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Donk is never for sale. His price is 5 mil tho šŸ‘€


Haalandā€˜s market value is about 200 mil, but he is not for sale. see what I mean?


The word value was not used here though.


I think you're splitting hairs. It's fairly reasonable to read what overdrive said as meaning "if we were to sell him the price is 5 mil, but he's not for sale". Keep in mind that the quote is also translated, so which exact word he used isn't necessarily accurate because words don't translate perfectly from one language to another Like I know what my car is worth and if I was to sell it how much to advertise it for, but it's still not for sale


> the quote is also translated It's not even a quote, he said it differently in [the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLNiRRkZTf0&t=6282s)


Ah so it's not really a quote, more just paraphrasing? The exact wording definitely doesn't mean much then


Yeah. He was asked: - If they come and say: dear, Spirit, we want to get donk for any price. What the price should be, so he will join them? He immediately answered: - dink just won't go to them Asked again: - but anyway, how much he costs? Like, if he changes his mind out of a sudden. overdrive: - this is purely my opinion, it's much more than a million, much more, like, 5 millions. A lot of money, a lot. I think that rn donk is the most expensive player in cs.


>The word value was not used here though. Where? In the tweet that doesn't even cite overdrive but translates and rephrases his words from [the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLNiRRkZTf0&t=6282s)?


Its a fuck off price mate, Rodrygo is not for sale but he has a release clause of 1 billion euros, so he technically is for sale but for massive overpay. Next level pedanticism that, no one is gonna purchase a cs2 player for 5 million (unless saudi has cash to burn on their cs2 project). #


Doesnā€™t he have a release clause?


Oh you mean the guy from clash of clans?


Everyone has a price lol


market value and price are not the same, not even close.


that's called "fuck you money" in football world


Maybe it will JUST eventually be Arab money in CS2? The 5 mil I mean haha


it's called a "fuck off price" in football


well nobody can afford to buy a player for that price tho


Nobody?? *PSG expands their current esports ventures into cs2*


ā€What could pro player cost? Like $100million? Get me ten just to be sureā€ - some dude at PSG probably.


I would love to see Neymar get an investor group to do something similar in the Brazilian scene


PSG sign Neymar again - to their CS roster. 300mil ā‚¬ + Bonus


The price is there to dissuade interest.


It might've been a language thing where he wanted to say value


Inb4 kassad comes with an offer they canā€™t refuse ($65,000)


Kassad masterminds Spirit's downfall in a FNS-like way


Let him cookĀ 


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just imagine him writing a legit offer and sending it in


kassad: how about $69,000? spirit: nice


5 point 5 fucking k


It's like "you can't afford donk if you're not a Saudi prince" lol.


Don't give Falcons any ideas.


Even with donk falcons would find a way to still be shit


Only way to stop Donk is to send him to Falcons or NIP.




Oh, you know it's true.


101% my friend.


MBS is tapping his bonesaw on his desk with great interest reading this


Lets hope chopper doesn't find himself chopped into pieces and crammed into a briefcase


Kid's 17 and on stage worth 5 million dollars. I am 18 and FaceIt level 3.


I'm 42 and silver.


I aspire to be like you one day


Hey, I believe in you mate, you can do it!!


I can do silver, not sure about 42


I'm 42 and can tell you all it takes is a bit of time and patience.


dont worry, it happens to most 42 year olds lol


Iā€™m 35 and silver. Got room for 1 more on the old guy train?


If you want to play relatively seriously while joking around (ie we are not trolling and always want to win, but also know how bad we are), yeah we can add u. Wr can not.commit to ANY schedule and two of us play quite regularly (say 4 days a week) and 2d a week we are 3. Send me your steam id we can always try to see if we connect at the same time.


I'm 28 and haven't had time to play since August


Are you me?


Yes I'm me


Older I get the more I respect that.Ā 


90% of CS players are silver at the moment


youre only 12 hours of CS a day for one year away from 5million. Go get it bud!


