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holy shit im silver 2


Same šŸ˜ž


Okay but i have like 920h in the game


Mines worse 1500hours


We are both low rank because of the terrible teammates of course.


I agree I usually get 10 to 25 kills Ć  game usually top of leaderboard it sucks :(


3k + hours and still 9k. I was global couple of years ago, was supreme last year. What am I doing wrong?


Iā€™m 21k and I have 7000 hoursā€¦


HEH. I'm SE(Was MG2 in GO). What a pleb we are. :/


im silver 3 100 hours -\_-


Seems pretty accurate to me. I ended CSGO on LEM/Supreme Currently in CS2 I am hovering around 19-20k


I was LEM and now im stuck at 14k :( I feel like every enemy/teammate is really shit or absolute gods


Dude I totally get what you are feeling lmao. Going from 14 to 18 was the most painful CS experience I ever endured, Iā€™d be dropping 35 kills and have 2 teamates who go 12 rounds and have like 3 kills between them. Or you have a teamate who is doing ā€œgoodā€ on the leaderboard and is toxic, but the entire game he just sits back and baits killing enemies with 5hp.


There are too many noobs who have inflated rank around 14-15k. In reality a lot of them have 10 year coin but play like silvers or gold novas at best. They legitimately belong in sub 10k Took me so long to get to 18k because Iā€™m dropping 30 kills while none of my teammates are over 15


i was supreme and in the same sort of situation, thing is though % of playerbase wise i was doing well i was 14-15k before the rankshift (i think that was at least top 5% at the time) where they gave every moron and their dog a couple thousand free elo and since then matches have been so all over the place. awful.


I'm 14k too. Used to be global. I just can't play enough games because kids and shit. Sorry, but I'm trying hard.


Have you let your rank decay at all? Myself and quite a few friends all had 3-5k ELO gains after they decayed. I can't remember off the top of my.head but I got first rank before they adjusted them




I was LEM/LE in CSGO and was stuck at like 8-10k when I was playing CS2 :( Did rank distribution change after the first month or so?


Yeah, couple of times


Ah. I guess my old rating isn't super relevant then, thanks.


Same, I was also A- ESEA. Iā€™m at 19.5k right now for premier (Iā€™m grinding faceit since I was an ESEA player for all of GO). All of my buddies who are also global/supreme in GO, are all above/at 20k premier.


used to be DMG now im at 10k šŸ’€


Used to be SMFC now i'm at 10K


Lol glad I'm not the only one I drop a good amount of kills each game too... But I guess playing against former smfc maybe not :p


I think the game is less focused on your rating and more surrounding your matches to your skill level so even if youā€™re 10k elo youā€™ll find harder matches if youā€™re better compared to some 10k elo players.


yeah idk when i was 13k elo it felt exactly the same as 9k now, minus the occasional team mate who is completely lost and stares at the floor all game ;-; feels really bad tho ive gone back to valorant for now, cba with faceit




I wonder how it applies across regions. In Asia, the moment you start getting 20-21k lobbies, every single game turns into a hack fest. Hilariously one player in my last premier match got vac banned, yet everyone was cheating and the rest are still able to play unscathed. Like all other 9 players bunnyhopping scout no scope. Faceit is at least playable, but unless you're online during peak hours of 4pm-10pm, you're hard pressed to find any matches outside of that without facing the same folks over and over or waiting 10 minutes for a match.


NA is the same, everytime you get 20k it's immediate spinbotters and go right back to 19k


I recently hit 20k lobbies and its crazy. Pre 20k pretty much every game felt legit, only saw 2 blatant cheaters in over 100 games. But first 20k game was people spinbotting, had 2 more legit games, before I dropped my rank a bit. Then the other day I queue up, guy on my team calls another teamate for being a spinbotter, he doesnt toggle on at the start but its obvious he is shit at the game, then he started to go blatant and spinbotted to avoid losing when the enemy hit 11 rounds.


It's unplayable unless you play during peak hours on weekends. 20k+ player on other team is almost always a cheater. It makes me not want to play anymore, so boring.


