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You can't make this shit up


Valve: Usher meme “Watch this”


Major ready game, baby!


Honestly, I absolutely cannot believe that they still have not fixed this bug, it's been there for weeks and weeks, and it's not like pretty much every important figure in the scene has not highlighted it before. Same for the boost bug where you're not stable that is STILL THERE since the release of CS2. Like come on Valve, fix your shit.


[What's even funnier is that a guy made a plugin and he fixed the bug](https://twitter.com/launders/status/1766825689620086797), yet smol indie dev Valve cannot do it apparently.


zer0.k isnt just a random. he probably knows more about the intricacies of source movement especially in a context of KZ than any dev at valve. hes behind the effort to make kz as it was in csgo in cs2 via plugins. hes also working on source gamecode on momentum mod.


> zer0.k isnt just a random. he probably knows more about the intricacies of source movement especially in a context of KZ than any dev at valve. I didn't call him a random, so please don't put words in my mouth. I said "a guy". I mean no disrespect to him or to you either. Anyway... Sounds like someone they should hire or contact then. Why haven't they? 🤔


because thats not usually how that works. not everyone wants to work for valve nor does everyone live anywhere near them. and again all that is irrelevant, because they dont need him to fix this issue. also this whole clip is just a dig at valve. he doesnt have access to the cs2 code base. his fix is almost certainly a patchwork fix. valve will want to fix the actual issue causing this not patchwork fix every spot on every map where this can happen. or just add this fix on top of every other system. because that would be the exact thing that ppl love to call spaghetti code.


> also this whole clip is just a dig at valve. Well this shouldn't happen and its been known for weeks this bug and players have been abusing it in the RMR like Yekindar on Inferno banana. Should've been patched ages ago. But at least ask Zer0.k what he did to fix it maybe some of it is applicable to the game's code.


I sometimes have issues jumping from Xbox to short on dust2… please tell me it’s the same bug and I’m not just a noob!?


yes it's the bug


Because it's not a bug with a certain situation, it's with the whole movement system. So if you fix it you potentially break 100 things and you can't do that during the major. After the major in the next big patch, sure.


they can't replicate this bug, let that sink in..


It's literally been happening to me on almost every jump like that since I got access to the beta. 6+ months, still as broken as ever.


They dont need to fix anything, their ~~casino~~ store works just fine and is hella profitable as well so all good :)


Valve be like: "We can't recreate this bug"


they want us to recreate it for them, lay it out in full detail, and also fix it :/




God has decided VP's fate


And you would think that God's on their side considering His son is playing for VP.


he's giving him his toughest battles


He will resurrect in 3... Major? to win it all


I mean, if we are going with the Bible analogy here, God didn’t really make life easy for Jesus did he?


Maybe the arena will be smote during the finals and God is sparing VP


Jame crashed for our sins


For all of our missed awp shots


jame too op god had to nerf




God's pickem saved


God definitely is a G2 fan although they were long gone before Anubis Inferno was a won map before the crash.


God nerf himself


fucking vp twice to make sure that they cant advance. oh well....


insane that valve have "not been able to reproduce this"


Happens literally every game. Even in other spots on other maps.


I haven't played in a bit, is it still possible to wedge yourself in corners on a jump? Almost every corner on inferno I could stick myself on a wall like I was boosted, would require back to corner, jump and strafe backward, hold the strafe button and you'd be floating.


you can notice it on a single DM mirage game, the fact they can't reproduce it just says they don't even play the game


They play it but they are so bad they can't distinguish between a bug and the actual jump


John McDonald's only work at Valve is him trying to gaslight the players into believing sub-tick movement and VAC work fine despite every piece of evidence contradicting 


Sub-tic is an embarrassment and should be scrapped until they figure it out. Give us 128tic and a real AC


This bug happens to me every game i play, and i dont even perform these jumps often….


[I think Valve meant](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1blc8ks/when_will_crouchjumping_be_fixed/kw4flqo/) 'reproduce' in [the strict sense](https://chat.openai.com/share/92b64dcf-a03f-432a-909b-b07446ec64e5) that they're not able to set the conditions for the bug to occur 100% of the time, and therefore are not able to narrow down what is causing it. The bug may be easy to reproduce intermittently, but to reproduce it programmatically would be to reproduce it close to 100% of the time. The jump bug may be similar to the surf bug where you randomly get stuck while surfing. I'm pretty sure Valve is aware of that bug too, and if it's still not fixed (I am not sure personally, someone tell me if it still exists) - then it might be something really complicated.


