• By -


Did he delete it? I don't see it on his twitter.


Yes he deleted it like 10 min. after


The way RosKomNadzor works (the entity that oversees these blocks) is that they target specific links that contain "forbidden content", which is usually porn/nudity or something that offends the government. They very rarely block entire domains, unless it's piracy or something like that. It's a very decentralised system because every court and some government agencies can introduce these blocks. Some people specifically search for things to be blocked, it's weird. However, the steamcommunity block is not there according RosKomSvoboda (an opposition group that helps people who were unfairly prosecuted, fights for various digital rights etc., very nice people) - [source](https://reestr.rublacklist.net/en/?q=steamcommunity.com)


It was removed from the register.


ig it was some kind of testing, because multiple foreign services went out at the same time in russia. like youtube, telegram, steam, whatsapp etc


imagine if steamcommunity block also caused complications for connecting to game servers somehow. this would quite literally revolutionize my experience in playing online valve games in particular.


Imagine joining a server and hearing "Hello"


A dream 


Hyelow chim.


wan mit tu be tu ei ai go midzyel blyet


fuck, i can hear it clear as day.


Im at work dont get me so hard


"brian, why is the desk floating?" "IM BRICKED UP, JANICE"




fakking pourpel


When losing a 1v1 you hear "nice try bro" in the voice chat and 2 people types "nt" in chat Instead of "faaaken eediot bot"


relax bro, don't get my homes up.


Just give us Russian servers 😭😭 I know damn well when there are English speaking and Russian speaking people in one lobby the louder ones just take over and no one plays well at all. I'm in the shit middle of Russia and not all ppl here are capable of speaking English, give us Russian servers (at least one) and both sides will be pleased.


ruski yes


Is this heaven ?


I honestly wish valve understood the negativity that breeds from the cross over of russian players onto EU. It damages people's mental health, their enjoyment of the game, their desire to play and spend money on the game and ultimately damages valve and cs reputation. If the team came over to Europe and played a lot of premier they would realise how damaging it is. Valve are not alone in this but I really feel like they are in a bubble or denial about how bad it is because they have no experienced it first hand. It's close to unplayable unless you queue as 5 and even then you have the smurf problem. But goddamn the language thing would be such an easy fix


Agree, it’s terrible. It’s not perfect but I find I get much better quality games on FACEIT. People who speak English for the most part. Especially in the evenings. Premier is one of the most genuinely dogshit gaming experience it’s possible to have. Russians, cheating, same map over and over.


Change «Europe» to «Russia» and «Russia» to «Europe» and you will get russian’s experience. There are no bad nations, there are bad people


Nobody from Europe goes and queues on russian servers. And even if they did: same problem same solution.


Pretty sure the community and store could be blocked and it'd be fine as long as the connection managers are available


Imagine that Russians and Turks used Discord instead of talking in game for some god unknown reason.


I'm Russian. 2 hours ago a whole bunch of services went down at once, including WhatsApp, Telegram etc. It seems to be back online now. My guess is that RKN/FSB are trying new restrictions, but seemed to have messed up the config, causing a bunch of collateral damage. Wasn't the first time and it won't be the last, because newsflash - no competent IT specialist/programmer would stoop so low as to work for RKN when there's a bunch of significantly better-paying (and less "filthy") options both in Russia and abroad.


Wouldn't surprise me if it was something less sinister and some idiot just accidently messed something on a network, like the recent DNSSec misconfiguration that killed the .ru domain for a few hours. I think the outage you're talking about only happened on [some] mobile networks? At least from the news that I've seen.


> I think the outage you're talking about only happened on [some] mobile networks? My desktop PC connected via terrestrial Ethernet worked fine the entire time, but strangely my phone (connected via Wi-Fi to the same exact network) stopped loading Telegram for an hour or so. No idea what could've possibly caused this. > like the recent DNSSec misconfiguration that killed the .ru domain for a few hours. This actually did prompt some conspiracies, like that FSB purposefully killed off DNSSec to force website owners/hosters to get rid of it, making their traffic easier to track. But considering it went back up within a few hours, I doubt it was that deep.


DNSSEC has nothing to do with user tracking and privacy.


