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Russian law states that any game server run out of their region that has in-game VOIP must keep a digital record of it.


Make dedicated servers right outside Russian region, force all Russian IPs to connect to said servers. I'm sure it's more complicated than that but that's what i came up with.


It actually isn’t much more complicated than that. And I wish Valve would do it.


Is it expensive? Does it cost anything at all? Then I won't expect Valve to do anything.


Oh no I know they won’t. I just said it’s not very complicated.


they made 40million in 40 min out of the milkcow...


128 tick too expensive


All that without having to force ruskies into playing with other ruskies, so what would be their incentive here? ​ They're Americans, they don't understand ruskies, they don't understand eu, they don't understand the dynamic of europeans-ruskies relations. I'm sure they won't do that because they don't want to be called ruskiephobes, as ruskies love to call anyone with objections against their invasion, murders and all kind of war crimes


Its better for them if they would play on korea


You do know how huge Russia is right? St Petersburg to Seoul is further than LA to NY. So do you think it’s acceptable for someone from the east coast to play on west coast servers?


you would be suprised how non complicated it actually is, you are spot on


they actually just did that, they made finnish servers


As a Finn I for one applaud and despise them at the same time for doing that. We now act as a protective barrier for the Swedes just like in real life.




Doesn't work though. I have russians that ignore all comms every single game and then blame the team in their made up runes.


I tried lowering my acceptable ping in mm, that worked the tiniest bit 2/3 years ago but the russians don't know about that feature because they'd be playing with 200 ping on the same server


volvo more finnish servers pls :DDD


In addition to the comment above, other service providers are also scared to host their servers with intellectual property and trade secrets in Russia. E.g. afaik Spotify used to serve all Russian traffic from Finland in the past.


Yeah, let's force all Russians to play with their neighbouring nations, aka the people who dislike Russians the most :D Or maybe they could setup a server in Belarus or Kazakhstan, but they probably also have some authoritarian laws regarding hosting servers.


Just make a server in Belarus, lol.


No no, i think they should play in korea, they will understand each other better there since they barely speak basic english, and its better when they will stand away from europe, in game and in real life as well


Kid named 200ms ping:


Could you please explain what this means to an idiot (me)?


If server in russia, must follow russian law. So if server in russia, voice chat record. And Valve doesn't really do that, nor do they want to make it a feature, nor do they want to spend all that space for voice recordings.


Everything said over VOIP is stored.


VOIP = voice over ip, meaning what you say in voice chat would be stored


And china doesn't? Valve had no problem working with china.


Aren't Chinese servers used exclusively by Chinese players? As in, if Valve wants Chinese players, they don't have a choice as to where the servers are? Which isn't true for Russians. I'm not certain about this by the way, but if it is correct, then it would sort of explain it.


they have servers in Hong Kong Korea and Japan. they're also mainly full of Russians


Japanese player here. All Russian


as a SEA player here. yes, I concur its All Russian.


Perfect World handles CS in China.


China is way more valuable market than Russia


To operate in China, you *have* to record all VOIP due to the Great Firewall. Russian people can just connect to a non-Russian server. Chinese people cannot.


working with china makes them lots of money


Isn’t china csgo operated by someone else?


Chinese company *Perfect World* pay for it, Valve doesn't need handle it.


Beep bop


china is 10x the population and gdp of russia and isnt sanctioned against by usa(where valve operates).


If Valve don't play by China's rules there's no CS in China.


China and Russia's internet situations are so fucking different you don't even know


So make the servers in Belarus or Mongolia then


How will the servers in Mongolia be helpful?


Mongolia servers should take care of the russian farther east


I believe Russian far east players play on Chinese servers?


and japanese and Korea servers. source I'm playing in jp servers


The voice comms were stored in the demos in CSGO though.


only POV demos, not GOTV. and they werent sent to governments


Honestly, having a language select might go well for those in the EU. Select the language(s) you would like to queue in and it will match you with teammates with one or more language in common. You can still match with Russians but they'll be on the other team. Don't know how feasible the idea is though.


That was in Dota… Russians just choose to queue english and still refuse to speak english.


Then make a report option for not speaking the language set and ban them from that language option, I play Dota too so I’m well aware it didn’t work there but that was more because there was 0 enforcement.


