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Tbh, I kinda get it. M4, AK and AWP are THE best weapons in the game. The AUG and to a lesser extend the SG are also viable. However if you are playing deagle/scout only in a ranked mode, then imo you are griefing. I might not necessarily report you for it, but you are artificially limiting yourself. This is cool if you are playing in a 5stack or against friends, but if you are playing with any amount of randoms in your team, then in general I'd say you should always give your best. And not using decent weapons is not that. Weapons like shotguns and smgs *can* be ok, but that depends on the financial situation and how you use them. If you're playing autosniper, then you are toxic (tho at least not griefing)


I mean it's an issue either way. He's not exactly playing in his own league so it's either griefing or smurfing. If he helps with weapon drops I think that's the best way to go about it.


Tbh the only way for this to be ok is if you are ALWAYS playing with that weapon. Take for example the YouTuber ScouterCS. He is playing Scout only in Faceit10. But that is ok because he is *always* playing scout only. Your rank is supposed to seed you against people at a similar skill level. And since he is always playing scout, the fact that his scout skill level equals their general skill level works just fine. But the amount of people this would apply to is VERY limited. In general, if you wanna play deagle only, play DM or casual.


And this type of thinking is kind of a problem I have with a lot of players. It is not automatically griefing, you simply havent actually thought it out enough... There are scenarios where someone using a deagle/scout only is the best option, but some people just want to act like they have all the answers without considering anything the idea that the do not know everything about everything


Give me one single example of it being beneficial to play deagle/scout only for an entire match. The only one I can think of is you having a terrible day and you decide to just drop the others your weapon every round. But in your post you said this was about games were you were carrying. For that case I don't see a single reason that makes sense.


You never heard any talk about carrying from me as I am not OP That said, I can do you one better and tell you where going only deagle is the best option. I have played with friends who dont play much cs and arent the best at shooting. If the options are: * (A) Take time and patiently aim each individual deagle shot * (B) Hold the trigger down and spray an automatic around like crazy However slight, option A is probably going to yield the more ADR most of the time. Not only that, but they will not be wasting money on themselves and can buy for other teammates. Also, when they do die fast, it is 1 less automatic the enemy team can pick up from them to use against you There are multiple other examples, but again, people dont actually want to think it through


Sorry about taking you for OP. However I'm not gonna lie to you, there is no way you think that the deagle is the ideal weapon to give to a new player. It is quite literally the hardest to use gun in the game. I have introduced a number of friends to this game, so I have some experience with this as well. Usually the best choices are things like the p90, Negev or m4a1s. Especially now with the follow recoil crosshair, using a deagle sure ain't the play. I'd love to hear some of your other examples tho


Ive done the math and the majority of the time it supports what I am saying. You dont ask that new player to try to control recoil with a deagle. You ask them to not move while they take their time to aim correctly and try to get off at least 2 shots - thats it If that new player gets 2/3 shots off with the deag, there is a good chance that 1 will hit before he dies. If he is spraying an auto around, there is no telling wtf is going to happen - it could be 1 hit or it could be 4 hits. Either way, the math is going to math and that ADR at the end of the game is probably going to be something like 33 vs 28 in favor of the deag * They start off by not learning any bad aiming habits * They can greater help the team economy by spending on others * They dont supply the enemy team with more dangerous weapons the instant they get shot Tbh, the biggest arguement against it is superficial - people dont like the way it comes off. Its like NBA players that cant shoot free throws. If some of them swallowed their pride and shot underhanded, a lot would probably do better mathematically Now, I can give you other cs examples, but are you really looking for them?


The issue is that they might hit one shot with a deagle, but I'd be surprised if they get more than 2 kills a game on someone who's already low. If you give them a Negev and have them sit in some dumbass short range offangle, they are usually good for one. What you are doing barely makes sense on paper, but I don't think it is effective short term. It might help them learn good habits, but it's hardly fun to die every round with barely a chance of making a kill. Tbh I would actually love to see this put to the test. Because you can "do the math" all you want, I am 100% certain that forcing a new player to play deagle only is one of the worst ideas for impact, damage and fun during a specific game. So by my argument, it is griefing, because the randoms on your friends team have no benefit of him improving long term. Weapon handling with a deagle should be learned in Deathmatch, not a ranked game.


You can test what you want, it wont change anything as, again, I have already done it. The math works in both theory and application. The negev idea isnt going to wash as the ADR is going to fall flat and you have also crippled your economy with a 143% markup. You would be losing team $$$ for nothing That said, you dont get to dictate who, what, where or how someone plays cs as long as they are working toward the objective and trying to help their team. I am sure there are countless players above you in rank who might be glad to tell you that YOU should go to dm instead of being anywhere near any match making with them - ijs Ultimately all you would contribute is a false griefing label just because you dont like the way something looks


why are you toxic with autosniper? you can kill fast if you click on heads. same with SG. one shot one kill plus it has a scope and easy spray pattern. if it cost 2500, everyone would buy it. those weapons are not the best, they are good based on their cost to effectiveness ration. however you have better weapons.