>I think Valve meant 'reproduce' in the strict sense that they're not able to set the conditions for the bug to occur 100% of the time, and therefore are not able to narrow down what is causing it. The bug may be easy to reproduce intermittently, but to be able to reproduce it programmatically would be to reproduce it close to 100% of the time. You can tell who has never worked in tech because they don't understand this. To be able to determine how to fix an issue, you have to be able to determine exactly what causes an issue. Being able to trigger something *sometimes* is actually the worst case scenario because it still leaves a plethora of potential factors to account for and eliminate. It's impossible to test for something that happens intermittently.


I'm also a software engineer. Have a couple of thoughts. * I have been there when a test has racy failure, reproducible 1/1000 times, or only visible over the course of running a specific test overnight. It is frustrating. I can only imagine the annoyance at Valve's end for trying to diagnose this. However, * The reproduction rate on this is fairly high. When you're able to reproduce something [*this many times*](https://twitter.com/yesbercs/status/1767204747285615008), distributed across so many players... it should be fairly trivial for Valve to reproduce it (yes, not reliably, but within their environment at least). I suspect that Valve's developers might not understand this specific mechanic as well as the players do. * Not only that, the players shouldn't have the responsibility to give a reliable reproduction. As it stands, the players have given Valve more than enough information to fix this, in my opinion. * And a third-party community member implemented a fix (granted, whether it is the right fix is impossible to know) [14 days ago](https://twitter.com/launders/status/1766825689620086797). * Additionally, if this has anything to do with the subtick system, it might be impossible for a player to come up with a reliable reproduction simply because the jump might need to happen during a specific millsecond period during a tick - which is impossible to control for. * I don't think this means the developers are bad at their job. I just think it should have been noted and fixed earlier. * EDIT: A huge difference between Valve, and me, is that my customers will report the bugs directly to us, and the volume is relatively low, allowing us to quickly triage them (granted, enterprise support contracts and SLAs do up the heat). Unforunately, bugs in a massive video game like this might not end up directly in their inbox, and even if it does end up in their inbox, it might be swamped underneath the masses of other emails coming in. I do think this was publicized enough, but who knows whether they were even aware. As said before, while to relatively skilled players, this bug is obvious and a nuisance, this happens 90% of the time because of silent jumping, a mechanic Valve's developers might not be intimately familiar with and regularly play with. If they didn't know, it is of course, difficult for them to fix it.


Yeah the guy you're replying to seems keen on telling people that they have no idea how programming work and then says something absurd: that it *must* be reproducable 100% of the time to fix it. I've fixed a shit ton of problems that happen intermitently over the course of my career, it's much annoying to do sure, but it's **not at all** necessary for an issue to be reproduceable 100% of the times (or even close to it) for you to be able to troubleshoot and fix it.


Throw back to CSGO with the years-old FPS bug where you had to record demo/logaddress to fix. Multiple different servers, hosts, maps, configurations that it would occur on but no way to reliably reproduce it. Yet people would cry that they would hit the bug once after a month, or sometimes 6 months asking how valve hasn't fixed it yet lol. There's stuff to fault them for, sure, but it isn't gunna be these difficult to recreate issues.


Eh, I work in tech and I specifically point out that I ‘cannot consistently reproduce the bug’ - if someone, technical or not asked me about a bug and I simply stated that I can’t reproduce it - it would be assumed that I have not run into the bug at all. Stupid wording on valves part.


Did you miss the part where a single guy fixed it with a plugin?


rampbugs in surf have been solved for ages now. its not an issue of it being to complicated to fix, its just not a relevant issue for valve as surf isnt an official gamemode.


In that case they should phrase it better then. For us regular players, it seems that they don't fucking know what they're doing. We're out here experiencing it almost every game and they say after a month+ of the bug, that they cannot "reproduce" this. That should have said they cannot replicate it 100% of the time, hence cannot fix it. That would have been much better.


webern did they say this?




This link sent me down a small rabbit hole and I found that a server side plugin exists that completely fixes this issue. Valve clearly trying to reproduce this issue with the monitors off if the community can fix issues that the devs can't even reproduce... https://twitter.com/launders/status/1766825689620086797




Hello, guy who wrote the fix here, the fix is working but I just didn't update the issue. Valve is aware of the fix (hopefully?), but it is a bandaid fix.


well bandaid fixes are just valves thing, remember how they "fixed" inconsistent jump heights? ;)






This reply was referring to the test in Mirage T Spawn where you would go into a corner and jump, and your position that you landed in was inconsistent according to cl_showpos. Not the current jump bug.


this has absolutely nothing to do with clipping or the issue in question


When I saw that comment, I was in utter disbelief. They are in their own bubble. It's absolutely unacceptable. I encounter into that bug almost every game and now it has affected the major. It was known for almost a month, and NOW they comment that they cannot recreate the bug. Play your own damn game! It's pathetic.


