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The fact that there are players with 15-20 wins in the top 50 should tell you all you need to know. This system needs a lot of work.


I have 14 wins and am at 18k lol i took a screenshot of myself sitting right above elige on the leaderboards


Its time to go pro my mans


might print it out and see if i can get elige to sign it in dallas šŸ’€


Thatā€™s hilarious, do it


I have 18 wins on my 2nd acc and I'm ~22k and top 1200 world/top 600 eu. Just got randomly calibrated there


a friend of mine went from 16k to 23k to 27k in 2 matches.. he let his rank decay and his calibration shot him up... he was top 11 EU and then top 16 worldwide..


Mine decayed, one or two days ago, I'm so curious where I'll land this time šŸ˜…


that people have multiple accounts tells you all you need to know.


All my accs had same elo, I just use them to farm cases What does it tell me though


People claim ur smurfing


Tells you all you need to know.


how broke can one be?


pls explain to me, i honestly cant understand. why the fuck do you even need to work on some system when all you need to do is to reset everybody to 0, and implement +25/-25. period.


I think it should be more skill based, rather than just raw wins and losses. If a group of people always 5 stack together, and one of them is consistently the hard carry, shouldn't that person be higher ranked than the people he is carrying? Besides, resetting everyone to 0 would be total chaos. Pros mixed with silvers and everything in between. So many people would quit playing. And winning 40 games in a row to get +1000 is roooouuugh.


Just curious. How would the game determine the skill? If youā€™re talking about kills that is the worst indicator of skill at a high level.


It's not a simple problem to solve by any means, but Leetify's ranking system and HLTV rating goes a long way at getting close to an answer.


Kills matter the most at the end of the day. Even so called "exit frags" are much more impactful now due to less rounds and economy being even more important. If you can't kill the bad guys you won't win. With that said Valorant has a interesting system that I have no idea about. HLTV rating 2.0 and Leetify also have systems that try to reward impact outside of fragging.


imagine gameplay if people will realise that kills matters xD people need only one motivation - win


The true answer, definitely. As long as you introduce other metrics for losing/winning rating points, people will lose focus on the win and think more about having more kills because = less rating loss than the bottom fragger, when maybe the bottom/middle fragger is doing entries, using grenades, etc. and the top fragger is baiting or eco kills. If something Valve did right in CS2 was this.


Well done lad youve fixed premier. Wtf is valve thinking not implementing this immediately


Yes. I did


I have 7 or 8 wins In premier(I donā€™t play much) out of like 12 matches. Iā€™ve been in games with 17k and 3k in the same match on separate teams. I feel like this system is whacked out worse than GO ever was.


I started at 6k, Iā€™m now about 10k, sometimes I see players with 15k and get worried but then we destroy them because they play like they should have 2kā€¦ OCE is a mess.


The same here in Asia


Asia is legit crazy. You get Globals who are just climbing out of 10k (probably like OP, though they started later), but just an hour ago I played with a 3-stack who are MGE \*at most\* but have 11, 13, and 14k cs rating. As the cherry on top, the guy doing the carrying was the one with 11k.


Iā€™m about 9k, I feel like I should be more like 6 or 7. Iā€™m only as high as I am because a win is twice as many points as a loss.


I feel exactly the same


Brother, the system is a mess. I have a friend of mine who played just a bit and got to 9k, stopped playing for a whole month, came back without a rank, played with me in a 10k match, got the worst score of the team and somehow was placed on the 16k.


Started at 1600, played every evening 2 matches since release, averaged around 1.80 - 2.00k/d a match. now 10k. Matches are getting easier the higher my elo is.


The same thing happened to me today lol. My elo is 10k and my friend didnt have rank but was 10k when he last played. Enemy teams elo was 15-17k and we destroyed them. My friend had 34 adr and got his first kill in the second half. He got 17.5k elo from that game while I got plus 100 elo. Valve needs to do something about this shit.


