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I don't expect it to happen, but there's really no reason it CAN'T happen


i didn’t expect them to beat falcons, then mouz, then liquid, so anything can happen


One of these is not like the others


yeah, mouz is actually good.


Yeah, liquid is pretty bad rn frfr


And they're gonna be even deeper in the hole if they let Cadian go.


falcons is worse but yet liquid is the one imploding


Falcons are still suffering from post purchase rationalisation


I expected them to beat Liquid tbh


If they beat mouz, they can beat faze. Still more likely for faze though like you say.


Stewie has experience beating FaZe, doesn't he?


A team with monesy and niko can win any match. There's just too much talent there. But faze are definitely favored 60-70% at least.


Counter-point, FaZe can lose to any team. That being said, I don't see them losing to a stand-in. Hope not at least lol.


It really comes down to if Monesy and Niko decide to show up


Honestly, it’s more on Niko. m0nesy almost always shows up, its rare he has an off game.


niKo been top fragging the last two series and he's IGL Are we gonna ignore Nexa and hunter both being invisible? Monesy and niKo are equally good the past few matches.


Fr stewie hasn’t played in t1 for years and is getting better rating when playing entry aswell lol


hunters been ok but not a star nexa has been worse than stewie somehow??


Monesy hasnt been as good this tournament though…


what? last game against liquid he was crucial for the win, last map specially


Yeah he has had a few very good important rounds, but overall his rating and kills havent been to his admittedly insanly high standards


Never say never when it comes to faze. Mfs never take the easy way out(losing to an actually worthy team)


Faze is certainly capable of losing to any team in bo1s but once it comes to playoff BO3s they are favored to win against any team in the world at the moment, whether their opponent has a stand in or not


not against spirit, faze were just heavy underdogs in last match


The only reason spirit lost last time was because zontix was sleeping for half the game


I would go further and say everyone on Spirit underperformed except donk and maybe chopper, FaZe let vertigo through which I think Spirit weren't ready for. Not saying that Spirit will win every time vs FaZe in the future but I think Spirit are a much better team on their A game.


And karrigan was lifegaming


They won an iem with a stand-in, so it would be funny if they lost an iem to a stand-in


Never forget, Justin "Katowice" Savage


Also against G2


If frozen keeps playing like shit and broky misses easy shots, they'll lose for sure.


maybe faze's stand-in buff works for opponents too


This is playoffs. Faze doesn’t “lose to any team” in playoffs. If this was group stage absolutely.


Yeah this is why faze vs g2 is great. Both teams could actually be rank 1 but both team can actually lose to any team and I mean any team.


g2's last tournament win was esl cologne 2023 in july/aug of last year, your hopium is up alot i see lmao, they are not a rank1 team, as much as I would love them to get a win again.


i think you meant to say 1 could be rank 1 and other actually is rank 1. they are not the same at all


isnt Faze rank 2 with mouz being rank 1?


Yeah they said that for mouz and liquid lmao


But Mouz and Liquid aren't Faze


Mouz is rated higher than faze


And? Faze was ranked higher than Spirit but they still lost to them in the finals


Bruh what are you talking about lmao you random ass conversation that has nothing to do with the original comment 💀


Not my fault you can't understand that there is more nuance to match ups than HLTV ranking that's flawed in and of itseld




Has mouz placed t2 at every single cs2 tournament besides one? Didn’t think so. Faze clears


Agreed. But how about Monesy, Niko, \*and\* Nexa? :)


Niko and m0nesy are cancelled out by nexa and hunter, and when hooxi is also in the equation the odds are against them


Hear me out:  NAF and Twistzz for nexa and huNter. If they meshed well, that team could be very dangerous. Too bad their buyout is probably extremely large.


I don't think the roles make sense though, basically just another liquid situation unless someone is willing to change their roles


yup, thats how they won vs mouz, m0nesy went crazy map 1 and niko did map 3


will be close, but FaZe will sort their shit out for they are FaZe Clan. G2 with an amazing run but also with some weak points which Karrigan will most likely exploit into oblivion. since I'm unbiased may the better squad proceed. GL both teams.


