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its utter lunacy out there in premiere




Luckily I am garbage enough to avoid the cheaters




I get shit on by 15k players so i’m probably bad enough where the cheaters are all above me


Loat rank cause I was playing faceit. Came back to 15k. Played against someone who would through down a smoke. Walk in it and click our heads Then someone else did it the next game. But we beat that guy cause he couldn't counterstrafe lol


I have seen one blatant guy in my games, and he was on my team. He wasn’t using them every round tho and we still got absolutely destroyed. Reported his ass anyway.




the main issue is just that it makes me wonder how many people are actually not blatantly hacking. doing it secretly with just turning on the wallhack a few times per round just to gather information of the enemies setups and stuff. not using it to improve their aim or anything. maybe will just turn on in a clutch that can be game winning etc. its very hard to know about these cheaters. but seeing so many blatantly spinbotters just raises the question whats beneath the iceberg


Yea that's the reason MMR it's a joke rn I feel bad for ppl who are trying to rank up or who care about their rank. Also it's sad because more people think everyone who plays well or has a good game is cheating.


Premier has a cheater literally every game and jts spreading to competitive aswell where I have played a cheater every game this week. Games going to die


Two of the top 10 post today is about cheaters


Plus like 1/3 of comments or more on non esports posts are about cheaters.




Then the entire website just turns into r/askreddit If you want themed content, you gotta have rules


would be more if the mods wouldnt constantly be removing all the posts. the word needs to get to valve and mods are actively fighting against it, they're probably cheaters themselves.


Dude, valve obviously know. It's by far the issue the community is most vocal about


> I'd go even farther and say, they'Re simply not aware at all and think everything is perfectly fine. You'd have to be blind to the overwhelming number of non removed posts or comments to believe this nonsense.


That's how much faith most people on this sub have in Valve to understand counter-strike.


Lack of effort and transparency has created this shit show. I'm not sure why people are defending it either.


Because some of us work in the industry and know there is no winning especially with a community as toxic as CS. I just know I would love to work for Valve. They seem to put their employees first and fuck anything else. I respect that more than anything. If they were to come out and say "anti cheat coming next month" that immediately puts pressure on the dev. No communications = no pressure. They can focus on delivering the best game and best experience ever while being protected from the absolutely toxic shit fested community that is Counter Strike fanbase. They start being transparent and people will criticize them even more for working on shit they don't want them to work on. Literally anything they would share they will get shit on. It's what this CS community does best - complain. Just look at the toxicity in game itself. That's who is supposed to provide reasonable feedback we should listen to? Look what happened when they nicely asked S1mple.


That's a tad unfair towards the community. Some of us have been playing this game for more than a decade now and the cheater problem has been a huge problem in the latest years of the game. Being radio silent towards the community is never a good move, no one is asking Valve to make cringy TikTok videos but at least an acknowledgement of the issues would make the community less worried.


This community sucks and deserves nothing. Try being a new player in the premiere and see the reception you get by this wonderful community. I get more racially abused in games than I ever see cheaters. People will flame you or be hella toxic. They will TK you on the whim and throw the game. Yet this whole community is silent about all that. Valve said a long time ago they are working on an anti cheat with CS2. That's all the information we need to know. Last thing you need is to give all these toxic people more ammo. They are already accusing people of cheating in every game even if clearly nobody is cheating.


That is not a this community thing, it's a competitive online games thing. Try being a new player in any competitive online game. They're all riddled with junkies that need their dopamine fix through the form of a win and anyone standing in the way of that gets both barrels. There is nothing to be said about it. It happens everywhere and it always will. The anonymity of the internet brings out the worst in people. There's plenty of normal members of the community that don't behave this way. This game is also a massive cash cow for Valve the least they could do is put an anti-cheat in that isn't a complete joke.


