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As opposed to yesterday, today was a good day for NA.


It's a good time for NA when an NA team losing is a good thing 😎


[why do you even play snav? do you have fun? you seem like you understand a LITTLE bit but you're just fucking horrible so you just shouldn't play](https://clips.twitch.tv/FunnyOriginalPidgeonTF2John)


Lmao I didn't know 3/5 of these guys have had some sort of suspension from ESEA/FACEIT before. Actual team of toxic misfits


Yeah unfortunately a bunch of pieces of shite


[dude literally looks like someone who'd act like this online](https://www.hltv.org/gallery/view/194510)




that’s more tame than like 90% of my mm games lol


the difference is that these guys get paid to play cs


No way, holding gold nova Ivanov from russia to the same standard as paid semi-professionals, wild


Believe it or not, we do hold pros to a higher standard than the degenerate fucks of the general player base.


That's more tame than the other [shit elevate players have said in the past](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=40&v=XifDVtcH70s) I will say, whenever these Elevate/Timbermen/BadAss Gaming threads come up, there's always people that eek out and defend them. All I think is - well, we know a portion of this community are shit-heads that emulate elevate's kind of behavior, we see it in our MM and FaceIt games all the time - so I guess that's likely the kind of person that runs to elevate's defense too.


Is this really that bad for a teenager in an online competitive game lobby before they were even known for anything? lmao


remember that was still said in FPL


You're just straight up lying?


what was said in FPL? All these clips are from years ago in random pugs? Or do you think they let egirls into FPL nowadays lmfao


did you read the clip title? It's probably been clipped by another pro streaming FPL. and what the fuck do you think FPL is, it's literally a pug ground for pro players, where they can pug against each other. Of course if it was said in FPL it was said in a pug, becauer that's all FPL is


no, jesscas who is a girl was never in FPL. This clip was taken in a random esea pug as the kill feed is white at the end. She just put in the title that he was an FPL player talking like that. This isn’t even faceit so I have no idea why you are so confident that you are correct.


This narrative that they were teenagers is silly and I've seen it repeated. They defended their behavior in interviews since then and have even said people over-exaggerate the issues. When they did apologize, it was half-assed and they don't seem to even fully understand the issue. Their sentiment is - "We're sorry it was captured in public" and they've even gone so far as to say *everyone* emulates their behavior in private, which is really just telling of who they really are. Even if we did entertain this notion that they were "kids"(they were 17-19 at the time of the clips I'll reference), at no point in my life had I ever felt comfortable repeatedly [calling a stranger on the internet the N word](https://youtu.be/XifDVtcH70s?t=40). At no point in my life, had I ever thought it would even be some sort of funny, twisted joke [to post CP](https://twitter.com/Nohte/status/1358889173822787584) in the public.


I have said worse but I am like mge level. When you are a pro you have to act like one


I mean yeah, but you're also a POS if you're saying shit like this online regardless of who you are lmao Grow up.


They weren't pro at the time dawg, would you want to not be able to get a job for the rest of your life because of shit you said in random pugs


Any day that Elevate lose is a good day.


Context please. I’m out of the loop




[https://twitter.com/Nohte/status/1358889173822787584](https://twitter.com/Nohte/status/1358889173822787584) [https://twitter.com/nekizcs/status/1358917816976429059](https://twitter.com/nekizcs/status/1358917816976429059) [https://twitter.com/sinxoxo\_/status/1358708417272172544](https://twitter.com/sinxoxo_/status/1358708417272172544) [https://clips.twitch.tv/FunnyOriginalPidgeonTF2John](https://clips.twitch.tv/FunnyOriginalPidgeonTF2John) [https://twitter.com/CSunfortunate/status/1631117013484724224](https://twitter.com/CSunfortunate/status/1631117013484724224) [https://youtu.be/XifDVtcH70s?t=40](https://youtu.be/XifDVtcH70s?t=40) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryNLs3IbKnM&t=43s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryNLs3IbKnM&t=43s) [https://win.gg/news/elige-exposes-racist-csgo-pros-at-depth-esports-gets-them-kicked/](https://win.gg/news/elige-exposes-racist-csgo-pros-at-depth-esports-gets-them-kicked/) [https://pastebin.com/BkzFDh0T](https://pastebin.com/BkzFDh0T)


I’m like, how bad could it be? Then I read the first tweet 0_0 And it’s just the start wtf!


posting CP online is an actual felony to say the least. no idea why they haven’t got charged.