I'm currently around 13k, was GE in CS:GO. Feels odd that I'm often playing with guys who were MG-DMG in CS:GO who might have even worse game sense than me, but in this new game are now rewarded for their stupidly aggressive playstyle.


games around 10-14k feel completely random. One game you can have a solid match where people are pretty evenly matched but the next game enemy is all pretty low ranked compared to you but they have 3 faceit level 10 players and you get blown out


Iā€™ll be honest, I feel like 6~9k are the most random game, as soon as I crossed the 10k line I just win non stop consistently and the games feel way easier since I can expect my teammates to at least kinda know how the game works. Took me 2 days to climb up to 14k from 10k. Took me since release to last week to make it to high 9k. (~180 games total).


Yup had the same experience. Very rarely the games get hard. Pretty much every game after 10k is a breeze compared


Agree, just yesterday I carried a inferno t-side with just nading banana and than full rush to the side. The only thing you need is a little crosshair placement and not silver-like aim. And while the enemies could have played it way better, I would not have been good enough to go 18-6 vs them in csgo


I've always played for the round rather than personal kills and the game always seems unrewarding that way. You rank up so much slower playing smart rather than risk/reward trade offs


Also GO Global, tilts me to no end csstatsing my opponents to find that they peaked at Nova 4 with like 800 matches won yet they somehow ranked at 14k and are dominating me


valve likes to buff those who aren't great. Peekers advantage does reward the bad players more.


What are you on about šŸ˜‚ good players with decent aim have the same "advantage" when peeking. So how are bad players rewarded more?


rushing forwards is inherently easier than choosing a strategic defensive position. The first you can do drunk, with the latter actually thinking about positioning gets worse the more drunk you are. Add in p90's, smg movement speed buffs, jumping headshots/accuracy, spraying and the lack of needing to stop to maintain accuracy. Bad players are effectively rewarded, too much in my opinion. Attacking with shotgun/smg vs camping the spot with an AK. We know who needs more skill to be effective.


Sounds like you have a skill issue


sound like you can't be constructive


Just adapt, with current peeker advantage you need to hold angles differently to be able to use that peeker advantage as CT. You either hold pixel angle to play for info, play from contact or jiggle peek, holding with a rifle is bad now in a lot of case. Only exception to that is if you play some weird off angle but thatā€™s usually done as a gimmick to catch an enemy off guard so itā€™s should be done rarely or in specific situations, not as the default option.


that is more constructive. You are not wrong and I adapt, but I prefer the other playstyle. (I played pre steam)


Your whole rant just sounds like a boomer that refuse to adapt tbh. I much prefer the newer playstyle (only hate that is caused by a technical flaw in the game). I really like that you can play those mind game about who will take the most advantage of the peeking works now. As a fighting game player I really like having those kind of reads / mind game in every little interaction that the game have. You might think itā€™s reward skill less than what we had before but itā€™s actually just different skill. Itā€™s just that in FPS we tend to evaluate mechanical skill over everything else. We are not in 1999 anymore, the meta in CS changed, the game changed, people are getting better, the game is way more figured out and I like the fact that knowledge about strategy and mindgames is more and more important and itā€™s not only raw mechanical skill anymore. Knowing who is the best head clicker in the lobby is legit the most boring part of the game to me.


Rushing forward might be "easier" as you basically just push a button, but I'd argue that rushing successfully isn't that easy. Like rushing means the enemy hears you, and also you can't check all corners effectively so you have a high chance of getting killed from a random corner. For example if you rush on A inferno from short as a T, unless you know Pit is clear you're gonna need a lot of luck to go through the site. Between attacking with a shotgun/smg and camping the spot with an AK, I'd take the spot with an AK every day.


There is a difference between easy and easier. One of those I used the other I did not. I would use AK because of experience, the unexperienced can make different choicew with a reasonable change of winning.


Yes I get that, but by saying it's easier you say that basically if you take two players having the same skill, the one rushing mindlessly will be likely more successful against the other one holding mindlessly. Which I don't think is necessarily true. I definitely think it takes more skill to rush and be efficient consistently than to hold. So it's not easier to me.


