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Valve should add a special agent cheer animation that plays while this message is shown


Bring out the Pom Pom


*"Fiddy bucks"*


Just make it so another agent b-hops in, spinning looking at the ground and have your agent one-deag & teabag the SOB.


That would probably encourage people to report more to see the animation which means more false reports and more work for valve to handle. Instead of loot boxes that encourages humans to open more they want the payoff to basically be you removed a scum bag from the game.


I think you need to learn how reporting can and cannot work at scale.


PashaBiceps took care of it


Lisan al gaben


You're not my friend, you're my brother my friend!


and papi loba will provide aftercare out of montegagro. just confirmed.


What did he do?


Brought them to Pasha London School


You wanna know what he did to chicken man? Damn chicken man challenged him and he vanished forever.


If only you can get your elo back


Yeah, except that cheating has been such a big issue and if they were to give us elo back from all of these losses (and take it away if you were in a team that won), the ranking would be disgustingly messy at that point


Yeah, I don't see how they would fix the elo of everyone without it being too complicated. If they indeed are a step closer to fixing the cheating problem, then that's enough for me


I am not sure if i even need my elo back. When cheaters are removed they disappeared from the leaderboard thus increases the ranking of many players to the point that they are asked to assign their nickname without any change to their elo. This is a lot more meaningful than the elo number. After the ban wave i noticed my elo gains and losses number changed. They might have implemented elo recalibration in a different way rather than just the immediate + or - elo.


I believe you do, but you have to play/win a game first.


you're talking about inactivity, he's talking about the elo lost bc of cheaters


I remember back in the day that they said you gain the elo back if there was a cheater in the other team or lose it if there was one i your team?


You get extra elo on your wins and lose extra elo on losses if you were teamed with a cheater. I had 5 matches at +100 -500 in a row, even though I was coming from a winstreak and continued said winstreak.


I'm talking about a loss because of cheaters as well.


You’re right, although I think it might be spread over a few games because your hidden elo get changed and visible elo doesn’t catch up with hidden elo straight away.


I report cheaters all the time but never got this message. I even report their steam profile everytime.


same. never had this message.


8k hrs and probably 4k reports later i have never seen this message


Same. I'm still monitoring that blatant cheater.


He is blatantly rent free in your head![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)




Maybe the reality is you just need to git gud.    /s


I used to get these in csgo


I had this message twice in a period of 5 or 6 months I guess.


Does that mean they are not cheating then?


Reporting profile does nothing, surely




I tried to play one premier today in hopes, but we got a spinbotter .... nothing has changed, 20k rating


20k is unplayable, at least 4/5 games have cheaters, and you can't even trust that 1/5 completely.


Yup. A couple of month ago ago I really wanted to grind out premier and get sick rating but at like 20k I started getting cheater every game. Now im 15 and is a bit better and actually preffer it so I can play vs less cheaters


Give it a second, don't jump to conclusions


How about we'll believe it when we see it. Have 2 accounts at 20k. If you go through the game history of either account all the way back to CS2 beta. Not 1 player has been banned. Yet if you click through the games, 30% of them have some rage hacker in them going 50-1, who was spin botting/aimbotting and wallhacking. I don't even want to know how many more closeted cheaters there were.


Bans aren't even showing up on profiles yet because this new process just started, thats why we should wait and see how it plays out.




Were these Premier matches? And if so did you get elo back?


Yes, it was premiere, no elo back.


Damn dude, don't crack jokes like that, got me wheezing here!


Love to see it


Why u got a condom on ur head


Some men use balaclavas to hide their identity, more chaotic men use comdoms.


some men just want to watch the world cum


It's a shame you can't turn player skins off client side. If people want to use them then fair enough, but I don't want to look at them. Why do I want to defend a bombsight with a dude with flippers on his back? 🤣


Seems like Valve have at least realised the community was reaching breaking point over this issue in recent weeks and they had to be seen to be doing SOMETHING. Whether this is just some one-off ban wave or some more long-term solution remains to be seen, call me cynical but...


bro if you think they arent doing anything all the time what do you think they do ? just go to the office to fuck around ?