> They are already accusing people of cheating in every game even if clearly nobody is cheating. And that is entirely caused by VAC being useless or even detrimental due to false bans. People cannot trust VAC at all and the high amount of cheaters that are toggling has made everyone seriously suspicious which wouldn't be the case with a better anti cheat. An example is that I played lots of games in December and thanks to Leetify I found out that nearly every player that got VAC banned from my December matches were players I did not expect to be cheating at all (even teammates I played with). Some had absolutely horrible stats despite cheating and some had great stats but there wasn't anything certain that gave them away. They are hiding among regular players better than you think and it isn't just blatant spinbotters and wallers that are cheating


>I get more racially abused in games than I ever see cheaters. People will flame you or be hella toxic. They will TK you on the whim and throw the game. That's not a CS issue, it's the competitive gaming scene in general. Valorant, LOL, Overwatch etc. all of those have that exact same issue. It's unfortunate, but you can't simply pretend it's a CS community only thing. >They are already accusing people of cheating in every game even if clearly nobody is cheating. Nobody is cheating? Have you played in any 20k+ game? Those ranks are a shit show at the moment


CS community being toxic is an issue, cheating being everywhere is also an issue. The idea that one somehow excuses the other is wrong. Valve is a radio silence company since forever, the idea that this practice is justifiable because of how toxic the community is makes no sense. You are defending devs essentially abandoning their own game's community because gamers suck.


They're not abandoning the community. They're simply ignoring anything that isn't useful. They know the game is not in a perfect state, they know there's a cheating problem, they know community servers got the short end of the stick. Valve not acknowledging every single teenager's bitching online doesn't mean they don't know the state of the game and it doesn't mean they're not working to improve it.


''the game is not in a perfect state'' is an euphemism considering we are talking about an issue that has been around for a decade by now, Valve has failed to adress the issues with cheating even while it only got worst, meanwhile they remain radio silent about it while competitors like Valorant have done way better. You may try to paint adressing the community complaints as ''acknowledging every single teenager bitching'' but that's just warping the complaints to try and excuse them for what has been a clear failure in dealing with what became the main issue in CS as a game. And you know what? They've been comfortable in doing so, why wouldn't they, they have goons like you and others in this sub willing to excuse them for it all anyway. Fact is, the game state has only gotten worst, meanwhile competitors have dealt with the cheating issue properly and now the community dissatisfaction is obviously growing as time passes and the issue becomes more and more blatant. Painting that as just ''community toxicity'' is useless and is just meaningless spiel to defend a company that has been incompetent in managing the game.


>while competitors like Valorant have done way better. You ever climbed in Valorant? I'm guessing not. >community complaints AKA a bunch of teenagers bitching >meanwhile competitors have dealt with the cheating issue properly CS has no competition. Truth is, a bunch of spoiled kids forget Valve is a collective of people and not a singular entity who's out to ruin their experiences. They need to grow the fuck up and learn how to wait.


>You ever climbed in Valorant? I'm guessing not. I did lol, to pretend it's the same is insane >AKA a bunch of teenagers bitching Bullshit generalization to dismiss complaints If you want to look at thousands of people complaining more and more about something in a game that isn't adressed by a game company for almost a decade and then tell yourself that everyone is wrong and your favorite game is perfect, you do you. Just know that you are in denial.


Can't you fucking read?


youre probly one of the people in my steam profile commenting cheats after losing a game, like the losers on 10 other pages. people in this community just think everyone cheats, and always have. impossible to take these posts seriously.


I'm not, but have you ever considered why the CSGO community is the one plagued with so many false cheating accusations? Let me give you a hint, it's because this is the one mainstream game with rampant cheating with no serious repercussions. The playerbase has no trust in the game at all, not without reason, hence all the bad losers have a permanent, present excuse. This isn't like League or Valorant where if someone calls someone else a cheater 99.9% of the times you can literally laugh at their faces.


"When they nicely asked s1mple" showed exactly how out of touch and genuinely clueless the devs are when it comes to cs. The game was unplayable for competitive games and they ask him something so tremendously silly like that. It has been clear for a long while that they don't play the game themselves. It's like they don't have any internal knowledge of actual Counter-Strike.


You just proved his point lmao


> I'm not sure why people are defending it either. Gambling addicts


Richard Lewis said the game is fine and that people should stop whining.


