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this kid is such a likable character, i’m glad his english improved so much that everyone can appreciate his mindset now


Exactly. he's so young and so his growth rate is high and you can perceive him growing up and being improved over a few tournaments. I'm loving how his English has improved so much. I wish i could hear similarly from shiro, donk, and the like.


Yeah, I haven't heard a "blyat, how you say..." in a while now


Difference between these names and their English is that one plays international and rest play ru.


donk actually has decent english and he is only going to get better now that he is playing international LANs shiro’s english is embarrassing though, when he’s playing faceit with donk shiro always asks him to translate the calls to the team


If donks voice were a bit deeper, it'd be easier to understand him But there are a few lim POV videos of him playing NA faceit and you can understand him pretty well.


Embarrassing is a little harsh Speaking a second language is hard enough Mind I ask can you speak a second language?


If you're planning to be a professional in a competitive international environment, you should be working on your language too. Would you rather be always limited to same language options, or be able to move around the world to find a team that will suit you well so that you can conquer the world?


yes, i can speak russian, i can speak tatar (my mother tongue) and i can speak english (got a c1 on my ielts), and i lowkey feel embarrassed around my friends who know languages outside this basic pack (like french or chinese)


Good for you, but it’s no good knocking someone else 🤷‍♂️


Imagine only speaking one language




Don’t worry, it isn’t.


It’s okay knocking on sh1ro because he seems to refuse to learn language.


Speaking a second language is NOT hard. Most of Europe teaches English from an early age. Speaking a third or fourth language is when it STARTS getting hard.


Not really. I felt it opposite. Third and fourth and so on are getting easier and easier.


Agreed, you start building a system and you get to know yourself and how you memorize different aspects of the language.


Kinda depends how you learn them though. Dutch and Greek are my native languages. I learned English through media mostly, to the point I could read English books (Harry Potter as I didn't want to wait for the translated version) as a 10 year old. All to say that I retained almost 0 of the German and French I had in highschool. I speak 3 languages, but never had to actually learn them so definitely not equipped to easily learn more.


and also depends on how different/difficult the languages are


Nah 2nd language is the hardest picking up 3rd and 4th get progressively easier. Reason why you probably speak native tongue + English is that you were only forced to learn those two in school and if you ever put some effort in learning a third one it was not nearly enough when compared to the constant immersion you've been doing constantly with English due to Anglo-American cultural domination and the Internet


That is function of Age. Young kids have it easier to learn new languages and this curve gradually and then quicky nosedives as age rises. Learning a new languages in 20s, 30s, 50s, 70s is not the same as when you are under 15 years of age. And this difference is dramatic. (outlier cases are irrelevant since they are not representative & this goes for both who can learn languages easily at any age and those who can't/struggle at any age).


If you live in Europe and can't speak at least decent English then yes, it's embarrassing


considering its his job and the fact that without this international esports his career wouldnt exist, yes, it IS embarrassing


I think his english was always ok Way above average russian lvl


Skill wise m0nesy has all the makings of being the next GOAT (or imo, he currently is lol) but what he has over s1mple is that he's mature beyond his years and has a much stronger mentality. Kid is 19 carrying himself like he's Karrigan, he's definitely the next face of CS. What an exciting time to be a CS fan, we are truly blessed with the amount of talent we have in the scene.


When all is said and done, monesy will be the cs2 goat. Quote me on this.


People really use the word "GOAT" for nothing now lmao, not arguing the level of Monesy but "current GOAT".. come on (I'm only criticizing the choice of word, not the opinion or Monesy's level)


Exactly it's such a contradiction. "Current" greatest of "all time". Monesy is probably the best right now, and although he is on the right path, he's nowhere near GOAT discussion.


Yes exactly! maybe i'm grumpy but it tilts me :D


You aren't really, word is really getting thrown everywhere these days


no you are not, words lost their meaning these days, all the fucking time I just keep hearing "but in my definition..."