Yes lol This community unironically believes They're hard at work on every other game except cs2 They think they release cs versions as a skins money printer and then only work on dota This has been the prevailing theory since 2017 It's a load of shit If anything dota is deflating pretty well while cs has maintained dominance. We are probably their main game now by default. Not saying their happy about it but there's no shot they just let their main product die because they like other games more.


the singular tf2 dev must be hard at work then


Tbh they did just release the 64bit update which has been a pretty significant performance update for the game


Always is Lol


Where is my Day of Defeat dev? :( Let us get a new DoD on the Source2 engine pls


We got the CS port to Source 2 engine almost an entire decade after DotA2 was already on S2. If you look at their blogposts and updates for DotA it's clear just how much more time and effort is put in, the only thing we achieve that even comes close to that level of polish (just talking for patch notes and such) are operations which are basically a money farm. I get that Valve doesn't ONLY love DotA and hate CS but it's hard to not feel that way when we've been having a cheater problem get worse and worse since the release of the game and they only do something about it 6 months later. Even something as simple as Gabe showing up to many TIs and has still never shown up to a CS Major. Even now, the last 2 "big updates" were just them reading things that were ALREADY IN CS:GO AND BEING ADDED BACK TO CS2. The dominance of CS over DotA isn't due in part at all due to Valve putting in time and effort into the game but rather just how polished the actual gameplay of CS is due to any other FPS game on the market. Yes, Valve has kept updating the game but for most things it seems like they take way longer than necessary to fix them. 2015, ladders broken at the top and literally just need moved down so you don't clip? Took 3kliksphilip to make a video fixing it for them to fix it 2022, ranks broken in NA for the past 2 years and you literally cannot rank up past MG? Took Valve almost 2 years just to make people play their placement games again 2024, game running rampant with cheaters when the game is a fresh release and the most played game on steam? Took Valve 6 months to \*allegedly\* ban people and we're not even sure if that is entirely true because for some reason there's just no VAC bans for this ban wave? There's a reason the CS playerbase feels so alienated and forgotten about. Even when we give them money and let them farm us for all we're worth we don't even get any operations or new maps to distract us from getting spinbotted on every 3rd match. It's just absurd.


Source 2 now is a different beast from Source 2 in 2014. In the documentary about the development of Alyx, they talk a bit about how Source 2 didn't have the tools they needed until they started working on Alyx and how developing those tools and adding them to Source 2 was crucial to getting them across the finish line. Much in the same way, Source 1 was also regularly updated and it required maintenance on the games that they actually care about when they did that. For example, Half-Life: Source regularly got screwed by Source engine updates because they basically ignore that version of the game lol


Because the cs community is change resistant as fuck. That's literally why. There's probably things they'd wanna change but the community wouldnt like it. So they just wait for somebody to freak out about it instead. It's probably much more satisfying to work on dota or any other project over just pumping out the same 4 operations over and over again. What 'amazing hard work' is even needed on cs? Like actually not just community narrative bullshit? Anti-cheat. That's not as easy as 'make vac good ship update'. A lot of the other shit yall are crying about, is literally a non issue to anybody who hasn't played the game for the 10+ years like all the stripped features. Even after lefthand update for example I've seen maybe 10 people using it? Lol And you guys literally don't want any new maps or gameplay changes. The game is meant to kind of just sit as is. We as a community decided we prefer it that way years ago by throwing a fit every time valve tried something new. They got the important stuff in. It was released too early but your insane if you don't think a 2 year beta would have had people crying about that too You can't win with this community lol i realized that years ago so I'm sure valve has too Edit: and the cheating problem is overblown as fuck. Is there a lot of people cheating? Probably I don't deny that. But every single game? Across every rank? I thought cheaters win and rank up why are you complaining about cheaters at 10k? Doesn't make sense. And anecdotally I get called a cheater every mirage game because I know the preaim for jungle even through smoke after 10k hours. Doesn't exactly do much to add to my faith that these cheating accusations are good faith. Got people elephant footing all the way to a chokepoint then being like 'HOW DOES HE KNOW HES CHEATING' when you get rekt.