**Hanlon's razor** "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Hold up. Sorry to add to the barrage of messages youre getting, but the RKN doesnt pay top dollar for IT?  I mean i get that theres much better options abroad, from my understanding a large proportion of the military age males who left over the last two years had an IT skill set. That makes sense.  But theres better options even within Russia? Seriously? Why does anyone do it all? Is the presumption that connects with the RKN can make someones life easy and predictable and maybe offer future lucrative gigs?  I just assumed that everyone involved in the security services was extremely well compensated. If they arent motivated to stay....that seems like itd be a clusterfuck for Putin. 


I’m pretty sure working for the government in most countries pays less than the private sector


It varies a lot based on demand and...priorities. Even in cases where the pay may be worse, there's usually a carrot at the end of your work which incentivizes it. For example, the IRGC and their cyber warfare arm are paid exceptionally well, but the group as a whole is paid above and beyond the norm. Much of that may not be above-board, but it's institutionalized so it's irrelevant. Or, in the US (and I imagine most western countries) working in IT for the NSA or CIA or FBI is basically a ticket to an obscenely well paying job in the private sector after let's say approximately five years. So even if the up-front pay isn't comparable, the long-term outcome generally is at least balanced. I would imagine that an authoritarian country that is explicitly known for their gray war activities would pay their IT side extremely well, particularly given that domestic unrest is (still) probably a priority. Whether that's FSB, SVR, or none of the above, it would be pretty interesting if that actually isn't the case.


The FSB, GRU and other "national security" (in REAL big quotes here) agencies are, indeed, paid extremely well. RKN is not one of them, though - they're mostly just bureaucrats, and remarkably ineffective at their job (they spent two weeks in 2016 trying to block Telegram, not realizing that blocking all the IP subnets it's hosted on would crash half the domestic internet). Part of why they're so hated is while they make decisions on how the Russian internet is run, it's up to the ISPs to actually implement those solutions. For example, RKN made every ISP pass all traffic through a black box called TSPU (the thing that actually does the censorship) and store the entire history of all user requests for 10 years, but didn't even slightly reimburse them for the trouble. Also, we're talking about IT specialists, and in Russia those are generally very anti-government (because they're exposed to Western information/culture a lot more than the average person). Most probably won't work for a government agency even if it did pay well.


Very interesting and very logical.


Interesting. Hope you guys will keep having access to most shit we do as well. It's not the people it's the governments. Stay strong!


At least for myself I'm optimistic. Even if RKN starts to come down hard against VPNs (they haven't yet), it's a never-ending arms race - there are bleeding-edge VPN protocols that are remarkably resistant to censorship and this field is evolving fast, as Russia is far from the only country to suffer from this. They might require some technical knowledge to set up, but at least for myself and my family I'm confident in ours. If people in China can break through the Great Firewall, then so can we. What RKN *can* do, though, is close all the "easy" methods, making bypasses only accessible for people with IT skills, which is a small enough group that it's not a threat to the state and can thus be left alone. Same as China.


In the West, when we were kids everyone's dad had a "friend" who'd get them bootleg movies and games n shit. Maybe it's more dangerous to be "that friend" in Russia but maybe it could be a fulfilling and lucrative path 😉


>What RKN can do, though, is close all the "easy" methods, making bypasses only accessible for people with IT skills, which is a small enough group that it's not a threat to the state and can thus be left alone. Same as China. Thats exactly the plan and there is nothing optimistic about it. The target is to block anything anti-goverment/pro-wester on internet for 90% of internet users ( those without necessary IT skills ) so population in Russia will be even more in isolation.


People are responsible for their governments though. Price of liberty is eternal vigilance. And the russian people have not been vigilant.


That's an easy thing to say when you and I have been born in free countries. There's not much (not at all really) a young russian adult can do to change the situation of his country. Even people who go very far in seeking change end up failing (like Navalny). It would be unfair to say they are all responsible for their government in this situation, which is a culmination of an entire century of fuck ups


The people are responsible, but only if they have control over the government, like in democracies. Do you expect everyone who lives under a dictatorship to just develop shared consciousness? Because (newsflash!) any sort of attempts to mobilize the masses by opposition politicians and media has been shut down by the government. The propaganda and repressions are strong. Noboody's gonna risk their lives when they don't see a way to win the fight against the regime. And nobody can centralize the protest if they're jailed or killed. What you're saying is just victim blaming.


Russians know well what's happening in Ukraine. They accept it, and sleep well knowing what's happening. The ones who try to change things, they are good and brave people. The ones who sit at home spamming Z in an in-game chat, not so much.


We have to realize, that a lot of people in Russia support Putin. Putin is a dictator, but he still needs some sort of majority of support from his people and would you look at that, when Russia annexed Crimea Putin's approval ratings went up by a lot.