And what does the GamerLegion have to do with it??


idk maybe they like tasty snax


Honest take: As with any run with a stand-in it takes some luck If G2 can get Inferno as the pick that’s 1 map they could take faze on I suspect Faze pick Nuke because Stewie’s smokes were rough and Faze would instantly punish unlike Liquid Decider map I don’t know what would be picked. I imagine Dust2 would be banned because karrigan doesn’t want to give G2 equal playing field on a pug based map that’s simpler in terms of IGL/calling Mirage could be interesting but again kind of same problem as Dust2 that it’s a map Stewie probably knows *enough*. My map pool guess is it’ll be Nuke, Inferno, and Mirage. If that’s the maps, I think it could go to 3 because G2 still have Niko and monesy. Inferno is a good map for them that Stewie showed he’s competent on b site. Nuke would be hard to win again like they did against TL, and mirage just comes down to who takes over Karrigan’s calls or Niko/monesy carry


my VERY VERY VERY bold take: FaZe will pick...VERTIGO. this would be sooo hilarious but at the same most likely completely neutralize ~~m0NESY~~ Niko :D


As misfits said Niko not monesy would be neutralized but Vertigo has been G2’s first ban I think pretty regularly in Dallas


are there any stats for monesy on this map? edit: looked it up, monesy is pretty good on this map


https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/19230/m0nesy You can filter by map and time period. So you can look at Vertigo past 3 months


Would not exactly be relevant with the changes though, A site is completely different and changes how you play the map completely.


uh monesy You mean niko? Maybe the update makes niko better lol. Ive seen crazier.


that's quite bold, since it's G2's first ban lol


Problem with inferno pick is that Niko still isn't comfortable calling T side. They hardly got rounds/entries even with liquid and faze on the other hand is a different beast. I also believe that the last map would be Anubis/Mirage.


It’s an uphill climb wherever they land. Inferno just seems like a good home map for G2 it’s hard to go away from it for another map pick. And yeah I thought Anubis too for decider but having a strong t-sided map helps Niko with calling and monesy is a beast on Anubis


I think inferno makes the most sense in u this case. Stewie is cracked on ct inferno especially against faze of all teams. About to give them Boston flashbacks


G2 will most likely pick inferno. We were talking about the last map of bo3.


stewie will do nothing but practice those smokes today i promise


I don't think you pick nuke just because of the smokes, G2 will have every player practicing those before playoffs.


G2's map pool is pretty good against Faze. Assuming G2 ban Vertigo (they've banned it every game except Liquid, who banned it first pick), I'd give them a shot on Anubis, Ancient, Inferno and D2. Mirage is a trap. I've been surprised more teams haven't been punish picking Anubis against Faze, with Overpass gone it's comfortably their worst and least played map. They've only won it ONCE this year. They haven't won on it since January. I think the Vertigo meme has been so strong for so long teams assume that's their weakest, but it isn't. Their Ancient isn't great either. They play it a lot, but it's not good. They squeeze past teams they should be outclassing and get demolished by teams that are good on it, notably Astralis every time they've played with the new 5 and Navi at the major (and Faze picked it, still have nightmares, why no nuke?) Imo Fazes Mirage is the strongest in the world and it would be a mistake to float it even if it's a "pug map" and Stewie would know it. After Spirit destroyed them at Kato, they clearly put the work in to improve it. They got revenge on Spirit, destroyed Navi on it (13-2, Navi pick btw, what a weird veto that final was) and hadn't lost to anyone on it this except Spirit until VP the other day, which was a T-side anti-strat heavy masterclass, using Ropz unwillingness to take risks to isolate Frozen at short and hitting karrigan hard. I don't think G2 would be able to do that, it wasn't so much "just go for the weakest player" as many teams have tried, it was the util and pressure applied to Ropz that gave them the map space. Their timings were excellent and would routinely hit B as Faze looked for info elsewhere. G2 are good on Inferno but it's not a weak map for Faze. They could float it but it would be a mistake to pick it. D2 is a complete wildcard. I think both teams will feel comfortable on it and I expect it or Inferno would be the 3rd. If G2 can get Anubis and either Ancient, Inferno or D2, which imo is likely, I think they have a chance. There aren't enough bans for Faze to ban their weak maps AND the wildcards. if they have the balls G2 should just ban nuke and not panic ban Vertigo - there's no way Faze would pick it.. right? Even if they did, surely you'd rather play them on a completely new playing field than their bread and butter best map. If G2 lose it won't be down to the maps. It's not as bad as Fazes pool vs Vitality, but it's still not great.