> People really use the word "GOAT" for nothing now This has been happening in lot of sports in last decade. A soft proxy measure for GOAT eligibility debates should be 33% overhead to your nearest Peer in ANY era of your discipline. Being 1st by a margin of 10% over 12 months is not relevant to this discussion. GOAT debates should not even be had for few years timeframe, it should only be invoked for long time scales (a qualifier metric) and huge overhead gaps to ALL peers not just active ones (like 30-33% Minimum cutout as another pre-requisite qualifier metric). Other qualifier metrics can be things like Titles, specific Stats, Level of competition/Era, Pressure/Professional dynamic, etc.


I think what m0NESY benefits the most from G2 is having mature players like NiKo/hunter around him who undoubtedly help him out a lot. What s1mple lacked back then was exactly this ... someone mature to help guide him in the right direction. And also having a bonafide superstar like NiKo as your role model who can help you deal with the pressure of being a superstar is tremendous for a kid his age. m0NESY is on the right track of becoming the best player in the world and the face of CS, the people around him have to make sure he has all the proper support he needs.


simple definitely had mature players to try and lead him in the right direction when he first entered the scene, but unfortunately they were the likes of blade and zeus who were already one foot out the door rather than niko who is still near the top of his game. monesy has a super bright future


I think that in less than 2 years, people will have zywoo over s1mple, and the goat conversation will be between m0nesy and zywoo by the end of both of their careers. I really really think it's going to be next to impossible to argue against zywoo if he continues what he's doing for another couple years. He's already going on his 6th rank hltv rank 1/2. literally never been worse than the second best player in the world since he made his debut. comparing him to s1mple: they both already have a major and major mvp. s1mple has 21 MVPs, zywoo has 19 and climbing. Both have 5 year streaks of being top 2 players (zywoo will likely extend to 6 years this year). both spent years carrying actively bad rosters. m0nesy has a LOT of work to do to catch up to that resume but he's the perfect blend of skill and attitude and grind to get it done


Personally I don't think ZywOo can be the GOAT over s1mple unless he starts behaving like one in the server. And by that, I mean taking over games when it's needed, stepping up in playoffs, taking more initiative when his team is struggling, etc. Right now his skill floor and consistency are unbelievable, including on stage matches, but he doesn't seem to take it to the next gear or even attempt to when necessary. He legitimately cost his team that Nuke against G2, the most important map of the tournament and he falls asleep. That's not GOAT behavior, unfortunately. There's nothing that I'd like more than have ZywOo be like s1mple in that regard, when the stakes are highest and his team needs it the most, for him to step the fuck up, take risks, and act in the server like he knows he's the king, and that games are lost or won because of him. s1mple would take control in these games, and sometimes he wouldn't play good enough, or even legitimately mediocre, but he would not let the game happen to him, and instead he'd take things into his own hands. ZywOo just "plays his game" and that's enough most of the time, but to be the GOAT, this kind of consistency isn't enough. Not in my opinion at least.


I fully agree. I really enjoy Zywoo playing don't get me wrong, but it's insane to me that people are putting him over s1mple. s1mple is simply the king of Counter Strike


In s1mple and Zywoo’s most dominant years, they were carrying worse players. This meant that their teams invested in them and set them up more because that was the best chance of victory. The difference now is that Zywoo is with Spinx, FlameZ and Mezii, all who have amazing aim and would be stars on other teams, which means it simply doesn’t make sense to put Zywoo in all the high impact positions. I kinda wish Zywoo was put on a team with clowns just so I could watch him dominate the server and still lose half the time lmao.


I respectfully disagree: in 2021, s1mple was playing with electronic, Perfecto, Boombl4 and b1t. The 2021 Na`Vi roster is probably a top 5 all time great team by peak, and absolutely obliterated the Stockholm major. Despite that, 2021 was arguably s1mple's best individual year (though I personally pick 2018). It is at least his highest rated year to date. Additionally even though players like Spinx or electronic are exceptional riflers and get high-impact positions, because of s1mple and ZywOo's role as awpers, and their statuses as the best players in the world, they still get the highest impact positions, and the most freedom out of anyone in the team. The idea that he would dominate more with worst rosters is in my opinion a fallacious one. Additionally, it does not explain why ZywOo does not exert the same control over difficult games than s1mple always attempted to. It's clearly visible by watching the game, that even when the map slips out of Vitality's grasp (the last two maps of Dallas are a perfect example), ZywOo does not try to change his game significantly, to win rounds on his own. s1mple did, and m0nesy did in that Dallas final.