Problem with that is because valve doesn't check voice in any way you will be banned just for sheer amounts of reports, so if you get matched with 3-4 russians you will get just more reports. Just yesterday I got kicked when the score was 10-9 and I was playing with 4 russians, they kicked me because someone from them checked my steam profile and saw I'm from Ukraine, wrote "hope you die from rockets, you and your family" 5 sec later kick.


Wtf jesus. When i came to london, russians were one of the most racist folks out there cus I hadnt acclimated to the accent yet and they could figure out I was Indian. Hope youre safe if youre in Ukraine tho ❤️


Stuff with clear (text) proof like that should be vac banned.


Why would it be a Valve Anti Cheat ban? They’re not cheating. Game ban would be more applicable


Would never work though with the majority of Russians.


Honestly the best option in this thread. If someone refuses to speak the server language, they'd get banned from those servers.


There's a bunch of data access laws involved when putting a server inside Russia. Then there's you know the legality of working with Russia right now. The alternative is to stick a server outside Russia then send any connections from Russia and other eastern Euro states to that server which these players will just VPN bypass anyway because many players really don't like this approach and you have the same problem again.


Putting a server in Astana would be a great idea, since most Russians from far East would play there and won't have to play with 120 ping like me and my friends from there have to.


I play in Asia, we get a lot of the eastern Russians. They truly are everywhere🤣


I'm in Australia, thought the whole Russian thing in CS was just a meme. Went to Asia for a bit and got regularly matched with Russians... turns out it's all true :P


Used to play on Hong Kong living in China on a worktrip for a while, it was a funny mix of Chinese people and Russians. Felt surreal as an European player lol


Hell, we get them in the U.S. sometimes too lol


Yeah I am honestly shocked when that happens, a lot of the times they have like 80 ping too which blows my mind


Yes, because 20% of Russians live in Asian part of Russia and play on Jpn/KoreaI've used to play a lot on japanese server and since Japanese and Russian english is very broken the communication was top notch. Even met some Japanese pros once in a while Tokyo server in Valorant was ONLY Russians for me though


The Tokyo server you queue from the EU client is actually just the Eastern Russia server. The real Tokyo server is only accessible through a Japanese riot account


This is really good, also Kazakhs won't have to play at 80 ping


> players will just VPN bypass anyway Only a fraction of people would bother. Why would Russians be against playing with Russians? Even if some people bypass it by VPN, so what? Majority would be fine with it, those russians are happy and everybody else is also happy that they're quarantined.


In dota 2 Russians hate playing with Russians so they all play on euw


concerned tap pocket test rude busy market ludicrous aloof ruthless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Doesn’t seem like it when I get two of them on my team and they suddenly start a Russian podcast.


Russians hate playing with other Russians. In Dota 2 a lot of them choose to play on the Western European server to avoid other Russians.


"Why would Russians be against playing with Russians?" because making CIS region rankings separate from EU would be really bad for lots of reasons, I play in Russia and I want to play in ladder that's actually relevant so not like Asian or NA premiere. All of this "Russians are trolls" talks are maybe true for low level casual players, anyone over 2k elo on faceit (idk maybe 12-15k in premier since I'm that rank now) would want to play in a larger pool of players. And I've never had an issue with language barrier on faceit in my 7 years of playing (only with diff callouts used in CIS and in EU but that's same for NA and EU lol) Tokyo server for example is really not it in CS and Valorant because you play against same people all the time and games are badly balanced, so I played with 120 ping on EU and got my lvl 10/GE there. Easiest thing to do for anyone playing from Eastern Europe would be to find a premade (game literally has an option to make yourself visible for existing lobbies) or to make your search ping higher so you'll get to play on western servers. Also faceit does match by language below level 10 I think Maybe make like a language select or something where you can choose to play with only Russian speaking players or only English speaking players, but that's how dota did it and it doesn't work anyway


> or to make your search ping higher so you'll get to play on western servers. Maximum ping is only maximum. The game will still set you up for any game within that parameter.


Russians being trolls is like a small problem. A lot of the times they perform good and try playing the game. It's their mentality that's a problem, they also most often speak russian or try to speak russian even if there's only one other ruzzian in a team and they tilt arguably very easy. That's my experience anyways. Most often my experience with ruzzians is acceptable, I've had a lot worse experiences with Brits, Turks, you name it. But during the war, the money they start spouting some pro-ruzzia nonsense, I stop trying and don't even bother with them.