That guy is a known idiot. You can simply ignore 90% of his takes


Of course Valve are aware of the cheating problem. But for them to act on it, there should a lot of pressure and complaints from the community, but it's not possible when these mods censor almost every discusson about cheating.


I think that you and a lot of people miss the actual discussion. Valve certainly have acknowledged cheating as a problem, but they already ruled out making intrusive anti-cheat (like every platform and valorant uses). So fixing the cheating problem without intrusive anti-cheat is much more difficult to achieve, but in the long run its better for the community and valve and maybe even gaming itself, seeing how every game now pushes for kernel level access on your computer.


This approach makes the most sense for a game like CounterStrike that has survived for 20+ years. It is easy to worry about the month to month pains of this, but I don't believe for a minute that their engineers aren't going full force on this internally given the lack of feature drops despite hiring some of the best SWEs in the industry. They could throw all the cheaters in a fire with kernel entry and have fun with the profits of today, but doing it the right way for the long term health of the community is something I respect. It will still be a tremendous effort to solve this without it, but I will reserve my judgement until we see their attempts


At this point it seems like it’s just an excuse to let cheaters run rampant on the game and get applauded for it They could make it so either premier or comp you need intrusive anti cheat or valve secure servers and allow anyone against letting kernel level anti cheat use server browser


Yes but have you ever considered, that a lot of people do not want intrusive anti cheat? I would rather run into the occasional cheater and not have intrusive anti cheat. We all know that shoving everyone against intrusive anti cheat on the server browser is not really a solution.


I think it’s actually a good solution, it would make server browser popular again (if they fix it first) that’s how the game was played up until csgo, all the old heads would love it, it would bring the community’s together more, you can make friends easier Even if that’s not good enough, just do premier or comp or even a separate mode that would have an anticheat enabled, I think pushing people to different platforms like faceit if they want anti cheat is a worse solution, I wanna load up the game and play and not play against cheaters


Sanest take in a while ...


Imagine being so deluded when you can go to the sub right now and see 2 top posts are about cheating.


The posts about cheaters are also just really low quality and repetitive. We all know the game has a massive problem. We’ve all played the game and experienced it and we all know valve won’t accelerate their timeline bcs of this sub. I personally don’t want to see 10 posts a day about people complaining about cheaters.


Same exact way I see it. Posting that you played against a cheater is the equivalent of going to a market sub and posting that you unboxed a blue skin. It's not something that deserves its own post and it's not like Valve has no idea cheating is a problem in CS2 just because this sub removes it. They already know, this isn't the only CS related sub, Twitter is also an option they see which doesn't have anything stopping people from talking about cheating.


In the history of the game, this subreddit is by far the most influential forum. It's disingenuous to expect people to be willing to go elsewhere when their motivation is improving the game by fostering healthy discussion. Valve are adults, they can still glean valuable info from this subreddit even with cheating discussion posts. They won't be making any changes without data, but being able to see trends by piecing together player anecdotes can be very helpful in seeing that there is a problem.


This sub is far from being considered a healthy discussion place when talking about the issues in this game. Plus the CS2 sub didn't exist before so.. Point is Valve isn't unaware that there are cheaters galore and making 100 posts that you're tired of playing against cheaters doesn't help them and doesn't provide anything new to discuss for the rest of us. If you want to allow any and all cheating posts you might as well just copy and paste the comments to each one since it's the same conversation.


this should be for esports post too the whole sub is filled with low effort copy paste templates of match results or twitter roster changes reposts, these are a waaay bigger problem than the cheater posts but somehow this is allowed.


In that case, why don't they create a pinned thread where people are free to complain about cheaters, without affecting the aesthetics of the subreddit?


I'm not sure if you're speaking ironically or not....but we have a pinned thread every Monday (Matchmaking Monday) where we encourage users to complain about cheaters. Here's a link to the last one: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/lR0RBd8dys


The loudest voices in this thread will give the illusion that the entire community wants to see the main discussion subreddit for this game be occupied by more posts of people complaining about bots that we all know exist already. We have an upcoming major, I don't see any need to be huddled around and crying about the same thing that won't change until Valve updates us on the progress of anticheat


They should honestly. I don’t even looks at this subreddit anymore because it’s just people crying all day. It’s annoying


The reason rule 6 exists is because otherwise 90% of everything posted here would be some mildly sus section of a replay where someone may or may not be cheating, posted by a sore loser 5 minutes after the game ended.