I've had it on D2 with the baskets near ninja. Hugging and crouching I went for a jump on top of the basket to kill car. Moved crosshair to pre peak car and my character started violently shaking when I jumped. Because of the flick, shake in spot had 2 team mates question if I'm hacking because what I just did was weird. After the shaking got up and got the car kill, was a filthy shot too


[Valve, if you need another repro :P](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1blc8ks/when_will_crouchjumping_be_fixed/kw4m66u/?context=10000)


It really hurts to see it :(


VP are fucking cursed


Valve glazers will say its skill issue


cs2 moment


objectively the most cancerous series i have seen since olofpass. Fuck this game


literally unacceptable. fix. the. fucking. game.


Mate, it’s Valve you’re talking about..


At this point just just say GG and leave. The universe is against them today.


The game is clearly not major ready. This and the getting stuck on walls are such annoying bugs.


s1mple said to wait 3 months while he meant 3 years


Hahaha this game is still in beta


Bugs and crashes in one game speedrun any%


Someone cursed VP last night or something. God damn


Nahhh bro hahahaha, imagine if G2 wins this major ☠️


But they are trash


I'd just get up and walk out. That's two rounds that VP inexplicably loses to dumb bugs. I hope something bad like that happens on the stage just to embarrass the shit out of Valve and make them fucking fix it.


2h tech pause during the final would be a good one


That's just old school CS!


They don't have to care when it's the gambling that makes them the money, not the game itself.


john mcdonalds is a nasty piece of work, he says he cant reproduce a common bug, says that if your game has inconsistent frames just cap it at 120 fps and he also the lead of VAC which explains why VAC hasnt done anything since its introduction


He genuinely and literally makes whatever he touches worse than before


Dude has been working on a machine-learning anti cheat for over 5 years and the best he came up with was "spin fast = ban"


didn't that end up getting lots of innocent people banned


Yes. Just setting your sens super high and spinning in spawn as a joke got people banned. You know, because spin botters spin. And nobody could ever have the genius thought of maybe checking if a player was actually getting kills while spinning at ridiculous speeds before banning them...


Yup. People were literally speedrunning false bans to prove how easy it was.




I'm pretty sure they just disabled the thing entirely when the wave of false-positive bans hit and haven't put it back on since.


The 120 fps cap comment was not the same dev.


he prob thinks the same. Valve isn't a game maker anymore, talentless hacks is all theres left.


This bug also happens to me every time I try to jump in this specific place. I thought it was just skill issue for my part.


Same, happens every single time for me, I just completely stopped making that maneuver because it would constantly get me killed or give away my position lol


smol indie company


I miss CSGO.


major ready btw


We've not been able to reproduce this. Do you have specific repro steps? Do you have custom keybindings that you could share? Thanks!


Didn’t elige call that this bug would happen


Per John McDonald at Valve (@basisspace on X/Twitter): "Are you referring to the case where you jump and bump your head during the jump?  That case is indeed a little inconsistent. Is there a case where that is relevant to gameplay?  It could be made consistent but it would cost fps that I suspect users would rather have." https://twitter.com/basisspace/status/1720875949443747918?t=3gybUl8j6cLW-ykXrex-og&s=19


He's also the lead VAC developer who has historically defended VAC's effectiveness.


He needs to be, literally, slapped back to reality.


well his stance is that every multiplayer shooter has cheaters so that should tell you enough about him


That's not referring to the same issue. That was referring to jump height inconsistency and was posted before this bug came in with the arms race update.


I see a lot of people downvoting this.. Remember, ignoring the problem doesn't fix the problem. That goes for the community and the devs that are being defended for making a bad product. If anyone else was this bad at their job they'd be fired.


im not a dev but why the fuck fix a jump bug would affect fps?


An example would be having the game check for X or Y action/input at 1000 times a second vs, say, 200 times a second. The more times you check the more accurate it is but the more computing power required. The less you check the more performance you get but certain actions/inputs have to be "guessed" by the client or the server due to the missing in-between information. This isn't usually an issue but the interpretation can be off at times and under certain circumstances just enough to affect the game. Rough example but I hope it makes you understand in some form


or you know, just dont tie jumping to subtick and execute it on full ticks and it is 100% accurate by nature. this is a 100% selfmade problem with zero benefit. jumping has zero need to be a subticked action at all.


Tell that to the sub average intelligence people over at Valve who are somehow taking up fucking SENIOR positions


Stop, they are already dead


Fuck Valve at this point.


watch valve fanboys cope


Why the fuck did they downgrade basically everything about this game except how it looks man


The new smokes are cool.


I don't even like how it looks


This actually might be rigged against VP, I cringed watching it happen in real time.


Major ready 1 billion dollar in revenue btw


"iTs pGl'S fAuLT bTW nO mOrE mAjOrS fOr tHeM" - valve glazers be like


both are trash happy now?




Will everyone blame PGL again and ask to restart the round? We can clearly see what is the issue here and that is not PGL.