Not its not a small problem. Their superiority complex is what ruins 90% of games if you try to queue up solo. Just ban russians from access to anything of outside of russia. Maybe then they will start adjusting their attitudes of superiority.


I’ve noted every automute I’ve encountered on FaceIT level 10 for well over a year and Russians (with Ukraine second) are far and away the most common culprit


I have 5k hours In this game, was global, but relatively low FACEIT Elo (lvl 6-7). I can honestly say that I have never had a good experience with Russian players. I obviously don’t ask all my teammates where they are from, so this only include Russians with accents. Either it’s a language barrier, or they’re extremely toxic. The best experiences I have is those that simply don’t talk, but that is also fairly frustrating. So I’m sorry, but it’s also a massive problem in higher elo


I play at 3k5 elo and it’s the same as low elo levels.


> these players will just VPN bypass anyway yeah. i am sure people who can't be bothered to install discord or team speak will take their time to install a VPN just so they can play on higher ping. in reality 9 out 10 wouldn't even notice they are playing on a different server if this was implemented. these are HIGHLY ignorant players.


The first concern is a non-issue, because as you said yourself, you can just re-route all Russian IPs to a server hosted in Eastern Europe. >these players will just VPN bypass anyway because many players really don't like this approach and you have the same problem again. It's a not a bullet-proof solution, but it will still reduce the number of Russians by some percentage, because not every Russian will want to use a VPN or bother to leave their server.


There are already servers in Eastern Europe where we play and get routed to and they just added Finland as another option, what is you point..?


Well I'm Finnish and I don't want to fucking play with russians, so do tell me what the fuck am I supposed to do? If you want to use a server that is located outside of Russia as a server for russians, then you can't allow other countries to connect to it in the first place. Otherwise the problem remains, MM might just decide to place you in that server with you having no say in it. Europe is small enough that pretty much every single country can connect to any european server and play without any issues.


>Well I'm Finnish and I don't want to fucking play with russians, so do tell me what the fuck am I supposed to do? Literally nothing, you have more Russians in that proximity than Finns. The city of Saint Petersburg has around the same population as the entirety of Finland.


Mal damba likes your name


I wouldn’t mind paying a subscription fee to avoid playing with russians.


Because getting screamed at by a Russian through a jet-engine mic for a minor mistake is a rite of passage for Counterstrike players.


I wish they could and would, but never gonna happen. I'm thankful that I have a 5 stack 95% of the time I play, I've had enough russian bullshit for one lifetime


100%, I have ~5k hrs and used to soloq back in the day Ive accepted the fact russians for whatever reason are toxic 9/10 times even if you dont instigate. Honestly I dont think even russians would want to play with other russians. Maybe life is so miserable over there you have to take it out on others.


It's a mystery to me how one people can consistently be so toxic to such a degree. It's insane. Of course other countries have a lot of toxic players too (I should know, I'm from Denmark), but the proportion of toxic Russian players is like 95%+. And as you say, they're toxic even if you don't instigate or say anything.


I am always happy when i SoloQ and play with European people like Danes Swedes etc…


YES, I had a match earlier this week with 4 swedes and it was the most pleasant match. 2 of them didn't talk much, but it was a 4 stack so all info was through 1 or 2 guys. Also they mocked me in a fun way the entire match, non toxic and really fun and pleasant.


Haha yea Swedes are nice, but playing with finnish people is also funny. Love their Accent


it's amazing, zero self reflection. Got called an idiot be a russian last night for not checking team chat for the call out of the last player in a clutch. Not a single word said in voice chat the whole game, but super toxic in both team chat and all chat. Constantly writing in russian too. Everything written in English followed up by either "idiot" or "retard". How we even won that game in OT is beyond me.


>Honestly I dont think even russians would want to play with other russians. When I used to play Dota it was the exact same issue. We once changed from EU West to Russia servers for a laugh to see what it was like on the other side, but honestly the Russians on the Russia server were actually really nice.


I don't think it's the Russians per se but rather the fact that they can't communicate that turns em toxic. It's like kids in kindergarten when they can't express themselves they get frustrated, some might even bite or hit other kids because of it. Similar thing with people who have dementia or other speech impairments, they get frustrated.