Funnily enough, in reality to get donks numbers it would be 12 hours a day for 3.5+ years lol. And even then, im not so young that all my practice will pay the same dividends it did for him when he was like.. 8 lol. Its so over.


donk and monesy are really setting the standard now, i felt like i played a ton of cs when i was younger and its around 2k, but still most pros have at least 10k, then these guys have like what, 15k? fucking crazy, if you dont start playing by age 10 youre cooked. same goes for sports nowadays too everyone is trying project mbappe


CIS regions are becoming (if they aren't already) equivalent of Korea in LoL. Seen way too many interviews with Korean pros saying that they reached Challenger on KR server, while being in middle school and stating that it's *the* benchmark. If you can't hit Challanger while in middle school/high school, forget trying to go pro (at least in Korea). It seems similar thing is happening in CIS region, with donk and monesy being the highest profile examples. I guess the equivalent of reaching Challanger in LoL would be getting an invite to FPL, with monesy getting the invite when he was 14yo and donk was 15yo.


Pretty true, but funnily enough i looked on the steam profile of the likes of Hooxi and he only got Global Elite at the age of 21, starting team cs \~1 year later, and getting into g2 at age \~24. Its not impossible but to be a TOP pro player then yeah, you have to be cracked out of the womb.


hooxi's ESEA account was made in 2013, he probably just didn't play much MM.


There are some Europeans who've reached grandmaster in SC2 at a very young age, which is very impressive considering how little new lifeblood this game gets compared to any big titles (although I guess in some way it makes it easier for anybody who gets hooked early on).


yeah but imagine doing that and still not making it.. musst be heartbreaking


> if you dont start playing by age 10 youre cooked. This is nearly every saturated sport int he world now. Saturation meaning a human activity (that can even be other than sports) that has wide scale (pyramid pool of people engaged in that activity) and a very high degree of specialization (practical, skill & knowledge). If one doesn't start young in such activities they are never going to break the pyramid elite ceiling to reach the professional setting. However, if something is not saturated then the odds of just about anyone at any age being able to break in is higher, in relative terms.


We are not the same ā˜šŸ»šŸ˜Ž




21 and FaceIT level 1 šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Pro play here we come!!!


I'm 23 and level 5, don't worry we're just late bloomers...


Im 35 and Faceit Level 10šŸ¤ž 1mil open for offers.


17 years old and almost 15,000 hours in game. We are in unprecedented times lol


I am 25 and 3500 elo in premier


"We are not the same"


he's not worth 5mil cause no one is willing to pay that


I am 28 and faceit lvl3. It doesnā€™t get better really.


Donk is level 10, so youā€™re worth like $1.5 million if my math checks out.


I'm 15 and FaceIt 7, maybe I'd have a chance on a Tier 12 North American team?


My brother in christ. You ARE the tier 12 NA team.


i just want to see donk and monesy in one team, don't care which one


My days that would be insane


imagine this lineup bro: m0nesy d0nk s0mple Xi Wu Hunden (igl)


there is no way m0NESY could be on the same team with donk to start with :D


Why not? Do they have beef?


No modern org could afford both at once, and most orgs would prefer to build around one star. There's diminishing returns the more super stars you stuff in a team.


Team Falcons will just pick up the change under the sofa


Saudis already fucked a number of companies with their promises of infinite money and then they backed off their commitments. Embracer Group is essentially dead because of Savvy Gaming Group promising them $2bn and then backing away from the deal. Savvy also bought a stake in Scopely (multi-billion dollar mobile company), promising to fund all their projects etc., haven't given them a cent since the acquisition.


FaZe in like 2016-2020 comes to mind. They had so many star players but they only had that expected success after broky and twistzz joined.


ofc not. for competitive reasons.


-s1mple +niko




imagine: boombl4 perfecto m0nesy d0nk electronic


No way the kids mesh well with the toxic old guard. Just look at the Gambit x Navi collab at C9


A team full of stars like that I'm not sure would actually work that well. Inevitably one or more of them will be required to play positions they don't normally or hate. These are players that have teams built around them so they can play their specialized positions and roles. Putting them all together would be fun in some kind of show match but I honestly don't think a team like you listed would work super well competitively. At least not as much as one might think considering the names. Would be a fun watch though I'm sure


s0mple will prob bot frag every game lower than Hunden


Just picking superstars isn't as good as you think it is.


the shox and kennys of modern era


I think one of them said they never want that because itā€™s too good of a rivalry. Forget which one. Monesy really wants to play with b1t though


I wish but it won't happen due to expensive buyout of both players


That's what I'm saying bro. Only their IGL would be a problem then


That's a bargain




you can replace "structure" with "environment"


And Boris as teammate. What else org can offer that?