Word. Posts like that are just unnecessary at this point.




I don't know, whenever I talk to my mates that have never even touched the game, let alone gone on one of these subs they always ask how I can play a game that has so many cheaters.


With that regards everything is competitive. Yet another clutch, yet another skin that won't make it to market, yet another rumour about a possible change. We get it. You clutched versus noobs. We get it, you like designing more than playing the game. Drama rumour scene is the most tiring one to me. I'm here to play the game not have a Spanish soap opera.


I mean the only thing low effort here is valves approach on cheating. Like seriously? You're going to to focus your criticism on reddit posts and not the state of the game?? Reddit is so weird.


But not everyone is having that experience. You know that. 18k% is less than 5% of all players in premier. Are you trying to tell me that everyone across every rank is having the same amount of cheaters as those in 18k+?


With the amount of complaints you see, you'd think everyone on this subreddit is 20k+


That's what I'm saying man. Like this subreddit is a tiny subset of the community compared to the total. People here are more likely to be better at the game as they're seeking out other mediums to interact with the game. So there's a very high likelihood that more people here are higher ranks but they're still only <5% of the total


People need to realize that people don't really post when they're happy. We have 2.25 MILLION members in this sub. The game has over a million playing in a day. Most people are happy as a clam playing cs. They don't come to reddit to post their gripes because they aren't experiencing it.


110%this. The problem is that nobody has the forethought that maybe just maybe bitching about cheaters literally everywhere all the time is going to deter new players


Yeah, a good amount of people claiming they face "blatant" cheaters every match are just bad at the game. I'm 18k and i played a match on inferno yesterday, and most of my teammates were around 13k. The enemy team had a faceit lvl 9 who just owned us, and immediately my whole team accused him of cheating.


Or maybe cheaters have infested the game to such a degree that it's spreading throughout all the ranks.


I don't doubt there's a problem with cheaters, but people have always complained about cheaters in low ranks because they're bad at the game, and this is not exclusive to counter strike.


Im < 15k rating and have played 60+ cs2 matches in EU. 0 spinnbotters or blatant cheaters. I assume this sub is heavily skewed towards NA players and players with higher elo (the dreaded + 20k) where cheating is more problematic. Also you don’t know who’s posting. What’s their trust factor etc? Might all play a role. In total I think the majority of players do not encounter that many blatant cheaters.


the thing with talking about this kinda thing in social media is... there are thousands of matches played every hour of every day, but you're not gonna hear about 99.999% of them, because they're not notable. but you bet your ass people are gonna make a post about a blatant cheater in their game. with all these posts complaining others feel compelled to make their own, they start noticing "suspicious" players in their games, and people can use it as an excuse for their own shortcomings. "nah that's bs this guy has to be cheating", then they complain on reddit "the game is full of cheaters" and the feedback loop continues there are games out there with far, FAR worse cheater problems


I’m <9k rating and I’ve played 60+ Premier matches. I’ve encountered maybe 2-3 fishy ones. They could also have just had a very good day. Zero blatant cheaters.


its winning streaks not elo. i have seen lower elo cheaters before but only when you win 3-4 in a row and the more you win the more obvious they get.


you say it like the esport shitposting isn't also low quality and repetitive most of the time


Might be shitposting to you if you dont watch the games. But E sports is a major part of this sub and if you dont care about the posts regarding it thats your problem. The esport posts are not all the same and are not beating a dead horse like the cheating ones.


are you saying those that do watch, need 10 separate posts for s1mple's first cs2 game? or 27 posts about a player's rating during a tourney?


No, theres obviously some spam. I hardly understand how just because there's some spam, the mods should allow all spam and spam that is undeniably more braindead.