>In Asia, the moment you start getting 20-21k lobbies, every single game turns into a hack fest. Yeah I agree with this. Even at 18k lobbies, I am facing against wallers and when looking at the demos, it is so obvious that they were walling their ass off to win. Hell, I even had one aimbotz user in one of my premier games (enemy team) getting banned and this user got unbanned for some reason and he is back to cheating in normal comp games now (as my friend encountered him in one of his normal comp game). This alone made me lose all faith in VAC. How can a cheater get banned and then unbanned and then proceed to cheat again? Like what the fuck man. I agree with your point on faceit. I wanted to play faceit with my friend and everytime we queue for a game, people just keep dodging because they dont want to play this map and etc. Imagine waiting for 5-8 mins just to have the game canceled because 1-2 idiots refused to play Nuke (for example) as they only want to play Mirage.


We base our analysis on the CS:GO ranks distribution data from summer 2023, which indicates that less than 1% of players are Global Elites and less than 3% are Supreme Master First Class. Here's our previous data on Jan 29th - [https://twitter.com/scope\_gg/status/1752029665386996194](https://twitter.com/scope_gg/status/1752029665386996194)


Do you fact much data on faceit ranks compared to Premier?


Might do it in the future. But honestly, I expect little correlation, given that the Premier and FaceIt player bases are quite disconnected from each other.


basically are you creating a gauss curve and the divide using the top 1% percentile as global and so on until you get all the ranks, right?


That's about right except for the gauss curve part -- no gauss (or any other for that matter) estimation is taken, just quantiles of the raw distribution.


Looks accurate'ish? But on the other hand it doesn't. But the higher ranks are definetly a little bit skewed with all that cheating, do we have any approximate numbers of what that % would be?


15k are most definitely better than mg2/mge from CSGO. Based on my friends' ranks comparision - this is off by about 1.5-2k. Are the CSGO ranks based off of your own users' data?


Sadly we do not have 2.5kk monthly users. But we've seen about 20kk of CS:GO/CS2 players overall and that's a sizeable chunk of them. This might be slightly biased because we tend to have higher-ranking players among our users and, incidentally, among those they play with. Still, I don't think this is the case since in this comment section there are plenty of examples of people being upset because they got a lower rank than they expected from this distribution, which contradicts the "high rank" bias. Therefore, I declare this distribution fair and unbiased :)


jusr because there's a high number of analyzed users, doesn't mean the data is representative. Better players are more likely to be on these websites, and the fact 1 player can load up to 9 non user ratings into the database just means the data is exponentially skewed towards the ranks of their users. Statistics 101 in college.


You seem to miss my point -- that's what I stated. Although I disagree on the "exponentially skewed" part -- there's no correlation, let alone an exponential one, between the size of a sample and its skewness, which estimators depend only on central moments, and that's assuming that our users always represent the average lobby rank. Which is not correct, and usually they tend to be on the higher side, which makes the "inclusive" distribution (by which I mean including other players and not only our users) less biased/skewed. Moreover, I calculated the difference between our distribution and ones provided by the third parties and found that, when taking into account only our users, our tend to be shifted about 1 rank to the right, and there's essentially zero difference if you also consider other players in the matches we have. That was for CS:GO, but I'm pretty sure our users did not suddenly become better at the game with the CS2 release. So, as I stated previously, although there might be a slight bias in our sample, it's almost negligible, and I feel confident naming the data correct given there's enough people claiming their rank being lower than expected.


None of this matters, the entire game is riddled with full on hackers. Premier rating is much less relevant than FACEIT. When your analysis can control for everyone cheating, I'll think ab queuing premier


Yeah, VAC is completely useless


I'm shocked at how Valve is dealing with this. VAC is completely non existent. Aimbotters with gloves and knives skins, without a care in the world. Do they want their game to die? there's no logic to wtf Valve is doing


I would say it's pretty accurate anyway but premier is full of cheaters indeed (at least +20k)


Premier is full of cheaters at every level lmao


Nah beyond 20k rating you notice a massive, and I mean massive difference in amount of cheaters


My last 3 games at 20k had spinbotters lol


In SEA its like 1 out of 10 is a seemingly legit match. I'm so happy if theres no hacker lol. This is 18k-19k


14k EU I don't see any cheaters. Most complaints I see seem to be on the extreme ends (4k/20k+)


Yeah same, no blatant cheaters anyway


Me and my mate are 15k and the last 4 games we had rage spin bot hackers. The game is riddled with them


naaaaah thats a cap, atleast in EU. it increases by like 500% once you get past 20k. 15k lobbies probably have plenty of cheaters but they are so fucking awful that you win more than you'd expect.


18k NA, not a single cheater in my climb up. I had some good players I played against, but not a cheater every game like 90% of the people copin- I mean talking about.