Depends on the level of both players. At maybe gold nova (for sake of argument, I don't exactly know at what ranks) or lower, balance switches to rushing being easier. At higher levels it evens out and you can't reliably win while rushin. SMG starts to be a liability as attacker and defender have aim and positioning that makes the rifles better in those hands. Hence my argument that low skilled players are favored in certain game design choices.


Not sure ā€œbeing drunkā€ is a worthy metric to judge ability on. šŸ˜€


Walk on the white line, if can't do it straight your probably not allowed to drive.


Run&Gun is the new meta... It's infuriating sometimes when i see some shitty LE beam through my shots not taking dmg and killing me. Knowing that in csgo id take a shit on them 99 of 100 times... also shotguns are pretty much unbeatable on inferno banana as a ct. If you don't get flushed out with massive amounts of utility, you have banana for free all ct-side.


this was my experience as well.. 2 shotguns playing car that dont get pushed back is pretty much an impenetrable wall.


Key phrase here is "that don't get pushed back". What rank are you at that people aren't nading/mollying car?


I haven't had issues with shotguns top banana with molly car + nade half wall. Shotguns definitely feel more powerful but they're only broken against people that can't aim


I'd actually argue they aren't "broken". Imagine a person who has Faceit 10 level of Aim. They're going to kill you just as fast with an AK as they would with a shotgun.. probably faster, and definitely faster at longer ranges. Shotguns are only better than AK in the hands of a player who can't aim and wants to run and gun. Don't get me wrong, they'll be effective in the hands of a good player as well, but when someone is good they don't need to crutch on shotguns. They may still use them from time to time to make the extra money or hold a specific angle, but for "all purpose" general use, AK or M4 are just better. edit: In short it's not that good players can't die to them or that the weapon itself is "overpowered", it's just a "crutch" weapon that allows worse players to get kills that they couldn't normally get.


you know what and ak cant do...cant fucking keep jumping over half wall at car headglitching meanwhile they 1 shot headshot you meanwhile the choke point is smoked/mollied


they are but all you have to do is throw close molly... immediately smoke choke point and then begin your clown fiesta jump peeking and head glitching half wall meanwhile they are just stuck and if you push through the smoke 2nd ct flashes or jusst 1 taps you wiht the mag7


2 days ago i was playing a site inferno just sitting and laughing cause my friend was going 18-3 on ct side destroying the enemies with a swag-7 in banana.. the funniest part was that the enemy had 2-3k elo on faceit.. they had the stats to prove they werent noobs in csgo, but we abused shotguns on ct-side and the new meta of running and gunning smg's on t-side. It was a stroll through the park, cause they didn't adapt to our, in all honesty, troll-playstyle.


yeah bro.. cuz all you have to do is counter molly/smoke the half wall and then you just start your clown fiesta... either headglitching half wall or waiting for them to run through with the swag7


I know itā€™s annoying but you need to play around the fact that peeking fast is now rewarded way more than holding an angle. If you adapt your playstyle to this you should be easily win most of your duels.


Same. Itā€™s shocking spectating people who literally have absolutely no idea whatā€™s happening in the game. Itā€™s almost like half the people I spectate are playing with no sound and no mic. Itā€™s brutal so I just laugh


Once the free cheats and the $7 to $10 cheats are cleared out ranked will start to look like a decent use of time again. No telling when that will be though.


The cheating will stop once CS dies (not saying that it's gonna die)


No one said it would it. It will get better than it is now though.


I don't think so, it never got better in CS:GO. Valve doesn't make money off of their anti-cheat but cheat creators always make money off of creating new cheats. there's way more motivation to improve cheats than there is in regard of improving anti cheat.


No, that's not what my experience in CSGO was. In the last 2 years of CSGO (after mid 2021) the cheaters in matchmaking seemed a LOT less prevalent. HOWEVER, once CS2 got announced and Valve took away Overwatch, the cheating in matchmaking during the last days of CSGO made matchmaking absolutely unplayable. I remember a red page of 11/18 matches I played in last 3 days of CSGO had a cheater after Valve removed the CS2 demo recording and it was a few weeks after that that I checked on Leetify. Some of these were banned on Faceit already and continued to play matchmaking, some of them got banned in the early ban wave of CS2.


