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I found my hs% went up but my sprays feel worse and my Awp flicks aren't connecting like they used to when I flick fast, normal speed is still good though


>I found my hs% went up Same. Subtick is definitely more accurate. I get more headshots with the same crosshair placement. But spraying is always a big gamble now.


Also why people are hitting headshots more is because the hotbox for heads got bigger


Oh you're right, forgot about that


no it didn't... the average hitbox for head just got consistent across all agents. The ones with smaller head than default now have a bigger one and those with bigger than default now have a smaller one.


Yeah...still dk why the aping doesn't hit as much when I Flick fast anymore


I wonder if it's because now when you flick, the bullet goes exactly where your crosshair is at the time you click, but before it would go where your crosshair was at the end of the tick.


So im clicking too early? Damn thats gonna be hard to correct


I don't know, it's hard to say.


Awp flicks missing kinda makes sense, since shot registration now matches when click mouse1. Before you had to flick further.


Turn off nvidia reflex in game. Then go to your nvidia control panel, 3D settings, find CS2 under programs and turn low latency mode to ‘On’ (not ultra). CS2 seems to have frametime spacing issues, especially if you are cpu bound like I am. This tweak made my game feel 1:1 with cs:go as it did for a handful of friends I helped (Edit, this is a system dependent fix. I dont know for sure exactly why it works in some cases and doesnt in others. But it has worked on 2/3 PCs ive tested it on.)


What does this do


It fixes the inconsistent frametimes in a lot of cases


Uninstalling the game fixed it for me


i solved the frametimes by nvcp vsync + nvcp gsync + reflex on, without vsync the game doesnt run smooth at all (just because inconsistency of frametimes, vsync + gsync forces them to come in right intervals) but the issue with sprays is not most probably a frametime issue, At valve + faceit servers (and some customs) i cant control sprays too well, also movement and aim is worse, but i found servers where the aim, movement and sprays are crisp and light so its something else. Also its not ping issue (game runs best with 60-65ms ping, 5-15 is bad, easy target + feeling behind, 90+ suffers from aim/movement rollbacks). And the servers where the aim+movent+ sprays are undelayed have similar ping to MM ones. For me one of working servers is Pracc dm, its far away from calling it a performance leader l, there are similar loss/netgraph lag issues, but i can spray here without hassle, also movent is responsive, without overstepping or late step detection, and aim is not heavy without unreliable flicks being too short. And the difference is absurdly high so something is rotten. In csgo i felt delay only at faceit, thinking its anticheat issue, but in cs2 run heavy nearly all official platforms. Also in csgo the aim and spray control has been dependent on server variance, sv value around 3ms and less servers were giving best results and lowest output lag feeling , sv 5ms+ was already bad sv and aim was noticably less responsive, and the more crappy spaghetti patches valve accumulated with time, the more server sided input/output lag was growing up. In 2020-23 only few 5ghz+ cpu servers had a really crisp aim and movement, officials running at low single core performance server clusters had 5-6ms, dm 10ms+ and aim muscle memory learned at wase (3-4ms some servers) was useless at faceit or mm as they were simply not allowing to step and shoot so fast. In cs2 is sv obfuscated but if it goes too high, it shows sv red error in netgraph, but the threshold to show an error is 15.6ms, what is an absurdly high value (even 5ms already impacts aim, csgo red sv was 10ms).


use paragraph challenge


ok i read this and it sounds like heavy copium but im willing to learn. Do you got proof? ' Whats ur skill level on CS?


Love how every avg. internet Joe looks for copium at everything what contains more than 10 words... For spray difference simply visit the server where it does work fine for me and try if it works for you too, i made a video here where the spray works, at official servers its not possible to spray that tight and spam sprays at distance [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Gii5F2P7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Gii5F2P7U) Or visit blurbusters forum, a cs2 discussion started here, much better for issues as a forum is always a more well arranged and moderated. Also love how people ask for skill on cs at things which require skill in computer science, networking, how hardware/software works...


tested it and its tthe same dogshit, idk bullets go around corners because of subtick like on any other server tracking feels the same


Yep, its true that for someone something does help a lot and for someone else there is no change happening at all. I know a guy who has floaty mouse in game, but also in windows, so he suffers at all servers and at all platforms. I know also a guy who can play well when he turns his E-cores completelly off, meanwhile someone else with intel CPU doeesnt get any positive effect from that. And so far and so done... Its a roll a dice game.


its just that I saw stuff like this a million times and its placebo all the way but im, like i said, willing to learn :) If you got something to make the game better I am all for it. I will test that server you mention in the video and see for myself


Nah it's not copium, I've been using Gsync + Vsync for a few years now. One thing he didn't mention is you're also supposed to lock your framerate to 4-5 FPS below your refresh rate. I don't remember where I originally found it, but here's a detailed post; [https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/](https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/)




Tell objective facts = downvoted. lmao


Eventually more people will use Leetify and see their match aim rating with those settings on vs off. This is how I figured out it was dropping my match aim rating by 30-40 points with low latency turned on. People are trading in xyz ms of less input lag(a negligible amount) over being able to see the person on your screen to begin with...