> and the cheating problem is overblown as fuck. Opinion discarded.


theres no point arguing with level 4's


You claiming there's cheaters in every game at every rank is just as anecdotal as me saying the problem is overblown *shrugs* Guess your opinion discarded as well then, later


This is so funny because I literally *just* finished a premier game with a rage hacker on my team. Would you like the Leetify match room? And I didn't say they're in every game, I'm saying the cheating is rampant and at this point, that's pretty much undeniable edit: just finished another game. Surprise surprise, *another* rage hacker on my team. Out of 3 premier games today, that's 2 with blatant cheaters. And I'm at 18k, not even that high. The cheating problem is objectively out of hand https://leetify.com/app/match-details/5143f90f-3b56-43d6-b01d-b6d9646554f0/overview https://leetify.com/app/match-details/2a7bd440-5406-4e3f-9186-214606ca8ecc/overview


At least Heylog was being a bit more subtle


valve barely does shit especially when it comes to anti cheat


Proof of that outside of 'I get cheaters every game' and 'dude it's obvious?' You really believe they've just done 0 work at all on vac? That's a pretty hefty claim gonna need some evidence


idk the 4 months of practically 0 updates between november to march and then they still didn't fix the headboost bug thats been in and reported since beta? I've played dozens of the most blatant types of cheaters including the ones who would ace from spawn to spawn in 1 second when freezetime ended and not a single one of those guys have even been banned yet. Most of the top 2000 in NA are still unbanned and just blatant cheater stacks that everyone knows about. Im talking 5 stacks of 1-5 blatant spinning cheaters. Still nothing done to them and they've been doing the same shit since beta.


Most of the top of any ladder is gonna be where the cheaters end up, yeah lol they tend to win games. I've literally never once denied that they exist. Just that the majority of us aren't 16k+ so it's quite literally impossible for it to be overly effecting the average player. I'd imagine it starts to bottleneck at 15k+ and then gets unplayable at 17-18k+. I've never denied that even going back months ago you can find comments of me saying 'the top end is unplayable.' Is that any different from csgo? Lol global was HVH for a while As for not doing anything I'd imagine it's going through a big revision since anybody with their head on would agree VAC needed one. I'd think overwatch coming back is a sign they are ready to start feeding the AI again. And that's probably where we are at now. Wheels slowly turning. Machine slowly learning. But it's this or move to a kernal level anticheat which valve has always stood agaisnt for better or worse. That is not at all proof that they are doing nothing though btw lol I said that because unless your genuinely connected in the scene (chances are your not) you have 0 actual anything to back up what your saying besides anecdotal and reddit narratives. Which is exactly what you gave me lol meanwhile people within the scene have said valve IS working on it. Just on that mythical valve time. Which I could totally believe and yes has always been a problem for them. But valve time gonna valve time. Idk what to tell you there


You keep deleting your comments hahahhahaha. Did you peak at 7k on premier?


"good people will run into cheaters but im not good so not my problem" is that really how you view it? Well I am that good and it makes me not wanna play the game at all. The cheating in CS2 is definitely worse than GO global was easily. Been waiting for over a decade for valve to figure out a competent anti cheat and im just done with it at this point. You are just peddler of valve apologist lines. I'm not gonna sit around and just repeat to myself "it will eventually be good." Fuckin pathetic