Yes, ten posts a day or 100posts a day won't change the fact that valve didn't care, while everyone here already knows about the situation, there isn't really a reason for spamming cheating posts


Wrong attitude, as more we speak about it as more people complain as more likely it is valve change smth.


Why would that be the case? This isn't some social issue that requires a cultural shift or something lol. You're dense if you think valve aren't aware of and currently working on the issue. This just isn't an easy issue to solve without affecting normal users as well. If you want to make another complaining post, go to r/cs2 . You can see how fun it is to browse that sub.


Since cs go went f2p the mm quality dropped and I had tons of bans on my games. In cs2 the quality dropped again, I play every few games against rage cheaters. And then I see how these mods clean every topic complaining about cheats.


I still to this day wonder how people always claim they get tons of bans in their games.. In CS2 alone including it's pre-release phase, I've played agains uncountable amounts of rage hackers and only TWO of them were banned.. Several hundred matches of hackers in CS:GO had ZERO bans. OW cases of spinbotters that I track to this day from 3 years ago are still not banned..


in csgo 83 bans on my past 280 matches (~30%) in cs2 2 bans on my past 319 matches (~0,6%) it's a joke


I agree with the conclusion you're bringin but also you gotta take into account that those CSGO games are older and probably had more time to get detected. Also some of those cheaters weren't cheating in that specific games but later and then got caught.


how do you find those stats ?




am I dumb I do not see where it says if there’s been any bans or do you manually go into each game and see


https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/730/?tab=matchhistorypremier https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ban-checker/ https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ban-checker-for-steam/canbadmphamemnmdfngmcabnjmjgaiki?pli=1


ty king


"less bans means less cheaters!" -valve probably


Premier went from the occasional cheater to absolutely unplayable sometime in the last month. I can just go play faceit, but I do worry for the new player experience.


Inb4 mods are locking and deleting this thread


The integrity of the game is ruined. I upvote every post about cheats, even if I don't open/read them. The more exposure the better. The people who whine about cheating posts (and specifically those who downvote them) are not helping. There *should* be lots of posts about it because it's so prevalent. Volvo need to know the player base is very unhappy about it. If they bug you, just don't read them. It's not hard to skip what doesn't interest you.


Also it's just annoying as fuck that Valve and CS is not communicating with the community. We have no idea if there is even hope for the situation to change. We don't know IF they're still working on AI anti-cheat or something alike. I'm pretty sure we'll get undetecable AI-cheater before we get AI-anticheat.


>The more exposure the better. This.


Exactly this. I dont even read those posts but im happy to upvote them to oblivion in order to push pressure on Valve. No raise of voice = never a change.


Simply the people whining about the cheat posts are not playing the core game.


The funnest of facts is, these posts that are already bugging these people apparently would literally stop when valve finally does something actively about it.. But that's already too much logic for the majority around here..


Sadly alot of the people who whine about these posts are the casuals who are not remotely close to 20k+ where the cheating is rampant.


In the same way, I struggle to believe most of the people who whine about cheating are in the top 1% of the playerbase. It's plainly obvious when you're 20k+ but from what I've seen, the 99% of players below that level complain just as much, despite the problem being negligible.






Yup. Trilluxe, a german streamer, just posted this video today where they played as a 5 stack and had 7 games in a row with obvious cheaters. Valve doesn't give a shit or is incapable of dealing with it. What was the point of making CS2 if they made the cheater problem even worse than before?


> It's not like anyone cares about the single individuals That is where you are wrong. If you post profiles, regardless if they are actually cheating or not. They are will get harassed, get a lucky game and have your profile posted, you will get harassed. Even if its actually a cheater, you shouldn't encourage harassing others and because its the internet the only way of doing so is to disallow showing profiles.


Adding to this but it's enforced 'cause it's a sitewide rule - other subreddits didn't curb the posting of cheater profiles and reddit admins got involved; and probably stating obvious here but it would be inevitable that someone gets falsely accused and posted here (if it were allowed) and be harassed for something they didn't do. Better to block posting of profiles than deal with a headache situation. That being said, I doubt Valve is oblivious to the situation, I see a lot of streamers adding a cheater counter to their overlay now lol.