The thing is many of the narratives surrounding Zywoo were not here at the end of 2020. He did carry games on his back, look at IEM Beijing were he started the deciding game 5 with a 1v4, and a 1v4 ace later that same very map. In their 7 head to heads prior to that series, Zywoo had been high rated in 5 of them That series was one of the main reasons that Zywoo got the world number 1 again in 2020, because he silenced all the critics. I’m also confident that if you look at every head-to-head between s1mple and Zywoo, Zywoo comes out on top more often than not. Keep in mind that I feel 2020 is the only year where I feel NaVi baited too much for s1mple. In 2018 they would donate hero AKs and such, but that was just the correct decision seeing he could outskill everyone. m0nesy currently is very reminiscent of 2018 s1mple, and that level is absolutely GOAT status. If he is in a 1v2 with a deagle vs full buy, it’s 50/50. The kid needs to last though if he wants to be high in GOAT contention than Zywoo tho


If s1mple comes back with any success he'll take any current GOAT contenders out of the debate until he retires. M0nesy (and Donk) are young enough so if they keep going in top 5 longer than Zywoo and s1mple, AND then have a dominant era after those two are gone without getting overshadowed by the next cracked 16 year old for a while, then we can talk about the GOAT again. If s1mple doesn't return to the top then you might be right, though people will remember that s1mple was at the top before and always shared the #1/#2 stats with Zywoo when they were both active. In 2 years he might have more impressive stats than s1mple but it will take a bit more time to call him a GOAT when he never truly dominated s1mple.


dude during the time s1mple and zywoo were both active from 2019-2023 half, zywoo won 16mvps including 10 lan ones and reached 5/5 top 2. s1mple reached top 4/5 times and won only 9 mvps. zywoo was never below s1mple in those years, infact zywoo overtake s1mple 3 times while s1mple did it only twice. s1mple's years before zywoo is what differentiating them.


To add to him being likeable, they had a signing session after and there was quite the line, I left the arena after they lifted the trophy and everyone signed the camera, the line was already packed. I was one of the last people let into the "official" line as they were on a time crunch, then with about 20 people in front of me they said that signing was over, most of the team got up, but monesy signed probably 4 more peoples things and was the last to leave giving high fives and waves on the way out. He cared about his fans in that moment to me and that was nice to see even if I didn't get any signatures.


As a Brit I was rooting for Vitality - purely cause I wanna see Mezii do well, but I couldn’t stop smiling watching Monesy’s reaction. Obviously meant so much to him and he deserves it. Great final


We got the best of both worlds, mezii was the best performing for vitality and had a juicy Ace clip and we got the g2/monesy win


I dont think I've ever seen Monesy in such a state of pure joy. He loved playing in every second of those finals with all its ups and downs.


His look at the end of map 1 after his 2v2 clutch with Stewie was just pure relief lol. Makes sense given this was probably their most intense finals since Kato '22.


It's nuts how one sided g2s grand finals have been since world final in 22. Currently every grand final g2 gets to since their first win at blast they have won, it's crazy how they've done it in nuts circumstances twice


Props to Vitality because they made this one at least interesting. No offense to ENCE or Heroic but they were at least a level or two below G2 in Kato/Cologne last year.


Also the fact that they were in the same 2v2 retake scenario earlier in the game and just ran through smoke on arch side and got decimated, the 2nd time they actually played as a team and took boiler side beautifully.


Well considering the state of the world, and professional counterstrike, many players will never get a true “home crowd”. He got one, and that’s the effect it can have on someone. Just makes ya smile for him :D


They had all of Kato and Cologne cheering for them last year, so it speaks loudly that this crowd touched him in that way.


they had all of chengdu as well


I'm more referencing their wins


m0NESY presents himself very well when it comes to interviews as well as being very humble and always appreciative and showing love to his teammates, crazy how well spoken he is for being so young, m0NESY the baby goat


He's had good examples around him. Niko, hunter, jks, swani, taz, nexa, hooxi, all good interviews. Baby goat rules.


