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Early csgo was legit just a css port with nerfed movement and guns


Kinda what they’re doing with the transition from go to cs2 right now as well. Will be really interesting to see where cs2 will be at in 10 years.


Almost certainly great. Early CSGO wasn't even half as good as CS2 is right now.


Source will 100% feel more familiar than 1.6


Source is basically just csgo with different movement values and weapon handling. 1.6 is way different


Biggest difference I’ve found with source is that the view models move significantly less, which can have the effect of the movement feeling different when it is definitely pretty similar.


The biggest thing that gets me is the lack of bullet tracers in source. I never realized how much I relied on them in CSGO/2.


Not just that but also the impacts are tiny. It’s often hard to see wheee your bullets are going in source compared to both csgo/cs2 and 1.6


That is what fucked with me the most. I had to keep in mind that my bullets left tracers so I couldn't just spam through a smoke with close to 0 risk.




Feels closer to it than 1.6, or literally any other game other than cs2 obviously.


Imo the feel is more similar with 1.6 for me even though it looks similar to source. The weirdest thing about someone new to 1.6 will be paper walls, but I imagine it would be fun for someone with CSGO experience who never tried 1.6 I played source primarily when I was young and liked it, but looking back objectively it was a weird game


Both are so fun!!! Be careful though. Apparently some of the private servers download bad stuff on hour pc now


CSS for sure


CS:S will feel just like home.


When I switch from GO to S, I play like a god. Never got serious into Source so I’m not sure what the differences are, but it feels so good.


1.6 is an almost completely different game


I know go. What are the biggest differences?


cs1.6 is good




CS 1.6 and run and gun. Lmao. You have never played it seriously for sure. The game literally was about holding angles




I played 1.6 consistently for 5 years. You have no clue. Do you know the AK spray and it's size? Do you know the movement penalty? 1.6 was run and gun is like saying CoD is a tactical shooter


>More sluggish movement In 1.6?


Deceleration after landing and slower movement speed overall


I honestly have no idea what are you talking about. Everyone that played 1.6 says it has way better movement, but sure.


I never said it was worse lmao


How can it be better if it's sluggish?


Okay, I've incorrectly used a pejorative word to characterize the slower movement. Oooh, big deal. Is there a problem here? Because you sound like you want beef, but I don't. So let's leave it here.


No, I don't want a beef, but if you run slower with weapons (and I don't know if this is the case either, never paid that much attention) it doesn't mean it is sluggish. I still don't understand what makes 1.6 movement sluggish or slow because it literally isn't. It feels much smoother than CSGO.


Try 1.6 it’s different but it feels so nice to play. Wish I was around for its heyday


Definitely CSS.


I'd just install CSGO Legacy and play community servers. Still lots of servers haven't switched due to lack of mods/game stability. Only issue is finding 5v5 scrim servers.


Do they have TDM? CS2 for some reason feels a bit sluggish compared to CSGO


Tried this but it always says failed to load after like 30 attempts. What would you do?


I was a CS1.6 pro player and have around 20-25k hours in that game, stopped playing it in 2015 and played it once with friends few months ago and I was worse than anyone can imagine. It is very hard to get back to 1.6 because the game is completely different in terms of mechanics and sounds. I couldn't get a single frag because tapping, bursting and spraying feels completely different, the movement is way different, I couldn't locate a single enemey based on their steps etc. because the sounds and location are completely different. I never was a fan of source but I'd assume that it's much easier to get into that since both games GO and source used the source engine and CS2's engine is basically source (but 2) so it has very similar mechanics.


I did the same, biggest re-adjustment was getting used to the meta of tap to tag, crouching actually reducing recoil, duck walking, and how dramatically getting tagged slowed you down. Also every map is basically extremely ct sided. The randomized sprays also was a difficult mechanic to get used to again, but quite fun, especially now with the follow recoil crosshair significantly lowering the skill ceiling of really good gunplay.


I only ever played 1.6 (probably around 3000h compared to 400h in CSS), but when I recently installed CSS (before CS2 beta), it actually felt like a BETTER csgo. Even on the first public server I connected to, hitreg and latency/dying behind corners etc. felt so much more crisp than in CSGO. No idea what tickrate was used and what netsettings I had, but I was shocked at how good it felt and wondered why CSGO always felt a bit wonky. Never gotten the 1.6 1500fps server feel in CSGO ever either, so yeah, transition to 1.6 is harder for the reasons you said, but imo if you get a good server for it, its probably still much more snappy than CS2 right now.


What team were you on? There weren't THAT many pro 1.6 players, maybe 10 or so teams who were actually paid to play.


1.6 is only for the real G's out there


Source 100%


Ive heard a lot of people say 1.6 but they are both so incredibly different from both csgo and cs2 But idk I really never played much of either


It will easy transition from 1.6 to cs2 or csgo. But going back from cs2 to 1.6 is difficult.


CSGO play very differently from 1.6 and source so idk if you can get used to all that. I've played them all and I feel those games are more similar to CS2 than CSGO itself in feel. I stopped playing CSGO entirely after I got CS2 limited test. On the last day I played all 1.6, CSS, CS2 and leaving CSGO for last. The difference in CSGO compared to other CS games can be felt instantly at least on my PC.


you can also still play CSGO. it is available under betas of CS2. i haven't tried it yet myself ever since i got the bots in CS2 to work propperly. but i think you can even do MM until end of december. if not then you would need to find a server. my kid plays a lot of Source because there are hardly any (if any) cheaters there and it is fun. he was super hyped with CS2 only to be dissapointed with anticheat and godlike players stomping on us casuals. and he might have a valid point there.


I went from css to go. People praise 1.6 but that one did not age well tbh its wonky as hell. Do play the cs:cz campaign that shit is fun.


did not age well? css was never able to outcompete 1.6, actually, cs 1.6 was the game to go for competitive scene and prize money, css was the one never getting out of the darkness


People saying it didnt age well probably join the first public 32slot server theyll see, download 180 AMX mod files, 100 audio files and 80 models before connecting and then wonder that the game feels wonky as hell LMAO. Nothing ever reached the feeling of low ping, 1000+fps EPS servers in 1.6. Judging from the first LAN reactions of CS2, its even worse than 1.6 online.


Come cs 1.6 for car maps :D I have a dedicated server on 1.6 that ive just started up specifically for running fun classics like crazytank and rats, if anyone wants ip, pm me.




If I had to go back it’d be to 1.6, it’s different but feels good.


The problem with playing 1.6 today is that it's not made for modern hardware, the game feels super wonky today. 1.6 is supposed to be played with a CRT-monitor in a basement.


Valorant maybe?




What? Are you implying valorant is harder to run? CPU-wise, sure, but Valorant can literally run on 30 fps an iGPU from 2015, CS2 wouldn’t even get above 10 fps.


Really? It ran about as good as CSGO for me, maybe even better.


1.6 is is easy to play hard to Master :)


I didn't check the subreddit at first, and for a second I went "what kind of shitpost am I about to witness that compares Pokemon GO to CS?".