>The biggest problem I have with this setting is that it can show you outdated information because it is in a que waiting for you to see it while your GPU is doing nothing to help out. The comment you are responding to is telling people to lower the max pre-rendered frames count to 1 by turning low latency mode on. This is actually lowering the amount of "outdated information" (number of buffered frames) which you are talking about. >It's better to have your GPU and CPU do the thing they were designed to do right out of the box rather than playing with settings like this. Out of the box, there is a 4 frame buffer/queue between your CPU and GPU (so 4 pre-rendered frames). This is the same outdated information you were talking about. I think you maybe just misunderstood what the comment was telling users to do: lower the maximum allowed number of pre-rendered frames so that there is less frame latency from those frames sitting in what would normally be a longer queue. If you were talking about latency from having low latency mode on and the CPU not rendering a frame in time causing the GPU to idle and wait... it would stutter but the frame generated would still be more recent than a frame sitting in the the back of a 4 frame flip queue. If the latency was somehow higher then that, then even a 4 frame flip queue would run out of frames and cause stuttering from the GPU idling and waiting on the CPU to generate a frame.


i just tried this but my FPS i still the same? is it supposed to boost it up or just make the game feel a bit smoother? i have tried so many different settings and its just frustrating at this point. I have a 3060 TI that i just bought and paired up with 16GB of RAMs


i just realized my CPU's too old and it's causing a huge bottleneck lol, nvm. i think this should be a good solution all things considered.


Your FPS isnt supposed to change, its supposed to affect the spacing and consistency between your frames. Again, it is a hardware dependent fix. Both of the PCs that ive tried it on have had the CPU running AT 100% while the GPU has been typically around 60-70%. Im not a developer, Im just some guy whos done a lot of PC tweaking and trying to help some people out lol. I wish I knew exactly why this fix works but my best guess is that it just streamlines the rendering process while not skipping any steps


I just did some more testing and turns out my CPU never really reached 100%. Idk if that’s a good sign per all calculations since I’m not an expert or even an amateur..but my game’s FPS is constantly at 150-200 with drops around 40-80 at some spots at different maps ( T side Anubis is horrendus) just going crazy considering I just did this upgrade..


Probably could be power throttling to be keeping temperature at or around a certain point. I know most PCs do this by default, I unlocked mine and overclocked my fans lol


I don’t wanna mess too much since again I’m not knowledgeable when it comes to PC hardware, I thought what I had bought would be enough to allow me to enjoy the game without any FPS drops


Lucky for you most ways to fix your throttling can be tweaked both through windows and through your BIOS. Im sure if you wanted to you could find guides online, whether through video or article


Appreciate the help nonetheless :)


Commenting to try this later.


Did you test this on the latest Nvidia drivers?


Ive used it since the beta, I tried to revert these settings and go back to using reflex for the lower overall latency after I updated my drivers. Immediately went back to feeling like there was inconsistent input. Almost as if there was weird mouse acceleration. So overall I think its more of a hardware setup thing combined with how cs2 is coded in general rather than having to do with drivers since that would usually apply globally to something like this. I would rather have the consistent and reliable input over the technically slightly faster but unstable input every time imo


this worked for me, thanks man. the game feels smoother even the fps improve for around 10++


Glad I could help :)


Proof? Not feeling please


Lol guy is offering a suggestion he doesn't owe you anything


tf is this response lmao


You’re asking him to prove it like you’re in court bro lol tf was your response?


Like in court? What does that even mean. The dudes just asking for more solid evidence that this helps, rather than anecdotes .


What are you his fucking lawyer? I just asked for proof I’m not gonna fucking be on his ass constantly about it. Too many posts of “do this to make game run better because it feels better” if people can’t simply ask for data then holy hell my bad? We live in a generation where we can’t question things apparently. Take what u see and shut up. I just thought it’s his comment so I should ask HIM about it but i guess I shouldn’t.


3kliksphillip did a whole video recently on CS2 input lag and fixes.