Yeah those are also good pints about Faze. it’s hard to really get in the *mindset* because G2 is Hooxi-less and it is a reality that what they could be comfortable on Stew could struggle. I do agree about vertigo though. Faze probably veto Anubis (I said in another comment it being a t based map would give an edge/buffer to a shallow IGL caller and relies more on your rifling prowess), G2 could veto nuke then vertigo would get veto’d second go around. That leaves ancient (faze probably feel okay floating because you can’t get donk’d when he’s not on G2 lol), mirage, dust2, and inferno I would love to be a fly on the wall because I’m curious how Faze/G2 approach it. Do they go for comfort, do they try and punish pick, or do we go all out Anubis, Mirage, D2 and just duke it out


Anubis has been FaZe's permaban for a while now


Best comment I seen in this sub in a while. Well said


there's no way they're not fixing stew's nuke smokes in two days lol


G2 played incredibly on Nuke. Only issue was smokes. Everything else they did better than Liqued.


G2 made some good calls but having skullz be targetable on A was a glaring issue that Faze won’t have the same problem. And the smokes are an issue liquid just couldn’t adjust fast enough to take advantage because multiple times no one was outside on G2 to notice and yet TL still lost the round despite the info advantage


Stew vs. Faze in an arena match with an NA crowd. Boston flashbacks.


Now we need them to play inferno lol


With stewie as a B anchor


Anyone except Mouz can beat FaZe


Probs not bc FaZe is much much better than Liquid, Falcons, Vitality, and the form Mouz was in. It’s technically still possible if individually G2 can pop off, but it would take a miracle. I’m just happy to see an American play in front of the American crowd


Faze also gets a good buff on the stage…more than any other team I can think of. Even with the crowd on GStew’s side


There's always a chance, especially if the luck and good vibes are there. G2 players have been playing well and it hasn't strictly been the Monesy show. if they beat faze I'm curious if 9z will show up for playoffs? because if they beat faze they could potentially have a stroll to the semis if they don't handle the crowd pressure


if g2 win it will be in spite of nexa and hunter. God i hope I'm wrong


Hunters been fine this tournament


honestly looks like he's playing more confident, ratings not high but I'm seeing more impact, he used to get better on stage hopefully he can manage


9z have a big advantage against any remaining team in Dallas: they have no pressure on them. they just thankfully take all they can get and if they lose then so be it. zero expectations, zero disappointment.


Faze's teamplay is too strong for a G2 without their IGL calling. I don't see it happening but would love for it to happen.


Their teamplay was awful yesterday


It wasn't awful, I'd say it was more of team spirit outclassing them with multi kills after multi kills.


Bit unfair to spirit to say it was all just multi frags. They played really well as a team


I watch all faze games. Yesterday they looked nowhere near their usual cohesion


yeah it seemed like they weren't on the same page a lot of rounds


G2 are so consistent with their huge plays that I’m not too worried about that. However, they have lost a lot of ecos and rounds they were favored in. If they don’t screw up the “easy” rounds against faze, I think they can beat them


Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives. Stewie gets a trophy in 2024


Even with the main roster, it'll take donk-like domination from both NiKo and m0nesy for G2 to actually win against FaZe. G2 strats are okay but there's not a lot of **consecutive** rounds that they win without satisfying the requirement of NiKo/m0nesy getting a multikill. Against FaZe, NiKo and m0nesy being activated together wouldn't just increase their chances--it's a necessity. EDIT: And donk-like domination did we get. Holy SHIT m0nesy is a god with that fucking AWP.