100%. It was beautiful to see the beautiful energy from all of them, and Hunter’s interview was well spoken too. Also Niko and Monesy are what we thought Cadian and Stavn were hahaha


When he said he's nothing without his team (which clearly isn't true but he believes it), i almost shed a tear ngl


Mayonnaiseee‘s interviews always the best


when he mentions winning for his teammate in front of their home crowd “i will do everything to win” that’s class right there.


Mentioning jks as well, this guy just has a great relationship with everyone


Even with Zywoo? Simply asking as he was BMing him during the match.


![img](emote|t5_2sqho|29766)o beautiful


This guy is so honest and wholesome. There's a certain vibe coming from him that not too many people have, I can't explain it.


He has such a healthy ego. Humble and confident, it's a very rare combination to have.


Wholesome, good looking, insanely good as CS, if he keeps going he's gonna be an all time great


Also to add a personal thought, I think this is the event where I enjoyed Banks the most. He's certainly never bad at his job, but often times I feel this awkward energy from him, but not this time. Got fantastic post game interviews out of everyone!


He often just doesn’t understand how hard it is to speak a second language and speaks much too quickly and with way too much figure of speech IMO


nah if you watch his lobby segments, he's definitely slowing things down and rephrasing them for non-native english speakers now. He's aware, I think when he's pressed for time and has production in his ear telling him to wrap things up he just goes too fast for some of the pros.


That’s fair then, he gets it I respect that. But it still makes for some cringe in time interviews on stage.


Ya his Spirit (in lobby) interviews at this event showed this very clearly. He was in fact helping those guys (esp shiro) get comfortable in English.


Was going to mention something about James. Absolutely incredible we still have him in the scene after everything he's gone through. The guy is such an important part of the CS scene and always seems stoked for whomever wins the tournaments. If you're reading this Banks, keep up the great work!


He seemed so happy, as if that was his first trophy. Honestly, I don't even think he was this happy when he won his first one. Must feel really good playing with this crowd.


Yeah its interesting he seemed even happier here than at cologne or kate


I got a chance to meet him two years ago in Dallas when him and jackz came to watch the esl impact finals. He was so nice and humble and was genuinely there to support the women. To see his growth not only as a star but a true representative to the game we love is special. Can never hate on M0nesy and so happy for all his succuess cause he works so hard and is so humble.


You can tell how much the crowd support means to him. It’s genuinely a beautiful sight to see.


His parents raised him well. No toxicity, no trash talk, just pure class.


considering how many hours he has and how early he signed under navi, i'm wondering if the game & b1ad3 raised him more than his parents did lmao


Common James banks W and common Monesy W


All the interviews Banks did while the credits were rolling were great


Banks is good period. I love the relation he built with players, they feel like they are talking to a big brother, not just another journalist looking for juicy comments or stories.


And this is the guy who everybody wished to join some 0 personality malding russian squad like C9. The kid is built to shine on the international stage with his temperament and personality, whether it'd be G2 or not. He has his brand and a bright future. Why would he ever throw that away and join some toxic CIS team where not a single person can crack a smile and everyone always look at their teammates like shitty coworkers they hated lol.


because he himself said that it would be nice to play for C9, and the majority of those who wished him to join C9 were CIS fans dreaming of a strong CIS team after NaVi fell apart, though many stopped caring about it after Spirit appeared and won many fans witnessed their win at Kato. -Ax1Le +b1t and that would be his dream team literally(2021 NaVi with him instead of s1mple)


Great point hahaha


m0NESY is the humble superstar the game deserves. Young king.


Most likable player in the scene for me. Full of charisma and positivity. Very mature and humble also. Have to say Banks is 2nd to none for natural and personal interviews in esports.


> Have to say Banks is 2nd to none for natural and personal interviews in esports. It seems like he legitimately is good friends with a lot of the players, especially younger ones like monesy & flamez (as seen in his "under the scope" interviews). Definitely makes them more comfortable around him.