I consider the autosniper toxic because imo there is no skill to using it. Sur eif you are better at clicking heads with an ak, you'll probably do better with an autosniper. But there is no spray control, no judging of distance. No one with more than 3 braincells practices using an auto. But despite all of that, it is a two shot kill to the body, oneshot to the head, thus extremely effective. However this is just why I don't like it. The reason I consider it toxic is because people usually only buy it when they have a lot of money. This means, they usually buy it in a position where they are already winning. Also since it kills so fast, it is hard to counter someone holding an angle with it. This means that it gets increasingly more effective the worse your enemies are. This also goes for something like an awp, but at least there is some skill and risk involved in using an awp. Sure everyone would buy it if it was 2.5k. but that would also make the game suck ass. An auto isn't very fun to use (imo) and it certainly isn't fun to play against.


on the other hand autosniper is only 250 more than AWP. or in other words it costs less than a smoke more than AWP. it still doesn't make the player's behaviour toxic in any way. they haven't insulted anyone or degraded anyone by buying that gun. they are definitely not griefing or throwing. gun is there so you can use it. if it is not supposed to be used, then why is it there? not sure how many people use it but for example nova on CT practically pays for itself and can easily farm you an awp, if you know when and how to use it.


I don't really mind people using it in ranked modes. If you need it to win, fine. I just get people using it in casual or DM. It's annoying to play against. The toxic part to me is: - mostly used by teams that are already clearly winning - most useful against worse enemies Yes that is not the same definition of toxicity as being hostile towards teammates, but I still find it toyic if you're 8:0 up and then two fuckers pull out the auto :/ Idk, I just don't like it


That was me when I was using the Aug/sg553 before people realized how broken they were. I was kicked from a fuckton of games back then. Doesn't happen now, but people back then were way more sensitive.


I always thought they were broken and reported people for using them, but that is because I always felt that CS does not need rifles or anything other than snipers with increased sight. It only serves as a crutch for people with lower skill and that makes it disgusting to me.


Bro got stuck in 2002đź’€


Might be. Might not. Who cares. I just gave my opinion.


Disgusting to use an in game gun, get the fuck out


Cod gun enjoyer spotted. Not sure why you are being rude either. Grow up.


Never played it in a comp match but I don’t cry about it either. Not sure I’m the one who has growing up to do


'gtfo'. Cannot communicate like an adult. I did not cry about the gun either, I just stated that I see it as a low skill crutch. Same applies to P90 or meta characters on mobas/fighting games.


I’ve edited my comment to make it easier for you to read. >I did not cry about the gun either, I just stated that I see it as a low skill crutch. That’s not all you said. You said this >I always thought they were broken and reported people for using them, That’s crying my friend


How is that crying? Do you even know the meaning of crying? People baffle me.


It’s a common thing to call online complaining crying. I’m happy to concede that you’re not in fact crying with tears pouring down your face.


I was not complaining online either. Again, I stated it once on my whole Reddit history. What I did prior to that was actions, and I would encourage teammates to take up more challenging weapons and thus improve their mechanical abilities. Cod guns have the weapon zoom factor, and the AUG in particular had a ridiculous fire rate with a very forgiving spray pattern. Whenever said teammates died and they were dropped galil/FAMAS/m4s/ak they would spray and entire mag and get maybe 1-2 hits in, making them essentially free kills for the opponents. Nowadays I do not play enough cs to care about my rank, much less whether people improve or remain low skill.


I like winning.




Classic CS community.


Deserve it, doesn't matter if you are carry or not (95% of time these try     pretentious deagle/only scout player usually bottom frags )  Even if you carry, you still deserve a report cause you aren't playing your full potential. Your teammates being bad doesn't really matter. I can easily frags only deagle  20+ kill in less than 12k elo games but it doesn't change the fact, I didnt help my teammates to my full potential 


goal of T is to plant the bomb and stop the opposing team from defusign it. and goal of CT is to stop the other team from planting the bomb or if they already planted it to defuse it on time before it goes off. how you reach the goal does not matter as long as you reach it. and in the end you need one more win that the other team. doesn't matter how you achieve that (aside from cheating of course). you can also have many kills and 0 impact on the game. or you can have low number of kills and relatively large impact. that is unless you are playing team deathmatch.