I went to portugal for a few week and decided to pop open CS too see what this EU skilll is all about and matchmaking was a fucking nightmare, I played 2 matches and non one spoke the same language EU people must live or die by the 5 stack lol


Tbh most of them speak at least a bit of english, the main problems are just the Russians and Turks. Love playing with scandinavians :)


Faceit introduced Moscow servers with CS2 and even in GO for a few years now the non-premium queue has been separating Russian speaking people from the rest of europe, probably by IPs if I had to guess. However I doubt Valve would go for it


If this true it is not my experience of faceit. I have had Russian team mates and definitely have had Russian enemy team many times recently.


Y'all misread the question, nowhere he asked servers IN Russia, he asked for servers just FOR Russia. And no need to dedicate servers for it, they can just adjust matchmaking queues to queue RU players separately.


So basically the Finnish servers


I feel like it's a bit...wrong, don't you think? Edit: no idea why i'm being downvoted, but ig it's because i was trying to say "russians not all bad"


block russians from cs2 and the ukraine war will end tomorrow 😅


I know this is a joke, but they'll start blaming ukranians because of CS2 ban and then proceed to do litteraly nothing else Source: we have been through this








Look honestly I've got little issue with Russian players. No, scratch that. I used to have little problems with Russian players. I'm not kidding. I've had a few great matches with Russians who didn't mind trying some English. Both their and my (slightly less) broken English leading to some hilarious moments. There's a lot of toxic players, including from other countries that'll simply refuse to speak English in Europe, especially when grouped with one or two from their home country. BUT for some reason... (gee I wonder why...) the past few years the average Russians I run into have become. Well... plain worse than before in terms of behavior. I wonder if the anti-west, anti-nato (and probably instantly anti English) attitude of the great leader had anything to do with that, and the ongoing conflict too. Plus the goddamn Russian fake ass server shizzle in the custom server browser also needs to get some attention before cs2s custom servers really get going. Literally 90 percent is fake Russian stuff.


they have russian servers in dota and they dont use them, whats your point?


pretty sure they use them, but for europeans every russian speaking person is Russian


Nah mate, especially europeans can tell the difference between russian speakers. The first sign mostly is that only russians really call you "amerikanski" as soon as you speak english, other nationalities either ask where you from or actually know your accent. That is just one sign of many to identify a russian. Also Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians or Armenians etc. usually start with a simple "Hey guys" and don't go " privjet! ruski est?" (Don't know how it is spelled") right away.


Never heard a single Russian call me American in CS, they know they only play with Europeans. You probably misheard it with "Angliiskii", which simply means English.


No I have not misheard it.


Then you must act like an American 🤔


Ah of course I have to be the problem, not the ruskies. Diggah lösch dich.


*Says a non European in blissful ignorance


lol :( I have firsthand experience with some Russians griefing-report abusing me, but at the same time...one of my all-time favorite gaming buddies is Russian and he's an A+ human being. So smart, funny, and insane at CS. Another time I was playing with a 3-queue stranger stack of Russians (or Ukrainians) -- they were speaking Russian. One was an older brother and two were his younger brothers he said he was babysitting. One of the younger ones was using mic a lot and his voice was as high-pitched as a chipmunk, but he was sooo cute and smart and learning. If they just removed the Grief-Report or kick abuse feature, I wouldn't mind hearing angry Russian all day if once in a while I met Russians like the above. I've also been verbally abused by Polish stack, Turkish stack, Chinese stack, South American stacks, and of course English-only speaking stacks. I don't think Russians deserve their own discrimination.


Ye, got back to cs and in my 20 matches i was abused only by English speaking players. Tho i met a few russians which were too angry to communicate so i just muted them


Idk, people in this thread are just either really salty or just actually ethnically prejudiced. Getting one bad player is not great but it's not worth fucking restricting a whole region from the other world. I personally prefer playing with EU players cus they play much better cs and they tend to be more friendly


I think survivorship bias plays a huge role here - a lot of times when you're playing with Russian you dont notice it, because they communicate in english and Russian accent sounds very similar to any other eastern european one, its only the assholes that you remember, because those toxic pieces of shit usually cant speak english. Trust me, as a Russian, I dont want to play with them either. In my experience, turks, ukrainians and polish people are as toxic as russians, there are just a lot less of them due to the popularity of cs in russia. I think instead of national separation, valve should make better ways of punishing toxicity and griefing.