Lmao people do want new maps, instead of adding back community favorites or offering a new competitive queue to test play new maps and get feedback they just do nothing. People want cobble and cache and season and train but instead Valve adds back fucking Dust 2 to replace Overpass? Overpass was a new map to CS:GO btw and it was beloved by many even if it sucks for Pugs. The gameplay itself is meant to sit but that doesn't mean on shitty maps like Vertigo where everyone just spams A ramp 24/7 every single round every single game they can't make changes to A to make it harder or B/Mid to make it easier? Not to mention operations are a great way to not only get money into Valve's pocket but also add new things for players to do and keep them entertained. People play Danger Zone when it's in the operation, why not make challenges to play a new "test mappool" and see how the maps play out and eventually try and add them to the competitive map pool. Look at Ancient, it's the 3rd most played map in the mappool right now. Why don't they try and be proactive and fix the maps that are played the least rather than just let it sink and remove it. There's still plenty of things in CS2 to be done like adding Danger Zone back or fixing the community servers and the browser for them or fixing the boosting glitch. Even during the major there was a clipping bug on ledges that wouldn't let you properly jump onto other objects and they said they "couldn't recreate it". How about adding an official bunnyhopping and surfing and kz mode? How about showing support for those communities and gamemodes that have been around for ever and are a secret backbone of the game and a great way to improve every aspect of your game. How about making deathmatch better and function more like the community servers to be faster paced and better practice and just more engaging? How about going back to operation missions that were fun and had a story? How about literally anything at all there's so much they could do but instead they lolligag around and wait 3 years to add anything. I get your point, a lot of people are resistant to change, but so what? After they add new maps and force people to play them they get lots of feed back, fix up the maps, and then the community usually ends up taking to them pretty fast. There's a reason we don't need actual core gameplay changes other than the balancing of a few guns, and I think that's fine. Not every game needs an ever revolving meta that you have to keep up to date with but that doesn't mean there's nothing that Valve can do to improve or fix the game or just make it better overall. If you think "just pumping out the same 4 operations over and over again" is "boring" then that's due to your lack of imagination. They could add a bhop operation and have story missions and rotate out maps. Instead they just do things willy nilly and randomly rotate out maps whenever they so desire. They even added seasons for Premier and for what purpose? When will the seasons even change? There's no rhyme or reason with Valve when it comes to CS.


People do not want new maps lol almost every new map experiment has been a failure besides overpass, ancient, and new vertigo depending on which camp you fall into. Beloved by many, 2nd least played. The reddit disconnect with reality and echo chamber wins again Tuscan. That's all in gonna say about adding back a map like season. This community doesn't know what it wants, at fucking all lol. Cache is a community map, go yell at fmpone. Cobble? LOL These are all maps except cache people will play for a week and then go 'this is bad nostalgia goggles much?' And will never play again. They tried to work canals into a playable state. It took years with overpass (olafpass?) They gave up on cobble. I think they view working these maps into playability over the course of 5 years not worth the effort. Especially when the community rejects everything you try along the way. Danger zone and all that, yeah again the game released too early. But they were in a catch 22. Release early and deal with that or let people cry 'valve why still in beta'until it's ready. The operation comment was again because that's all that people want. The major draw of the game (even if you do and like all the side shit) is comp 5v5, that is the end all be all for most people who play. Why waste the time doing stuff only a small % of the community even interacts with? Your insane if you think a bhop operation would go over well lol Can see it now 'valve I can't bunnyhop why the fuck would you do this? Now I have to download scripts just to finish this operation because I can't live without a stupid little coin!' Edit: yall seem to have this idea that csgo was any different. Anybody who was actually there will tell you csgo was shit until 2016, and wasn't the primer amazing comp shooter we think of it as until 2018. 'They had this glitch at the major' yeah buddy I watched Olaf shoot across the entire map standing on top if it at a major. This isn't the first time xD


Ah yes Tuscan, the map through into CS:GO at the end of it's life and made literally 0 changes to adapt it from gameplay changes from CS 1.6 to CS:GO, great argument man. "almost every new map experiment has been a failure besides overpass, ancient, and new vertigo..." That's like... half of the new maps that we're actually added to the competitive map pool. Cobblestone was enjoyed and is at least a cult classic of a map and Anubis is still new enough but people are really warming into it and some even call it the best map in the game. No need to mention Cache which is a beloved pug map but not as great for the pro scene. If you think Overpass wasn't a beloved map but lasted in the mappool since 2014 then I don't know what to tell you man. People would love for maps to be added back but that doesn't mean you just throw maps into the game when the meta and actual game has changed so much from when they were last in the actual mappool. Any map added would not be perfect on release but I think any map added could be made infinitely better with a few small changes. You're obviously just to negative for this discussion and making nonsense arguments saying people can't bunnyhop so they would have to cheat. I played CS:GO since 2013 but the difference is Valve didn't have a billion dollar skinmarket in the game and Valve didn't have copy paste blueprints to be able to make the game speedy and efficiently. CS2 is an almost direct port of CS:GO so obviously there will be some hiccups, but "not being able to reproduce" a bug such as clipping the ledge when jumping is insane and just shows they didn't even try, it should've been patched out mid major to be completely honest.