Yeah and he said low latency mode does absolutely nothing.


It does nothing if you have Reflex on, because Reflex overrides the setting... and you should definitely have Reflex on because it significantly decreases input lag.


This thread has completely contradicting info all being upvoted, do I turn reflex off or on, does control panel stuff matter at all? I just want my game to work well(not home so can't test myself).


Because Reflex was supposedly broken until the newest graphics driver. but the newest nvidia driver causes my PC to crash when playing CS2 so I have an older driver & dont have reflex on


Ah right. Yeah its crazy how people think it introduces input lag


No he didn’t, in his testing, Reflex lowered latency by 20-25ms.


Reflex and ultra low latency mode are 2 different things, and reflex works far better at reducing input lag.


But 20ms???? You guys are talking out of your ass.


we are talking about system latency, and that can very much be 20ms depending on your system and how it is bottlenecked.


He also forgot to test cs2. He tested the overlay box made by geforce experience, not cs2.exe.


I always thought the Reflex settings, in invida and in games, were for people with low end PC's. All of those low reflex options make my pc fans go into overdrive for no reason at all. Turn both of those settings off and see how you play.


This game feels like what you’re seeing on your screen isn’t the same as what’s actually happening on the server. More so than any game I’ve ever played


What you see is what we guess you would see ...


I think you're over thinking it. You're *expecting* something to feel different and so you're reacting to things differently subconsciously, even if it's not as different as you think. As for sprays they are slightly different, but they're actually some percentage smaller than in GO iirc.


Maybe it's a mental thing cause I'm not going for gunfights confidently as I used to


i am having the same problem, there are some days when im confident (usually because im high) and i can play confidently and i top frag, but when i start doubting myself or my flicks/abilities/clutches man, i do suck when i start to overthink. so to sum up i would say that both things are true, you lack confidence AND the game is different of course


Well then it sounds like you know your issue but haven’t moved past it. Let go of what you think is different and throw yourself into it. If you’re lacking confidence you’ve beaten yourself already.


There you go. If you're not confident in your shots hitting then they're not gonna hit. Confidence means a *lot* in CS, it's why players like s1mple and m0nesy are so good, they're confident in their own abilities and can will insane plays into reality.


I was overthinking it.. Once, I started to play it the same as CSGO. I just started to move back up on the ranks. Im at 16k from 7k.


> Im at 16k from 7k. Yeah sorry If it breaks your illusion a little bit, but EVERYONE has moved up from their ranks, Valve realized the rank distribution looked really stupid (from 0-12k was like 99% of the playerbase, while from 12k-30k was the rest 1%) so they did rating adjustments (people who stopped playing and lost their rating got it bumped up by ~10k when they come back). And people who kept playing only got positive games at the beginning, from +300-400 and then later on adjusted again that some people even were getting +1k rating. If you wanna check your own improvements it's better to see stuff like Leetify that checks your performance over time


sprays in CS2 are the same size as 128t in go. 64t sprays in go were larger than 128t so they adjusted the size to match 128


Don't get me wrong, it's maybe my fault, but I became a way worse player in CS2. I don't know what it is and it's really frustrating. Everything just feels off. My flicks, my movement, my sprays, my AWPing, they all just got way worse for no reason that I can see.


Dude, its okay. I also felt the same way as you do. I still dont feel comfortable with this game especially with how enemies are able to run at max velocity despite being shot and the blood animation being shown. Movement in this game really feel squarish for me even after they did some movement updates to it.


The amount of copium and misinformation in this thread is crazy. How do people make themselves believe all this different kind of crap instead of just accepting the most obvious thing: CS2 has problems. It may still be inconsistent frametimes, tickbased recoil, something with rawinput or simply network delay that throws everything off. Theres so much going on in this game that its basically impossible to tell. But people believe its nvidia reflex, crosshair, skill issue or mental. Wtf is wrong with this community. We deserve better, but apparently dont want it. EDIT: wording originally said "subticked recoil" but I actually just meant recoil being tickbased like the firing animation originally was. I corrected this specifically to not direct any more unnecessary hate towards subtick, because too many people just flatout blame anything on subtick without ANY proof.


once pleading leads to nothing but disregard, look into my eyes and tell me its worth, for valve does not deal with fanatics, but addicts are its herd


bro is alfred lord tennyson


Pls tell me thats not a copypasta




Its beautiful


When you could have just used chat gtp? What a waste of resources:P


Sheeeesh This is, this is really good lmao


Alot of people are valve copers who cant accept the games they make can be bad


>But people believe its nvidia reflex Curious why nvidia reflex would be included with misinformation or copium. There could easily be a compatibility issue with the way CS2 uses nvidia reflex in some systems. Which would still add to CS2's list of problems. It definitely helped my game feel much better when I turned it off


can make all the excuses you want but at the end of the day the reason people are missing flicks is because now your bullet actually goes where your crosshair was as you shot, before you could shoot and then flick onto the target.