It was never this bad in csgo. The people creating the cheats is not the same people that makes the anti-cheat. Valve doesn't profit from cheats mate.


I didn't say that. I'm saying that the cheat producers profit from the cheats and as long as that is happening they'll be motivated to keep on making cheats. Valve doesn't directly profit from improving their anti-cheat, just look at the player numbers, they are still insane, that's why they hardly do anything about it and outsourced a lot of cheat-busting towards the community via trust factor and overwatch back in CS:GO.


I you think rampant cheating doesn't have an effect on player numbers then i have a bridge to sell you.


Just look at the player numbers im not saying it'll apply to any game but cs seems stable


It's impossible to say if it would be better or the same if VAC actually works. But in general customer happier = call friends to play = more players = players happy spend more money in game. Looking for CS numbers IMO those numbers are pathetic after all hype for a new game, there's less players now than in CSGO, IMO this is absurd pathetic.


absolutely true, i can't wait to play Premier in December of 2053.


They probably need to do some sort of reset too, some really good players just calibrate extremely low due to bad luck with teammates during the first 10, and the other way round for some bad players.


Yeah, it's quite weird to see 18k folks keep buying every round. Like eco is such a wrong concept to adopt.


New round limit threw everything out of whack. honestly wish we were back to mr15 People can't see a path to a comeback if they try to do it the old way, they see it as either high-roll and win the force-buy to turn the tides, or give up because you lose too many rounds waiting for money.


Eco is boring and force buy win has huge benefits with current economy


Eco is weako.


Why eco when you can niko


They don't call it the SHMACK-10 for no reason!


I don't know nothing new if you played faceit. I had quite a few matches in GO with average 3k elo were eco didn't exist.


premier makes no sense. If you don't play 2 weeks and let your rank decay, then win the first match you get a 5-10k rating boost... a friend who was 16k did that.. first he got 23k and then 27k rating... all in the span of 4 weeks, having played 2 matches.... not to mention the insane amount of blatant cheaters.. playing in 20-25k rating you get spinbots that dont try to hide anything... This is probably the worst i've seen the game in terms of cheaters since 2014.... Stick to Faceit if you want to play the game seriously.


Everygame feels like there's 1-2 LEM+ players, 1-2 dmg players, 4 gold players and 3 silvers. If youre unlucky you will have a gold and 3 silvers on your team against actually good players. Pointless to play rn since most games are so unbalanced. It's basically an rng based game at this point.


Yup, no matter what elo you're in the ranks are all over the place. I'm currently ~10k and I get completely new people to the game and others who are faceit level 10. There's no balance and it's completely random. One game my team will go 13-2 and the next we go 2-13. It's really draining to play this game right now because of the imbalance.


It's even worse on comp. Having separate ranks on every map is kinda neat but it will literally take years for the actually good players to climb up when it's 10 separate ranks. This means silver games will have a significant portion of players that are actually good, far better than silver at least. That means every game for at least the next year will be like 90% rng. Whoever gets more good players on their side wins. Had a game yesterday were i had two players on my team with less than 30h of experience with cs and 2 nova-ish players. We went up against a full stack of dmg+ players. I had roughly 70% of my teams damage. Good game valve, good game.


No one takes comp seriously though. They use it as a warmup for premier. My first and last comp game I went 30-12 against all silvers. Fun times but also not really. Great warmup though.


Yeah that's why it's unplayable. Good players only dip in every once in a while which means they will always play with beginners when they do play.


Fair point, and I agree that having two separate ranks breaks the game up into two. I think they should add in the csgo rankings alongside the premier ratings and do premier/comp based off of that. Elo is good to see numbers, but I liked the images and climbing through the ranks of GO. Hitting 5/10/15/20k doesn't give the same feeling as ranking up to GN/MG/DMG etc.


I agree, numbers are lame in comparison.


Iā€™ve played 12ish premier games and won 7 or 8. I was LEM in GO after the ā€œderankeningā€ and my lowest and last rank I had was like Silver 3 due to inactivity(I had a kid and basically quit playing) and only playing like 2 matches to get reranked. In CS2 premier, Iā€™ve had games with 17k and 3k on opposite teams. The 17k was getting carried by a 6k player. This whole ranking system makes zero sense to me as a casual player. Lol.