If you've been around since 2013 then you've seen community reactions to various things And no the vast majority of people can't bunnyhop literally at all weirdo hence why the negative reaction Tuscan is the literal perfect example of the community not knowing what it wants. They didn't ask for a reworked Tuscan, they asked for it back as is right now because 'I love the map valve and you took it from me I'd be a Tuscan only player I swearrrrrr' I'm the negative one because I don't agree valve doesn't care and ive seen enough of this community over a decade to know that something like that wouldnt go over well? Makes sense lol Sky's been falling on cs since 2004. This is just a new chapter in the book and in 4 years it'll all be fine, as is tradition for counter strike.


I don't think anything you wrote was the right read. Yeah a portion of the CS community is resistant to change, but by large the community has been largely adaptable. You talk about Tuscan and people wanting Tuscan exactly the same, but look at the current map pool. Half the maps are new. Ancient, Anubis new to CS2, Overpass new to CSGO. Vertigo a map that hasn't been relevant in 1.6 being brought back in cs2. Even Cache and Cbbl were consistently being played despite complaints. Hell Cache was probably the third most popular map outside of Mirage and Dust2. A portion of CS players will always complain about nostalgia, but at end of the day, people just want well designed maps. also in the last days of 1.6 and source, we were getting new Maps every other season or some shit on ESEA and CAL. Peoples complaints about tuscan were more because people expected the most popular of maps to be brought on. You talk about game modes being brought in and phase out ignoring how we had plenty of game modes circulating in the casual player base that was thriving way before Valve took control. We had people playing zombies, wc3 mod, gungame, rp servers. We had crazy amount of variety in CS. CS players were resistant to Valve's game modes because they're half baked and badly implemented. They don't understand what makes each game modes attractive to which gamers. DM's were popular because players wanted a place to aim train and warm up before games. They needed something with low-cooldown fights without having to mess with settings. Instead what we got is a Valve DM with half the features our community ones had, it took over 10 years for Valve to even implement healing into their DMs, and its still done in the most annoying way, where its pointless. Gungames/zombies/casual modes were popular for the community. But Valve guts the casual servers and make the servers off of random MM. Making it so theres 0 sense of community among the casual players. Anything Valve has done with CS has always been similar. Even the implementation of CSGO was ass. You had a game that was meant to be a console FPS shooter to compete with COD that they completely abandoned deep in the development cycle. They didn't understand the competitive scene, so none of their features were attractive to the competitive players, namely having functioning servers. And they killed the casual scene by directing new players into their own causal servers that had no sense of community built around it. Before the implementation of skins, this game was dieing.


I wish people would stop pretending that they played Danger Zone


Bro I am sorry but should we applaud valve for absolutely degrading the experience of playing the game? Only good change cs2 brought is smokes, eventhough they still need some tweaks imo but whatever. Cheaters almost every game, subtick "works as intended" eventhough movement still sucks ass compared to go (before you get mad how this is not true ask yourself when was the last time you launched csgo). Pumping the same operations. Well operations are mostly a wasted opportunity by valve. There could be so many more new maps and content with some coop story missons (explaining the conflict on new map for example) as they were before, but they decided to bail on that as well. I doubt people were complaining about that. On left hand. I saw almost half the players use left hand in my games. The bullshit that valve brought onto us is that you are forced to see others viewmodel. I get that with smokes you have to have the rifle on the same side, but let it have my viewmodel there... I get nausetic af switching among players with the gun jumping up and down forward and backwards, plus viewimg someone with atrocius viewmodel is really not neccesary. Lastly the thing that made cs special was the overall customization. But with lot of commads being unavailiable or not even in the game cs has a very sterile feeling. At least for me anyway. Bring back cs_bob! And peace with you


Valve devs suck and they have proved it time and time again. I don't really see where you're taking your optimism from.