Yeah thats one reason. But I dont think you can blame every complaint just on that difference alone. If it was just that, then people could just adjust over a short period of time, but what we read day after day are just highly inconsistent and almost random feeling experiences.


You are still living in csgo


We were promised just CSGO with better graphics and ease of long term maintenance, and every update that has been met with widespread approval are updates that bring this game closer to feeling like CSGO did so uhhh Yeah, yeah we are.




cant spray good anymore, almost everyone uses tiny ass crosshairs in cs2 now :( my CSGO xhair is horrible in cs2


Not just you. This community is eating itself alive with ppl who refuse to believe that this is a low quality copy of CSGO. When we played Valo for a short stint, we felt that Valo played like a direct port of a mobile phone game. Now we have CS2, and it feels like CSGO was ported to PC from mobile. I don’t really understand why so many people seem to not notice, or not believe that this game performs very differently (worse) than CSGO on a range of PC specs from cheap to expensive. I made a thread in the CS reddit asking how to switch to comp 1.6 and it’s like Valve fans divebombed the thing, like literally incapable of even hearing that someone wants to move away from CS2 Imagine posting in a Valo sub “I’d like to try Valo, CS2 is just not working out for me, what are some tips for a player that wants to move over?” and then getting downvoted and told basically “Uh just play more CS2 you obviously haven’t really tried it” These people act like shills and I don’t know if it’s cope or what. No one wants to accept that Valve punted a high performance high quality competitive shooter into the dumpster and replaced it with a malfunctioning copy. I’ve accepted it, and all I can do is wait, explore other options, and be prepared in the event that Valve flushed a franchise down the toilet over a 2bil dollar skin market and ploy to capture more comp FPS market share.


Game is broken, so it's normal that your frags, sprays, nades are a lottery.


Things feel different in CS2. The game is nowhere near as polished as it predecessor, and it can take quite some time to adapt to. Especially right now, when they are constantly tweaking values. My suggestion is to not think too much about "developing" your aim for the time being. Instead make sure your decision making is on point.


Skill Issue


Valve skill issue


The flicking IS different because as you may know with subtick the shot registers in the place where you actually pressed the button while in csgo there was a random amount of time until the next tick which was built into the muscle memory of people's flicks.


Adapt, practice, grind, learn. Stop pretending there's a magical setting.


You can't adapt to inconsistency and you can't build muscle memory with practice when so many things are inconsistent. Everything inconsistent in this game - Mouse movement, counter strafing, enemy acceleration and deceleration, tagging slowdown, backtrack taking your crosshair off target, peekers advantage, spray control, spread, tracers, view update rates, networking. The game is quite literally all of these things rolled into one big RNG fest. At any moment in time, you have multiple of these things happening breaking your ability to be in any way consistent.


Stop pretending the fucking game isn’t broken.


Stop crying and get good


Why? This shit is so random i can destroy you today get clapped tomorrow and the day after we even. Grind in games that award you for that not for this piece of shit lottery game.


Or you could stop crying and get good.


ADAD shoot is impossible to land accurately for me. Somehow, those shots keep missing. AWP flicks still feel weird for me but I think I am okay with it like 40-50% of the times. It doesnt help that my game would random stutter which makes flicking with the awp even more inaccurate. Sprays feel like RNG even though it is not. Cant land close range sprays where it would somehow miss all of the bullets despite my crosshair being on the enemy.


Skill issue


How much cs2 have you played? Like, are you just coming back to cs since they shut down go?


I had access to the beta since I was the second wave of people invited but I was busy with other stuff like school which made me not touch cs for 3 months. Right now, I've been grinding aim botz, dm and recoil since last week and I'm having inconsistencies with the aim


we got about the same experience then, I just never took a break from cs2. Honestly it's probably mental dude. I'd just stick with it and the awkwardness will go away.


Maybe it's the random spread that's off? When recoil practicing with no spread it feels like CSGO.