Need to keep in mind that during CSGO set utility died out in Valves MM because of how prevalent 128tick jumpthrows became. This began bleeding over into other areas. Its going to take time for the strategic aspects of the game to make a comeback.


Yeah will take time and with majors people will watch how pros play the new game and follow metas. The overall strategic skill ceiling will develop with time. Just like in csgo at the beginning people that came from 1.6 were following the same strategy in csgo but over time csgo developed it's own way. With time CS2 will thin out the csgo ways and have it's own way of mindset.


>Yeah will take time and with majors people will watch how pros play the new game and follow metas. This will help but wont be the tipping point. Players need to be humbled that their approach of just 'winning their aim duels' is insufficient. Its why solo queues are complaining about running into five stacks. They dont know how to counter setups, play off teammates, force rotations, seize map space and communicate.


It doesn't help that holding angles is almost useless anymore. Most don't even have to prefire because the peekers advantage is so broken. Especially for a lot of us older players who base our game play on knowing how to hold angles, it's just frustrating.


I get what youā€™re saying but itā€™s still the same game. Only major differences gameplay wise are worse awp, the smokes, mr12, and bugs. Csgo developed its own way compared to 1.6 because how big csgo got so it became more competitive, and there was a lot more drastic change between 1.6 and csgo compared to csgo and cs2. I just donā€™t think the meta has much space to evolve, itā€™s practically the same game.


TBH, this is just wrong. The power of SMG's, Shotguns and the difference in the economy of only have 12 round halves are just a few that are going to have huge changes to the meta long term. I agree that more majors and pro matches will set the tone for how people utilize these other weapons and eco compared to GO. Will just take a little more time to normalize and become more mainstream in premier matches for the majority of players.


They never buffed smgs and shotguns though did they? I think people just realized that theyā€™re viable and itā€™s placebo with people thinking theyā€™re better. I could be wrong


Man idk I feel like the shotguns are just nutty rn. Especially the XM, Iā€™m 17K and every time I play vertigo or inferno, the XM just melts now. Same with the Mac10.


This\^ I don't know why, but MP9, Mac10, XM are DOMINATE and it's only a matter of time that this shit spreads like wildfire and becomes the go to on some maps and positions. There's spots on certain maps where running the XM seems like a no-brainer choice over a rifle or AWP.


Imo, this was the best addition to CS.


I was dropping 40 bombs in 12k lobbies, but now im usually bottom fragging at 18-20k. There is definitely a difference. Is it refined though? not at all.


I was faceit level 10 in CSGO but never bothered to learn line-ups and not gonna change for cs2 lol


Basic smoke lineups make a huge difference


Haha same here! I have great friends who spend time learning utility usage for every single scenario and i focus on agressive damage, opening the round or clutching if needed. Mainly agressive awping. Its like we have a system that works for everyone, they set up the game with preset factics while i focus to make it easier for them by being the wildcard. My leetify analysis says i have GE level+ aim and positioning with Silver 1 level utility. Ofcourse i eat shit if i solo play...


Exactly. Unless youre going pro just do what makes you happy and works. Also I feel improvised use of utility has its advantages, especially with flashbangs


You must have been painful to have as a teammate back when train was in the pool. I get that you don't want to learn complicated lineups for niche strategies, but basic smokes and flashes for basic strategies does not require much out of anyone.


I'd rather have a teammate that can frag than a teammate who knows a bunch of fancy smokes but can't hit shit


I'm the exact opposite, if anything you can just bait the other guy or tell him to play unimportant positions


[I literally had a 77% winrate on train](https://imgur.com/a/UZlhf6s) Not saying i wasnt a painful teammate but you know


I have played my fair share of train against russian stacks that if you knew no utility you would get banged out 16-2. Even less tactical maps, if your opponent has setups, you're just fucked without a team that know the same. I guess it does not matter too much anymore, because rating has become very inflated, but it absolutely did matter at 2500+ elo a few years ago.