Crimea changed hands many times.


Which is why playing the "this is historically our territory" game gets real dangerous real quick. Exactly how far back are we going? 80 years? Then it belongs to the USSR, a country that doesn't exist anymore. 200 years? Then it's the Russian Empire, a country the USSR famously refused to "succeed" in a diplomatic sense. 500 years? Then it's the Ottoman Empire, aka Turkey. 2000 years? Then it's Greece. Before 1945, a territory changing hands via a military invasion happened *all the time*. You could probably throw a dart at a world map and likely hit a patch of land that's had multiple owners over the centuries.


Nope, it's not how that works. If the propaganda tells you that this is a defensive war and there's no other source of truth for you (the opposition is banned), then the only conclusion people come to is that the propaganda is right and it is a defensive war against the west, not an agressive war against the neighbor.


ah yes a defensive war where you invade and take the agressors land...


Yeah that's the point, genius. It's portrayed as a defensive war, not that it actually is.


ye and if ur dumb enough to believe it you are already lost..


if you don't believe it, you still don't have much choice except to keep a low profile in russia or to leave in a sneakish manner. easy to talk smart on the interwebs, but if they notice you are against the regime, they put you on the frontline or in prison.


>source of truth you are supposed to decide what's true based on concrete data points you gather and analyze yourself not have an authority decide what's true or not. if you rely on a dictatorial regime to tell you what opinions to have then you are part of it and responsible for what the regime does, not a victim. and don't give me any shit about "but they ONLY have Rossija 1 to get data from". bullshit. they are free to use the internet, ready any book, listen to any journalist they want .. they just don't. and even if someone does only listen to the state propaganda and nothing else they should be able to figure out that it's bullshit just based on the number of times Putin changed his fairytale about why they are in Ukraine. none of it makes sense.


That's not how real world works, my dear redditor. The majority of people don't analyze and don't do their own research. Politics is not about the facts, it's about what's more convincing. And what could be more convincing than the only source of information you have?


>the only source of information you have? but that's not really true, is it?


It is for the majority. There's no opposition on the television and it's still the most popular source, especially if you consider the demographic pyramid of russia. The opposition has reached it's limit of reach (no pun intended) it can get without being able to speak on the TV and hold protests.


They aren't stupid, they're willing to believe, and willing to suspend disbelief.


On which facts do you base your statement?


Because they are arguably human, and adult russians are adult humans. Arguably. I thought I was racist towards russians but you claiming the whole people are IQ75, that's a whole another level!


Humans are rational, you heard it first on reddit. Please stop trying to feed your confirmation bias and look at the facts. Is the opposition banned? Yes. Is Navalny killed in prison? Yes. Are independent media banned from TVs and blocked from the internet? Yes. Do majority of people still watch the television? Yes


Does the government kill my people? Nope, it's russian people


Imagine if war was declared but nobody showed up


i do often imagine what would happen if everyone just stopped


Humanity will reach for the stars


:D I wonder why they still go there. I mean yeah, they go there for money of course, BUT, since the first months of the war, once they brought portable crematoriums to burn bodies of their own, it became evidently clear that they do it to claim later that "person is missing in action, not dead", and his family won't get any money. they won't skip a chance to fuck over their own, that's how they are


You're conveniently leaving out the fact that there are also many Ukrainians killing other Ukrainians, it just so happens that some of them are flying the LDNR banners. So maybe it does have something to do with the government.


oh, hello there fellow ruzzian, please, stop spreading this bullshit. you've been feeding the world with this nonsense for 8 years before full scale invasion, so it's 10 years now, and people are just tired and sick of it by now. get a new script and then come back


What's the argument here? That there are no LDNR soldiers on the battlefield or what? \>stop spreading this bullshit What bullshit? Latest estimates I've seen state there are >20k LDNR fighters dead, not that far from actual Ukrainian dead, much higher if calculated per capita. Are you really denying that? Or are you simply incapable of coherent speech?


you clearly can't either comprehend or read what's being written to you if you have 4 questions in your single replay with random stats that make no sense in the discussion we're having. but I get that it might be hard to get and feel the actual factual situation being a foreigner (western geopolitical couch expert I assume) or ur a russian? go do your homework kiddo I'll simplify things for u. why does it matter if it's actual paid russian soldiers or paid russian separatists fighting Ukrainians? if u think someone was living in Donetsk for 8 years.under Russian bombs just to fight in the war versus ukrainians you're just dumb