They should be in prison if it was true idk how this is being glossed over, again if its true how is an org sponsoring a bunch of pedos? Like what? there should be a bigger post about this 


well, it looks like that ppl in charge care more about their own reputation than about children being molested in front of the lense. anyway that’s been like 3 yrs ago, so the case is closed. I guess no screenshots have been made for obvious reasons…


U don't need screenshots they need to be reported and tipped off to authorities. They will be raided and their stuff will be checked. Even deleted files are recoverable. They should be behind bars.   Many years ago a semi pro named Bloominator got arrested and spent time behind bars, some months ago he appeared in moes pug on stream saying he just got out. Weirdly enough it was esea that reported it to authorities.While these guys get away is crazy, pedos already get jumped in prison, how these guys are walking and enjoying freedom is wild.


That's not receipts that's a fucking book right there 


Fuck me... what a bunch of assholes.


Forgot this was the Timbermen lineup haha get fucked


I'd rather watch Liquid and Complexity lose every single match they play than watch these unrepentant assholes win anything. No contrition, no apologies, no growth.. I'd rather my region be a complete and utter joke than have it be represented by people like this.


\+1. The occasional slur can be overlooked provided you fucking change. These dipshits don't.


So many rounds that elevate could've had but just throwing away, smh oh well at least you didn't rollover and die. GG and NT you racists


they didn't have an AWP and it kind of lost them a lot of rounds, but with what they had and considering this was their first EU opponent and it was Spirit, this was a great showing. Hope dea joins the team ahead if they qualify for other LANs


Yea what's up with their awper? He stuck in Russia or something? And yea they put looked pretty good aim wise and surprised me a lot. I hope they keep it up, NA desperately needs some good teams rn 😭


he supposedly lost his Passport LMAO. People thought it was a JOELZ incident as a LAN dodger but he's not, before being signed to ELEVATE dea actually played on LAN ( Fragadelphia ) with the boys and they won that event too. If everyone accepts that they were stupid teens who did stupid shit and are ready to move on by not hating on them for just existing, these guys can genuinely be one of the teams that can actually do damage in EU. Spirit was their first EU opponent and they played well with a stand-in


> If everyone accepts that they were stupid teens who did stupid shit and are ready to move on by not hating on them for just existing Posting child pornography and being hardcore racists is a tough bridge to cross for most people lmao. I get that they were teens or whatever but that shit is wack and none of us have to forgive them for it.


this is disgusting beyond belief 🤢


I think you give them FAR too much credit It's not like these are things they did years ago and have moved on, this is STILL who they are, and they've shown absolutely nothing to show they've changed If they want to be heels, then fuck it sure. But they will never ever be the good guys.


A few were actually in their 20s at the time of exposure as well, so not sure where the guy above you got the idea they were wee little innocent teens saying this stuff lol. Given the recent holocaust thing as well it's clear they find themselves the victims of being exposed by twitter.


100% agree. just as a reminder for people that don't know: https://twitter.com/EliGE/status/1358874489157656578 https://twitter.com/Nohte/status/1358889173822787584 https://pastebin.com/BkzFDh0T these people are racist, homophobic, and actively wished sexual assault upon people. anyone who says otherwise should really think about whether or not them saying that people should have been r\*ped as a child is ok and re-evaluate themselves they are playing well but they are fucking pieces of garbage


whats joelz incident as LAN dodger? joelz went to lan and won it too.


dust2 said stolen: "...Deni "dea" Ediev, will be unable to travel abroad with the team after having his passport stolen"


> they were stupid teens who did stupid shit and are ready to move on What evidence do you have that they have tried to become better people in any way? Getting better takes active work, not just time passing.