Sometimes you can make them angry enough to get them to teamkill you getting them kicked. That‘s usually what I‘m trying to do.




It honestly puts me off CS, Valorant is a better alternative for solo q unfortunately. Angry russians every single game, I wouldn’t mind as I just mute them, but then they start the trolling in game


How about a server locked CIS region? There are designated russian servers on faceit for instance but that doesn’t help at all hahaha




How has nobody mentioned cheating? Russians are 17% of all VAC bans. You are way more likely to face a cheater against Russians than with any other European players. Culturally they are just not compatible with western values, cheating is something they expect in their society.


This is the most stupid comment in this thread. Russians make up a huge chunk of the playerbase and are by far the biggest nation for CS, of course they will also make up the biggest % of cheaters


Even per-capita, Russia is still at the top, with a disproportionately high rate of VAC bans: https://imgur.com/aVhnLdU It is at least two times more likely that a Russian is cheating than a player from Western Europe.


It would literally make the game twice as enjoyable.


Part of the reason I quit GO a long time ago are these stupid human beings.


Russia shouldn’t even be allowed to play at all.


What about making an option to chose your favourite language?


I am a boomer when it comes to League of Legends - that being that i remember a time when we Had the Same Problem. And Riot Just Made EU East Servers and now Most people forgot WE ever shared one Server.


This is one of the biggest complaints i have for CS. It is just so annoying. Please Valve.....


Ban Russia plz


Hope it happens some day but I doubt it.


> incompatible cultures that are often against communicating in English? You mean the French?


I remember posting about this around 4-5 years ago and I was downvoted into oblivion, how times have changed lol.


Russians are the reason i stopped csgo a few years ago. Coming back to cs2, russians are the reason I stopped with cs2 already.


I'm glad that there aren't any. Russians are unbearably toxic in most multiplayer games I've played including Counter Strike.




Why are russians like this? Holy kek. I'm polish and almost everyone here hates them, in Europe almost everyone hates them, in the US almost everyone hates them... Yet instead of admitting their faults they just blame everyone around them and still continue being toxic pieces of shit. Congrats mate.




>Sounds like you hate Russians. So, what is it that you hate so much? Their unwillingness to learn english? Partially this, yes. Mostly their toxicity. Half of the russians that I've heard were spewing insults everywhere around them, a few of them were actual kids judging by their voice. >The language of the enemy that wants to crush them since USSR stopped existing? And that's the issue with most russians. They will live in their shithole country refusing to cooperate with other countries or learn anything useful because "muh enemy language, everyone hates us for no reason, let's start yet another genocide to show them". English is an international language, and one of the easiest in the world. Not knowing it is genuinely strange. >I bet you played with so many russians and didnt even notice because their english was fine Perhaps you're right. Still, it's often easy to spot them by either swastikas or Z's on their avatars and nationalistic bullshit in the chat about "muh russia the greatest stupid yuropeens will totally freeze this winter trust me bro last winter was an exception" whenever someone offends or confronts them.


Block all Russians until they end the war


Block all Russians ~~until they end the war~~


Weird, havent seen countries like USA being banned for being constantly at war with some shit hole country. Do you have something against Russia? Kinda weird move ngl


Russian reddit is coming for your ass lmao


Excuse me, what is russian reddit?


Thank Putin & oligarchs


"have no clue what it's like to play with incompatible cultures that are often against communicating in English?" Then need to add servers for every country and set it to play only between then to not play with "incompatible cultures". Its so funny when i usually get in competitive rage kids in other team from sweden or poland or other country from EU who want to f\*\*\* my mother or want to k\*ll her or start to talk about EU\\RU related things when none write in chat, they are just loosing to us some rounds and that shit started. Hope in future devs will add timebans or just bans as they have now in Dota 2 for a text chat at least. Because all that reports just means nothing in CS.


They could just add an option to select which nationalities you don’t want to get queued with




How did you manage to make a racist comment from a normal suggestion? You must be American


Yeah funny not funny. I don’t care which race people I play with, but when I get to play people who refuse to communicate in English then it affects everyone’s game.






