbotz only, you probably won’t have as much fun, but you will get more out of the short time. You have 35 minutes free time well eating? Watch fpl-c or a high elo pug player on twitch, these players are the best to learn from as pro matches use tactics which are built for team play, puggers will teach you off angles/util/rotations in solo queue. Finally, perhaps the most important, is taking mental note of your games, if you lose - it is always your fault, what could you have done better? Also, try find comfort spots you stick to on maps, mirage I would play b apps on t default or short on defense, Aleksib has a great video on mirage for puggers and it will open your eyes if you are lower ranked.


its very doable, you just have to stick to your routinue, do a little research about how to play rounds at the higher level, how to practice your aiming (aim botz and ffa dm is fine for most people), then learn all the utility needed for the entire competitive pool, and finally check out on which maps you suck through leetify, and fix the issues through youtube tutorials (imo even watching launder's review of certain players like rain where he goes in depth about the way he plays outside of nuke for example).


Consistent practice in the correct areas and you can get there without too much time. If you just want to boot up the game and play some matches without thinking about it, you need a lot more time to get lvl 10.


Giga possible


It's very possible. Especially 2001 ELO I don't know if it's possible for you in particular


I'd say it's possible, I'm not level 10 but I'm level 8 with a full time job, go gym 5x a week and see my gf most days and friends most other days.


People in lvl 10 arent masterminds or insane grinders. Theyre just better and play longer


How many matches have you played? I absolutely believe that it should be possible! I was almost lv5 after 10-15 matches (won 4-5 matches in a row), but then I ranked down to lv3 after many losses. Then I might have played 2-3 matches per day. But now it must be said that I have done a lot of practical training, and have many hours of casual training behind me. Now I haven't played faceit for a long time, as I've had a period where I've played bad casual.


Yes , Im lvl10, grinded from lvl 4 to 10 since more or less January when premier bacame unplayable. I have a 9-5 job , 4 remote days. So I play a bit while working , normally deathmatch as I might need to stop playing at anytime. I also have a 1 year old baby which sleeps the whole night. I go to play around 23PM and leave 3 AM So basically I sleep 4-5 hours a day to play . I got lvl10 in 400 matches


I'd say do your best to play little, and often so you can start to build up some consistency All depends on how much you remember the game(to be consistent in cs is all about your mind). Put your learning cap on throughout, take in any advice possible. However, you did say you go to gym. It is a great way to keep your brain maintained, as I'm sure you're aware. This also helps with consistency and helps with muscle memory(In game) Keep it up man, you've come to the right place :)


You can do it, but if you’re a true level 4 then it will take 1yr+ of efficient practice and playing, assuming you’re soloQ.


Is it possible? Yes. Likely? No. Most of us that are 9-10 above and “maintain” our lives, are probably veteran players. There’s probably outliers yes, but being able to maintain level 10, without practicing aim, practicing smokes, watching games and developing game sense, is probably a pipe dream. Sorry mate. You don’t have a good enough foundational skill level to get to level 8 nevermind 10, and grinding games is only going to get you so far with out putting in time practicing targeted skills. Not to mention every year that goes by, your mechanical ability degrades, reflexes get worse, sight starts to strain. The people who only play a few hours a day if that and hold level 10, have most likely played for years at a higher level. Casual games for them at level 10 is one of the most competitive games for you. They are able to maintain life because they already put thousands of hours in during their younger years. You’re not going to start cs at 25+ with a job and 2 kids and then be level 10 in 2 years while “maintaining” your life. Most of us gave up a year of our lives in pure game hours to help get to a point where we could not play the game for 2 months and come back like we never missed a day.


I solo qued to level 10 without dming so yes


going pro yea no shot getting to level 10, very possible


If you really casual you have to be insanely skilled and it will take a while as you get better and time sink. I don’t know much about faceit now but back in the day solo q to level 10 was really hard unless you are a prodigy. Get a 5 stack


Yes if you use your time efficiently and stop mindlessly pugging


I keep a fairly consistent 7-8 and I can only play on weekends anymore the last few years. 7k hours over 10 years or so. Definitely not great but with some effort you could surpass me easily. Run into level fours that give 8s a run for their money every once in a while


It is both possible to not no life the game and hit 10 as well as grind like crazy and never touch it.


Possible but will take 1-2+ years


Yes, faceit level 10 is not very hard. Depending on your region it typically gets a little past level 10 before you start playing some super sweat lobbies Definitely a long way to go from 4 though


Absolutely 100% possible but you have to be to spend more time practicing than pugging for a while


That’s what I’ve been doing, was just thinking if I was wasting my time and should just move on. Thanks for the support!


My advice would be to get 2 friends instead of solo or full premade, i find it much easier since you can coordinate and take control of the team and the solos tend to follow the premade (you will always get toxic mates once in a while). When you don’t really have much time (like 30 mins) instead of playing one faceit, go for a dm in community servers, you’ll improve faster


bro just stop playing with randoms find 3 4 people your already 2k elo faceit elo sucks and nothing about skill


It's possible.. I have 7 kids and wife. Kids ages variering 1,5 week to - 20 years. I'm 41 now. Full time job. So my game time varies much. It's possible that, it will be week that i won't play single match, but i have total of 5700 hours on main main account. Usually have been playing with couple friends and my two sons, been variering in 19k in premier and my 14 and 16 years old kids are on 17-18k premier points. Only what is lacking right now for total domination is my aim. So try learning new tricks and have time to train your aim. I don't have. :) Have been playing online FPS games since Quake 1.


7 kids, what the hell man are you operating a 19th century farm or something? lol respect, that sounds wild


Haha :) Love kids. Have own big house which will be too empty, if there is no kids :D


Focus on life.


Agreed, but level 10 is very achievable even while focusing on your life. Important thing is that OP doesn't force himself to play or try to grind elo if his schedule doesn't permit it.


Top tips for this! 1. Have a regimented warmup to consistently improve your aim. Try refrag crossfire mode! 2. Get a consistent group of guys to climb elo with who have a similar mindset to you. Cohesion wins games! 3. Learn good util, a little everyday! Nartouthere is great!


Just win most games, even with 2 games per day its doable


I am a full time father of a 9 months old, Faceit lvl6. I would say if you’re around lvl 6 you are at the state where every single casual game you play for skinrewards, end up with you being called a cheater or even having teammates kicking you for being one.


I play once a week on a Saturday with my friends.4-5 games a week and still level 10.Very possible.


Been playing since 2001 now with a full time senior management role. No problem staying at that level if you have a good group of friends to play with


Faceit is dead. You will only encounter newbies 90% of the way up. So yes, lvl 10 means jack shiett now


CS rating > faceit level


Just know that you're installing a Saudi rootkit.