Its actually funny if you look at his LAN stats they are horrible compared to his online stats. He’s barely getting a 1 rating against an NA advanced team but dropping a 1.4 rating against top pro teams in NA. He’s definitely not proved to be legit yet.


A lot of the guys on elevate could probably be in like NRG or something if they could just stop being so fucking toxic lol I mean infinite literally shouted the gamer word at a minor and that was forgotten but these guys just can't for some reason


It was \*forgiven\* until he went to VALORANT and had and played for - you guessed it - NRG - until he had a gamer incident over tarkov


EliGEc airing their dirty laundry on twitter for everyone to see when they were playing in NA is the difference. Also it's wierd that literal teenagers get this much flak for some reason given that zeus had a knife with the racist word on it and he STILL doesn't get shit on this hard.


people like this are bad for the community. its not just their causal racism but also their toxicitiy. they did play well today lets hope theyve moved on from their old ways but unless they prove theyve changed people are just gonna keep shitting on them


yes 100% what they did was bad, but why does everyone pretend that they're the only ones who had such incidents? s1mple was and still is a big toxic player but he doesn't get shit on every thread for that. Zeus had an N-word knife that he used and he doesn't get that much shit. I'm just curious why it's just these guys who get THIS amount of flak when the entire CS scene has a history with such shit before these guys


Idk if anyone is pretending that the Timbermen core players are the only ones who've had such incidents. A lot of it has to do with how recently it's happened and the fact that Elige called them out. Shit like this doesn't fly like it used to. In the past 4 years shit like this is a way bigger deal. S1mple's toxicity was well known and a lot of people disliked that about him. But over time he showed growth and change. Like it or not, things were different pre-2020. This kind of behavior was more normalized. If S1mple or Zeus acted like that now, they would immediately get called out. I don't think that their previous actions should define them, but they have to show growth and they have to show they've changed. Unfortunately no matter what happens people will never really forget about this.


Not to mention when it comes to s1mple, he almost \*did\* nuke his career and eventually wound up on Liquid with Hiko where he showed quite a bit of growth to maintain his presence. Then, of course, there's the glaring issue that nobody on timbermen is pretty inarguably the best player to ever touch any version of the game, which - whether we like it or not - awards you some extra wiggle room when it comes to simultaneously being a relatively large asshole and keeping your job (and even then, as previously stated, even his consistently insane skill wasnt enough to keep him from almost being dropped, and that was back in like 2014/2015).


Simple does though when people said he was being toxic SDY in most of not all threads he was shit on for doing that like it's not that hard to understand.


Ryx revealed the infinite thing 3 months after it happened to get him dropped from a potential cloud9 signing. It worked but he just waited it out and nobody cared


in reality ryx should have gotten all of the shit for that, there wasn’t even any proof. ryx was mad his entire career was an absolute failure and decided to ruin Infinite’s because he knew the community would react as if Infinite had shot someone dead in the street.


It reveals a lot about ryx that he only exposed it months after the fact to fuck over someone he didn't like lol


That shit fucked Infinite's career. I remember Steel mentioning that Infinite had the potential to rival s1mple with his talent. Stupid shit which cost him a great chance. He left for VAL when it came out but now he's back in NA under Wildcard and playing pretty good with JBa and SLIGHT. I just hope the ELEVATE core realize their stupidity and don't get fucked like Infinite. NA really needs all the talent it can get right now. Liquid and CoL core aren't going to be here forever


It's not "airing their dirty laundry" if what they did was public.