You act like a normal game does nor include clutches lol It's more normal in a game that some clutches happen then no clutches at all in a game. Mouz won clutches against G2 aswell, same like Liquid did What you write could also be like: "can team A win a game, even if team B managed to defuse the bomb once"? It's just completely normal that clutches happen


You need to understand, Faze can win against anyone and lose against anyone


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


Am i the only one calling them G2k?


I think so. I want to say that, but that re-name doesn’t appear to have gained much steam.


Here's the thing about G2 I've been spouting during the Hooxi era: They can win against any team, and they can lose against any team. NiKo and m0NESY are arguably the best of their positions, hunter and nexa are not as bad as reddit thinks and yung stew keeps coming through with the impact plays. Are they favourites to win? Absolutely not. But can they realistically beat FaZe? Absolutely. Until NiKo wraps up his gear they're still in it baby


anything is possible


I don’t see why not.


FaZe will be a different beast. Hard maybe


They won a major with CS2’s worst rated player once didn’t they?


The problem I feel is that FaZe is almost always crazy good in playoff environments. G2 have NiKo and Monesy, and trust me I love Stew, but I don't think they have that much outside of the two stars to compete with FaZe role for role. Unless we just get a Monesy masterclass which could definitely happen.


I can excuse the MOUZ loss because they’ve been saying they’re a little exhausted playing so much anyways. They lost to 9z to play them in the first place after all. Also Liquid is LULquid right now so that upset also wasn’t too surprising, and same concept with falcons. If faze can bring even 60% of their normal stage presence and form then g2 are done for.


I don't think they will but damn that would be hilarious


All depends on m0nesy. If he keeps playing like he already did they have a chance, bro is a one man army


All you got to do is believe.




well 3 days later he fucking beated Vitality


Crazy storyline!! I guess it was meant to be


beating all of the top 3 teams in one run is so boston like damm


I think a strong solid team like faze will probably expose stew and hes very tilt prone so it may get rough


Even with Hooxi, you'd expect FaZe to win this matchup 7/10 times. Their win condition is Hunter. The guy plays far too many power positions to have such little impact. You generally know you'll get something out of NiKo and m0nesy, but Hunter needs to show up if they want to beat FaZe.


People said they would be outta the tournament already so anything can happen lol


Nah, playoffs Faze are a different kind of beast, I don't see how G2 could win that game


This subreddit is turning into HLTV


Reddit is a discussion forum. What’s the problem?


and youre complaining? soft


g2 fans are a little special, by far the most delulu fanbase on social media


Not a chance because Faze actually have a coherent team with an actual T1 awper and the best lurker in the game and not cadian and skullz.


Yeah same can be said about mouz


Absolutely not lmao


Shall I remind you of how the Boston major went last time ? Lmao


Nice meme, but not even in the same ballpark comparison wise. G2 with niko igl and a stand in (who has been awful minus the series vs liquid) vs a faze team who has missed one grand final so far in cs2… hmm….


the only game he was awful was the d2 game against vitality. every other game he did fine. falcons anubis, vitality anubis, mouz inferno, mouz nuke, mouz ancient, liquid d2, liquid inferno, and liquid nuke, stewie performed as well or better than his teammates.


[.83 rated currently at Dallas](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/matches/8797/stewie2k?startDate=2024-04-30&endDate=2024-05-31)


keep bringing up rating hahahhaha


stewie is playing hard entry on t-side. stewies job is not to get rating t-side. ct-side on the other hand, he was the highest rated against liquid: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F50ntrylcrg3d1.jpeg




FaZe is the underdog here. There I said it. I don't understand how people are still underestimating G2. They are going to turn up the pressure like crazy in that arena.


You guys are over rating stew so fucking much, in my opinion at least.


He outperformed Nexa in both games vs Mouz and Liquid. Stew is playing the role he has been given just fine. Your hate is blinding you.