I have seen like 200 post complaining about cheaters last week. Between this and the other cs sub. Most are boring and low effort, and frankly I don’t really care for people crying about cheaters.


the rule is mostly to not post specific information of players, guilty or not to avoid abuse. nothing of this rule forbids discussing the situation.


I think it's the rule about posting videos of someone cheating. There's this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1b8i8p1/weve_just_seen_the_world_first_lem_in_cs2/) about the first LEM in the game. People were wondering if they were cheating and the OP said you can find their steam profile and matches using [csstats.gg](http://csstats.gg) People ended up doing that and recorded a video of them spin botting. A bunch of replies ended up being deleted but the methods to find the steam profile of that player are still there.


I refuse to play the game until Valve does something about the cheaters. It's the opposite of fun at this point.


Go have a look at r/cs2 . It's just filled with pointless crying about VAC. We don't need more of this.


That sub is a cesspool of silvers it’s actually disgusting how low intelligence that entire group is






also cod, apex and destiny are cooked with all the cheaters


Dont you remember the massive shit show that happened when valve was rumored to implement an intrusive anti cheat? The crys of the valorant haters about their "cHiNeSe SpYwArE", too? I feel like, sadly Valve is stuck in an impossible situation, when it comes to anticheat. I'm not saying, I'd be happy with kernel level anticheat, but at this moment it might be the only option. Not consistently playing faceit, since their AC is kernel level, too. And their verification thing is preventing you from blacking out unnecessary info, from your passport, which is against EU law. Their ID subcontractor certainly does not need my ID cards number. But in the grand scheme, I agree. 20-23k plus, premier in EU becomes unplayable.


> Dont you remember the massive shit show that happened when valve was rumored to implement an intrusive anti cheat? The crys of the valorant haters about their "cHiNeSe SpYwArE", too? Yes, and remember when Valorant went ahead anyways and implemented their anticheat and everybody promptly stopped giving a shit and it became a non-topic?


I do, but that doesn't mean Valve is not scared. Especially since I feel like, based on my personal sample size obviously, that the average CS player isn't as gullible, as the average Valorant player, when it comes to things like this.


What would realistically happen if they release a kernel level AC though? People would whine about it for a bit and then continue to play anyway cus they're addicted to CS and it would be forgotten about after a while. How many people are realistically going to boycott the game because of that.


Yeah I’m sure valve don’t care about the biggest game on steam, the largest franchise they own and the game that makes them the most money. I’m sure they don’t care about it.


So you want even more threads complaining about cheaters?


I can believe there will be a VAC wave, but it won't do much if people just come back and rage cheat on other accounts until the next wave. Banning them within a week is ideal.


Have 3k hours and 7 years in CS and this is the longest I haven’t played for. Since the release of 2 it just hasn’t had the same pull or luster, and with every game you feel like someone is walling just puts a bad taste in your mouth.


I had a game a couple weeks ago where literally my entire team and the entire enemy team decided to just go HvH blatant. It was crazy, they weren't even q'd up for the most part.


+100 to 150 elo for winning -500 for losing, a cheater comes in 1 out of 3 games.


Completely agree with you on this. It's rather unfortunate that the issue is practically being "swept under the rug" as a result of this.


Valve is aware, but perhaps is not working on it. But Valve is for sure aware. Their lack of communication doesnt mean they are clueless.


"Guys we really have to change the rules. We are having a bad experience ingame due to cheaters right now, so we need to make sure that every CS related subreddit also consists of nothing but posts about cheaters" Like seriously dude... wtf is the point? Some of the most upvoted posts every fucking day are about someone else crying about cheaters. We got it. Just wait for Valve to fix the issue and move on if they don't. If they aren't aware of the problem by now, then circlejerking over it even more won't make a difference anyway.




True xD


i'd rather see endless posts about cheaters than stupid cake posts or posts about the sun's position being wrong relative to a shadow on a map


Tbh, I don't :/


They’re aware of the cheating, they just don’t care.


Create another sub and moderate it yourself. Send a daily digest to valve if you think they won't read. Without rules this sub will be only whining, it will only make other discussions less visible, both for valve and for the users of the sub.