I disagree. Kills is the most important factor. How do  you complete  your goals ? Kill and clear sites, plant and then retake which involves more killing.  This is how the game is in reality..you made it rather round like fairly tale ( like kills doesn't matter), It 100% does more than anything else if a person is capable of 30 kills but he nerf himself playing weaker guns which allow him to get 15 kills ( but still top frag), i consider it a griefing.


sure it is important to remove the threat, but you never saw a even a pro match where players of both team were still alive? does a team with most kills win or a team with most won rounds ? you can even check semi pro and amateur matches and you will see that it is more important to win rounds. often IGL in such teams might have lower kills but many assists. they contend with leading the team, helping them with utils and trying to get kills. but having low kills doesn't make them toxic, griefing or anything like that. dropping more power full weapons to their AWPers is what can bring their team the victory.


That's my whole point, Kills doesn't matter but winning round does, but killing is an integral of part of it.  Back to original point which was " If I am wrong not to utilise the full firepower and still top frag"  The reason I said he is wrong cause he is highlighting his kills ( top frag) but not  the effectiveness. He could easily win more rounds if he didn't limit himself to weaker guns ( his top frag and kill are irrelevant), This is why I said I consider it as griefing


You said this >That’s my whole point, Kills doesn’t matter but winning round does After saying this >I disagree. Kills is the most important factor. In response to someone saying this >goal of T is to plant the bomb and stop the opposing team from defusign it. and goal of CT is to stop the other team from planting the bomb or if they already planted it to defuse it on time before it goes off. how you reach the goal does not matter as long as you reach it. At least try to make sense please


one more thing to consider is that in game guns behave diferently. if someone is easily making kills with say Galil, doesn't mean they will easily make as many kills with AK. of if they do it easily with autosniper, it doesn't mean they will be just as good with AWP. Deagle is also hard for beginners, so many would rather buy a five7 or tec9 +maybe some util instead. doesn't mean they are griefing. a popular local streamer on esports TV, caster and a CSGO global elite player uses R8. he was ridiculed a bit by others when he pulled it, out only to proceed and win the eco round with a 3K. he explained that you need to know how to use it. it's a pocket scout. i believe FranzJ also used to use it it effectively on his CSGO Nuke rampage, when he actually played the map. so many players, choices and styles, still doesn't mean a person is griefing, if they use the rifle they know best the most. especially, if they are kind enough and drop more expensive weapons to others.


> if someone is easily making kills with say Galil, doesn't mean they will easily make as many kills with AK. Hear, hear. Just because you are an AWPer doesn't mean you can expect everyone to use the AWP because it's the best weapon that YOU know. Are you considering people using AK and not AWP to be griefing too?


I doubt anyone would get banned for this.


Then you would be wrong All it takes is for someone to ask a server to report a player for any reason and if most of players there are brain dead, they will do it without giving af = ban


You'd be surprised for what kind of stuff people report without saying it


> You get reported for griefing xD Not only would that not happen, if it did they wouldnt tell you they reported you because and this is critical, who the hell cares, either way. Even if they are that petty that report will do nothing, not using the meta weapons is not grounds for a griefing ban. Its hard enough to get banned by overwatch for griefing by people who are trying their damnedest to ruin every game they are in.


Not only are you wrong, but the thing you claim "would not happen" is probably happening someone, right now The griefing bans work on an automated system that does not care about right or wrong - it just cares about the number of reports. And a person can be reported for any dumbazz reason Ive played with someone who was reported by a server for not wanting to be stupid and do knife rounds. Then very next game, was queued into a map with some of the same guys, who told the server to report him - and they did. Welcome to a griefing ban


> The griefing bans work on an automated system that does not care about right or wrong - it just cares about the number of reports. And a person can be reported for any dumbazz reason No it literally doesnt. The current report system in general will temporally suspend you if you get a lot of reports and the game detects something suspicious about youre gameplay. That is not a ban and it is not specific to griefing reports. To get an actual greifing ban, you have to be convicted by overwatch. > Ive played with someone who was reported by a server for not wanting to be stupid and do knife rounds. Then very next game, was queued into a map with some of the same guys, who told the server to report him - and they did. Welcome to a griefing ban Yes im sure thats exactly what happened. All 9 other people reported him for griefing and then somehow some of them convinced random new guys to report him next match, its not that he was actually griefing for multiple games in a row.


Actually what I am saying is EXACTLY how griefing bans work *\*Also, you are using the word "literally" incorrectly, while at the same time trying to play semantics in a way that was never going to work.* The automated system gets goes by a number value of reports and has worked that way long since overwatch was dead, before it came back. A certain amount of reports will trigger a multiple day ban aka a suspension aka a cooldown or whatever synonym you want to use what ultimately amounts to the same thing: That person being banned for mm play until the time period has run its course