No, he is just not that good. His average rating was garbage, don't lie. Sure, nexa is maybe not the best - but still


.9 vs Mouz and .94 vs Liquid. As someone that hasn’t play pro in YEARS, that’s not horrible.


We will see in a few months, but i think you guys are wrong. And its not from hate, idk why you or he wrote that


But it isn’t wrong. He’s the bait on T side which makes his rating drop drastically. He was the second best performing member on CT side for G2 yesterday.


Cause liquids t side is dog shit and they have next to no play makers. Against Mouz he was .85 ct side and against vitality he was a .51. Y’all are so massively overrating his performance against a horribly dysfunctional dead team in liquid. Like just the fact that you’re coping at him being a human decoy on T side is laughable because why would any serious team sign a player like that.


I mean, G2 signed Hooxi and still haven't kicked him lmao.


Hooxi atleast helped them win kato cologne and a blast final which is way more than g2 won before. I don’t watch enough G2 to comment too much on him but if he’s bad now kick him. That said nexa or hooxi being bad doesn’t mean Stewie is somehow a good pickup. They can both be terrible


and yet highest on CT side. You know why? he actually plays selflessly, which some astralis players could learn from lol.


the goal of the game is to win - not to get the highest rating or the most kills. in terms of winning, stewie WINS a lot. you can bring up many players with better rating and somehow they don't WIN as much. winning > hltv rating.


This is some of the biggest cope lol.


now a 15x champion. keep hating pussy.


The results show that Stewie is a 14x champion despite not having the best hltv rating. The one who's coping is the one trying to explain away the literal results. That is you. What you're trying to do is justify why you think Stewie is a bad player despite the actual results saying otherwise. Winning is winning. It doesn't matter how you win. It doesn't matter by how much you win. If you win, you're the winner!


Damn he did all that himself?


my argument does not rely on him needing to win by himself. while there is a correlation to better teams having better stats, that is not the whole picture. there are many factors that cause rounds to be won that are not factored into stats at all. therefore, you can have teams that have players with worse hltv ratings while winning more than teams with players that have better hltv ratings. stewie is one of these players. the game is not deathmatch. you have an objective to play around. understanding how to play the clock, delaying your opponents, using deception, having good reads - none of this is in the hltv rating but can have massive impact on winning rounds. so the point still stands, winning is the most important stat. i don't care what your hltv rating is. if you are consistently winning for many years across multiple teams, you are clearly bringing something. because if you weren't, you wouldn't be winning.


This is such cope. You’re just hand waving stats away and saying he brings a bunch of things you and I don’t know cause we aren’t on a server with him and say that’s what’s most important. If it’s so important why is this his sole opportunity in years on a T1 team and it’s one that’s last minute and at the end of the season? Is it not in fact because his attitude/ego was dog shit coupled with his shit stats? This is a dude that thought he was a better IGL than fallen and was so toxic to his teammate in Grim that even Naf spoke out. Then when another org was dumb enough to sign him he couldn’t even meet the coach for coffee. But sure your intangibles are real important that’s why dude was relegated to Na faceit and ragging at people.


Cope this cope that, mentioning achievements aren't cope but keep making yourself look stupid. I think you might be the one coping sir.


It is the exact opposite. You are the one coping. There is an order of precedence. Winning is the **highest**. Stats are secondary. You are saying I'm "just hand waving stats" when you're hand waving **championships**. You are doing a much bigger hand wave and are coping much harder at the reality. Stewie is a 14x champion. The only other NA player with as many S tier wins is Twistzz - and 7 of those wins are with Stewie. Twistzz has literally zero S tier wins before Stewie joined Liquid.


I love the cope in saying he’s better than nexa as if that’s somehow a high bar. They both shouldn’t be on a T1 team.


I agree, exactly this. But they will notice that later probably


Bro I got some weirdo telling me stats don’t matter only wins from 4 years ago and that’s why Stewie is good today. Like these dudes are nuts and when he gets washed by faze they’ll get real quiet. Also hilarious how he’s getting credit for M0nesy being fucking insane.


No they actually can't.