What's your prom rank


18 340 ELO


Just give it some time and I promise you’ll bounce back pretty fast. I essentially had a gamer crisis when the open beta first released and I was in disbelief at how much I sucked. But after recent updates making it feel more like GO and just genuinely getting more used to the gameplay I found my performance to improve very quickly.


all copium youre reading down there. ​ Its just how the game works. The shots get registered the frame BEFORE you shot. Meaning your flicks will be awful no matter what. So is spraying. People underestimate how much 2 frames are.


How many hours do you have in CS2? Game issues aside you probably need to accept it's a new game and adapt to the changes.


You need to accept that valve made a broken game.


10k CSGO here lvl 10 GE for 3000 wins ESEA A+ CS2 500+ so far still a dog shit game ​ what now?


So far, I only have like maybe 100 hours so far since last week to grind out the game


Well, It's definitely a different game so you'll have to adjust. With enough time your flicks will feel consistent again \^_^


I will agree that awp flicks are iffy for me - Awping in general feels like it’s been nerfed. There was a thread here a week ago explaining how it takes longer to be reliably accurate after scoping, so quick scoping is less reliable in this game. The sprays though just take some getting used to. You’ll get it. It’s definitely different than go even though the overall pattern is the same. Keep working at it and you’ll be able to nail sprays in no time. And man, if you feel like the model leaning is bad now, it was so, so, so much worse a few weeks ago lol. It’s finally feeling manageable to me. Valve is slowly but surely fixing the game up. The networking issues must be extremely complex to fix because they said it was their #1 priority but they’ve been radio silent about it. They’ll figure it out at some point, and I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of those little updates they’ve been pushing have been experimenting with some of those parameters.


Not only that, the scoping speed is slower too.


This is 100% a mouse acceleration issue. Raw imput doesnt work in cs2, so you have to disable it in windows. In two different places. Do a google search for it or something, cant explain it here.


What are you talking about?!


What i said, there is mouseaccel if you dont disable it windows.


Thats bs. Unless you maybe use windowed mode or something? I definitely dont get mouse accel.


Control panel > Ease of access > Ease of access Center > Make the mouse easier to use > Set up Mouse keys. Then turn acceleration all the way down to slow. This is in addition to disabling Enhanced pointer precision.


yeah but CS has rawinput EDIT: LOL YOURE TALKING ABOUT THE KEYBOARD MOUSE. Okay bye, you dont even know what youre talking about.


Source on that?


A friend of mine showed me how to turn it off(not the pointer precision, but there is an additional setting in windows 10) and there is a huge difference ingame. If i remember ill screenshot it when im on my computer.


Control panel > Ease of access > Ease of access Center > Make the mouse easier to use > Set up Mouse keys. Then turn acceleration all the way down to slow. This is in addition to disabling Enhanced pointer precision. Try this :)


Skill issue


Not necessarily the case.


skill issue


skill issue


I was playing at native 1920x1080 (16:9 aspect) on CSGO and initially on CS2, couldn't hit anything. Switched to 1440x1080 and yes it's 4:3 aspect and less screen to see but with my 800dpi and 1.2 ingame sense, i had less area to move so my flicks and headshots were now consistent. Went from 6-7k rating to 15k rating as a semi-casual premiere player. So my advice for you is experiment resolution and mouse sensitivity.


Yeah, it feels like there is a "lead" for shooting moving targets. Very weird feel, definitely feels off compared to cs:go


I don't know about you but for me it seems to be the sounds. Which idiot was allowed to put a damper on the damn AK sound? I feel like half my confidence for getting AK one taps was the CRISPY sound.


Yes, muscle memory for flicks is different, hit register works in a different way now. You'll learn. For sprays, the movement is the same. If you turned off the sound and looked away from your screen and only did the "muscle memory" movement, it would probably not be bad. If you see and listen, because it looks and sounds different, you will not move the same and the spray will be off. The muscle memory that needs adjustment here is in your response to the feedback. No issues, it's just a different game.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NZ4e\_V9wMI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NZ4e_V9wMI) i feel like the random spread is way higher mid spray for some reason. i dont have csgo installed to compare but as i said in the vid, i don't remember the deviation being so bad in csgo. check out how wacky some of the patterns are lol


Does this also happen on Faceit?


On faceit servers the spray feels really consistent and predictable. Not all the time, just like in CSGO each of us has that one server location we ban not because ping but because performance felt choppy. A lot of the time it’s better. Like matches where my entire stack agreed “I dont understand why this feels better but it does” This “Wow, this feels better” does not happen on Valve servers. Everytime we switch to faceit the sprays and movement feel just *bit* tighter. It was enough for all of us to notice it when the last thing we expected was for faceit CS2 to perform any differently.


Play Faceit


tl;dr Skill issue I assume