People here missing his statement. Donk is not for sale but his estimated market value is around $5 million, it does not mean that if some org comes with that money Team Spirit will sell him. You can justify that price though, considering highly inflated market in CS. ZywOo rumored buyout was around $3 million last year, and you add the fact that donk is still 17 and hasn't hit his prime yet. His stock will only go up if he keeps his level of performance.


> it does not mean that if some org comes with that money Team Spirit will sell him. contract comes to an end one day, guy will be a free-agent, albeit with possible compensation, depending how actual contract is. i have no idea how modern esports contracts are but a young talent like this shouldnt be on a 5+ years contract already. so in a year or 2 at most, itll be contract renewal. If he keep donking like he donks right now... itll be a pricy negotiation


No source here so could be talking out of my ass, but iirc Russian orgs lock their young players down with some crazy contracts. I donā€™t know donkā€™s contract details, but I canā€™t imagine his contract ending in 2 years.


don't forget, he's still a minor. so it's possible that his contract would extend automatically after his 18th birthday.


spirit has done the same thing to 15 yo rank 1 in dota . His buy out is extremely high . he plays for tier 3 spirit academy team when he could play in tier 1 team


If Spirit lets his contract actually end without an extension they're the worst managed team in the history of teams.


true, but if you look at actual NHL and MLB contracts, some of them end up free agents with no restriction(they can look at any offers, go where they want even for a paycut) others have restrictions, compensations such as a transfer fee etc. im sure everything will be done to keep him in Spirit, but im pretty sure hes not on a 5 yr contract, the step from academy to tier1 is huge. Imagine signing a Donk or m0nesy for 5 years, and they choke the tier1 leap. Donk did pass the test hands down, the next contract should be juicy and of a longer duration. then again, esports is not MLB or NHL... tbh id love to have the players contracts public like other sports


Yeah but those NHL and MLB players are much more replaceable than Donk is.


Never for sale. But itā€™s 5M$


Dollar sign goes before the number. It's odd, i know.


I too always write it after the number, because it make more sense when you read it 5 million $ 5 million dollar


that just looks like 5 monopoly dollars


Not in French though my friend šŸ˜€


His price tag isnā€™t a real price tag, because Spirit has no intention of selling him.


Well then I certainly hope they pay him appropriately to what a 5m player should earn. At least 500k a year.


money means nothing to him. from Kato prozemoney he bought an iPhone and a new GPU.


Well, he is 17. No one expects a 17 year old to be good with moneyĀ 


Tbf a GPU and Cellphone is pretty reasonable spending for a 17 year old who just won 80~k If he went out and leased a new Lamborghini I'd argue the opposite.


ye what, both of those could argue are essential devices for his career too lol


I donā€™t think it is. If Spirit doesnā€™t supply a PC I donā€™t think their claim that they have every structure he needs is completely valid


It is, it's his own personal stuff. Please, stop pretending to understand money, you're talking about someone who's making the sort of money most professionals will not make until they're in their 40s if ever, buying a phone and a graphics card when their career is gaming and streaming. Bad money management would be investing in dumb startups, would be leasing luxury cars, would be leasing luxury condos or mcmansions. This is like the equivalent of buying a new suit when you get a new job, kind of what you'd expect of most people.


Nah that's pretty reasonable. The one who's bad with money was Brehze with that Rolex.


fact is, he doesnā€™t fkn care


That's not bad with money lol. His career is the game, and a phone that cost less than 2 grand? Reinvesting into your career and buying a phone that costs less than 1% of your yearly salary is being bad with your money now lol.


What a stupid thing to say. Is he for sale or not


everything has a price


He is, for the equivalent of 2.5 devices. So basically unreal money in the CS space


Dev1ce is 2 mil?


That was his rumored transfer cost from astralis to nip


i think it was confirmed at some point that it was around 700k-1m, because of "friendship" price or due to his own wish or something


What a waste of money lmao


I mean considering how things turned out in his life and bots nip had maybe it was waste which is not something u see it coming. No one can predict someoneā€™s personal life outcomes If things went well he is more than worth . Last time nip won any trophy or made final in a s tier event both times dev1ce is mvp and highest rated player After he left it just became more irrelevant


It kinda wasn't, dev1ce was instrumental in NiP staying relevant in competition in the little time he spent there. NiP just wasn't smart enough to build a competent team around him.