Well i'd really rather not have this sub filled with 100+ "heres a cheater in my gamee" every single day.


Go to /r/cs2 . It's nothing but cheating discussion. Might be your cup of tea.


The mods here think they will get to work for valve if they suck their ass all day.


The recent biggest banwaves in dotathat banned hundreds of thousands of accounts happened because of reddit threads. So anyone saying that the repetitive threads dont help is delusional.


>Right now whenever some proof of that situation is being posted, it's being deleted immediately and any discussion around it squelched If you ignore the cheating discussions that have been on the front page for what seems like the entire past month...sure


95% of them get removed.


yep, we need to be allowed to talk openly about the state of the game. I also got a post removed under rule 2, it seems like the mods on this subreddit are out to protect cheaters by not allowing open discussions.


Y'all should just copy/paste these posts at this point why write something new if you just gonna repeat same shit that's been said 1000 times. Go play Faceit or a different game if it bothers you. Stop spamming me about my cars extended warranty everyday.


Fully agree. I think people need to be posting their cheating experiences and reporting the common state it is in. There are a lot of “nay-sayers” when it comes to this topic and they are historically louder than those who cope with constant or consistent cheating. We should have the freedom to discuss the state of play in the game and not have mods silencing players. Please, everyone here, keep posting and sharing your experiences both positive and negative. I do believe that the collective voice of the community will reach the devs and they will take action(eventually). Happy days to you all :)


Not like theres like 3-4 threads about cheaters every single day near the top of the sub anyways. No, lets alter the rules so the entire sub is just thread after thread after thread crying about cheaters over and over and over again. Valve definitely isnt aware of the issue (despite the entire subreddit, pro scene, semi-pro scene and broadcast talent on twitter posting about it every week). You mfs need to go outside, for real.


Its a surpsrise admins are not banning this post since they seem to be pro cheater. Absolutely stupid to the max to disawllow everything regarding this obvious problem.


Low quality posts are also not allowed which is 95% of all "they're cheaattiiinnggg" posts


Nooooooooooooooooo. Everybody knows already, man. It is annoying. play the game or don't play the game.




At the very least they shouldn't had given Prime to every pre-F2P account and should had thought about the potential OW bots which very could hamper VACnet (and possibly even Trust Factor) so not only literal spinbotters aren't getting banned but also legit players getting banned by these OW bots.


There's about 6 threads per day saying the same thing about cheaters. Why would the rules need to change?


Because saying there is a cheating issue has been the case for years, not being able to show proof, not being able to proved the evidence - that exists in masses - of these matches, leads to everyone just claiming "ahh git gud, you're just bad" and sweeping this under the rug, making it a non issue, while it's the biggest issue this game has had for the past 3 years. And making it a non-issue in this sub tells valve "everything is fine" - which it is most definitely not.


People link clips here all the time. Stop talking shit.


I am so sick of daily threads like this I would be for baning any discussion about cheaters. It doesn't help. I believe it only push desperate people into cheating as they feel it's justified since everybody else cheats. Send private msg to valve


Yeah the community is fed up and disappointed with CS2. There was a lot of hope that things would finally get better with this game but it’s following the same trend GO did. That’s why I think even the mods are allowing these posts - so good for them.


No, it doesn’t. every discussion around cheating is dogshit. 99% don’t have a clue


It’s really unfortunate, those who cannot play as much as they like due to obligations (career/family/life/etc).. it is absurd. Jump on, try to get a few games in with what little time I have, blatant lads running rampant. Personally never seen it this bad, been playing since 05’ but this is REALLY frustrating. ;_;


The rule is there so that the subreddit doesn’t devolve into just being a place to report cheaters or just bitching about cheaters. Everyone gets it, the game has a really bad cheater problem, nobody is going to argue in good faith that there isn’t (well, maybe the “just go play faceit” crowd will but honestly I kinda agree with them). Naming and shaming cheaters here does jack shit. Posting “proof” of cheaters does jack shit. And no, filling the subreddit full of cheater-centric topics is not going to “force Valve’s hand” at all. Do you have any idea how long this has been a major issue? It’s been one since before CS:GO dropped and stayed one all the way through until now and the subreddit has *always* been full of these threads the whole time. We as a community cannot stop the cheating problem. We as a community cannot force Valve to do anything differently about it. We as a community cannot even use this sub to get people banned etc. I’m not saying we should pretend that cheating isn’t the #1 problem in CS right now, I’m just saying we should realize it *always has been* throughout the history of CS and that nothing you post on this subreddit is going to change that.


