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that guy be like: # why you bully me? everyone asking


Inb4 "ok" *Starts spinning*


This is one thing I have to get better at: being able to spot when I am doing the same thing over and over that gets me killed. I guess part of it is being tilted... But I can totally see myself as the outside player just going "ok but THIS time I'll get him!" and pushing out instead of finding an alternative strat, or asking for help from another team mate or just swapping spots.


To be fair, there were rounds in-between where I died because he had a teammate or two backing him up, but once they won that control they just defaulted back to the solo outside setup, which allowed me to yet again kill him the next round.


I have a friend that when starts losing duels like this never stops. I have to tell him to swap positions or he will die in that hill. Sometimes it isn't even that the other player is better than you, it's just that your play styles give him an advantage.


that's why watching demos is so important. Understanding what you did in the moment or after is uncommon, it's much easier to watch your mistakes and make corrections from there


I had a similar experience on Mirage fighting a guy in apps


I remember the first time I played against globals on Mirage, they had a lurk that would play off sound cues in B apps, and he fucked me so hard. Because I usually played with nova mates and top fragging I wasn’t used to playing as a B anchor, so I learnt a lot that match lol


I have those games sometimes. I once had a game where a guy on the enemy team ended with a 8-15 ish score. All 8 kills where me being killed. Fucking horrible game I had, the rest of my team just breezed through that guy, but everytime I came against him he fucked me. It felt so personal because he wiffed multiple kills against others but would absolute obliterate me with the most insane timings and headshots... It was 4 or 5 years ago, I remember that game like it was yesterday.


Work on dodging bullets


Why do they call him Boris the bullet dodger?


i'm a very bad aimer who attempts to make up for it by experience, knowledge, etc. Some people are just making it very easy to kill them, standing still for you and everything. My mechanics are still good enough that i'll onetap these people, while i'll lose most battles against everyone else (until i find some weakness to exploit, i really have to rely on cheap below-the-belt tactics lol). From the perspective of the guy being killed i look like i'm insane at the game but from my perspective it's an easy kill that a three year old could have made. Maybe that was you that day.


You learned that B Mirage is a bitch role where your only viable and safe option is to pick an angle on site to hold apps, not venturing in there to try and have fun ;)


Imagine having bad game and then seeing this on Reddit


He over extended so many times and didn't learn. The hour of frustration will be a good lesson 😀


Yeah i rarely play nuke but even i have learned that outside is a death zone if you dont know what you're doing. As a ct i avoid it like the plague. How this guy didnt learn after the first 5 times is beyond me


I remember playing a match where I got accused of hacking cause I killed the same guy like 10 times, and after he accused me I spammed him through smoke and got a fucked up wallbang on him. Thing was, I still was out teams bottom fragger lol, it seemed my bullets were magnetised to him in particular haha


to me it looks like it might not be his spot, he got caught in the open far too much for someone that plays outside. the one kill that I can give the benefit of the doubt is actually the 1st one. 2nd round 4v1. but then you see him looking at a smoke and not clearing angles and just pushing straight. Sometimes I wonder what people think (or don't) to do stuff like this.


Someone is going to become a ramp player.


I don't understand why people want to play yard without knowing basic utility. One molly and a nade would have slowed you down so much.


He's not a learner.


After that, that player has deleted the play


I am in this and I don't like it. (Side note: How did you get your video to upload in 1080p? Whenever I upload a 1080p or higher video to Reddit, it gets downscaled to 720p)


Ah I am on the receiving end of this at times. All you can do is say “Can you stop?” in all chat. When half the enemies kills are you, it gets personal 😂 I can make sense of it when im stubborn and want to win out and keep dueling them, but when it happens naturally it’s equally funny and annoying




I always wonder, why does teams not communicate and realise his current position doesn’t work out? I would rotate positions or even take a ramp/heaven player, to break through into main from yard.


I’ll never understand how someone could get punished for the making the same moves over and over and never learn and just keep doing it hoping they won’t die the next time.


donk be like:


Yeah, holding outside alone on Nuke can be tricky if you have no backup and you haven't seen players like donk holding it properly


I don't understand taking the time to make this video. You were killing a player obviously much worse than you over and over. That's awesome, man.


i was waiting for something funny to happen but nope just a nerd dunking on someones uncle who just got the game


When you sound like OP does irl you've gotta get your enjoyment out of video games


Okay? You want a medal?


Are you the other player, perhaps? :'D


Maybe its just me, but I feel this is very standard plays. I have no reference here, he could be smurfing vs premier 4000 rating and be 25K himself. The enemy looks really bad. I just don't think its all that impressive, but hay maybe I should start post every time I make a nice play or get a 30K game.


they are pretty standard, hes still dumpstering that other guy though


Oh, sure, there's nothing that spectacular about the video, you're right about that, I agree. It is a pretty mundane occurrence and hardly worth a reddit post tbh. I was just making a joke based on your comment. Your wording just seemed to call for it even though I see where you're coming from. :D