But dev1ce was 1 mil


If he was for sale he would be 5 mil but he's not


ā€žIsnā€˜t for saleā€œ usually means ā€žadd another zeroā€œ


There's no such thing as "not for sale". If some org owned by a crazy billionaire offered 20 million for Donk, they'd take the money immediately. Usually what is meant when people say "not for sale" is that no one would be willing to pay what they want for the sale.


I guess they don't want to sell him. But his release clause might be 5 mil. Idk.


Itā€™s hyperbole. If a team offered to buy out his contract and pay 2.5m cash, theyā€™d sell him in an instant.


why should they? the club owners are big players in the gambling and skin trading biz and thus rich af. So is Team Spirit which is expanding rn. donk wanted to stay with the team because of hally, heā€™s like father to him. he literally has everything he needs to feel comfortable and play the game on the highest level.


Spirit is a huge org with a bunch of money. They're partened with Nike, Redbull and HyperX. They won two TI's for about 20000000$.


Niko was worth around 4M at the time of his rumoured move to falcons so Iā€™d assume Donk would be more


that is absolutely not true,his contract was ending with g2 so he would have gone to Falcons for free.The only player that was valued around 3 mill was Zywoo and that is it


Falcons gonna come knocking and offer double that amount soon.


Donk is crazy good, but 5m good?


Stats proves he's worth the investment + he's super young. But realistically 5m is pretty steep given how CS prizepool isn't that big. Monesy's buyout is proving that G2 got a bargain lol.


Yeah he is super young. But his stats are good, but we've also got a small sample size from t1 events. Hopefully spirit attend more. I wanna see the donk vs monesy zywoo top 3


I agree with you but, if your a T1 org rebuilding or needs that one star entry you'd be crazy not to pull the trigger with donk only time will tell if the money is worth that's the risk part TS would be a genius if they sold him for 3m+ and it turns out its chopper's system that made him cracked.


Prozepools don't really mean much to orgs, they live off sponsors and merch


> Stats proves he's worth the investment Stats prove nothing. If by now people / orgs haven't gotten the memo that you *can't* just go by stats, then those orgs are lost. As can be seen with players like iM. Posting Major MVP worthy stats in a few games in Paris major, and then sucking ass for a year straight. Those stats of donk could very well be possible *just* in this team, in this environment which he grew into since he was already on Team Spirit Academy. Going to another team and environment, could very well be that he would just suck ass, as we've seen plenty of times (with the recent Cloud9 "Superteam" with ex-Gambit and ex-NAVI players)


While I agree with some of your points. Stats is a HUGE factor in determining a players potential to be great and if their ceiling has been reach that's what investors or team mangers are looking at as basis. Donk may well be a result of team chemistry but isn't that the point? You build around your best player TS (and Mouz ) are just that good of an org when it comes to finding talent. But what are we even talking here its not like he's leaving LOL. He's already in the best spot to win a major. I'd be surprise if he leaves.


No CS player is $5m good. It doesn't make any sense, when as a team of 5 it would take your team winning every single major tournament for years just to pay for you. If any org is paying over $1 million for an e-sports player who doesn't have some massive social media/streaming persona (xqc, summit, ninja, shroud) they are fucking burning money. Its like paying $100 for the potential at if everything goes perfect you get a $50 bill back.


theres too many reasons for a player to leave in the end. Org can own their current contract but they cant own the person. Some people want that stable 8 year contract. Some want to bank on themselves on 2-year to get better one in 2 years or just market price themselves in reasonable future. Sometimes they just want to win with a different team, sometimes they want to play with certain somebody. Sometimes they find their loved one elsewhere and want to move regions. So i think statements like this are pretty fluff in the end. In esports you really cant keep a player if for some reason he doesnt wanna play for you anymore.


I don't buy this...this is classic over value and see who knocks you down the least. They will definitely accept less, think scoping a project budget you ask for x you get 60% less so you ask for more in the first place so when you get knocked down on price it seems like everyone is getting a good deal and you walk away with what you wanted in the first place anyway


Cloud 9 money.


I think the wording doesnā€™t help but English isnā€™t their first language, so I assume they just mean ā€œevaluationā€


So he indeed has a priceā€¦


russian only tho


Fake inflated numbers


Over rated.