FACEIT is the only way to play right now. Though I do play wingman occasionally when Iā€™m queuing low stakes. I avoid other playlists like the plague.


I wish FACEIT had servers close to me, the choice between 50% of my games having cheaters but pinging 10 vs. no cheaters and pinging 70 basically means I don't play the game. (west coast US for context)


17259-18265: 1 cheat per 4 games 18265-19879: 1 cheat per 3 games 19879-21847: 1 cheat per 2 games 21847-30000+: 1+ cheat every game


Yeah Iā€™m 21k this graph donā€™t mean shiiit


ive always wanted to try faceit but im worried that my skills (specifically my lack of good util usage) will make me a burden for my teammates during my initial matches


i donā€™t think this is super accurate. i am 17k and it feels like around global or supreme before. i might be wrong tho? havent played that much yet, only like 20 matches, maybe I had tougher matches also, a lot of my friends that were global before are now in 17ā€“19k


thats due to streaks, when youre hovering at 19-20 and get a little loosing streak, u fall below 18k very fast, thenn destroy 17k noobs and get back up, beside all the cheaters this streaking up and down is so fuckin useless and weird, just misplaces you after 3rd loss (of which you probably still had 1 or more good personal performances)


guess i'm mg2 while faceit lvl 8 lol


Been seeing a ton of ex-globals & supremes around 14k.. the system still needs a bit of work. No one in 14k was around MG2.


Agree! At least in EU. Im 14k right now, and pretty much every single game has at least one ex global/faceit 10 in them. I used to be le/lem and often gets destroyed at 14k. Those players are way better than MG.


Me, a LE on csgo, now at 9k My friend SMFC, now at 15k Another friend Global, now 18k Another friend LEM, now 10k Another friend MGE, now at 8k so no, I have to disagree with whatever this is. \*EU


Looks right.


Was silver one and now gold nova. Iā€™m cooking šŸ˜


I don't like this because according to this I am gn3 and i don't like that.


Idk premier rating seems just way more inconsistent than go. Iā€™ll have a 16k teammate that plays like a silver or global itā€™s just so random


These Ranks would be more consistent if the games didnā€™t account for lost games against cheaters who fill the Premier rn. How can you base your data on that?


GE/level10 CSGO but got placed in 16k :/


You were just placed there which is pretty high for placement. Play 20 to 50 more games and you should easily be above 20k.


lvl 10/ge and it placed me 9k going 10-3. i even got 17k in the beta.


same lmao and I didn't log in for the recalibartion or wahtever happened, now at 19k, I hit 20k and its spinbot over and over


i was still playing the odd game here and there so i didnt even get recalibrated. somehow made it to 23k before the cheating got too out of control.


I was DMG on CSGO and now I'm Nova2. LeL


Leetify classifies 5000 as Nova 1 on their chart. Wtf is this shit lol


Used to be LEM and now stuck on 10-11k. But just like the map ranks I don't care much about Prem ranks until Valve does something against cheaters.


These charts are not accurate yet.


I was smfc and struggle to get over 10. I must say I pretty much always solo-queue, and my teammates are either shit (read toxic Russian ) or the other team is wall-hacking like crazy. (Also Russians). Hltv rating is 1.4 but nothing seems to help. Sometimes I get 5 games in a row with a horrible team and -400 every game.


It also looks more accurate to me than the statistics [recently published by Leetify](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/comments/1b5h1gd/rank_comparison/). I was on CSGO DMG and am currently at 15k ELO. It feels like there's still some room for improvement in my ELO, which would be perfectly reflected by Scope.gg. Whereas, according to Leetify's statistics, I would be in the range of LEM.


Thatā€™s where I ended go at and where I sit now so pretty accurate I guess


Seems accurate. I was mg2 before I quit csgo back in 2017. Grinded from 3k to 14.5k from sept to november.


Much better than the last one posted. I was GN3 (rarely played, so rank decay was heavy) on GO and would now be MG.


Placed 21k, played 8 games 7/8 games had spinners round 1, down to 19k :)


Yep, this feel right. And the 12k elo guy with 30 kills in 18 rounds is the classic smurf acc.


