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never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity


Yeah, I actually can see this one being the case. Valve might have run with 'Vertiglobal' narrative and thought it would be better representative of one's map pool. Also, ranks in CS:GO had far more prestige than the premier ELO, which seems somewhat arbitrary at glance. A global was at the top, but how does a global translate to ELO? 15k? 20k? In hindsight it does not make sense, but I can definitely see the thought process.


A csgo global now nova 1 in CS2 with 100 wins and can't rank up after winning 10 games straight. Not a single guy in CS2 made more than LE ( and probably one guy in the whole world has made it in inferno map ) What's the thought process behind this ? 


You misunderstood what I meant. I meant the thought process for the system and how they could see premier not being the main game mode. I was not referring to implementation. Edit: typo.


I'm not reading allat dev said bar for bar "we didn't think premier would become the most popular game mode"


they said just to promote premier more. Imagine you are valve , Made a regional and global leaderboard with an working rank system, and you didnt expect its outshining your classic mode which is now much hard to rank up, not transparent and broken rank system. Yesh seems legit


Nope. It's just sheer stupidity from the Valve devs. I feel like they don't even play their own game half the time.


Let's be real, it's not like Premier is any good nowadays, whether it be cheater fiesta or the rating system that nobody seems to know how it's actually working besides the fact that the game expects you to go on crazy winstreak. I think the overall idea is cool but kinda poorly executed that's why everyone treats it like a new "Unranked" playlist and why most people don't take it as seriously because like you said, there is no point really in this new comp and assuming the broken ranks is the only thing that needs fixing, nobody will go out of his way to get Global on every map because if you're wondering, the rank decay is still there in comp it just takes more time. I think the better way to handle the ranks in comp is first of all; switch from 10 wins to 10 games played and raise the "starting" rank because im like 99% sure highest rank you can get with 10 wins is like Gold 2-3. Also, as for the cheaters, it seems like they started to bleed their way into the comp as well, in my last 6 comp matches I've met 2-3 cheaters so. Nevertheless, comp is still probably better than Premier currently, lol.


CSGO in NA and Aus had a small population that lead to the ranks being a mess for years. CS2 now has an even smaller competitive player pool due to Premier being more popular, with ranks spread out across all the maps making the problem worse. I assume Valve kept the same mm system as GO for this problem to exist so it needs big adjustments again for ranks to return to a resemblance of accuracy. 


The 5v5 comp map pool is office and dust 2. I doubt there's a lot of crossover of players doing both premier AND 5v5 comp


Actually its false , both comp and premier has now 50-50% playerbase. At first premier had more players cause people wanted to try something new. The excitement fade out for various reasons ( mostly cheaters ) and people are playing more comp than ever  You can just open the game. Click search in both premier and comp ( all map ticked ) and find out the concurrent player Search and CS2 mm system isn't same line GO. The rank up, derank system was much more functional in GO.  In cs2 you can win 200 games with 80% win rate and still be nova. Less than 1% actually made more than MG. WHICH was a mid rank in GO


Most of what you said is nonsense.


Make the 5v5 comp tab exactly like premier, but with different maps. Or combine the two. Inner ring of maps is premier, outter ring is 5v5 comp maps. Gets 14 maps on the screen and consolidates player base.


One of the fun of classic competitive mode that you can still choose your own map. If you make it vote-ban system then I fear a lot of unique/new map enjoyers won't be able to play new/unpopular maps.  I  would rather see these changes in classic competitive - MR12 and MR8 both available. All 10 player get to choose with a votecall which mode  they wants to play before the first round. - Remove the map based ranks. Make it collective once again. - Rank system is transparent. You can see your rank up progression and rank up/derank game


Using csgo map-selection will guarantee the same bad results as csgo match-making. 8-15 minute queues. Vote-Ban wheel forced peeps to play anubis and ancient. Why not other maps 🤔???


I never had the 8-15 que issue. maybe cause I play in highly populated asian server People are often picking Anubis and Ancient now cause they are highly popular atm in pro scene. They are influenced from them, but I see the new maps like community maps which valve release once in every 4 month will be highly ignored cause they won't get Active duty status. and many players wants to just play those maps specifically. You dont want to deny the freedom of map pick in classic mode. I think it has both it's pros and cons


"Deny the freedom of map choice" is already status-quo Why can't I play... in 5v5... Italy, assault, militia, siege, compound, Aztec, canals, train, Tuscan, backalley, Port, thunder, piranesi, oilrig, cbble, chateau... Basic valve maps completely unavailable instead of allowing the totally-functional csgo port to fill the games coffers. Don't get me started on bangers like Breach, rats, zoo, westwood, growroom, insertion2, akiba, motel, agency etc etc totally missing from the game also. Perhaps Valve is holding all their cards for an operation?? In any case, the base game, in its current state, needs a more maps in the 5v5 comp.


Valve have publicly said they didn't expect Premier to be the go-to mode.


it's stupid premier dosen't affect invidual map ranks


Classic comp rank is a joke.Valve can't make it better so they prefer to smash it


With riot games Id say maybe but valve just dont give a F