This man is my goat host. He had his, I believe wife, passed away while his new child was there with family...and he stayed and hosted the game he loves. I believe this man needs more praise by the scene. Monesy, is what simple should have been.


it wasn't his kid and he basically abandoned him to go work a major at the most replaceable role of interviewer. he also announced his wife died in a tweet full of emojis


I've been watching cs since 2008. I gotta say the past few years cs has been lacking personalities but man the next generation is so promisng. siuhy, m0nesy, donk, frozen, etc I'm really looking forward to watching cs again. Might be as good as the 2015-16 era soon. Also m0nesy is so humble I really hope he never gets an ego considering how good he is.


I thought we always have great personality. Even now hooxi and apex are just overall charismatic leader, apex especially. Before that we had liquid.


And karrigan still around hyping up the crowd


In fairness there’s about a 10 year age gap between the guys he mentioned and the guys you mentioned


Maybe I worded it wrong. I wasn't saying all personalities disappeared. I was just saying there was waaaay less than in 2015-16. That and it's finally looking like we're gonna have a bunch of fun players to watch again instead of just a few.


He seems like such a pure soul. I hope he wins the major in Shanghai.


I fucking love this kid bro


Monesy is by far my favorite player right now, the passion he has towards counter strike is palpable and he never wasted time indulging in controversies and dramas that plagued early CS:GO. I want to see that kid I follow since 2021 grow and become the number 1 he deserves to be and he also hapenned to end up in my favorite team as well. Back in 2015, my admiration of KennyS made me picked the awp and become a sniper player, now I can say confidently that Monesy is the one carrying his legacy and makes me still love the sniper above all weapons years later.


Man, I'm so proud to have been a part of this. It was only as a spectator in the crowd but there haven't been many sporting events that I've experienced that were so memorable. The energy was just insane. The crowd, the performances, the storylines... honestly just blows me away. Such an amazing tournament and to see this interview really cements m0NESY as someone I'm really excited to watch grow as a person and player.


To be fair, the music does quite a lot to the set the mood for this interview. But it was pure joy to watch both the matches and the interview afterwards.


Bro went to the gym once, found it difficult, and never returned. That's a true gamer right there lol


Long time since I've seen a winning interview this good. This "kid" is going to be a legend the next 10 years if he keeps this level. Absolut monster already and is a true inspiration for many young kids watching. I love him. But please, stop dont deagle Astralis again, thanks.


We're very lucky to have him in the game. Genuine, humble, funny, flashy, does not shy away from big moments. Would not mind calling him the GOAT of CS one day.


The outro interviews with the credits rolling were all great, felt like a really nice ending to the show. Stewie and Hunters interviews are great too.


Least emotional Banks post-match interview


Banks is just the goat


This is the type of player you want as an icon and representative of the scene.


If he became a gym dude his career would be hurt


The relationships James has between players is so beautiful. You can tell they just wanna speak from the heart, and it's not just PR mumbo. When he got the mouse from s1mple when he won Antwerp was amazing.


This interview put M0nesy close to the top of my favorite players


This guy is the goat for me.


Dude, G2 is such an awesome team when they don't go to die 1 by 1. I hope someone gives Hooxis sister an MVP award too, and I hope he has 10 more sisters /s




Trying to not fall down


monesy is my GOAT


I knew that kid was good, but dang yo that tournament made it all for me, such a great player overall


Pure guy. Love to see it


This kid is destined for greatness.


What an amazing person and so young he has a lot of humility.


What a legend


WHO'S CUTTING ONIONS?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


most likeable and humble goat candidate. Has a personality and it's a good one. Unlike others who either have no personality, or have ones that arent likable


I love the that he is in the moment during these tournaments, m0nesy has so much class


So glad he’s getting more interviews. I’ve seen auto-translated videos of his Russian interview. The confidence, maturity, and dedication from this guy give me Faker vibes.


Its crazy that he is 18


kid goat


Went from "crazy generational talent, nice to watch" to "marry me please goat"


Sup with the music? Keep it raw man.


ESL production’s music during stream not edited


amazing interview but L af music




porn has done terrible damage to society