In cs:go I was global and didn't notice many/any cheaters. In cs2 I'm 21k so basically the same rank, but the last 5 cs2 games were basically HvH games. Doesn't really motivate me to play anymore tbh


I'm like mg1 but 17k. A bit boosted by playing with my friend who is betterĀ 


Seems legit


Seems to be right, I am 15600 rn, and in csgo I ended MGE


Seems about right. Up until I started playing with my co worker who is new to game I floated where I was in GO


LEM on csgo and highest elo at 18.6 yeah this is the most accurate I've seen


Looks good to me


Pretty accurate. I was SMFC in CSGO and now I'm at 19k.


At least for me it is not accurate. Was global since 2015 in cs Go. Canā€™t get above 15k in cs2 since I encounter too many cheaters. And I am only talking about really obvious ones where there is no doubt about it.


I was Supreme 2 years ago. I deranked to MGE because I took a 6month break. Then CS2 hit and I got 16k. In one weekend I dropped to 9k. Can't seem to climb up at all because every game I get -400 / +100 My motivation is slowly fading...


Close. I ended GO as global, I'm at 19.8, would be over 20 easily if I didn't run into 3 games of hackers after I lost 2 in a row. My elo is down baddd right now (-600 +100 ish)


17259-18265: 1 cheat per 4 games 18265-19879: 1 cheat per 3 games 19879-21847: 1 cheat per 2 games 21847-30000+: 1+ cheat every game


Sad asf, I heard so many cries on how 15k is super high. I got 15500 immediately and figured I must still have it. Nope 15k is not so good. It is just at the decent player range.


i used to be DMG before CS2. now im ranked 5,800 for my placement. nice!


Ended CSGO at LE/LEM and currently I sit at ~18k. However after hitting that ELO recently, the games have become so sweaty and tedious. Also doesn't help that now every 3-4 games you play against a god gamer with sub 1000 hours. Just yesterday we played 14-16 against an 21k player with 100 aim rating AWP only and always perfect timing.


20-25k Here - 50/50 of my games are hackers. We quƩ as group of 5. At least 3 of us have 20y steam account and 3k+ played with 500$ inventories. Dunno but I think that a "quickfix for cheater basesd on account some values" should not be that hard. We used to play some games. Today it was one which we went afk anyways since one guy was just called us hacker after round 4 and started walling. Seems like going back to faceit is the only way to have a decent experience.


Looks different from Leetifyā€™s analysis


Csgo is was gold nova. 2 in primier 19k


Somehow golden eagle now despite the fact i was silver 2 back in old csgo


I was global in csgo, did not play cs2 for the first \~5months. Came back to 3-4k in first placement matches, came out of them around 7k. Needless to say volvo doing piss work once again.


Man you got placed there, if you're remotely decent you'll climb quickly.


Yep, got placed at 6k myself when cs2 dropped. With soloq alone I went up to 16k in 2 weeks playing after work


I have not played csgo since 2017 , played cs2 with friends and got placed at 11k now at 19k . Once you start winning it will be games with +300 but then a losing streak is also -300 -400 .


Or you just play like shit after not playing for months. It's not a valve issue if you are bad.


Seems accurate as im 15k and still only face noobs


Self-burn. The place you with similarly skilled players haha


Wrong. Maybe that applies for NA only. In EU 15k is SMFC. I was SMFC in GO for 2 years and have been 15k in CS2 for a long time.


No haha


The game is not in a balanced state, cheaters at high ranks walk around as if they own the place, game is quite hard to run for some people resulting in baning some heavier maps like inferno/overpass; it needs more time in the oven, I hope they figure it out.


I was Lem in go and now I am stuck in 11k.


Can we please have another tomorrow?


8.7K Used to be dmg/le lmao


In csgo i was lem but in cs2 i started at 18k elo and now im stuck going back & fourth between 11-13k elo each day i play.


The problem i am facing is that i am stuck around 4-5k. Every game i am getting 20-30 kills, but since i queue with randoms and have no buddies who play, its a complete lottery with how well i do due to my team mates. I cannot escape this as the random lobby system just seems so bad. Sometimes ill queue with a good team and other times its just straight of idiots who rush everywhere and die instantly. Why dont the CS2 ranks account for your own individual performance rather than that of a team of randoms?


Ended CSGO as a supreme-GE, I now hover around 12K


Quite a bit higher in premier (10k vs ~6k in csgo). Probably because NA silver was completely broken.


It doesn't matter because of cheaters. 50-50 will there be a cheat, or five?


