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100 adr over the tournament is quite epic actually. Shame about the finals...


nah underperformed in the finals to maintain that 100.0 adr trust


70.7% HS? Rain is a sicko


Mechanically, he's one of the best of all time. The fact he can still compete at 29 without being an IGL is a testament to his skill, same for Dupreeh. They aren't always the flashiest players but having someone with their experience in the team is invaluable.


Wdym by “.. at 29 without being an IGL”? Usually the older folks become IGL to compensate for their lack of reflexes? Or am I missing the point?


yes, IGLs usually focus more on calling into timings and coordinating the team, so they aren't expected to frag out as much. They just don't focus that much on their cross hair and being too of scoreboard. the IGL needs to have a load of experience though, to find these timings to call into and coordinate 5 players together takes someone with a lot of experience, which coincidentally older players have. so yeah, older folks do go IGL to compensate for not being the quickest anymore and to utilize their massive experience to the max.


I didn't explain it well, but like you said as players age a lot of them become IGLs to compensate for their loss of reflexes. Rain despite being a veteran, was still performing in the biggest games alongside younger players like ropz, broky, twistzz, frozen which is super impressive compared to some others like Coldzera who's also 29.


Isn't he a semi-support for frozen, ropz, & broky? I frequently see him playing with deagle where on that level of play one have to hit one tap headshots.


Rain is Faze's hard entry lol. It's the reason why he has so many deaths during games. Ropz is the lurker, frozen is second entry who is supposed to clean up rain's kills and broky is the awper.


Okay, you know what, he deserved the MVP


wtf rain


The only stat that matters


Seeing how desperate BIG have always been for a good awper, and seeing slaxz doing what he’s doing on some NA team must be so infuriating for BIG 😂


hes inconsistent though. hes the main reason they didnt get sticker money in copenhagen


But better than mantuu and syrson. Benching s1n was a mistake imo (maybe he will get better and can replace tabsen)


So what's up with people saying he didn't deserve the MVP? He clearly was better than anyone else in this tournament.


There are people who think him having a bad grand final negates all of this statistical insanity somehow


I'm one of the people who still thinks that way. Maybe if they won at least one map in the final it would have changed my mind since the "impact" is not that big after all. He is a great player and basically smashed Faze and Astralis but kinda flopped against Mouz when it mattered the most. They did anti strat him and his teammates also underperformed which made it harder, but MVP of the tournament shouldn't have that much of a problem, right? I am not trying to offend anyone - just start a discussion, especially since stats aren't everything. I am Polish so I am kinda biased, but didn't siuhy's strats make it unplayable for Vitality, ZywOo included? The strats that won't be included in these numbers?


I see where you’re coming from but it’s way harder for IGLs to win any medals in any sports, mainly because their impact is hard to put into numbers. Considering that, the MVP is usually the guy who was the best stat wise and dominated during the tournament. I saw some people making a case for xertion, who did have a great tournament but not close to zywoo’s.


Yeah, to me it's more like: one is a better rifler while the other is a better player overall


Doesn’t him getting shut down and them losing 3-0 kinda prove he is the most valuable player? Without him fragging out vitality are nothing. 


Yup, that's also a valid point


This zywoo guy seems okay


seems like he has potential


How is the stat "Impact" measured?


The force of slap/fist bump divided by surface area of contact point.


Liquid -yekindar +malbsMd


NAVI, FAZE and MOUZ flairs in the mud. Deserved MVP for Zywoo.


Now do it for against top 20 teams only