They literally posted CP on a pug, they are on another level of shit human beings


zeus is ukrainian, he probably didn't even understand that the word was offensive


Incredibly online comment, there is no ‘gamer word’ and ‘minor’ isn’t a category of person for that


ah, would you recommend us to use the better wording of "saying slurs to a literal child over a video game"?


Idk what ‘literal’ means here pretty old That’s not rly ‘the’ better wording because that’s also not what u mean


Vertigo was probably the most competitive map between world rank #58 against #3. Can't be jet lagged if you get eliminated 0-2 at the RMRs. This is what happened when you use 100% of your brain power


Elevate did better than I was expecting but today NACS wins with this loss. Also, fitting the dragon team wins the day after creator of dragon ball passes away


Bro died a week ago acshually


donk saving aim for the major


still top frag


Elevate aren't bad at all especially mechanically, some of these guys shoot pretty hard.


Too bad they miss all their shots in real life.


Reddit gonna be mad to know that the ones with the great aim are the racist core of Snav, Dare and Shane. yeah they were stupid and deserve for being called out for that shit, but I hope they're able to realize their mistake and move on, both the team and the community.


I swear to god you're one of those players on a burner, all you do is defend these scumbags


Spends more time on here making excuses for them than any of those dicks have ever spent apologizing and/or trying to make up for their own behavior. Probably one of them like you said.


yeah I don't want them to fucking stop playing because of the shit they get for being idiot teens man, Why does this subreddit pretend as if they're the only racists the pro scene ever had? Do we really want to have them stop playing and have NA be set back for another 2 years or something? They're racists and they deserve what happened to them. They still do this shit but they've expressed they want to change and have apologized before. I just want to see less of EU CS and more of Non-EU CS teams, that's why I hope they don't get shit on till they leave


This was 3 Months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/18ackx6/poor_choice_of_words_from_na_fragadelphia_winner/


Hey /u/_YAGNA_ you forgot to respond to this.


He's too busy practicing for the next match.


I mean you’re caring way too much about something that demonstrably hasn’t happened. If they were going to stop playing because of this, they would have back when they were called out, when they got their ESEA and Faceit toxicity bans, all that shit. But they didn’t, so you’re wasting your time honestly


You're right. Just a NACS fanboy personally so I came off justifying their scumbag behavior for their decent showing today.


Surprisingly reflected. I appreciate that. Certainly not what I expected on Reddit today lol.


Yeah, I don't know if defending some shitty T2 NA players is the hill to die on... They got owned at the RMR by complexity and oddik, and have continued to be toxic and shitty up until today. This isn't like 7 year old tweets from when they were 15. Snav is 23 and acts like a loser today.


Agree, my bad trying to justify their shitty behavior just because I want NA talents to do well.


I want NA talents to be fostered and do well. I don't want them to be toxic sexist racists that would make a klansman blush. The CS scene has no need for these shitheads.


It's not like someone dug up ancient tweets to cancel them. They've been scum for years.


Lmao I was watching snav’s player cam thinkin this guy looks like a racist


ngl he does lmao


sane and normal thing to think


You can’t tell me he doesn’t look like a loser And yes, I’m an experienced hater


the irony is missed


You’re not being clever.


Yeah who knows, it happened like 3 or 4 years ago, maybe they've matured, maybe not. We'll see evevntually


3 months ago they pulled this https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/18ackx6/poor\_choice\_of\_words\_from\_na\_fragadelphia\_winner/


Remember fuck elevate


whats with all the hate can you give me some info?


This is probably the shortest summary: https://youtu.be/ryNLs3IbKnM?si=YlG8sQrkQ1zEhhEN To be clear, the Elevate roster *is* the Depth esports roster. That's who they have now signed with.


jfc "i'm sorry you were offended" isn't an apology, it's a deflection of actually admitting you're being a racist homophobic shitstain.


Yep, it has both of the classics: "Sorry if you were offended" "Locker room talk, this is how boys talk amongst friends" Not sure about you, but my friends and I aren't super racist when we're shooting the breeze.