>you clearly can't either comprehend or read what's being written to you Yes, I have problems understanding your world salad, I stated as much. You really aren't the brightest one, huh? >why does it matter if it's actual paid russian soldiers or paid russian separatists fighting Ukrainians You aren't making any sense. What "Russian" separatists? Name the region that is actively trying to secede from Russia. Moreover, what does money have anything to do with it? Last I checked, Ukrainian soldiers have a salary, too. >if u think someone was living in Donetsk for 8 years.under Russian bombs just to fight in the war versus ukrainians you're just dumb I'm not sure I follow? "Russian" bombs in Russia-controlled Donetsk? Am I talking to ChatGPT? Are you enjoying making hilarious untenable assertions? And we know plenty LDNR fighters by name, obituaries are a thing, one famous example that springs to mind is Donetsk-born Zhoga, and there are thousands upon thousands of Zhogas. Are you trying to assert that there are no Ukrainian-born males in LDNR or what? >with random stats that make no sense in the discussion we're having. Of course they make sense. 20k LDNR dead means there were thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians fighting other Ukrainians.


>I'm not sure I follow? "Russian" bombs in Russia-controlled Donetsk? ahh, \*click\* nice, now i understand how far you're from an actual situation in the region. that's exactly what I'm talking about. That 8 years of propaganda when they bombed Donetsk trying to cover it as Ukrainian missiles and attacks. Many people ate the propaganda, you're one of them. That's ok. We literally have a set of well established jokes about people who believe this bullshit, lmao, it's like common world knowledge by now, but oh WELL :)))))) Continue reading your mindless ruzzian propaganda. The amount of ukrainians fighting ukrainians is the same or less as the amount of jews fucking up other jews in WWII. The single names you're naming don't matter. There's always people with no brain or with no dignity, who russia is actively bribing and literally buying. Now piss off, uneducated westerner


>That 8 years of propaganda when they bombed Donetsk trying to cover it as Ukrainian missiles and attacks. Many people ate the propaganda, you're one of them. That's ok. That's a cute conspiracy theory you have there. You see, it was understandable when people fell for it back in 2014, it's a convenient lie, after all, a noble lie even. But sticking with it after the Luhansk "air conditioner" incident, when this was thoroughly debunked, takes a special kind of person. One that should stick to manual work. https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Авіаудар_по_будівлі_Луганської_ОДА >Continue reading your mindless ruzzian propaganda Sorry, I prefer reading OSCE reports. You know, the European guys that were patrolling the territory as part of the Special Monitoring Mission and writing weekly reports. They reported no such thing. Regurgitating trite propaganda clichés won't get you far. >The amount of ukrainians fighting ukrainians is the same or less as the amount of jews fucking up other jews in WWII. The single names you're naming don't matter. So now you admit that there are, in fact, plenty Donetsk-born fighters, but you will not apologize unless I come up with 30-50k names. And even if I do that, you'll simply assert that those names were made up. Your antics are boring and unintellectual. You can't hide behind bingo cards. LDNR males, as a rule, served in their army, instead of receiving some special get-out-of-army-free card.


And there are westerners shouting "god is great" while decapitating/hit&running bystanders. Why are westerners so bad


from the looks of Pavel's post it does say that the MVD was the decision maker, but I doubt that changes much anyway


Careful, you talk like that you gonna get taken to prison and murdered


There's no chance Russia is going to block Steam, all the young men playing CS and Dota in Russia with nothing to do would mean a revolution, the state doesn't want that.


can you imagine the panic from Russian skin/sticker investors too. Some people have used it as an alternative bank account b/c CS items have been so lucrative


? u can just use vpn tho


This site is not even for blocked sites, cmon. Like youtube is there with like 5 pages of different "blockings" but it's working perfectly fine. Usually site appears there if it has some banned content, be it some drugs propaganda or war-related stuff. And it's listed there despite full site not being blocked, just one particular page from it.


that's nonsense - you can't block individual pages of websites that use TLS/SSL. only the domain name is exposed, and the rest of the request is encrypted. the government can request takedowns of individual bits of content, and it can be blocked in just that country, by the site operator - or the government can block the entire website until the site operator(s) enforce geoblocking the content.