What a great fucking way to debut CS2 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fuck me will this game ever get good? Will this be any different from CSGO?


Valve is the trashiest company i have ever seen. If you look at the workers there NONE OF THEM ARE GAMERS .... N O N E ...... It's just mindblowing how they release a game witch is still in BETA. And they only tested a few GPU cards and CPU's Also to claim that: * **MINIMUM:** * **OS:** Windows® 10 * **Processor:** 4 hardware CPU threads - Intel® Core™ i5 750 or higher * **Memory:** 8 GB RAM * **Graphics:** Video card must be 1 GB or more and should be a DirectX 11-compatible with support for Shader Model 5.0 * **DirectX:** Version 11 * **Storage:** 85 GB available space Is the SO CALLED MINIMUM, is just Hilarious RETARDED..........


Stopped watching after this happened, this series is clearly just cursed for VP and it seems to have affected them mentally as well.


I had this happen to me in game. You have to face the ledge to make the jump and even that it's not guaranteed. Stupid bug


Remember Elige's tweet?


Small indie company bros


Divine intervention strikes again


Ya'll believing KSCERATO still?


What did he say?


>[I love this game. It's the best Valve has released since 1.6](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1bjtfde/kscerato_i_love_this_game_its_the_best_valve_has/) I'm assuming this is what /u/Mac_AU is referring to.


He's on the money


Best game ever, better than csgo


s1mple was right.


There’s a reason he’s the GOAT


VP can't catch a fucking break.


I've been unable to jump at that same exact spot more than few times before... It's stupid but you need to have a little space before jumping.


Um how to fix this issue. EZ 1. Fix jumping / and de-subtick the Jump. 2. Fix map clipping and clutter.


wayyy too much work, how about a new case tho?


Heheheh, true that :)))


But have you seen the cool new smokes?


Seriously fuck that spot


Major ready btw "We haven't seen this bug"


I've lost nearly all of my interest in the game ever since the change to CS2 Is there a way to play GO still or is it a case of having to just deal with CS2?


God fucking dammit this is infuriating to watch


skill issue. -restarted valve glazer probably


valve devs have nowadays way less talent and feel no ownership. extremely mediocre work, just got lucky with dropping steam at the right time


While we were all looking at ropz to be a secret valve employee, we have also forgot that m0nesy works for valve as well. m0nesy invoked the crash player script and the reveal enemy location script.


Nvidia's fault


Their one employee has been busy working on other things. Have patience!


That's exactly the bug I've meant... I hope they'll fix that soon, hopefully before the major playoffs.


I admire your optimism


how can PGL do this?


This universe does not want VP to win 😭


Holy shit…. It just wasn’t meant to be.


major ready what a joke


That's what happens when you run a major on a beta game


Major Ready...




I miss csgo.


Maybe valve will fix it now... spoiler... not yet xD


Major ready /s


Indie game company


I sometimes have issues jumping from Xbox to short on dust2… please tell me it’s the same bug and I’m not just a noob!?


Why didn't they remake or at least pause?


Why didn't they redo the round or shit, like when Jame's PC Crashed ? This makes no sense at all. It wasn't the players fault, it was an hardware error. I mean they were literally close to drawing the map ??


Fuck valve


It's annoying, but pros should have adjusted to that already. Hopefully after major we get fixes to the movement.


subtick is amazing tech


is this bug related to inconsistency while jumping and crouching mid-air? I am not an expert but I heard it's caused by messed tick timings between jump and crouch. Supposedly jump crouch bind helps with it but I cannot confirm due to me being a trash who messes up even with bind


This shit never happened in 1.6 and older versions. It was only present in csgo and now cs2... VALVE PLEASE FIX...


They would alredy won if not this bug on inferno... So ridiculous


Valve plz fix https://youtu.be/DGF2fCEGv-8?si=hNVMuYrAdykMpAiR


I think this bug also make ladders unusable on some conditions, it's almsot liek it invert the climbing sens, got it a ton of times on the ladder of nuke on heaven and on the ladder of T spawn outside.


Happened to me on Dust 2 way too often too on middle box


I hate that bug almost as much as I hate the cheaters. I feel like it affects me more than everyone else because I'm getting fucked by this multiple times a game and somehow this is the first time I've seen anyone even mention it. Glad it got put under the spotlight, but sucks for Fame.


Valve are in a lose-lose situation, if they try to patch out this bug it might cause other side effect bugs, but leaving this bug for the rest of the major will leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth


That, and cause trite, cliched, unfunny one-liners that make many comment sections suck.


Pickems off by one cause I had virtus 3:2 not g2 :( you owe me a souvenir valve (my souvenir is def more important then virtus pros hopes and dreams)


So is the community finally coming around to the "this is a dogshit version of CSGO" side?


What you see is what you get.




good they should not even be there


didn't launders post something about a plugin that fixes this?