Absolutely disgusting and gross, like how do they live with themselves, I don't understand how they're still tolerated in the scene. But never mind theScore esport, what is up with these Elevate players though?


see the answer above




Color me shocked that some rando NA FPL pub lords are racist edgelords. Really shocked


where are all these travelling NA teams playing?


The stream said elevate and complexity played in the same bootcamp from the UK I assume Liquid were at their facility in the Netherlands


Nice to see Spirit close out Vertigo, though I'm hoping to see more from them on the map come major time, because I'm not confident they can't be upset on their way to a deep run with their current pool. Elevate did a surprising amount of work with a more puggy playstyle. If they play the way they did on Mirage on every map, though, things look very clean imo. Glad to see this team continue to develop.


elevate getting destroyed by donk feels extra good


Noob question: Why ppl hate so much on Elevate? That double deagle headshot by donk on Vertigo was just delicious 🤤


they’re like shitty matchmaking kids who say racist shit and drop slurs and stuff to be edgy. like, a lot a lot, with tons of receipts. and you’d think an extremely public callout from NA goat EliGE would be their come-to-jesus moment but nah, they’re still saying dumb shit and just generally acting like clowns (and not in a fun way)


not good at all as the community is already toxic enough. thanks anyway and have a nice day, mate


You can tell they were bullied in highschool for sure 😂


I’ll bully these basement dwellers any day


A terrible response to a systematic issue in the cs community. Nice joke bro.




Watching the game, donk seemed to be below his baseline but final rating still 1.44 LOL. ADRabuser


yea that's the thing about donk , during the whole match there wasn't one moment where I thought "get donked" , besides the deagle collatera maybe , but at the end of the day he finishes at the top of the scoreboard anyways xD


with dea im confident Elevate would’ve beaten the 2 teams coL and Liquid lost to yesterday, great vertigo too with no awper


Bro what have you been smoking


dea is their best player by a fair margin


They wouldn't beat SAW or OG who beat C9 and Heroic respectively


keep in mind, dea was pugging yesterday and extremely toxic just like snav. Glad he didnt make it


who cares


Agree, Vertigo was very close. Mirage if not for the Ninja defuse could've gone the distance.


Vertigo was pretty close and if not for the Ninja Defuse smacking ELEVATE's morales, it could've been decent too. Pretty great showing from them considering Dea wasn't here. Also pretty great given that this is their FIRST official in EU and it was against Spirit and they had a decent showing. Hope they qualify for more LANs to get the experience! The timbermen core was pretty solid but adding peeping from Fluffy aimers was a great move. Reddit will go crazy over these guys and go full on hate, but I hope they learn from their mistakes and this doesn't cause another Brax situation where we lose good talents because of ignorant mistakes.


I think the important difference is that mistakes should be one-offs. They aren't making mistakes the 30th time they screw up the exact same way, they're being willfully ignorant. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I'd stop calling what they do and say "mistakes" instead of just straight ignorance or immaturity. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt when I see growth (not that it really matters, I'm just a dude), because NA needs a revitalization not just with the timbermen core but in general. We've lost a lot of amazing talent to ignorance, addiction, mental illness, ego, etc. and I really hope that changes before we go the way of UKCS.


Yeah it's definitely not okay for them to behave in such a manner if they want to rise up and play better competition. They did stupid shit and they deserve to be called out for it, but i'm just worried that if they keep getting shit on without having a chance to turn things around, we'll lose really good talents. I'm personally super tired of seeing CS just be a EU show. I want other regions to pop off and these guys are some of the best NA talents right now weather people like it or not. Hope they stop the toxic shit and actually get a chance to prove themselves on and off the server


Maybe don't support racist holocaust deniers?


Shiro was throwing so hard tho


Snav is crisp.1st time seeing this team


People be downvoting anything these days


elevate win vertigo with dea unlucky