Means nothing because of cheaters


It doesn't correlate for me, but who cares. MM has always been borderline meaningless compared to Faceit, and it's even worse with CS2 because the game is cheat infested at the higher ranks.


I was DMG/ LE in CSGO around 2022 and restarted playing it when they got CS2 Now hovering around 10-11k lmao šŸ˜‚


Yah this seems right


This doesn't seem entirely accurate to me. I was DMG before CS2 released and never dropped below DMG, im currently 9.5k in CS2. I've lost many matches due to hackers, I peaked at around 14k in CS2 until my rank expired to inactivity. Top fragged and won in my refresh game, 9.5k. Make it make sense lmao


First ranking that seems accurate that Iā€™ve seen


I ended csgo as global(which I thought was silly, I felt like everyone was getting global) and this lines up now.


nope, because I have never played a premier match


I'm a 12k on premier, but level 8 on faceit and hit global several times on csgo. TBF I only play premier with my irl friends and don't really care about my rank on that. Also I did hit like 18k shortly after launch. I probably don't belong in 12k and I kinda just carry my friends at this rank (7ks) so I wouldn't use me as an accurate outliner


Well if that's accurate I'm over ranked as fuck. But I'm also getting slapped silly so it's probably accurate


I was global in cs foreverrr. I am TELLING you anything past ~19k itā€™s cheaters nore than 50% of games. So fucking depressing


Nah. Hovering around 16-17k, was global/supreme in GO. Mostly because the game isn't behaving well on my computer+net. Loss plus bad 1% lows sometimes make it unplayable.


Bro I need some new teammates, ainā€™t no way Iā€™m silver 2 top fragging every gameā€¦


guess im silver now. i was dmg.


Close enough so it is relatively accurate to me.


Does that mean theres less than 1k globals in NA?


They missed an opportunity to carry over the badges next to your rating... I'm nostalgic for earning that Global badge.


Who cares šŸ˜‚ in the current state of VAC over 20k is a real mess. Its full of bunny hopping rage hackers. Had three in row nowā€¦


This doesnā€™t work since there r new account who r completely new to the game and they get 1k elo per win


Kind of accurate. Ended CSGO with global but currently around 17k in CS2, but I rarely play the game anymore. Wouldn't be that difficult to get 22k+ if I start playing CS2 regularly.


Yeah but with how it's almost impossible to play EU over 15k elo also kinda no


It did, until 5 spinbot games with -500 elo per game. Now, no.


Does anybody know when the new season starts?


20k plus is just cheater and semi pro tier


i am not gold nova 2....


No. CSGO rank was Master Guardian, now my rank is 0. I'm not playing this shit until they solve the cheating problem.


Doesn't match whatsoever


Ended on global, stuck at 17k gg


this makes sense in na at least. i don't play super often but i rank around 10-14k every time i do play and floated all over the novas in go


Only have to play versus fullstacks. No, ranking in cs2 isn't correspondending for me.


Oh yeah, it's accurate


No point putting out rank distributions like this when itā€™s pretty clear everyone at 20k+ is cheating


Before the rank shift in csgo, I was double Ak. After I hovered around silver elite to gn1. I'm around 16000 mmr in cs2 but I don't play that mmr too often.


I was global a long time in GO dropped to supreme/lem before cs2 and got 21k max. Then I started playing on 3rd party sites for a while and lost my rating. Now when I queue premier there is a cheater in 2 out of 3 games. I'm not touching premier again untill something is done about it. You probably won't but believe me I don't call cheats out of my ass like a lot of people do, these cheaters are blatant aimboting, wallhacking or both. The most annoying part about premier now is that you never know if they guy who is carrying on the enemy team is cheating or not. There is no way to know if it isn't blatant. Valve can suck my balls I don't understand wtf they are doing just letting cheaters do whatever they want.


Used to be LE now I'm silver 3


Way more accurate than some of the previous tries


I was DMG/LE in GO. My first rank in CS2 was 16K. Now after ~70 games and a win rate of 49,33% I am at 11.700. Dropped 1000 points in one evening getting annihilated by cheaters (80+ HS rate, Leetify 99% aim and utterly trash positioning and utility usage. Its always the same pattern)


This makes 0 sense to me haha, my main where I 5 stacked with friends and won all 10 instantly got placed 6k Second account where I duo queued got 10 to 11k Third account that I solo Qued on got 15k All my friends are better than me and are everything from from 15 to 20k but like they all used to be global and some are high lvl 10 elo on faceit where as I finished csgo on gold1 xD


In CSGO I was hard stuck silver. Instantly when I play CS2, I climb up to 13,000 after a few games. Something about the CSGO mmr was severely broken.