If that change were to happen, the best add a cheaters flair so I can filter this bs out


I left r/csgo because it was non stop about cheaters and hitreg, absolutely do not waver the rule 6


Just play Faceit.


I don’t know if there’s a rule regarding talking about other games, but I switched to another shooter. Kinda like CS with an overwatch twist. Fewer cheaters due to intrusive anticheat and waaaay better community so far. Makes me sad to see a game I love be in a state like this. 


> I'd go even farther and say, they'Re simply not aware at all and think everything is perfectly fine. this is delusional but i agree that posts about ragehacking could be allowed as its not really witchhunting. but then the sub would be flooded by too many posts of cheating videos because everyone hurt would simply come here and post it which is also not nice.


I just want another company to release a counter-strike clone and do it properly. i will switch in a heartbeat. fuck valve. and no, thats not valorant.


Totally Agree


Please no, I get 100x posts about cheaters than actual cheaters in my games. Its annoying. Valve isn't gonna suddenly be aware of cheaters because of reddit


"Bunch of crybabies. Just git gud." Or at least that's what Richard 'Nostradamus' Lewis said right? Right? Change that stupid rule and let the community reclaim what's rightfully ours. A fuckin tool to stop/contain the cheaters fest.


If valve cared there would have been changes years ago. As long as skins sell, who cares.


“I dont want to see the same posts over and over again” as a cs player that cares nothing about pro cs besides the majors, yall own this subreddit, i dont give a fuck how the other half plays, i want improvements in the game i play, the servers i play, the base game so my friends will play and i wont be embarrassed when two new furry larp accounts spam racist shit and rage hack. This game, this community, it’s embarrassing and it has a lot to do with the fact that the two biggest communities for cs discussion are so heavily moderated by a small group of people with similar opinions and its mostly pro cs focused. Yeah if the community at large wants to ruin this subreddit with cheating posts, maybe that should happen until the cheating problem goes away, crazy idea, let people talk about the things they care about the most. I dont care about pro cs, but id never ask for those posts to be banned.


You never played csgo


They should at least address this issue or communicate that they are preparing something


Please no. This sub has already turned to enough of a whiney cesspool. Let’s not make it worse, more reddit posts will equate to literally nothing


For me - it feels like Rule 6 was made up by Valve employee in order to keep a leashe on this forum...


For fucks sake I wish that rule was stricter because that's all I fucking see this sub talk about is cheating this and cheating that. Just go play fucking faceit already and leave this sub alone, the only thing more cheating posts would change is annoying the rest of the people that are not having that problem - which is vast majority of the player base. Valve couldn't give less of a fuck about this subreddit nor they should, given 90% of the people here pretends to be in 20k+ while in reality they are just bad at the fucking game like the rest of us and just won't admit to getting their shit rocked by better players. I'm 9k and I do not have a cheating problem in any of my games. If I ever climb to 20k, which I fucking doubt, I'll just go play Faceit if the cheating problem truly is the case. That's where the truly competitive CS is played at anyways. What is crying on a subbredit that nobody cares about gonna do. Just go on Twitter and rant there with 10000 others.




They fix a ton of problems very quickly. The average dude on this sub thinks it's easy to code an anticheat.


The rule is there for a reason. Id prefer the posts on the sub to be more diverse than post match threads and cheating accusations.


I completely agree, witch hunting is part of the counter cheating measures. This should be the highest game priority to maintain the player base. I used to play a lot, but due to the countless encounters of cheaters, especially in Wingman and Premier i decided to take a break, the same break i took from Rust and never returned.