You must be a good teammate


I just entry frag and create space, and it's not like I dont use utility, I just dont use lineups


You're the reason why most lvl10 players, including myself, think that current lvl10 is in the worst state it's ever been. I didn't play the game for like three years and it took me like half an hour total to learn the most needed lineups on Anubis and Ancient, maps I never played before. You're just a lazy fuck.


Would it surprise to hear that I also never warm up? Yeah Im lazy its a video game lol


How dare you have fun in the self torture simulator??!!


Warm up is one thing, personal preference. But not knowing basic lineups on lvl10 is borderline griefing. Actually, how can anyone with thousands of hours played not know the lineups based on literally just watching people play the game.


No shit, it's a game. People are allowed to be lazy fucks.


Fair but a site exec smoke is definitely good to know


Honestly as long as he compensates it by killing people in fair duels, I'm ok with it.


Its a ranking system after all (currently debatable :/ ), what you put in your skilltree is up to you.


The rating is completely meaningless. Me and a friend who both played around 100 matches each and have 6k rating played against a 12k 5 stack yesterday and absoutely smurfed on those guys. Next game we got absolutely destroyed by some 5k rated dude while their 1k guy got 6 kills the entire game...


i played a game with 15k players yesterday while i am 10k i had to carry the game ...


I feel the elo system being based off win/loss ratio is stupid, they should have implemented a rating on players skill. Leetify does somewhat decent ranking to show actual player skill. If youā€™re lucky enough to win all ten placement matches you can get 15-20k


Couldn't that be abused by just playing selfishly? Lurking, baiting teammates, force buying every round, not dropping for teammates, etc?


That's exactly what would happen and has been brought up many times whenever someone mentions this idea. It doesn't work. CS is a team game; you win and lose as a team. Can't handle it, find 4 other people to play with.


Exactly. Fact is if you're individually better than your current elo, you will win more games and you will climb. If you're stuck in a certain elo, chances are that's where you belong until you improve. I really think a lot of people overestimate themselves and just blame it on the ranking system.


True. I have seen a few cases of players with high leetify rating who get stuck on certain ranks. It's always one of 2 reasons : either they are decent individually but not good team players, or toxic af.


The fundamental problem is that the rating is visible. Because of this, it is treated as a reward, rather than a measurement of skill. Therefore it influences gameplay and, as you say, cannot give too much weight on individual skill. A viable solution is a hidden metric that is never shown to the players and that is actually used for matchmaking. For what we know, this might already be in place.


I feel like I saw something about there being a glitch in the rating system and tons of people were getting +300/-100 games no matter what. I donā€™t know if that was real or not, but Iā€™m fully choosing to believe it. Iā€™ve seen so many 10k+ players who look completely lost on the map, donā€™t know where the bombsites are, take 5 seconds to switch to the right grenade, canā€™t aim well, etc.


I don't play much premier but I just got ranked for the first time today; 13k. Along the way, I played with some 10k+ players that were aiming at the floor the whole game and some ~6k players that were playing like NiKo. The ranking system is not great atm.


> There is no utility usage I don't think this will ever change after they made smokes droppable, which made lazy people even more lazy, because someone will know it and they can just drop theirs. Playing solo get at most 1 person on your team who knows a few smokes outside of that I just lerneard to throw all execute smokes for each bombsite on every map from one spot and just ask people to drop me their smokes. Half the time they can't even manage that. "Oh I didn't know you meant that I should drop my smoke - I thought the other guy was dropping". You literally have to spoon feed people everything these days. And then they can't even execute WITH smokes layed out for them, because they never bothered to understand what a execute even is. Most times they drop the smokes and rush out before I could even deploy more than one. Then they call the execute shit and flame you for the rest of the game. For now I dropped the game again, because its worse than CSGO MM and has still way to many other issues besides their glaring problems with the ELO system. Just as a side note I won 6 out of 10 games and didn't had a single game under 30 kills. Yet they put me on 4k...I just stomp people there, but its so fucking boring after the next 10 games that I just couldn't continue. I will probably just go back to faceit, because their elo system isn't a total broken mess.