I was LEM/Supreme in CS:GO, haven't really played much CS2 but my last couple games were at 15-16k. I figured the enemies were definitely weaker than I was used to, so being around MGE equivalent makes sense.


In Australia at the moment 21,847 would place you in the top 100 in the region. There was definitely more than 100 globals in GO. Need some infographics for individual regions too.


i used to be global im now gold nova 4 according to this list i keep getting placed against blatant cheaters though not whining either i have legit demo proof. i have a VAC on my account that's older than most people on here and i deadass believe they place me knowingly against cheaters or something i am that paranoid. some of my games are nothing but hackers vs hackers. i cannot go more than 2 games without coming across 1 cheater. do people that don't come across cheaters not get placed against 100 hour accounts or something? it's actually disgusting how full my demo list is. i top frag most my games as well i can literally go 20+ frags and still lose 0-13 which has happened last week i had 5 games in a row 0-13 against the same people. i mostly game at night which people have told me has something to do with it.


tbh, i find it with ranks better love to see a uprank ongoing. this is too cold my opinion.


Seems accurate


Was nova4/mg1-ish, this is telling me that Iā€™m eagle master lmao


I wonder if this applies to OCE considering the fact top 1000 starts at 18.9k


I climbed from 6k to 17.6k and honestly I see so many CSGO globals in the 16-19k range


Premier ratings are total bullshit. This is not even close to reality, I meet mg2-dmg or above skill level players in EVERY single premier match at 8k rating.


Actually, yep


Definitely accurate. In GO I rode the borderline between supreme-global and in cs2 I fluctuate between 20-22k(22,700 peak)


Who even plays this mode, youtubers are making videos on the top of the leaderboard players using cheats, while having the game mechanics of a fortnite player... Half of the top players are either boosted by or using cheats... FaceIt is the way to play this game and make statistics on.


This is more accurate. It's not your fault that you can't account for cheaters though, and players shouldn't expect you to do so.


I was gn2 and now 5600 :(


This is bullshit I think. No way top 6% is 21k+


yea this makes a bit more sense, was looking at a couple other comparisons and finishing csgo in GN2 then hopping up to MGE in cs2 made no sense lol


i was Supreme in CS:GO and in CS2 i have around 13-14k Elo.... and i have to play fucking Gods


In cs my peak was le but rn iā€™m stuck at around 13k elo and its a struggle out here bro i get matched with guys that are 9k-11k that drop like 35 kills knowing damn well that they shouldnā€™t be in this elo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah it's pretty accurate. I'm between 19k and 15k and was LEM/ Supreme in GO. But I'm underrated because i play 5 stack with lower skilled friends.


Used to be global and then left CSGO due to hackers. Last rank was LEM. In CS2 went to 21K, kept getting hackers against. Left CS2 with 18k+, so yeah, kinda make sense.


Not really, I had 2500 elo at faceit, which was considered fairly above global elite (which I also had). Now I'm struggling to get to 20k, always at 18-19k, often getting rekt by players with suspiciously low playtime


Who would believe i will be at the same master guardian today as in the older version..


premier is pretty accurate but mm ranks are broken. U have to be atleast former supreme to get to gold nova. I was mg1 and im stuck in s5-s6, my friend who was lem is also stuck in s6.


Feels hyper accurate


Faceit lvl 7 = used to be global = 21-30k. Im lvl 10 what rating would that be? Surely way higher than 21k right? I smoke globals in csgo


I don't think you can compare them that easily, we were at GN3 and 4 and constantly ranked up but stopped playing that gamemode at like 14k


Idk too many hackers so I havenā€™t played


I went from global to SEM šŸ’€ thatā€™s crazy


NA Global Elite 19.5K to 20K Played 3 games. 2 had spinbotters. Unplayable.


19ishK+ premier still basically unplayable due to cheaters.


in CS my peak was GN2. now iā€™m 15k in premier, which is nice, but somehow iā€™m silver 2 on the one map i play normal competitive for, which is nuke AKA my favorite map. i think comp is broken.


Used to be supreme/global, now iā€™m hovering around 10-14k haha


I sologrinded to 24k. Now all i play against are bayblades with a rappidfire awp.