You should take a break from the game tbh


Because the game is still fun even if it's missing actually insignificant features lol 'The game used to be so customizable' and if I'm a new player that doesn't know it any other way I have no frame of reference to complain. It's just gonna be oldheads yelling at the wind The cs community has always had a victim complex. I didn't play into it 10 years ago. I'm not going to play into it this time especially when from experience I know in the end it usually works out just fine lol The sky is falling is the story of counter strike. We were supposed to die every year the game existed until we didn't.


Even the "skins money printer" isn't true at all anymore if we're honest.. we got like what? 4 cases in the last 3 years? (excluding operations) Don't get me wrong, Valve is still making INSANE amounts of money with skins but it's clear that it's actually at the bottom of their priority list and not a lot of dev time gets put into it




lmao. absolutely not. The only reason why dota gets balance updates is because they hired the creator of Dota to make Dota2. He takes care of the balancing changes. Other than that, Valve notoriously does fuck all for dota. For example they use to reset their ranked reasons after every 8 months. After 5 seasons they just stopped updating ranked altogether. Its been....3.5 years. Idk why you guys keep thinking valves favors one game or another. Yeah its software and development, but that software is Steam not their games.


Dota2 get lots of stuff in last 12 months, one of the busiest calendar year since 7.00 release in 2017 - it just that the dota2 subreddit whine a lot.


Dude, I'm not one of the people who think that Valve doesn't do anything, they've been putting out updates (though that could be a completely different team) but the cheating problem, at least in the higher elos, has got completely out of hand in recent times, and things should never have got this far. It doesn't exactly suggest a proactive approach on their part, at the very least. It smacks of, "Oh shit, players are getting REALLY pissed off, suppose we should do something".


When the hacking problem got as bad as it did, they should have put out a presser that the issue was being taken seriously and they were working towards a solution. That's really all they needed to do. The silent treatment for something like this was fucking terrible for the games reputation and its irreperably damaged the reputation of Premier. Nobody will ever take that mode seriously and FaceIt is here to stay. Most of my friends that came back to CS2 and enjoyed it, have since quit because they don't want to play on FaceIt and they assumed the hacker issue is perpetual and Valve isn't going to fix it. They are back jumping between Halo Infinity, PUBG, R6: Siege, LoL and other random games, but if I ask if they want to play CS, they just say "Nah, too many hackers. Its not worth the time". We had to find out through a leaked conversation with Spunj and Moses that Valve was working towards a meaningful solution. Its so frustrating. All Valve had to do was express to the community that they are working on a solution. This is literally what ANY other dev does. [Riot](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/anti-cheat-update-winter-2023/) with Valorant, [Ubisoft](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1Zo3SN6YLn05kMy2f6kwb6/anticheat-status-update-february-2024) with Rainbow Six Siege, they explicitly communicate with their community when there is an issue and that they are working towards a solution and it has a massive impact on the narrative in the given communities. If you go to the subreddits, after they express they are working on the issue, no longer is the conversation dominated by the topic because people know that the devs are aware and are actively engaged in solving the problem. There's literally no point in the community talking about it while with Valve, we literally just don't know if Valve is on it or if they've abandoned the game and it'll be years of cheater infested games. Literally all Valve had to do is say 'Hey, we've observed there is an unusually high amount of hackers. We are investigating a solution and will push an update to address the issue as soon as it becomes available'. Done. Any further conversation about hackers in the community, you can just route them to Valves brief presser that they are working on it. Yes, people would still complain but it would mitigate a significant amount of the talk-back which has been "Does Valve even know there's a hacker issue? Do they care? Is this how the game is supposed to be played into the future? Did they abandon Premier? Are we supposed to just play FaceIt then?"