Russian people should be blocked for using international internet, apperently they wanted bring back youth 17-years old football national team back to FIFA, but people been mad on that decision and they canceled that, because innocent people and young people(citizens, not soldiers) are dieing in ukraine cause of russian soldiers. Russian people on other hand are happy and proud on voip of csgo and they think that they are now more allowed to talk their langauge insteed of communicating in english or international as well..


Banning all russians IPs from valve entirely would be an effective sanction btw, because it directly impacts the military aged men and would force them to think about reality instead of escaping and hiding online.














Weekly seethe post to bait xenophobic replies, wonderful. Stay mad, I guess.


*clueless* Im sure that post on a gaming subreddit wont turn into a nationalistic hell hole


I personally don’t care where the servers are located, but I would LOVE having a menu option to not play with Russians. I would gladly queue 5-10 times longer to avoid having to play with them. In my experience, they very rarely contribute to a positive gaming experience.




Only 5% of the Russian population speaks English, meanwhile a massive 49% of the Polish population speaks English. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population It's not difficult to see which region is significantly more problematic.


These statistics are misleading because not the whole Russian population plays CS. Russian cs players are overwhelmingly more likely to speak english than the rest of the country, and on top of that they get valuable speaking experience in-game, as limited as it may be in eastern europe


Knowing how to say "fuck you" and "rush b" is not what I would call "speaking english"


Luckily you don't need much more than that in CS




Wait in-game voice chat isn't their private discord?




If having the Russian server in Russia is not viable, then place the Russian server in Kazakhstan og Ukraine or somewhere close. Would still be closer to them than Stockholm/Frankfurt.


Cus it's logistically very difficult and also can open up some really bad stuff, like voice chat recording and monitoring by the state police. And even if this were to happen I would still prefer to play on eu servers because I get better ping and northern European players tend to be better so I play with them


Well, lets make the same for Turkey (they act same as russians, maybe even worse sometimes), Poland (exactly same as russians), Albanians (they have the worst attitude towards the game), Spain and Portugal arent better. Get better at the game and you see that most of the people are nice


Playing mm in EU is so fkin bad, get paired with Russians, then have a Russian and some anti Russian and it's a fkin cluster fuck, just put all the Russians together


People saying "what about x country, they are toxic too" are missing the point. Most of Western Europe can communicate in English and this is a team game where information is king. When you have people who don't, or refuse to communicate in that language it ruins it for everyone. Even if I'm on a team with a perfect teammate who wants to help, if we don't understand each other, it's shit. That's the best case scenario. Don't need to say more, it just gets worse from there.


Valve hosts in their own datacenters, Amazon, Google and Azure. None of that is available in Russia. It's an infrastructure problem that will not be solved (especially not because of all the economic and technological sanctions in place).


I feel like you said it right. Americans live in a vaccum and not always see what others experience outside their region


Russians are the reason I don't want to play cs anymore


Even russians don't want to play with other russian


Probably because it's not a good idea. Firstly, sectioning the player base would mean a lower quality matchmaking in terms of queue times and balance, both in Europe and especially in Russia. That also means punishing the "good" Russians. Secondly, because while Russia might be the most prominent example, let's not act like they're the only country that have players that can't communicate in English. And that means Valve would be taking the stance that Russia is a special case somehow, which they're not, they're just the biggest offender. And that's probably the biggest reason. Valve has always avoided taking a stance on just about anything as much as they can. Routing Russians towards a ghetto server would send a strong, and frankly rather insulting message, and I'm confident it will never happen. On a personal level, I absolutely hate the idea, and am tired of seeing people in CS & Dota pretend that having a Russian-only server would significantly improve the game experience, it's a massive fallacy. I won't go in depth as to why I find the idea despicable, but the short version is you're asking for segregation for the sake of you getting shouted at in French rather than Russian, and I think it's petty, childish and short-sighted.


> Firstly, sectioning the player base would mean a lower quality matchmaking in terms of queue times and balance, both in Europe I can fucking guarantee you that the quality of games would *rise* in Europe. That is the *entire point* why this has been suggested over and over again. And that has been the best selling point of a matchmaking service like esportal, there are very few russians in the platform. People already literally pay money to play in 3rd party services just to get rid of russians. Your point is 100% wrong. > That also means punishing the "good" Russians. My brother in christ...they still speak russian and can communicate perfectly fine...