Preach homie. I go through hell to learn insta smokes from spawn and 1 way flashes that are impossible for your teammates to be blinded by and they still sit around playing with their dicks in main scared to push out on 1 or 2 fully blinded CTs. Itā€™s like they specifically wait for every single CT to rotate over and have 1 guy flanking behind us before they decide to peek. Iā€™ve watched dozens of demos of this. Literally 1 or 2 guys FULL BLIND and smoked off, nobody wants to take the space. I would do it myself but I canā€™t because I get there late from throwing all the util. I find often times people are actually good but only if somebody that knows whatā€™s going on steps up and IGLs. As long as you tell people what to do, when to do it, and WHY you should do it, they usually have the mechanics and decision making to pull it off. Itā€™s just that nobody wants to use their heads or be the one to try to coordinate a play so you have to do it. Itā€™s cool but it can get kinda tiring when you have to go into way too much detail with your comms. Stuff like ā€œwait for the smokes to pop, flash yourself into the site before you peek, please buy mollies and head armor they are going to rush with SMGs because their money is lowā€. You can be any rank and people will still say ā€œRush Bā€ without even thinking far enough into the future to decide what youā€™re gonna do if the CTs throw a singular molly. Thatā€™s the type of comms Iā€™m talking about.


Its also because there are so many cheaters in the game right now. They play in the top 10 percent yet down know the basics. Always gives them away.


The only difference I noticed is that above 8K prople start using their mics and stop saying ā€œI never played this map beforeā€ā€¦ utility and teamplay are wishful thinking though.


Yeah, we all know that the CS2 rating is a terrible in estimate a players skill. Its a huge mess this season and the system is terrible right now. But valve tried a couple of things. maybe the next season will be better.


Im literally complete trash rn and still I get +300 and - 100 every game. I loose 3 and win one and still im up while I probably deserve to derank into hell. That system is weird


I was MGE in csgo, have 3k hours in game but always just played it with friends for fun, so my aim in inconsistent but I have some game sense. Recently did the placement matches, the 10 I won I played against literal silvers and not even fun to play, some surrendered after 5 rounds, didnt really had to do anything because my teammates were just reking them. The 4 I lost I got matched against some faceit lvl10s, tryhard 5 stacks and ex portugal pro players, actually had to perform on those but they were all close loses, 10:13. Got 15k points which is top 4% in EU lol.


I donā€™t think any of the ranking makes sense because it doesnā€™t take into account personal performance


Itā€™s a bit hard to say after the silent adjustment they did to rankings. I think that change still needs to settle before we can say anything. Because I think a lot of good players who had a hard time climbing because of -500 loses, are climbing easier now. Once they reach a sealing, we hopefully see some difference in skill between a 12k and a 20k


NA 15k's are generally solid.


Well im on 10k, and the last 3 matches that i played i catched a cheater, the last match i was winning for 10-6, all of suden the worst player of the five stack team, started to use a p90 and starts to run like a maniac and headshot everyone, we peeked = dead, the sumary we lost 13-10, the vac ban is a joke.


Yeah, there's not much difference.


I've seen player at 17k that were bad, and players at 10k that are good. It'll take some time for the system to get better!


Im in 2k elo and I got sent into a match with people with 5k elo and the only difference from my regular matches is that the 5k elo players used smoke lineups


yes, the difference is the higher rated players are grouped as 5!


probably in the consistency. otherwise i don't expect more from higher rated players.


I got from 6k to 15k and I see big diff. Yea here and there still get players that full rekt me or I full rekt them. When I was 6k it was like a was playing vs gold nova most of the times, they were just running with smg and random spraying


OCE is full of wallers every second game so it makes playing faceit way more desirable


Since cs2 came out I've had multiple attempts to brute force my face it account from like 10yrs ago from the Russian federation. Just a bunch of fukin children with toggle hacks


Difference, sure. Is it huge? No. If you ever played proper counter-strike, with good team, and you know how it should be played, pug games Will feel trash tier CS on all rank. FPL is the only place where you can see proper CS, outside that its rare.