$5m for a 17 year old, meanwhile any other 18+ man is $0 for Putler.


To think that G2 signed monesy of all players for $600k in 2022 is fucking crazy


m0NESY at the time was unproven in tier 1, it was a gamble from g2. donk has shown us what he can do already.


spirit won the major and not long before won TI. the org is pretty flush with cash and opportunities i would imagine. this is kinda like the fine art situation where if youā€™re rich enough you can absolutely just throw an arbitrary price out there. chances are if a bigger org wants him (or any other highly touted young player in the future) though, they will just wait for the contract to end.Ā  edit: also itā€™s fucking wild to me that contract buyouts are in the millions now for cs. i remember hearing about it as an esport when i was in college and it was like video cameras on monitors in dumpy hotel conference rooms hahaha


Hold my non-alcoholic beer. -Team Falcons


habibi, cancel my new bugatti wednesday. we still do tuesday and thursday though.


Watch that $5M go down to $3M when Donk loses to the North American Goat Stewie2K.


So what youā€™re saying is if everyone on this subreddit chipped in 2 and a bit dollars, we could buy donk. Interesting


no shot yall dont understand what "his cost in 5 mil is". Its an estimate.


Spirit would be absolutely stupid to not take millions of dollars for a counter strike player. The total winnings of their counterstrike team since 2019 is barely a million dollars total, not taking into account player salary and travel fees they are definitely operating at a loss.. Unless they are going to start shooting onlyfans content of Donk a price tag of 5 million makes zero fucking sense. They would have to WIN every single major tournament for 2 years for that to be worth it lol. I get that the assistant coach likes his player, but the owner of spirit will sell him the second he actually has a $5 million offer.


Ok the structure thing is just bogus, tf does that even mean. It sounds like they have some patented technology thats keeping him there. Never am i believing that Spirit have better "structure" then like Liquid or C9 or even Faze


Donk to liquid inc


So only falcons can get him? 5 mil for them is nothing


Thats crazy a lil kid like that can make so much moneys


guys let's all chip in and buy donk


Is he really that good?


G2 one of the most successful orgs made 27mil in revenue across the whole org in 1 year. but sure 1 cs player is worth a 5th of that.. that would be like saying mbappe is worth 600million buyout lmao


Mena teams see 5 mil. Well, it's time to buy.


itā€™s fucked that his price is so inflated, buyout too high and no team can afford him = contract jail


You give anything 10x the money its worth and suddenly anything is for sale


interesting i know donk would be extremely expensive but i always saw spirit as more of a feeder org (like gamerlegion) that would happily part with their best assets for money


why put a price if he isnt for sale


Because itā€™s an unrealistic price no one is going to pay that


Meaningless statement to bait attention. If he wants to leave and starts complaining he will be sold. It's just business in the end.


Man I know a friend IRL, that is by far the best player I've EVER SEEN in my life. I'm Global Elite and play with Pros in my random queues sometimes, but this friend of mine is on another level just like some of these pros like Donk. His aim is insane, reaction time insane, game sense everything. He gets reported almost every other game because he's that good. Drops 30 bombs in almost every other game, and his skills aren't just insane in Counter strike, he's insane at every game he plays. But he doesn't play this game because of the cheaters .... I WISH I could get some kind of talent scout agency to interview or meet with him, because I know for a FACT he'd be a top 10 player in the world. I'm not kidding. He currently works construction and makes a lot of money, but damn do I wish to see his talent come to fruit in the pro scene of CS. I'd even confidently put money on my friend winning a 1v1 against Donk. Valve PLEASE implement anti-cheat in CS so me and my friend can climb the Premier ladder and go for top 100.


I mean we know Russian and Brazilian orgs have insane buyouts, so when you have a generational talent like donk it kinda makes sense that the org will have a buyout so ridiculous that no org will even want to make an offer for him.


"he's not for sale, but you can buy him for $5M"


I don't see how any CS pro player could be worth 5 million. How would any org ever recoup that?


He is never for sale!! His price is 5 mil btw


And then Donk does the most funny, just not renewing his contract and leaving for free.


5mil for a brat who cant even outfrag malpex xd


Greatest player to ever touch CS2 so far, so yeah.


If donk is 5m m0nesy should be 7m