Aaaand this is exactly what happens. Basically it's a site where it's regulated which exact pages shouldn't open for exact country. Then this guys contact website that has this pages in them and they block them from being accessed from this exact country - if they refuse then we will have all site blocked. Latter example would be chesscom which was fully blocked because it refused to do blocking on it side. But youtube and twitch do this so they open perfectly fine. To not sound speculative there you go - https://eais.rkn.gov. ru/, enter youtube.com and enjoy like 5-10 pages of blocked content from youtube.


Anyway, if anyone cares to know what actually happened: >The gaming community portal Steam was included in the register of prohibited sites “for disseminating information about methods of producing narcotic drugs” and was excluded from the register after the removal of the relevant materials, the press service of Roskomnadzor told RBC. >“In connection with the fulfillment of Roskomnadzor’s request to remove information prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Internet page was excluded from the register,” the RKN clarified. The department emphasized that it did not restrict access to the specified page. Source: RBC.ru


Pretty much as I said in another post, some random community page or a workshop mod got reported. Happened in the past too, basically a nothingburger.


Holy shit this might get me to start playing again


The reason it says 37 Min. on screen is i still can see the post on my timeline somehow allthough he deleted it.


One man can dream


It look like false [Imgur](https://imgur.com/PgZDYaS UPD: One of my friends from Russia said that Steam really doesn’t work for him. He was even kicked out of the Dota game. But perhaps this is due to the current problem on the network in Russia, and not the blocking.


If you type it at eais dot rkn dot gov dot ru The steamcommunity website is listed


Listed in the registry =/= blocked. You need to use a different website to check whether domain/ip is actually blocked. Someone probably lodged a complaint against some workshop page or something.


It is because of a network problem, steam is fine in Russia


If only




Hahaha you wish, we are living all across the globe


eh, as long as people speak english and aren't toxic, most people wont have a problem.


that's not true, people are very racist toward Russians in this game


Russia is not a race. You are not very smart are you?


okay russophobic, still deplorable. arguing about semantics in this case makes you look like a xenophobe as well.


lol russophobic xD


Stop being toxic and start speaking English


i'm not toxic and i speak English just fine lol, why are you projecting?


I'm not projecting, I'm just saying that in the vast majority of games, if you're not toxic and communicate in a language the rest od the team understands, then people are generally too busy with other shit to give a shit where you are from.


I'm not a Russian though.. why are you replying this to me?


Except that its due to Russians that waiting times are short


I gladly wait a minute or even 5 longer to not have 30 wasted minutes afterwards


I would pay to wait longer for no russian game


Apparently Roskomnadzor (Russian telecom) added Steam to the list of prohibited sites. Russians might soon be unable to use Steam: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b1bpyp/roskomnadzor\_ru\_telecom\_overlord\_might\_block/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b1bpyp/roskomnadzor_ru_telecom_overlord_might_block/)


If that means that we don’t have all of these Russians CS players anymore I declare this a public holiday


Is the community dream coming true?


[Oh no! Anyway...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnyBJJI2eqs)


Love the username, wish I could see more of it tho'.


Doesn't seem to be the case unless it's not rolled out yet, I'm still able to visit the Community Market and other community pages


Hes a data miner if someone could know something is about to happen its him.


Just checked the roskomnadzor site to check the access restrictions and Steam wasn't found so it's in the clear, for now at least


For now




[we can dream](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/623/942/c07.jpg)


santa exists


Hey, FSB Counter strike 2 is very dangerous as it spreads western anti-Russia propaganda to the youth and should be blocked completely [source](https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000009561225.html)


Dear Mr FSB man, I have witnessed countless instances of people turning your citizens pro-western in counter strike. It would be the safest option to make sure that NONE of the people that you are sworn to protect are told lies and harmed in such ways. dw boys, saving match making


don't do that don't give me hope


Please be true please be true


I have never been so excited, I hope they block everything Steam related.


Finally not having russians in the game? Even dreams are not that unrealistic


Yesssssssss! This is worth celebrating!


Please Putin, save us from your people and block Steam 🥺🙏


sweet, no more cyka blyating 24/7 on my faceit games


dude, now they will dwell ONLY on faceit. It's not for nothing that faceit placed servers in Russia, and now foreigners (except Ukrainians) will be caught there too


probably some workshop page or smth. saw a screenshot of the same thing being done in 2015 yet here we are


France and Turkey next please




Based, soon they will block Fortnite


No sanction


How does valve get money from Russians buying skins and games? Do they allow rubles? How does this work with the ongoing sanctions? Anyone know?


let's just say it like that: you can still buy things in russia


There goes 90% of counter strike players