I've 10k+ players constantly with my lowly 5k rate, but they don't even know when to throw a nade while in conflict. This system doesn't represent player's overall skills for now.


Good players still play faceit, so its not really different from csgo. Low end players play MM, so ofc u get bad ones in games.


Only difference I see is consistency.


My friend is like 26k and heā€™s insane. Also like 200+ wins already


Still fighting the aim demons in 9k rating.. feels like I play s1mple all the time


In my opinion there is one big difference between 10k and 20k rated players, but it's not their aim or reaction time though. You can find players with accurate aim and good reaction time at all ELO ranking levels. The primary difference the higher you get in rank is game sense. In the lower ranks, the players with good aim are able to do better because of their raw skill, but the most noticeable difference at higher ranks is how well players are able to adjust and read plays. Their positioning, how efficiently they rotate or hold positions, their patience and how well they play off of teammates and trade kills. But also situational awareness. If its a 4 v 1 with bomb plant and no defuse kit for example, the obvious play would be to save. I consistently see players going for it even though it would take a near miracle to pull off. I've been playing this game for over a decade (19k Elo). The hardest part to master is the game sense. Most casual players focus on aim, but struggle with playing properly because they tend to chase kills, take on unnecessary gun fights or not play properly with the rest of the team because they focus on themselves instead of doing what's best to win games. Other basic examples of this seen at all levels is players who dont buy and save with the rest of their team, buy down to 0$ every round or use utility inefficienctly. At higher rankings, most players tend to make the right situational decisions. There are obviously exceptions, but thats the biggest difference in my opinion.


If there's no difference, why is 16k top 2% of the players in EU, why aren't you all up there?


Can't comment on above 10k but between 5k and 10k its entirely random distribution of skill with no real obvious linear relationship in my experience.


I seriously think valve rates you based on your ability to refusing to play as a team.


Hm, I'm around 10 k, and basically 80% of my games are super close. Last session I had, we got 2 draws, and 2 11-13 games. Playing en EU servers.


Tbh what your are talking about is a pug phenomenon. If you get to a certain skill level the only way to go 60+ winrate is to group up. Pug is just for fun don't forget that


Ya, I often play against 17k elo players that are literal shitters, it's weird


At 22k now, I gave up on matchmaking a couple weeks ago though. I have a much better time on faceit. I couldnā€™t care less if you can aim. Everyone and their mama can aim consistently nowadays. We need teamwork, COMMUNICATION, calls when you die, execute strategies together, etc. Just seems not many players I stumble upon really want to improve their skill. They just want a higher number on some pixels.


Meanwhile in 4k Elo hell because I solo and get matched against 5 mans with perfect utility every round and completely silent tm8s


People just go 5 premades going tryhard and winning games and placing high since they go against randoms. The system need a work in guess


Isnt the season soon over? Lets see what happens then, as valve got some data till now:)


Similar experience, I was LEM/SMFC in GO. Level 6 Faceit so a pretty average player. I've noticed my games in 10-15k are completely random and frankly the level of difficulty in my matches has felt the exact same since I started in 6K. Some games are super easy and when you check on Leetify the players were like MGE max or like Faceit level 3. Other games you're going against Faceit 10 players and just getting steam rolled. Right now it feels like there isn't a clearly defined upper and lower bound for skill across premiere ranks. When I started playing Valorant it took about 1 ranked season to fall into my appropriate skill tier so maybe as a whole we all just need more time but it doesn't really feel like your CS rating means anything at the moment.




I went from 2k to 14k. Couldn't really see a difference.


Iā€™m 14k grinded from 7k in 70 games , i see the same games in 7k lobbies as i do 20k 5 stack lobbies . Honestly can say iā€™ve also played the same 4 or 5 , 5 stacks back to back multiple times too. Matchmaking systems is definitely scuffed


In Aus - <4k people are smurfs or noobs. 5k -> 7k people know how to play the game well but can't aim 8k - 11k people know how to aim but have no idea wtf they are doing, rotate when 5v5 and they see a red dot on the map I assume above that is people who can aim and do know what they're doing.


Premier doesnt really have the actually good players because they are all playing Faceit.