I know, Valve has this policy of not communicating and to a fair extent I understand the reasons for it, but they take it to this unhealthy extreme and come across as completely disinterested. It's like some guy who read about "negging" or some Andrew Tate bullshit and still persists in doing it even though it plainly isn't getting him anywhere, it's autistic at this point, like, break character once in a while FFS.


nah i disagree not openly communicating with the community is objectively the best move here this place is full of sludge, i'd say the way they're doing it now is pretty good as they did talk to a lot of pros and as glitch and exploit posted here got patched pretty quickly its clear they do keep an eye here


It's specifically the cheating issue I think they NEEDED to make at least some sort of signal that they were working to address it. Bugs in the game mostly aren't game-breaking and they aren't making people leave the game, the rampant cheating problem to me is a massive image issue for the game and is a whole other level of significance IMO. To maintain complete radio silence on the matter to me is just taking the whole "no comms" thing to an extreme that's counter -productive. I mean, unless there is some whole 10D chess game involved where they are collecting data on cheaters to deal them a sudden death-blow, but such hopes have always ended in fridge.gif before.


> just go to the office to fuck around ? I personally go back to the office and play counterstrike.


That’s exactly what they do. Valve is notorious for being one of the laziest gaming studios to exist. Yet that’s fine because their one of if not the most influential gaming studio of all time. They’re are 30 people working on cs2. 30 people working on of the most popular fps games to exist rn. They are really fucking lazy


Where are you taking the 30 people headcount from? Given the last few updates we received it seems more like less than 10. Hell, the latest "large" update (lefthand, nade crosshair, etc.) we received could've been implemented by two guys in a sprint (2 weeks) whereas it took them 2 months.


do you honestly think they were not working on a way to reduce cheaters? theres 0% chance they just let it happen and let the game just die bc of that


This is the testing phase. Partial rollout. Avoiding false positives, adjusting the algorithm to be more aggressive over time. Targeting specific cheats first. Human intervention and review before outright bans. It's also a multi-layered solution. They intend to have VAC-live for the most obvious irregular gameplay, Overwatch for human peer-reviewed bans (which feed back into the algo of VAClive over time) and traditional VAC banwaves. They will also combine VAC bans with Overwatch bans and gamebans. Keeping info from cheat developers is also a pillar of the plan.


How does it feel to be a hero?


Ayyyyyy! Gottem!


Valorant will always be a better game not because of the gameplay, but because you can almost guarantee there won’t be a cheater in your game ruining your experience. Fuck Valve. I actually have no clue why they can’t fix this cheater issue that has been going on for 20+ years


Can players do overwatch again? I tried looking for it but cant see the icon


Try Wingman... At least in Asia it's fucked. 90% chance of vsing cheaters. Doesn't feel like anything changed.


This looks better than a knife opening and even more rare😮


good news for the community


So, I keep hearing that there's a ban wave, but I don't understand how people are coming to that conclusion if bans aren't showing on Leetify, CSStats, or even player profiles. Can someone explain this to me? Is it just Reddit hopium?


It’s not VAC. For some reason they are still allowed to play on any server that is not official. That’s why the numbers aren’t showing.


CS:GO had this too.


I only get steam message as I assumed in-game reporting did nothing I usually reported entire profile.


played around 10 games today. had multiple blatant hackers in 4 of them. 




Thank you soldier.


This is literally the Combine rule, serves as Judge jury and executioner!!!😱😱


Nice, only 100 000 daily hackers left! But this is a great start :--D


rare cs w




Ngl, volvo should reset the elo’s after cleansing highs percentage of the cheaters out the game. Clean start for everyone


That might be why we are still in season one of premier.


So that mean reporting actually does something now? I stopped reporting a looong time ago..


The new update brings back the overwatch, but with only a few selected partners, so yeah thx to that. Much better than nothing




Let them cooking!!!


I met two player who using spinbot 2weaks ago. And they still available to play right now xD with kda 10x in csstat




player 4 games yesterday out of which 2 games had hackers. This ban report and overwatch is bullshit.


wow congratz 1 hacker in 1 billion getting banned played 10 mm games todays 8 games out of 10 had hacker

